Yoga Andrey Safronov

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Andrey Safronov
Ukrainian Yoga Federation
ISBN 978-966-2079-37-1 Safronov . G., 2011
vlnk .V., 2011
Rhythm-Plus, 2008
Safronov . G., 2008
Safronov . G.
Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics. Kharkv : PP vlnk .V.,
2011. 244 p., il.
ISBN 978-966-2079-37-1
This book is based on 19 years of yoga practice and 14 years of teaching yoga and
healing. It contains over 300 pictures of asanas how to come into them and how to go
out, energy fows and possible mistakes while practicing hatha.
Structurally, the book is divided into several levels so that it can be useful to all readers
with diferent experience in yoga from beginners to experienced practitioners.
In this book you will learn how to assemble your own yoga complex, depending on
your health. You will learn about inward criteria of doing asanas right and how to get
practical results from your meditation.
All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form without
permission of copyrights proprietors.
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FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
What is Yoga ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Hatha in the system of Yoga ................................................................................................................. 15
HUMAN ENERGY STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................... 17
Energy bodies ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Humans hakral System ....................................................................................................................... 18
History ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Physiological aspects of chakras .................................................................................................. 20
Psychological aspects of chakras ................................................................................................. 21
Chakras strength .............................................................................................................................. 21
Maturity of chakra. Openness and closeness of chakra ...................................................... 24
Energy channels........................................................................................................................................ 27
Ida and Pingala ................................................................................................................................... 27
Other energy channels .................................................................................................................... 30
Energy channels in Chinese tradition ........................................................................................ 31
Asanas .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
How asanas infuence on our body ............................................................................................ 34
Mechanical infuence of asanas .................................................................................................. 34
Humoral mechanism ........................................................................................................................ 34
Psychosomatic mechanism ........................................................................................................... 35
Refex mechanism ............................................................................................................................. 36
Stress mechanism ............................................................................................................................. 37
Hormonal mechanism ..................................................................................................................... 38
Energetic mechanism ...................................................................................................................... 38
Types of asanas .................................................................................................................................. 40
Pranayamas ................................................................................................................................................ 41
Bandhas ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
Kriya ............................................................................................................................................................... 45
Mudras ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Vibration techniques (mantras) ........................................................................................................... 46
Meditative practicesin yoga ................................................................................................................. 48
Psychological aspect ....................................................................................................................... 48
Energy aspect of meditations ....................................................................................................... 50
FIRST STEPS IN HATHAYOGA ................................................................................................................... 52
Getting prepared ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Meditating for actualisation .......................................................................................................... 52
Full yoga breath (rhythmical breathing) ................................................................................... 54
Healthy respiratory muscular system ........................................................................................ 56
Position of eyes during yoga practice ........................................................................................ 58
Orientation during yoga session ................................................................................................ 60
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Set-ups during practice ..................................................................................................................... 60
The most common exercises and generalmistakes in doing them (beginners level) ..... 65
Basic group of asanas....................................................................................................................... 65
Bhujangasana (cobra pose) ........................................................................................................... 65
Pashimottanasana (straining spine pose) ............................................................................... 69
Vakrasana (curved pose) ................................................................................................................. 71
Arthamatsiendrasana (pivoted spine pose) ............................................................................ 72
Second group of asanas .................................................................................................................. 74
Ushtrasana (camel pose) ................................................................................................................. 74
Padahastasana (pose of feet to hands) ...................................................................................... 75
Trikonasana (triangle pose)Simplifed version ....................................................................... 77
Final group of asanas for beginners ........................................................................................... 79
Dhanurasana (bow pose) ............................................................................................................... 79
Halasana (plough pose or love pose) ........................................................................................ 80
Matsiasana (fsh pose) ..................................................................................................................... 81
Matsiasana simplifed versions ..................................................................................................... 81
Sarvangasana (overall pose or the posefor all parts of the body) ................................... 82
Pranayamas ......................................................................................................................................... 83
Common remarks about pranayamas ...................................................................................... 83
Kapalabhati (cleaning of the skull).............................................................................................. 83
Akahalabhati ....................................................................................................................................... 84
Ujaya (victorious) ............................................................................................................................... 84
Kumbhaka (holding breath after inhaling) .............................................................................. 85
Bhastrika (bellows) ............................................................................................................................ 86
Finishing yoga session ............................................................................................................................ 87
Meditation on disactualisation (forming intention) ............................................................. 87
OF INDEPENDENT PRACTICE FOR BEGINNERS ....................................................................................88
Principles of independent practicing yoga ..................................................................................... 88
Entering and exiting every pose ................................................................................................. 88
Stable state of your consciousnesswhile doing all the complex of asanas .................. 88
Sequence of exercises (running a little ahead) ...................................................................... 89
Time for yoga ...................................................................................................................................... 90
Set-ups .................................................................................................................................................. 90
How long should yoga session last ............................................................................................. 91
Natural way in practice ................................................................................................................... 91
About lifestyle, or ow to start practicing ...................................................................................... 92
How to fnd time for practice ........................................................................................................ 92
Attitude of others and attitude to others ................................................................................. 92
Can yoga be harmful? ............................................................................................................................. 93
PSYCHOLOGICAL WORK IN ASANAS ..................................................................................................... 94
Human psyche structure ....................................................................................................................... 94
Relaxationmeditations .......................................................................................................................... 97
Basic technique of meditation ...................................................................................................... 97
First step ....................................................................................................................................... 97
Second step .................................................................................................................................. 98
Third step ...................................................................................................................................... 98
Forth step ...................................................................................................................................... 99
Fifth step ........................................................................................................................................ 99
Meditating in asana .......................................................................................................................... 99
Techniques of energetic denouement and reacting traumatising situations .............100
Analytical techniques ...........................................................................................................................100
Replaying the situation ......................................................................................................100
Letting go your feelings .........................................................................................................100
Analytic meditation .................................................................................................................101
Playing with situation .............................................................................................................101
What law is the situation for? ...............................................................................................101
Letting go your thoughts (great meditation of Tilopa) ..............................................102
Catharsis techniques ......................................................................................................................102
Astral breathwork .....................................................................................................................102
STRENGTHENING POSTURES. TECHNIQUES OF FIRMING THE FIELD ......................................103
Looseness and densityof chakra .......................................................................................................103
Muladhara ..........................................................................................................................................104
Manipura ............................................................................................................................................105
Anahata ...............................................................................................................................................105
Vishuddha ..........................................................................................................................................106
Ajna ......................................................................................................................................................106
Strengthening asanas ...........................................................................................................................107
Tightening Manipura feld ...........................................................................................................107
ParvatasanaForward set (mountain pose) ......................................................................107
ParvatanasanaBackward set (mountain pose)...............................................................108
Tightening Svadhisthana feld ....................................................................................................108
KandharasanaSet on shoulders (shoulder pose) ..........................................................108
Arthasalabhasana (half-locust pose) .................................................................................109
Salabhasana (locust pose) .....................................................................................................109
Dhanurasana without hands (bow pose) ........................................................................109
Urdhvadhanur asana(inverted bow pose) ......................................................................110
Cat pose .......................................................................................................................................110
Navasa (boat pose) ..................................................................................................................111
Firabhadrasana (swallow pose) ...........................................................................................111
Tightening Muladhara feld .........................................................................................................111
Kukutasana (cock pose) .........................................................................................................111
Controlled splits ........................................................................................................................112
Uttkatasana (strong pose) .....................................................................................................112
Tightening side zones ....................................................................................................................113
Santolanasana (balancing pose) .........................................................................................113
Uthita parsfaconasana (stretched right angle pose) ...................................................113
Strengthening posesin yoga complex ............................................................................................114
ADVANCED EXERCISES AND THEIR ENERGY INFLUENCE ............................................................115
Modifcations and variationsof main asanas .........................................................................115
Bhujangasana and its variations ................................................................................................116
Asanas similar to Bhujangasana.................................................................................................117
Sarpasana and its variations ........................................................................................................117
Asanas similar to ashimattanasana ........................................................................................118
Arthamatsiendrasana and its variations .................................................................................119
Asanassimilar to adahastasana ................................................................................................120
Trikonasana and its variations ....................................................................................................120
Asanas similar to alasana ...........................................................................................................121
Artha- asanas(asymmetric postures, infuencing sidemeridians) .....................................121
Arthanurasana ..................................................................................................................................122
ArthaUshtrasana ..............................................................................................................................122
Virasana (hero pose) .......................................................................................................................122
