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Name: _______Carrie Johnson _________ Site: ___________________________

Description of Activity: Make a Plastic Cup Pet!!

Type of Activity: Science Activity A e roup: !"# year ol$s Num%er in roup: &"'(

)penin *uestion+,nvitation+Prop+-in er Play:

Concepts 7 Skills: Chil$ren 3ill %e a%le to $iscover 3hat happens each $ay as they 3ater their rass an$ 3atch it ro30

Sin the son .Mr Sun/ Sun/ Mr0 1ol$en Sun2 Talk a%out the rass outsi$e an$ 3hat is nee$ for that to ro34 5$irt/ see$s/ 3ater/ sunli ht6

*uestions to ask: 8o3 $oes rass ro34 9hat $o 3e nee$ to make rass ro34 Do 3e nee$ 3ater or :uice to make rass ro34 9ho has ever plante$ rass %efore4

Proce$ure: 8ave all the chil$ren sit at the ta%le0 1ive each chil$ a small plastic cup an$ a permanent marker0 8ave each chil$ $ra3 a face on their cup0 1ive each chil$ a cotton %all an$ a little %it of 3ater0 8ave the chil$ren $ip their cotton %all in the 3ater an$ put it in the %ottom of their cup0 Than o aroun$ 3ith the pottin soil an$ have the chil$ren put the soil into their cup0 8elp the chil$ren sprinkle in rass see$ on top of the soil an$ li htly pat them $o3n0 1ive each chil$ an eye$ropper an$ have them slo3ly a$$ 3ater to the cup0 8ave chil$ren put their cup near a 3in$o30 ;ach $ay let the chil$ren a$$ 3ater an$ 3atch for the rass to start to ro30

Materials Nee$e$: Small plastic cup Permanent markers Cotton %alls Pottin soil ;ye$roppers 1rass see$ Small container of 3ater


Performance Stan$ar$s: Co nition an$ 1eneral <no3le$ e Scientific Thinkin C0;=0' >ses o%servation to ather information

Potential 1ui$ance Techni?ues Nee$e$:

WITC Instructor Use Only: +@ Activity Plan is $evelopmentally appropriate +@ Activity Plan is comprehensive +' Professional presentation+spellin 7 rammar is correct

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