Memo To Transit Commission and Mayor and Members of Council Dated 04252014 Re O-Train Expansion Construction - EN

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To / Destinataire From / Expditeur ub%ect / &b%et

Transit Commission Mayor and Members of Council Nancy chepers Deputy City Mana!er" #lannin! and $nfrastructure &'Train Expansion Construction

File/N de fichier:

Date: (pril )*" )+,-

The purpose of this memo is to inform members of the Transit Commission that be!innin! May , st and continuin! throu!h the summer" &'Train /ill be ad%usted to stop at ,+ p0m0 in order to complete construction /or1 necessary for the &'Train expansion pro%ect 2 specifically for utilities and train control si!nal /or1 related to the implementation of a ne/ Centrali3ed Train Control 4CTC5 ystem0 The memo also pro.ides information on the replacement bus" /hich /ill operate durin! this period0 To minimi3e the impact on customers" the /or1 is bein! performed in the late e.enin! and!ht /hen ridership is lo/est0 (dditionally" the /or1 has been scheduled at this time of year because it follo/s the completion of Carleton 6ni.ersity7s sprin! semester" /hich means fe/er students ridin! the &'Train0 8eplacement 9us As was the case with service shut downs which took place throughout 2013, a replacement bus" bus route ,+:" and alternati.e routes /ill accommodate all customers durin! the late e.enin! ad%ustment0 The replacement route ,+: bus /ill operate bet/een ;:-* p0m0 and ,):<+ a0m0 and /ill run e.ery <+ minutes parallel to the &'Train corridor" bet/een outh =eys and stations" and ser.e stops ad%acent to all &'Train stations0 Please refer below to the map of route 107 for more details. $n addition to 8oute ,+:" there may be other bus route options that /or1 better for some customers0 Customers can call >,<':-,'-<;+" .isit octranspo0com" or octranspo0mobi for tra.el plannin! assistance0 chedules are a.ailable by callin! >,<'*>+',+++ or textin! *>+*>+ 4plus the bus stop number50 From Monday to Saturday, the last trip on the O-Train will leave Greenboro Station at 9:15 p.m. and Bayview Station at 9:30 p.m. On Sundays, the last trip on the O-Train will leave Greenboro Station at 9:30 p.m. and Bayview at 9:45 p.m. The frequency of service on Route 107 is as follows: Route 107 - Monday to Saturday: First trips at ;:-* p0m0 from outh =eys and ,+:++ p0m0 from <+ minute 4* trips in each direction5 ?ast trips at ,,:-* p0m0 from outh =eys and ,):++ a0m0 from Route 107 - Sundays: First trips at ,+:++ p0m0 from outh =eys and ,+:,* p0m0 from <+ minute 4< trips in each direction5 ?ast trips ,,:++ p0m0 from outh =eys and ,,:,* p0m0 from #a!e 1 of 3

$ /ill also pro.ide a .erbal update to the Transit Commission on May )," )+,-0 #lease do not hesitate to contact me should you ha.e any @uestions0 incerely" Original signed by:

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Nancy chepers

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