Arthapashimottanasana and its variations ............................................................................123
Arthapadahastasana and its variations ...................................................................................123
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Sivanatarajasana (Siva-Nataraja pose) .....................................................................................124
Tadasana .............................................................................................................................................124
Parighasana (crossbar pose) ........................................................................................................124
Parsva Halasana (Halasana with a turn) ...................................................................................124
Inverted poses .........................................................................................................................................125
Viparita karani (back movement) ..............................................................................................125
Sirshasana (standing on the head)............................................................................................126
Sirshasanas variations ...................................................................................................................127
Squeezing out asanas ...........................................................................................................................127
Maiurasana (peacock pose) .........................................................................................................127
Gomukhasana (bulls head pose) .............................................................................................128
Advanced strengthening poses ........................................................................................................128
Equilibration poses ................................................................................................................................129
Advanced pranayamas .........................................................................................................................130
Bhastrika and its variations ..........................................................................................................130
Standing Bhastrikas ........................................................................................................................130
Asymmetric Bhastrikas .............................................................................................................131
Bramari (the bee) .............................................................................................................................131
Anuloma viloma...............................................................................................................................131
Advanced elementsof warming-up .................................................................................................132
Self-massage .....................................................................................................................................132
Warm-up enhancers ......................................................................................................................132
Bandhas and kriyas .........................................................................................................................132
Mulabandha ...............................................................................................................................133
Uddiana bandha (fsherman pose) ....................................................................................133
Uddiana bandha kriya ............................................................................................................133
Nauli ..............................................................................................................................................134
Respiratory warm-up .....................................................................................................................134
Simhasana (lion pose) .............................................................................................................134
Maha mudra (the great mudra) .................................................................................................135
Suria Namaskar (Salutation to the Sun complex) ............................................................136
1. Pranamasana (praying pose) ...........................................................................................136
2. Hasta Uttanasana (raised hands pose) .........................................................................136
3. Padahastasana (stork pose) ..............................................................................................136
4. Ashva Sanchalasana (horseman pose) .........................................................................137
5. Parvatasana (mountain pose)..........................................................................................137
6. Ashtanga Namaskar (worship on eight points) ........................................................137
7. Dog pose. ................................................................................................................................138
8. Cat pose. ..................................................................................................................................138
9. Ashva Sanchalasana (horseman pose). ........................................................................138
10. Padahastasana ....................................................................................................................138
11. Hasta Uttanasana ..............................................................................................................139
12. Pranamasana(praying pose) ..........................................................................................139
Comments on practicing Suria Namaskar ..............................................................................139
Some small pranayamas ...............................................................................................................139
Pranayama 1 (tree) ..............................................................................................................140
Pranayama 2 (skier) ............................................................................................................140
Pranayama 3 (mill) ..............................................................................................................140
Pranayama 4 ........................................................................................................................140
Pranayama 7 (hammer).....................................................................................................140
Pranayama 8 ........................................................................................................................141
Pranayama 10 (breathing for steady nerves) ............................................................141
Pranayama 11 (waking up lung cells) ..........................................................................141
Gymnastics to cleanse musculotendinous meridians (MTM) .....................................142
1. Cleansing pericardium .......................................................................................................142
2. Cleansing of three heaters meridian.............................................................................142
3. Cleansing of the heart ........................................................................................................142
4. Cleansing of lungs meridian ............................................................................................142
5. Cleansing of rectum ............................................................................................................142
PRINCIPLES OF BUILDING YOGA COMPLEXES .................................................................................143
Principle of compensation ..................................................................................................................143
Principle of enhancing (swirling the energy) ..............................................................................144
Principle of swinging ........................................................................................................................144
Principle of using the elements in yoga complexes ..................................................................145
Coordination of practice with weather ..........................................................................................145
Principle of following the body (free complex) ..........................................................................147
Sequence of doing pranayamas .......................................................................................................148
Cumulative routines ..............................................................................................................................149
Accents in breathing ............................................................................................................................149
ASANAS WITH BREATHHOLDS ADVANCED LEVEL ....................................................................150
How breath-holds infuence the body ...........................................................................................150
Coordination of asanas with breath-holds ...................................................................................151
Dynamic complexes with breath-holds (by the example of Suria Namaskar) .................153
WORK WITH ENERGY TECHNIQUES .......................................................................................................154
Work with energy through breathing .............................................................................................154
Breathing up chakras .................................................................................................................155
Breathing up channels ..............................................................................................................156
Breathing up in pranayamas ..................................................................................................157
Work with energy by visualisation ...................................................................................................157
Techniques of pumping up in asanas ..................................................................................158
Pumping ups for men and women ..............................................................................................160
Energy movement in outer etheric ..................................................................................................161
Tightening of outer etheric by raking movements by hands .....................................161
How energy goes out to the outer etheric in pumping-ups ...................................162
Pumping-up in dynamic complexes ...........................................................................................163
Work with sun mantras ........................................................................................................................163
Emotional aspect of work with sun mantras .........................................................................164
Meditative aspect of work with sun mantras ........................................................................165
ASANAS ENHANCERS .................................................................................................................................166
Sarpasana ...........................................................................................................................................167
Pashimottanasana ...........................................................................................................................167
Arthamatsiendrasana ....................................................................................................................167
Trikonasana .......................................................................................................................................168
Marichasana ......................................................................................................................................168
Ushtrasana .........................................................................................................................................169
Dhanurasana .....................................................................................................................................168
Arthasalabhasana ............................................................................................................................169
Sirshasana .........................................................................................................................................169
MEDITATIONS .................................................................................................................................................170
Psychological aspects of meditation ..............................................................................................171
Actualisation of psychics processes .........................................................................................171
Development of consciousness and of self-consciousness .............................................172
Cleansing of subconsciousness..................................................................................................173
Deprogramming of super-consciousness ..............................................................................174
Achieving inner integrity ..............................................................................................................175
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Work with subtle bodies ......................................................................................................................177
Vows ............................................................................................................................................................178
Work with mental body. Djnana yoga ............................................................................................179
Counterbalancing of branches of autonomic nervous system (ANS) ................................181
Evaluation of initial vegetative tone by Wein ........................................................................183
Human energy anomalies as a reason of disease .......................................................................184
Excited and depressed chakra ...........................................................................................................184
Ajna ......................................................................................................................................................188
Vishuddha ..........................................................................................................................................190
Anahata ...............................................................................................................................................191
Manipura ............................................................................................................................................194
Muladhara ..........................................................................................................................................197
Rehabilitation of felds integrity and chakra stabilisation ......................................................198
Therapeutic complexes of asanas ............................................................................................198
Chakras stabilisation by breathing ....................................................................................199
Afecting meridian system by yoga exercises ................................................................200
Harmonisation of ANS balance by asymmetric types of breathing and asanas..............201
YOGA AND NUTRITION ..............................................................................................................................203
Principles of nutrition of all bodies ..................................................................................................203
The principle of foods correspondence to the constitutional type ....................................205
The principle of using gunas ..............................................................................................................205
The principle of time and place ........................................................................................................206
The principle of following ones natural wishes ..........................................................................207
Principles of health-improving fasting ...........................................................................................208
YOGA AND SEX. SEX PRACTICIES IN YOGA ........................................................................................209
Hatha-yoga for Svadhisthana ............................................................................................................213
YOGA AND THE STARS ................................................................................................................................214
How moon cycles infuence on our body ......................................................................................214
Other biological rhythms in the body ............................................................................................216
CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................................217
GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................................218
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................................222
APPENDIX 1 AFTER GAVAA LUVSAN ..................................................................................................227
APPENDIX 2 CLASSIC YOGA TEXTS .......................................................................................................240
Why this book was written
The !isl idea lo viile lhis look appeaied quile Iong ago vhen,
aflei sone yeais of piaclicing yoga, I !naIIy undeislood hov asanas
voik. Aflei lhis unfoilunaleIy I found oul lhal nosl of nodein looks
on yoga give asanas lhe viong vay. The picluie can le nice, lul liny
inaccuiacies lhal onIy a piofessionaI can nolice, nake such peifoinance
useIess. In one posluie lhe lack is nol slielched enough, in lhe second
one ~ lhe heap is slicking oul, in lhe lhiid one lhe peIvis oi lhe neck
is nol sliaighl. Iion lhe poinl of viev of gynnaslics lhese aie delaiIs,
lul, if you undeisland lhe eneigy aspecls of asana, il is olvious, lhal
such peifoinance is nol onIy useIess, lul lo sone exlenl hainfuI. So
I vanled lo gel aII lhose lad exanpIes fion nany looks and lo expIain
vhal lioulIes nay ensue fion such piaclice. ul lhe piincipIes of $.150$
didnl aIIov ne lo viile such look.
