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West Bertie Elementary Classroom Walk-Through Observations

Date: Teacher: Subject: LEARNING OBJECTIVE(s) for the lesson Learning objective(s) is evident to the students Time: Grade:

yes no unable to determine

Learning objective(s) are on target for grade-level standards

yes no unable to determine

LEARNING FORMAT/STYLE(s) Identify grouping format

whole group
Identify class engagement

small group



highly engaged well-managed dysfunctional/off task

Identify levels of student work

recall understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Creates


Classroom management system effectively creates a positive learning environment. Materials are available in the classroom Models/exemplars of quality student work is posted Routines and procedures are evident (posted &/or classroom practices) Scoring rubrics are displayed/provided Motivation/praise is given to students

Text rich, print environment Thinking Maps are visible and students usage is evident Rubrics are posted and guideline usage is evident Pacing is appropriate Wait time is used effectively High expectations of all Cooperative/collaborative classroom Positive personal interactions among students &/or teachers



a variety of resources during instruction (e.g., wipe-off boards, overhead projectors, computers,
listening centers, letter tiles)

coaching discussion Hands-on Experiences Learning Centers are prepared and effectively used modeling and demonstrating a task provides opportunities for practice directs Question and Answer helps/guides individual students facilitates small groups formative assessment


taking a test completing a worksheet completing an electronic activity engaged in discussion taking notes answering questions asking questions working in groups working on a self-directed or self-initiated task speaking/presenting reading orally reading silently researching engaged in a real-world task with technology

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