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Ed Droesch CprE 394 4/19/2014

Ethics Assignment

One of the reasons a code of ethics is needed in modern engineering is to ensure that you do the right thing even if no one is looking. If a manager comes up to me and says we should change a design or push a product before its done I would advise against it stating my reasons, but if the manager insists I would do as they say. However, if I have proof that this decision will have negative results I will include a memo stating my position on the design change and why I believed it is a poor decision. The case my group studied was the infamous Ford Pinto case. We all agreed that Ford was in the wrong in their design decision. For me, I can see how Ford justified their decision as it was far cheaper to settle for all the deaths and injuries that was caused than to actually fix the problem. However, that doesnt detract from the fact that the decision was morally wrong. The most ethical decision would have been to spend the $11/car to solve the problem or even go further back and redesign the automobile since Ford was aware, via crash testing, that the gas tank would explode in such low-speed collisions. The three virtues that best fit the Ford-Pinto fiasco are the virtues of integrity, charity, and self-discipline. Integrity, because Ford clearly lacked this when they saw the test results and knew what would happen if they released this car. Charity, because the

trade of human life in order to minimize profit losses should never happen. The safety of the customer should always come first, never profits. Then self-discipline since Ford showed none when they realized that they should resolve the gas tank issue before the Pinto was shipped. They instead were deficient and took a shortcut around the issue. The neglect of these three virtues lead to the deaths of more than a hundred people. The other virtues are still relevant, however I believe the three virtues I selected highlight the shortcomings of Ford.

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