Lalei on, leaching hov lo do iighl asanas and pianayanas, I un-
deislood, lhal peopIe do lhen viong nol lecause lhey aienl avaie of
hov lo do il iighl ~ lhey jusl piaclice accoiding lo lheii acluaI eneigy
leaiing. And I nean nol lhose dif!cuIl asanas, denanding exliaoidi-
naiy "exiliIily, lul quile sinpIe al !isl lIush posluies. This discoveiy
undeiIay lhe liand nev undeislanding of halha-yoga as a nelhod of
spiiiluaI evoIulion and nol jusl a physicaI deveIopnenl of a peison.
LvenluaIIy on lhe lase of lhis undeislanding I luiIl ny ovn piincipIes
of leaching yoga.
The second piolIen lhal encouiaged ne lo viile lhis look vas
lhis veiy unpIeasanl lendency lo ieIigionize yoga, vhich in facl is a
piofoundIy ialionaI and piagnalic leaching. Vaiious SchooIs aie aigu-
ing aloul hov lo do lhis oi lhal lechnique appeaIing lo oiiginaI souic-
es and liealises oi ciling Teacheis. Appienlices aie liying lo !nd lhose
genuine, liadilionaI, aulhenlic piaclices. Sone peopIe liy lo sil
in Iolus posilion foi nany yeais, lhinking lhal lheie is no yoga vilh-
oul il. They foigel lhe essenliaI: lhal yoga is a ciealive leaching, peo-
pIe oiienled, nol canon oiienled. Ancienl Indian canon, as any olhei,
vas neanl foi a ceilain kind of peison, Iiving in a ceilain anlience ~
naluiaI and cuIluiaI. Does il aIvays suil a nodein Luiopean` Hunan-
ily appioaches ancienl knovIedge diffeienlIy and !nds nev vays lo
undeisland esoleiic Ieaining. On lhe olhei hand piaclices lhal used lo
voik 3O-5O yeais ago, aie iiieIevanl loday and jusl donl voik. Thal
is vhy, if you vanl lo gain fion a canon, you shouId deconsliucl il: you
nusl gel lo lhe essenliaI piincipIe of lhose lechniques and iecieale nev
ones, appiopiiale lo nodein condilions and conlenpoiaiy Iife. Nevei-
lheIess I didnl !nd looks, vheie such voik vouId le done. IeeIing
a need foi such ieseaich I cane lack lo ny idea of viiling a look, lhal
vouId naneIy desciile piincipIes of yoga.
ul lhis look sliII had lo vail foi nany yeais. Nev suljecls veie
appeaIing lo ie"eclion, olhei looks veie leing viillen, ny nelhods
veie naluiing. Yoga Iedeialion vas founded and slailed lo giov. The
need in a conpiehensilIe yoga nanuaI lecane uigenl. I couIdnl pul
off viiling lhis look anynoie.
What this book is about
The look you aie hoIding speaks aloul piincipIes lhal undeiIie
yoga piaclice. I nean piincipIes and ciileiia ~ nol jusl exeicise, nelh-
ods, pioceduies and phiIosophy, aIlhough you viII !nd lhose loo.
Whom was this book written for?
I viole lhis look !isl of aII foi ny sludenls. ul I lhink, nol onIy
lhen viII !nd il inleiesling. Il is foi aII piaclilioneis of yoga and eso-
leiicisn, vho liy lo undeisland vhal Iies deep inside of lheii piaclice.
Those vho jusl slailed piaclicing yoga and vanl lo Ieain aloul lhis
syslen fion oulside can aIso use il. This look viII le inleiesling foi
physicians, piaclicing psychoIogisls and !lness expeils.
Book structure
The look is sliucluied lo guide ils ieadei fion lhe nosl essenliaI
and fundanenlaI poinls and nolions in yoga lo sullIelies and delaiIs.
This viII aIIov expeiienced piaclilioneis lo concepluaIize ciuciaI eIe-
nenls of yoga, vhiIe leginneis vouId lieak in and gel inlo ils leins
and Ianguage. The desciiplion of piaclices is aIso given in ascending
oidei of lheii conpIexily: slailing vilh easy ones and going lo noie
sophislicaled lechniques. The lolaI IeveI of given knovIedge coiiespond
vilh lvo cIasses in yoga SchooI (as foi lhe halha-yoga). In olhei voids
lhis look doesnl concIude of yoga, vhich exlends nuch fuilhei.
Thanks lo aII vho heIped ne lo viile lhis look. My speciaI ack-
novIedgenenl lo Seigey Shashkin (Donelsk) foi vaIualIe discussions of
nedicaI aspecls of yoga.
What is Yoga
Any noie oi Iess educaled peison has heaid aloul yoga. ul if
you ask vhal is yoga, you viII have a vide iange of vaiious and oflen
conliadicloiy de!nilions: fion Indian gynnaslics lo ieIigious phiIo-
sophic leaching, fion fakii ail lo syslen of spiiiluaI peifeclion,
fion ieIic of ancienl civiIizalions lo a gifl of exlialeiiesliiaI inleI-
Iigence. Moie conpelenl inleiIoculoi viII aIso iecaII aloul uddhisl
yoga (lhe Iess conpelenl can confuse uddhisn vilh yoga), Taoisl yoga
and nany olheis. Speaking aloul yoga ve aIso lhink aloul Tanlia,
vhich an uneducaled inleiIoculoi can caII lhe yoga of sex.
So vhal is yoga` Is il a puieIy Indian phenonena oi does il go
lhiough diffeienl voiId liadilions, as nany peopIe lhink` Hov ancienl
is lhis leaching` Is il a canonic Ieaining liansnilled fion geneialion lo
geneialion oi is il a dynanic deveIoping syslen` Oi nayle il is jusl a
ieconsliucled liadilion Iike lhe cIassicaI Indian dance haialnalyan,
invenled onIy in XIX cenluiy oi lhe aninaI kung fu !ghling, conliived
ly lhe Inslilule of IhysicaI CuIluie in eijing` Can ve ieaIIy de!ne
Chinese, Russian oi nodein yoga` Aflei aII is yoga a ieIigion`
If nol, vhy is il so oflen confused vilh il` Lels liy lo give pieIininaiy
ansveis lo lhese queslions.
In eveiy cuIluie and ieIigion lheie liadilionaIIy vas a speci!c sys-
len, nainIy piaclicaI, used ly lhe Iiniled nunlei of discipIes. Such
syslens aie caIIed esoleiic (fion lhe Cieek invaid). Ioi exanpIe, Su-
!sn vas such a syslen vilhin IsIan, Hesychasn vilhin Oilhodoxy,
Neydan vilhin Taosisn, SpiiiluaI Lxeicises of Ignalius of LoyoIa in
CalhoIisisn elc. Lsoleiic syslens aie hidden deep inside of ieIigions
and fundanenlaIIy diffei fion lhen. Iiisl of aII ly lhe facl lhal. lhey
aie nol ieIigions. AcluaIIy vhal nakes lhen speciaI and seciel is lhal
unIike ieIigion esoleiic syslens lhey aie highIy piaclicaI. They have lhe
sane goaI as ieIigions: lo nake %&'()*+,-./ 0)*(0-)1(,/ 02+*3&, lul
unIike ieIigions lhese syslens offei a de!ned sel of nelhods lo nake
such changes. Those changes aie lased on lhe changed slale of nind.
ul unIike ieIigionisls, foIIoveis of esoleiic syslens sliive foi Iong-Iasl-
ing changes of peisonaIily.
