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Varinder Singh 7101 Sugarplum Dr., Plano, TX 75074 Varinder.Singh1993@yahoo. om, !

"14# 505 $ 3341

See%ing &o o'&ain a 'u(ine(( in&ern(hip u&ili)ing ou&(&anding analy&i al, a oun&ing, and leader(hip (%ill(, &hi( *ill allo* &he de+elopmen& o, a ademi and employmen& 'a %ground and pro+ide oppor&uni&ie( o, pro,e((ional gro*&h.

The University of Texas at Dallas - Richardson Texas Bachelor of Science in Accounting Bachelor of Science in MIS -P./ 3.34 !ay "#$%


Pro,i ien& in A(( a(pe &( o, 0i ro(o,& 1,,i e 23 elled in la((e( re4uiring %no*ledge o, S56 and . e(( 23&remely 4ui % learner 7 23&remely *ell a& ,ollo*ing &a(%(

8n&ermedia&e . oun&ing 8788 9undamen&al( o, Ta3a&ion 0anagemen& 8n,orma&ion Sy(&em( Da&a'a(e 9undamen&al( :o(& 0anagemen& Sy(&em( S&ra&egi 0anagemen& .udi&ing 1pera&ion( 0anagemen& ;u(ine(( 9inan e

6o*e( Plano, T3 Customer Service Associate -rea& ompu&er and ommuni a&ion (%ill( :a(h handling e3perien e -rea& u(&omer (er+i e, (ho*n grea& leader(hip &o &eam mem'er( Plano Spor&( .u&hori&y Plano, TX Referee Sho*n grea& hemi(&ry re,ereeing 'a(%e&'all game( *i&h ano&her re,eree =elped *i&h on,li & re(olu&ion 'e&*een oa he( and player( 10<11 &o Pre(en&

10<10 &o 09<11


. ademi 23 ellen e S holar(hip >e ipien& Sou&h Si%h .((o ia&ion ? >un ,und rai(er( and help ou& *i&h &he Sou&h$.(ian ommuni&y *i&h &emple (pon(ored e+en&(. ;u(ine(( Propo(al ? Teamed up *i&h olleague( &o de(ign a 'u(ine(( propo(al a &ing a( Veri)on &o help a (o ial need in Dalla(, TX. 08S :lu' ? . &i+e par&i ipan& in group mee&ing( and e+en&( . oun&ing :lu' ? . &i+e 0em'er in group mee&ing( and e+en&(.

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