Shweta Mane Occupation-Research Analystk2 Neelyog Residensy Mumbai400075

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We, the several persons, whose names and addresses are subscribed below are desirous of being formed

into a Company in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association and we respectively agree to take the number of shares in he Capital of the Company, set opposite our respective names !" #l$ %o$ %ames, Addresses, &ccupation and 'escription of #ubscribers %o$ of ()uity #ignature #ignature of Witness #hares taken by of with address, each subscriber #ubscribers description and occupation

DR Ajit S Daptardar Occupation - Doctor A303 Queens Park Park Plaza Thane 40110 !ndia "aura# Ajit Daptardar$ Occupation- !T %onsultant A303 Queens Park Park Plaza Thane 40110 !ndia


Sh(eta )ane OccupationResearch Anal*st+& ,eel*o- Residens* )u./ai4000 0


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#ignature of #ubscribers

#ignature of Witness with address, description and occupation

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