! #:;<=>=?! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
If you conpaie oljecls and vaIues of ieIigions and lheii esoleiic
syslens, youII see sone cIeai dislinclions, aIlhough lhey aie nol nuch
The ieadei nighl aIieady see vhal In gelling al. Yoga is an es-
oleiic syslen vilhin Indian liadilion. OnIy Indian` Is lheie any iap-
poil lelveen diffeienl esoleiic syslens` Aie lhey aII independenl oi
did lhey evoIve one fion anolhei` Oi nayle lhey aII evoIved fion one
noie ancienl unknovn syslen` Oi is lhis noie ancienl syslen yoga
ilseIf` Aflei aII il is lhe nosl ancienl of aII esoleiic syslens. Indeed
conpaiing piaclices of diffeienl esoleiic syslens youII !nd nany olvi-
ous anaIogies. Ioi exanpIe, if you iead one of lhe Hesychasn cIassics
Ciegoiy IaIanas, vho suggesls lo inhaIe lhe ied aii ly one nosliiI
and lo exhaIe lhe lIue aii vilh anolhei, if you aie sonevhal faniIiai
vilh yoga you vouId excIain: Hey, ils AnuIona ViIona! They hap-
pened lo knov aloul Ida and IingaIa. Il nighl seen an olvious adop-
lion, lul is il` Is il lecause of lhe sane oljecl of in"uence ~ nan and
his psyche` Did diffeienl esoleiic syslens cone lo lhe sane lechniques,
lecause lhey veie lhe nosl effeclive`
Tiacing lack lhe hisloiy of yoga ve neel vilh sone dif!cuIlies.
AIlhough ve can !nd leins yoga and yogin in lhe Mahalhaiala
so lhal lhey olviousIy dale lefoie lhe Vedic peiiod, lhe aclivily lhey
neanl oflen diffeis a Iol fion vhal ve caII yoga nov. Iuilheinoie
even lhen lheie have aIieady leen discoids in de!nilion of yoga.
Lveiyone agieed upon lvo lhinks: a) yoga is a syslen of nelhods and
l) yoga is a seciel (esoleiic) syslen. AnaIyzing ancienl sciipls you
viII aIso !nd evidence lhal yoga 2+4 + 0)55)* )67&0.8 92-02 9+(
.) 02+*3& )*.),)3-0+, (.+.1( ): .2& %'+0.-.-)*&' -* .2& 9)',4. Ovei-
Iooking olhei esoleiic syslens veII easiIy see lhal lhey had lhe sane
goaIs. Taoisls giov lhe spiiiluaI gein, Hesychasls sliive foi an angeI
iank in lhis Iife, uddhisls seek foi LnIighlennenl elc. Is il an adop-
lion` Oi is il once noie lhe sane oljecl`
We can liy lo liack dovn hov yoga vas foining. WeII !nd Aiy-
an and Diavidian lackgiound, !nd paiaIIeIs vilh Shanan piaclices,
MaliiaichaI cuIls, piinilive nagic and so on. We can liack lhe oiigin of
yoga lack lo lhe piehisloiic civiIizalions, aIlhough il goes leyond lhe
scope of lhis look. Il is exiling and edifying. ul piolalIy lhe ieadei
has aIieady gol ny allilude lo lhis suljecl. We can nevei !nd piecise
ansveis lo aII oui queslions, and il doesnl ieaIIy nallei. Alove aII I
hope veve aIieady undeislood: .2& -4&+ ): .2& ;+/8 .2& (%-'-.1+,
&<),1.-)* -( +'02&./%-0+,. This vay oi anolhei il aIvays cones lo any
liadilion vhelhei il is piehisloiic cuIluie, ieIigious syslen oi naleiiaI-
islic soviel cuIluie. The unily of yoga is nol in delaiIs and hisloiic iefei-
ences. =)3+ -( 0)55)* -* -.( (%-'-.> Thal is vhy despile aII peisecu-
lions il sliII exisls and suivived nosl of ils peiseculois.
Does lhe Iine of aulhoiily exisl in yoga liansnission` Is lheie
such lhing as cIassic yoga` I donl lhink so. Such a viev ieninds
ne lhe lines ve veie kids and leIieved in vise oId guys vho have
aII lhe ansveis, you jusl have lo ask lhen veII. esides such a poinl
of viev is phiIosophicaIIy inconsislenl. Wheie vouId lhose guys gel
lhal knovIedge` ShouId ve iefei lo exlialeiiesliiaIs` Then hov did
lhey invenl yoga`
No, al lhe heail of any esoleiic liadilion sland sone ieaI peo-
pIe, vho ly an inconceivalIe acl of spiiiluaI enIighlennenl have seen
fuilhei lhan olheis. Sonelines lheii discipIes kepl lheii leaching on,
cIinling highei and highei, aIlhough noie oflen lhey jusl used lhis
leaching oi luined il inlo a cuIl. Many gieal leachings degeneialed
inlo ieIigions. UnfoilunaleIy ils nuch easiei lo voiship lhan lo lhink
and lo cieale.
Lsoleiic knovIedge has anolhei dislinclive fealuie. Il cannol le
liansnilled vilhoul peisonaI piaclice. Il is hidden nol jusl lecause
soneone is hiding il (aIlhough ils aIso liue) ~ you canl conceive il
vilhoul naking iadicaI changes in youiseIf. ?().&'-0 @*)9,&43& 0+*A
*). 6& BCD;C> E. 0+* )*,/ 6& FEG?H> Olheivise il nakes no sense.
The undeislanding of eveiy nev IeveI is possilIe onIy aflei lhe pievi-
ous one is passed. Il is nol an acl of Ieaining, lul oui peisonaI nys-
licaI expeiience. Lsoleiic knovIedge cannol le liansnilled in a foin
of sciipls and lalIes. Il nusl le given fion lhe leachei lo a sludenl.
The Teachei nusl have palience and vish lo Iighlen !ie of spiiil in
his sludenl, and lhe sludenl nusl le ieady and viIIing lo lecone a
co-ciealoi of hinseIf. A Chinese nailiaI liadilion has a saying: Theie
is no slyIe ~ jusl Masleis peisonaI lechnique. Reslaling lhis naxin
ve can say: Theie is no cIassic yoga ~ jusl Teacheis peisonaI yoga.
Il voiks in his hands and heIps his sludenls lo change and lo cieale
lheii ovn Yoga, vhich slops leing yoga, a nelhod, if canonized. An
esoleiic leaching is insepaialIe fion ils leaiei and ils Teachei. WhiIe
onIy Life can piove, if lhe leaching is effeclive and iighl.
Did oljecls and nelhods of yoga change lhiough lhe cenluiies of
ils exislence` The ansvei cones IogicaIIy fion lhe afoiesaid: yes, con-
slanlIy. ul in delaiIs. Diffeienl lines and diffeienl peopIe need dif-
feienl voids and nelhods. ul lhe said alove oljecl is aIvays lheie.
The changing of a slalus can aIso le diffeienl. As veII as lhe IeveIs of
So /)3+ -( *). + '&,-3-)*. Living heie and nov is nol Iess in-
poilanl foi a yogi lhan his spiiiluaI lasks. Thal is vhy aIong vilh lhe
ig Yoga, selling ils highei ains lheies aIvays leen lhe SnaII Yoga ~
a syslen of nelhods (once again ~ nelhods), ained al Iife inpiove-
nenl: heaIlh, veaIlh, enolionaI slale. Al lhal lhe SnaII Yoga piaclice is
nol a diveision fion lhe SpiiiluaI Way, lul ils essenliaI eIenenl.
! #:;<=>=?! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
=)3+ -( *). + %'+0.-0& ): +(0&.-0-(5. Ioi a hainonic and ciealive
exislence you need lo Iove Iife. AIlhough eIenenls of ascelic piaclices
can le used as one of lhe nelhods.
=)3+ -( *). + %2-,)()%2/8 lul il has phiIosophic lasics and nelh-
ods lased on phiIosophic piaclice. Ovei yeais yoga iepealedIy changed
ils phiIosophies (pIuiaI), expIaining lhe sane piaclices in diffeienl
=)3+ -( *). +* &.2-0 (/(.&5. Lveiy elhic syslen is in lhe Iong iun
engendeied ly lhe ieIigious peiceplion of lhe voiId, ly lhe feai of pun-
ishnenl, ly lhe supiene foices elc. Yoga has ils iuIes loo (*$5$, foi
exanpIe), vhich can le nislaken foi elhicaI, lul lheii essence is piinci-
paIIy diffeienl. Yogi foIIovs lhese iuIes nol lecause he is afiaid of pun-
ishnenl ~ il is his nosl piagnalic choice aIIoving hin lo save eneigy
as nuch as possilIe. On lhe highei IeveIs aII iuIes disappeai and give
vay lo lhe piincipIes.
Undeislanding of %'-*0-%,&( is lhe piinaiy peiceplive oljecl of
yoga. The conpiehension of yoga piincipIes is lhe oljeclive of lhis
Hatha in the system
of Yoga
All the methods of Hatha Yoga are meant for gaining success
in the Raja-Yoga.
@$6.$ *'+$ -&$A1B1C$
IiaclicaIIy in eveiy esoleiic leaching lheie vas a speciaI syslen
assigned lo voik vilh lhe physicaI lody ~ one of lhe diffeiences le-
lveen esoleiicisn and ieIigion. Cynnaslics of Heines, vushu, slyIes
of Qigong, vhiiIing deivishes, Zikii, Zongshen ~ lhe gynnaslics
Vielnanese nonachs, liealhing piaclices of Hesychasls and so on. AI-
lhough lhe nosl deveIoped and sophislicaled, as veII as piolalIy lhe
nosl ancienl of lhen is Halha yoga.
Whal is lhe sense of voik vilh lhe physicaI lody vilhin an eso-
leiic liadilion` }usl lo slienglhen il in oidei lo piepaie foi noie dif!-
cuIl psychicaI exeicises` Mayle, lul lhen you donl need such ie!ned
exeicises. The oidinaiy gynnaslics, invenled ly Cieeks (aInosl aII na-
lions had ils anaIogues), peifeclIy slienglhens oui lody. HeaIing lhe
lody` Indeed yoga has ils lheiapeulic effecl, lul nol as a chief ain.
AIieady nany cenluiies ago yoga vas said lo le foi sliong and heaIlhy
peopIe. Nol lo nenlion lhal nedicaI liealnenl (Tilelan nedicine) gives
oulslanding iesuIls and denands fion palienl nuch Iess effoils. Mayle
ils oljeclive is lo allain exliaoidinaiy physicaI capacilies: foice, "exiliI-
ily, slanina` Nonsense, of couise, if you aie nol going lo nake a caieei
as a ciicus aciolal. Then vhal is lhe sense of physicaI liaining vilhin
esoleiic liadilions` Whal is lhe nosl inpoilanl foi us, vhal is lhe sense
of Halha`
To ansvei lhis queslion Iels ienenlei lhal yoga is a syslen,
ained al lhe conscious changing of a peison, al lhe seIf-change, con-
scious iesliucluiing of oui psyche, of oui sullIe lodies. ul hunans
psyche is dif!cuIl lo sludy ~ lo say nolhing aloul oui sullIe lodies,
even noie dif!cuIl lo voik vilh, lecause a connon peison cannol
see lhen. This is vhen ve can use lhe conneclion lelveen oui phys-
icaI lody and oui sullIe lodies aIong vilh oui psyche. Oui physicaI
lody lecones a cIue lo aII lhe piocesses lhal lake pIace in oui sul-
lIei lodies.
I convenlionaIIy caII il gynnaslics, foi lhe Iack of noie appiopiiale lein. In facl aII lhe
Iisled lechniques aie fundanenlaIIy diffei (even in lhe vay of Iooking) fion vhal Cieeks
used lo caII gynnaslics.
! #:;<=>=?! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Indeed oui physicaI lody is lhe ie"eclion of oui sullIe lodies.
Whalevei is leIov is siniIai lo lhal vhich is alove. ul unIike sullIe
lodies, oui physicaI lody can le louched and seen. AII piocesses hap-
pening in oui sullIe lodies aie ie"ecled in oui physicaI lody. So lhal
aII possilIe piolIens of oui psyche, of oui elhei and asliaI lodies aie
ie"ecled in lhe 06$6D&8 of oui physicaI lody in lhe foin of physicaI con-
sliainls: conliaclions, cuivaluies of lhe spine ~ lhey shov oui slale of
chakiaI syslen and in lhe Iinil ~ oui diseases
The conliaiy is aIso liue: ly in"uencing oui lody, ve in"uence
oui psyche. Thals vhal Halha is aloul, lhal vas ils pIace and oljeclive
in lhe syslen of Yoga.
Do lhe oljeclives of yoga change` I lhink ve can de!nileIy an-
svei I/&(J. IsychoIogicaIIy a nodein Luiopean is conpIeleIy diffeienl
fion a Hindu. We aie peopIe Iiving ly oui head, vhiIe Hindu veie
lo giealei exlenl sensilive, Iiving noslIy ly lheii feeIings and enolions.
This nakes oui vays lo lhe spiiiluaI hainony diffeienl: foi Hindu lhis
vay had lo do vilh lhe Iifling lhe eneigy (heies vheie ED(A$21(1
cones fion), vhiIe foi us il is pulling il dovn, deveIoping oui physicaI
Thal is vhy using Indian piaclices aulonalicaIIy, vilhoul adapl-
ing lhen lo oui nodein cuIluiaI and hisloiic condilions is a faIse vay,
Ieading avay fion lhe hainony and luining yoga ilseIf ~ an excep-
lionaIIy ialionaI and piagnalic syslen ~ inlo a ieIigion.
Ioi noie delaiIs and schenes of lhis coiiespondence see ny look Isychodiagnoslics of
NeaiIy aII esoleiic syslens leIieve lhal a peison, leside a physicaI
lody, has lhe so-caIIed !ne lodies: seven lodies, foui of vhich aie
lhe liighlesl, vhiIe lhe olheis ienain so !ne lhal il is haid lo nolice
lhen in oui eveiyday Iife.
?.2&'-0 6)4/ (Sanskiil: -&$($ E'0.$, shealh nade of piana) in
olhei schooIs aIso caIIed vilaI lody, vhich 4&!*&( .2& (.'10.1'& ): 21A
5+* 2&+,.2. If you have a cul oi a scialch, uIlinaleIy youi skin heaIs
-iegeneialion piogian is de!ned ly oui elheiic lody. The sliongei il
is, lhe heaIlhiei you aie, and lhe veakei, lhe noie vaIeludinaiian you
aie. The elheiic lody has lhe foin of oui physicaI lody. Theie is aIso
an &.2&'-0 !&,4> Ils oui elheiic eneigy, nol sliucluied in lhe elheiic
lody and suiiounding us as a lag of O.4-1 n (foi lhe heaIlhy peison).
Llheiic !eId slands in a dynanic laIance vilh lhe elheiic lody. Oui
elheiic lody iaieIy changes ils foin, noinaIIy vhen ve lecone seii-
ousIy iII. When ve have a Iol of eneigy: ve ale a Iol, eneigelicaIIy
nillIed soneone (il aIso happens), slayed in sone pIaces vilh a Iol of
elheiic eneigy, aII lhe exlia eneigy goes lo lhe elheiic !eId, naking il
liggei. In speciaI cases elheiic !eId can viden up lo 1,5-2 neleis, il
can le veiy lig, lul nol foi a Iong line. If soneone has a Iol of elheiic
!eId eneigy, uIlinaleIy heII le ealen aiound, lecause one cannol
caiiy aIong a Iol of eneigy. When ve speak aloul hunan auia and
lhe size of ils !eId, ve nean &.2&'-0 !&,4.
OnIy Iiving oljecls, incIuding nineiaIs, have +* &.2&'-0 !&,4. y
de!nilion ils a non-physicaI !eId, so any allenpls lo neasuie il ly
physicaI devices aie insensale. Il can onIy le neasuied ly devices us-
ing Iiving oljecls: geins, pIanls, aninaIs, peopIe and lheii ieaclion on
lhe eneigy. The nosl connon vay of neasuiing elheiic !eId is lioIo-
calion. The elheiic !eId as veII as lhe elheiic lody can le seen on lhe
honogeneous lackgiound, lul il is noie iaie!ed.
K(.'+, 6)4/ (Sanskiil: E'5$ E'0.$ ~ shealh of desiies) de!nes
lhe sliucluie of oui elheiic lody. If elheiic lody deslaliIises, lhe as-
liaI lody gives a iegeneialion piogian. AsliaI lody iepeals lhe oul-
Iine of oui elheiic and physicaI lodies and is silualed oulside lhe
elheiic lody. Il aIso can le seen on lhe honogeneous lackgiound.
Energy bodies
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
K(.'+, 6)4/ 4&!*&( )1' &5).-)*+, (.+.&> K(.'+, !&,4 is a voIune of
lhe asliaI eneigy, vhich is in dynanic laIance vilh lhe asliaI lody.
If ve say: Whal a chaiisnalic peison! ve ieacl on an asliaI !eId.
A peison vilh a sliong asliaI !eId can in"uence olhei peopIes eno-
lions. SocioIogy and psychoIogy caII il chaiisna. eing cIose lo such
a peison ils easy lo gel invoIved in his enolionaI slale.
To feeI asliaI eneigies one needs no speciaI skiIIs. In lhe sociely
you feeI lhal lhe anlience is disliessing, al lhis poinl youve svilched
lo lhe feeIing of asliaI eneigies of lhis conpany. If you feeI lhal lhe al-
nospheie is joyfuI and you have fun, youie feeIing lhese eneigies lhis
vay. L2& 0+%+0-./ .) (9-.02 .) (1'')1*4-*3 +(.'+, &*&'3-&( +*4 3&.A
.-*3 .2&(& (.+.&( )* .2& 0)*(0-)1( ,&<&, -( .2& I&M-.-*3 .) +(.'+,J>
Of couise asliaI !eIds cannol le neasuied ly physicaI insliu-
nenls eilhei.
N&*.+, 6)4/ (Sanskiil: F$($ E'0.$ ~ shealh of nind, nanasa) is
ideas, lhoughls, knovIedge, and senses.
Discussion of highei pIanes and !eIds is alove lhe lhene of lhis
Humans hakral System
The nain eIenenl of hunan eneigy sliucluie is chakiaI syslen.
Chakias (Sanskiil: 9.$C&$ ~ vheeI oi disc) aie nenlioned in lhe nosl
pail of Yoga and Tanlia oiigins, such as Cheianda sanhila, Halha
Yoga Iiadipika, Shiva sanhila, Shal Chakia niiupane, Yoga Tal-
lva Upanishada, Aniilalindu Upanishada and nany olheis (see
Appendix 2).
Chakias aie aIso nenlioned in Tilelan oiigins such as in lhe fa-
nous AlIas of Tilelan nedicine, in Chinese liealises of Neidan (Sanskiil:
(81A$( ~ innei eIixii). Sone eIenenls of chakiaI syslen aie nenlioned
in }apanese nailiaI ails (haia, len-sho), in oulIooks of Mesoaneiican
shanans. These nolions aie aIso nel in Iess deveIoped syslens (nalu-
iaIIy, in sinpIi!ed veision).
The Weslein voiId
Ieained aloul chakias lhanks lo lhe pioceed-
ings of Ailhui AvaIon, a Luiopean vho gol inlo lhe iesliicled Indian
Tanliic SchooI and afleivaids has pulIished nolions he ieceived. He
vas lhe !isl lo pulIish cIassicaI Indian diavings of chakias, vhich
have leen iediavn foi Iasl 1OO yeais ly olhei aulhois vilh aII inagin-
CeneiaI pulIic. AIchenisls and iepiesenlalives of olhei esoleiic syslens in Luiope has
knovn aloul chakiaI syslen lefoie.
@D5$( G(8&+/ #6&D46D&8
alIe eiiois and disloilions. He aIso gave nanlias foi chakias and lheii
pelaIs, coiieIaled pelaIs vilh hunan quaIilies. ased on his chakiaI
schene a counlIess nunlei of schooIs and inleipielalions veie loin,
as veII as vaiious lechniques of voik vilh chakias. AIlhough leing
an adepl of an esoleiic schooI, AvaIon nade sone hay of undeisland-
ing chakiaI syslen, af!ining lhal one can open chakias ly iaising
KundaIini, vhiIe an connon peison has aII chakias cIosed.
The nexl slep in undeislanding lhe chakiaI syslen in nodein
occuIl liadilion vas nade ly RudoIph Sleinei, lhe foundei of anlhio-
posophisl sociely. He noliced lhal chakias donl open vhiIe iaising
KundaIini, on lhe conliaiy: %&)%,& )%&* .2&-' 02+@'+(8 +0O1-'-*3 ()5&
O1+,-.-&( +*4 (@-,,(8 vhich cieales pieiequisiles foi iaising KundaIini.
Thanks lo Sleineis olseivalion lhe concepl of chakiaI syslen in nodein
esoleiicisn has lioadened. In Sleineis voiks he af!ins lhal aII peopIe
have chakias, lul lheii IeveI of deveIopnenl can diffei. Moieovei lhe
chakias chaiacleiislics de!ne oui aclions, capacilies and peisonaIily.
Al lhe sane line psychoIogy aIso appioached lhe piolIen of
chakiaI syslen.
WiIheIn Reich fuilhei acknovIedged as a foundei of lhe lody
psycholheiapy has found oul lhal psychoIogicaI piolIens Iead lo
nuscIe lIocks, IocaIising as (&<&* nuscIe ainouis, each of lhen
ie"ecling a ceilain veII-de!ned gioup of piolIens. (I suppose, lhal
even lhose ieadeis vho donl knov aloul voiks of Reich have aI-
ieady guessed lhal posilion and chaiacleiislics of lhese ainouis
anazingIy ieninded Sleineis chakiaI syslen). This lheoiy vas sig-
ni!canlIy deveIoped ly piogenies and foIIoveis of Reich (A. Loven,
IeIdenkieiz), vhiIe lody-psycholheiapy has laken a faie pIace anong
olhei lheiapeulic syslens. The Weslein voiId vas !nding ils !isl
A ceilain inpul in undeislanding lhe chakiaI syslen and ils ioIe
in sludying hunan lody vas done ly nediuns in lhe peiiod of gieal
inleiesl lo lhe exliasensoiy capacilies in lhe Iale 197Os. MoslIy inde-
pendenlIy fion lhe nenlioned oiigins lased on lheii peisonaI expe-
iience, nediuns noliced lhal hunan lody has eneigy cenlies and a
nans heaIlh depends on lheii slale. These cenlies aie Iocaled piacli-
caIIy in lhe sane pIace as AvaIons Ioluses.
Hovevei no vondei aII lhe syslens independenlIy veie con-
ing lo lhe sane concIusions. Chakias exisl in ieaIily and any sludying
of a hunan leing uIlinaleIy Ieads lo siniIai nolions. The conneclion
lelveen enolionaI slales and ceilain pails of lody is aIso ie"ecled in
such nelaphois as lo have a cIeai head, a lhick-headed peison,
Iunp in ones lhioal, a heail vilheied, lo le a pain in lhe neck,
a gieal veighl off ones nind, a sinking sensalion in lhe pil of
ones slonach, anls in ones panls, a pain in lhe ass.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Physiological aspects of chakras
Lels liie"y desciile lhe IocaIisalion and synloIs of chakias ac-
coiding lo lhe Indian liadilion.
!KPK!QKQK is Iocaled in lhe ciovn of lhe head. Ils exacl syn-
loI is unknovn.
KRCK is Iocaled lelveen eye-
liovs and ieIales lo lhe pineaI gIand.
AnalonicaIIy ieIales lo lhe liain,
eyes, fionlaI and naxiIIaiy sinuses,
nose, and uppei leelh.
GE!PSHHPK is Iocaled
aiound lhe lhioal and ieIales lo lhe
lhyioid and paialhyioid gIand, eais
and eveiylhing in lhe Iaiynx, vilh
guIIel, liachea, uppei lionchus,
longue and ceivicaI veilelia.
KCKPKLK, a heail chakia.
ConlioIs caidiovascuIai syslen,
nainIy lhe heail ilseIf, Iungs, lhoiacic
veilelia, ains, iils and aII inleicos-
laI spaces, infeiioi lionchus.
NKCETSQK is Iocaled sIighlIy
ovei lhe naveI and ieIales lo lhe foI-
Ioving oigans: slonach, gaslioinles-
linaI liacl (excepl lhe uppei guIIel),
inleslines, !isl of aII vilh lhe snaII
inlesline (coIon is noie ieIaled lo lhe
MuIadhaia), uppei kidneys and adie-
naIs (adienaIin is a hoinone of Ma-
nipuia), Iivei, spIeen, veilelia in lhe
Manipuia iegion, pancieas.
@D5$( G(8&+/ #6&D46D&8
!GKHPE!LPKCK is Iocaled
in genilaIs, aloul 4 !ngeis dovn lhe
naveI. ReIaled lo lhe genilaIs (naIe
and fenaIe), lIaddei, infeiioi kid-
neys, ienaI peIvises, uieleis, uiinifei-
ous luluIe (foi vonen), Iovei lack
(excepl lhe saciun, ieIaled lo MuIad-
haia), hips.
NSFKHPKQK is Iocaled in
lhe saciun. Il ieIales lo lhe saciun,
pioslale, peIvis, coIon, ieclun.
Chakias exisl on lhe asliaI, elheiic and physicaI pIanes. CoiieIaling
lheii IocaIisalion vilh endociine gIands and vilh lhe knols of aulononic
neivous syslen (ANS) ve can easiIy see lhe peifecl anaIogy. This connec-
lion is alsoIule nosl of aII, if you lake inlo accounl addilionaI chakias
(4 foi each piinaiy chakia), nenlioned in lhe AlIas of Tilelan Medicine.
IhysicaIIy eveiy chakia is piesenled ly a gIand oi an ANS node.
NeveilheIess peopIe aie nol jusl physics. Thal is vhy lhe chakiaI
syslen is nol Iiniled ly lhe pailicuIaiilies of oui physicaI lody.
Chakias chaiacleiislics aie diieclIy ieIaled lo lhe hunan eneigy and
psyche. As a nallei of facl chakias aie a liidge, connecling oui phys-
icaI, elheiic and asliaI lodies.
Psychological aspects of chakras
U2+@'+ is a conpIicaled nolion vilh nany paianeleis. They aie
oflen desciiled fion jusl one poinl of viev. Ioi exanpIe, saying ils
sliong oi veak. AcluaIIy lo desciile chakia you need al Ieasl len diffei-
enl paianeleis. Sone of lhen aie given leIov.
Chakras strength
U2+@'+V( (.'&*3.2 -( + <),15& ): &*&'3/8 -*-.-+,,/ %'&(&*. -* +
02+@'+, vhiIe ils veakness is lhe alsence of lhis eneigy. The eneigy
in chakia deleinines oui desiies, and lhe noie eneigy ve have, lhe
sliongei oui desiies aie. This facl expIains lhe esoleiic piincipIe, -: /)1
,-(.&* .) /)1' '&+, 4&(-'&(8 /)1 :),,)9 /)1' 42+'5+>
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Iion aII alove said il is easy lo undeisland lhal a peison vilh a
sliong chakia is highIy nolivaled ly needs ieIaled lo lhis chakia, so
ve can nake a psychoIogicaI poiliail of peopIe vilh diffeienl sliong
chakias. Ioi inslance a peison vilh sliong MuIadhaia voiks foi pios-
peiily, ioulineIy oiganizes his piivale space and is nevei liied of il. He
Iikes il lecause il coiiesponds his needs and desiies. Wheievei he goes,
heII aIvays pul eveiylhing aiound in oidei ~ foi lellei foi voise.
A peison vilh a sliong MuIadhaia doesnl Iike disconfoil.
PICTURE 1. Endocrine glands
1 pineal gland; 2 epiphysis;
3 pituitary gland;
4 parathyroid gland;
5 thyroid gland;
6 thymus; 7 pancreas;
8 adrenal gland;
9 ovary; 10 testis.
PICTURE 2. Ganglia of ANS
and their correlation with
head, brain
pineal gland
vagus nerve
superior cervical
solar plexus
small splanchnic
superior mesenteric
sexual organs
pelvic nerve
lower limb,
external genitalia
@D5$( G(8&+/ #6&D46D&8
PICTURE 3. Figure of chakras from
the Atlas of Tibetan medicine
The fgure is interesting in a way
that it marks not only the essential
but also auxiliary chakras. It should
be borne in mind that the Tibetans
considered muladhara an auxiliary
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Ioi a peison vilh a sliong !<+42-(.2+*+ pIeasuies aie one of lhe
doninaling nolives. He Iooks foi pIeasuie in eveiylhing, and, if he
doesnl !nd il, he cieales il. A nolive of sensuaI pIeasuie, incIuding
sexuaI, is doninaling foi hin.
A peison vilh a sliong N+*-%1'+ is nolivaled ly needs in don-
inaling, goveining, sociaI iecognilion and iespecl. Such peopIe Iive foi
lheii caieei.
A peison vilh a sliong K*+2+.+ Iives vilh his feeIings. Ioi exanpIe,
he oi she can sacii!ce sonelhing foi Iove (oi halied vhich is jusl anolhei
A peison vilh a sliong G-(21442+ is nolivaled ly peiceplion of
lhe WoiId and his need lo expiess hinseIf. He oi she is cuiious, in-
quisilive and oflen aeslhelic. Vishuddha is aIso iesponsilIe foi veilaI
inleIIecl, i.e. lhe capacily lo expiess ones lhoughls in voids.
A peison vilh a sliong K7*+ is nolivaled ly exislenliaI needs, i.e.
a need lo foin his voiIdviev, lo see his pIace in lhe voiId, lo undei-
sland lhe sense of Iife.
The uppei chakia, !+2+('+'+ and ils chaiacleiislics aie nol slud-
ied in lhis look, lecause ils expiession has lo do vilh lhe conlacl of
a nan and lhe Cosnos, Supeiioi Ioveis and foi nosl peopIe is nol so
Maturity of chakra.
Openness and closeness of chakra
Iiisl of aII ve shouId speak nol aloul chakias openness, lul
aloul ils naluiily oi innaluiily. K 5+.1'& 02+@'+ 5&+*( + %&'()* 2+(
+ ,). ): &M%&'-&*0& )* -.>
The naluie K7*+ depending on ils deveIopnenl can aIIol a peison
olseivalion skiIIs, IogicaI lhinking, eiudilion, anaIylicaI lhinking and deep
If a peison has a naluie G-(21442+, he can veilaIIy expiess his
lhoughls and feeIings ~ in voids oi ly olhei neanings.
Having a naluie K*+2+.+ one knovs hov lo opeiale vilh lhe en-
eigy of feeIings. He can shov his feeIings and accepls lhose of olheis.
He can le oulslanding in enolionaI, sensilive spheie. UsuaIIy peopIe
vilh naluie Anahala aie veiy ailislic.
A peison vilh lhe naluie N+*-%1'+ is a peison vilh lhe povei-
fuI sociaI inleIIigence, neaning hes leIIicose, independenl, knovs hov
lo achieve his goaIs ly sociaIIy accepled neans, even lo lhe piejudice
of olheis.
@D5$( G(8&+/ #6&D46D&8
A peison vilh lhe naluie !<+42-(.2+*+ knovs hov lo Iive vilh
pIeasuie. He can gel pIeasuie fion Iife and give il lo olheis. His pIea-
suies aie veII de!ned, hes an expeil in sophislicaled deIighls and
A peison vilh lhe naluie N1,+42+'+ easiIy sliucluies aII aiound.
Such peopIe luiId nany lhings, do iepaiis and pul eveiylhing aiound
lhen in oidei.
E. 0+* 6& .2+. + %&'()* 2+( + (.')*38 61. -55+.1'& 02+@'+>
Lels lake foi exanpIe, !<+42-(.2+*+. One can have a sliong Sva-
dhislhana vilh a Iol of eneigy in il, lul aII lhe scope of his sensuaI de-
Iighls is lo eal, lo diink and lo sIeep... In lhis case ve say lhal chakia is
sliong, lul innaluie.
The sane vilh sliong, lul innaluie N+*-%1'+. Il nakes a pei-
son have lendency lo doninale, lul ils expiessed in piinilive foins:
lo leal soneone, lo huniIiale, lo scaie. A peison vilh such Manipuia
doesnl undeisland lhal lheie aie sullIei vays lo doninale, noie so-
phislicaled foins of nanaging peopIe, and, consequenlIy, cannol use
lhese neans.
A peison vilh a sliong, lul innaluie K*+2+.+ is oveivheIned
vilh feeIings, lul he doesnl knov vhal lhey aie, he cannol neilhei ex-
piess noi de!ne his slale.
A sliong, lul innaluie G-(21442+ give iise lo invenlois of
peipeluaI nolion nachines, analeui ail aclivisls and so on.
Thus eveiy cenlie isnl jusl a diaving oi a Iolus on oui lacklone
opening vhen KundaIini passes ly. Il is a veII-de!ned sel of psychic
funclions, expiessing in eveiyday Iife Iike skiIIs, aliIilies, capacilies and
quaIilies. Hence il is olvious lhal a peison vilh naluie chakias is noie
conpIele, lhan lhe one vho has sone unopened chakias.
The nosl usuaI, cIeai and naluiaI conlinalion is + 9&+@ +*4 -5A
5+.1'& 02+@'+> Such peison haidIy expiesses hinseIf on lhis chakia.
Quile posilive is a silualion vhen a chakia is sliong, lul innaluie.
Then he has a Iol of eneigy and can affoid hinseIf lo nake nislakes
and nake sone nev expeiience. If he nakes il his ain, he can deveIop
his chakia. Al lhal line heII have Iess eneigy in il, lecause ly lhe cul
and liy nelhod heII slunlIe nany lines and pay vilh his eneigy foi
nev expeiience.
L2& 5)'& 5+.1'& -( 02+@'+8 .2& ,&(( &*&'3/ /)1 2+<& .) +%%,/ .)
+02-&<& /)1' 3)+,( '&,+.&4 .) .2-( 02+@'+>
Lels lake lhe exanpIe of G-(21442+. Lveiyone needs a ceilain
nunlei of voids lo expIain his lhoughl lo olhei peopIe. The Iess lhis
chakia is deveIoped, lhe noie voids you need. One can expIain foi
houis, anolhei needs jusl a fev voids and liighl inages. Nol onIy
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
conpiehensiveness, lul aIso capacious ness of lhe speech is gioving
vilh Vishuddhas deveIopnenl. Ioi exanpIe, IalanjaIis Sulia Yoga
is jusl foui pages lhal can le inleipieled and ieinleipieled, lecause il is
Iaconic. Infoinalion is so lo say conpacl. Shoil phiases conlain nany
neanings and nuances.
If a naluie peison enanales his eneigy of !<+42-(.2+*+, peopIe
aiound faII inlo a high slale. If one uses eneigy of N+*-%1'+, olheis
slail feeIing anxiely and feai. You can haidIy appioach such a peison
vilhoul a liepidalion, and even a lhoughl of allacking hin scaies you
(foi ieaI). The noie naluie is chakia, lhe Iess eneigy a peison needs
having noie vays lo achieve his goaIs.
L2& )%&**&(( ): 02+@'+ -( .2& +6-,-./ .) &5+*+.& &*&'3/ 4-'&0.A
,/8 &(0+%-*3 +*/ +0.-)*> So a peison vilh lhe open Vishuddha doesnl
need voids lo expIain. You cone lo ask hin a queslion and suddenIy
you ieaIise lhal you aIieady knov lhe ansvei. The aliIily lo liansnil
youi slale and lo expiess youi feeIings vilhoul speaking is a sign of an
open Anahala and so on.
L2& )%&**&(( ): 02+@'+ -( .2& +..'-61.& ): /)3-* (.+.&> ;& 0+,,
/)3-* + %&'()* 92) 2+( )%&*&4 +,, W 02+@'+( +*4 -( 0+%+6,& .) &5+A
*+.& &*&'3/ :')5 &+02 ): .2&5 9-.2 *) +0.-)*>
Of couise aII lhe desciiled slales aie 01AA.$0 ~ exlia capacilies,
leyond noinaI oi lellei lo say usuaI hunans aliIilies. T2& 0+%+0A
-./ .) 5+*+3& )1.&' &.2&'-0 )' +(.'+, !&,4 ): +*/ 02+@'+ -( + (-442+>
Opening any chakia ve gel a ceilain sel of siddhas, vhiIe, if you donl
have ceilain siddhas, il neans youi iespeclive chakia is cIosed.
Ils inpoilanl lo undeisland lhal nol onIy lhose, vho do occuIl
piaclices can have siddhas. Connon peopIe oflen have sone of lhese
siddhas and veiy poveifuI ones, lul lhey ignoie lheii eneigy side. Re-
aIisalion in sociely diieclIy depends on siddhas he has. Ioi exanpIe,
can a peison lecone a chief, if he doesnl nake enpIoyees lienlIe ly
his onIy Iook` Does a docloi aIvays undeisland vhy he nakes such
a diagnosis` Why one nusician deepIy affecls Iisleneis lo leais, vhiIe
anolhei pIays lhe sane nusic jusl doing an accuiale lechnique` The an-
svei lo lhese queslions Iies in lhe aliIily lo voik vilh eneigy.
Sonelines peopIe use lheii siddhas unconsciousIy. Sone do il
seniconsciousIy. They knov vhal lo do, vhich slale lo lake in oidei
lo nake lhings happen, lul lheie is a ceilain diffeience lelveen a con-
non peison vilh sone siddhas and an esoleiic. A peison in lhe sociely
ieaIises his skiIIs, i.e. uses vhal he aIieady has. The one vho piaclices
esoleiicisn oi yoga has a videi lask. He liies nol jusl lo ieaIise his aliI-
ilies (vhich is aIso veiy inpoilanl), lul aIso lo voik oul nev capacilies
and skiIIs lo ciuciaIIy change sonelhing in his Iife oi in hinseIf. This is
vhal is caIIed lhe voik on opening oui chakiaI syslen.
@D5$( G(8&+/ #6&D46D&8
Energy channels
Ida and Pingala
Halha Yoga Iiadipika and olhei cIassicaI liealises asseil lhal
hunan leing has 72 OOO eneigy channeIs, lul lhe nosl inpoilanl and
nenlioned aie 13, fion vhich lhe piinaiy lhiee aie: HA$, -1(+$2$ and
Iion lhe diavings ve can easiIy see lhal chakias aie Iocaled on
lhe ciossings (oi lellei said inleiIacenenls) of ida and pingaIa. Il is so,
and chakias aie foined ly lhe ciossings of lhese channeIs. The ieIalive
aclivily of chakia, ils iadialing and alsoiling capacilies depend on lhe
cuiienl slage of oui lioIogicaI ihylhn.
Ida and IingaIa, so-caIIed Sun and Moon channeIs, slail on lhe
iighl and Iefl pelaIs of Ajna and go dovn as shoved al lhe picluie.
Moieovei Ida is ieIaled lo lhe iighl nosliiI and IingaIa ~ lo lhe Iefl
one. Accoiding lo Svaiadoya shaslia lhe channeI is aclive vhen lhe
ieIaled nosliiI is open, i.e. vhen ils easiei lo liealhe vilh. When a iighl
nosliiI is aclive dissinuIalion piocesses pievaiI and as a iesuIl ve have
a luisl of eneigy and lecone aclive (lhal is vhy il is caIIed Sun chan-
neI). When IingaIa is aclive, piocesses of assiniIalion pievaiI: lhe lody
is luiIding ilseIf, eneigy is alsoiled and ve vanl lo iesl and ieIax. Ol-
viousIy Ida and IingaIa consequenlIy ieIale vilh lhe synpalhelic and
paiasynpalhelic neivous syslens.
Ils inleiesling lhal lhis schene, desciiled in ancienl Indian liealis-
es, Iooks a Iol Iike conlenpoiaiy undeislandings aloul neivous syslen.
Heie is an exliacl fion lhe desciiplion done ly acadenician Sniinov:
The associalion vilh innei oigans is done in lvo vays. The !isl is as-
cending and anolhei ~ a descending vay of vhile sulslance, of neduIIa
vilh ils segnenlaI appaialus of giey nallei, vheie pails aie joinl on lhe
piincipIe of seiies aclive conponenls (Sushunna ~ A.S.). The second
vay ~ ly lhe chain of loundaiy liunk of vegelalive neivous syslen. The
loundaiy liunk goes on lhe side of veilelia as a sel of nodes, foined ly
a neive ceIIs accunuIalion, lhese nodes aie connecled in lolh diieclions
ly passeis. A loundaiy liunk is a paiied foinalion. Lalesl ieseaich of
Ognev and his schooI has shovn lhal lhe iighl and lhe Iefl pail of lhe
liunk (Ida and IingaIa ~ A. S.
) aie nol equipoIIenl, hov il vas lhoughl,
lhe iighl and lhe Iefl liunks fuI!I siniIai, lul nol idenlicaI funclions: lhe
Iefl one is iesponsilIe foi aileiiaI vasonoloi ie"exes and lhe iighl one ~
The conlenpoiaiy science hasnl !nd yel lhe foieseen ly ancienl yogis inleiIacenenls of
Ida and IingaIa. Mayle such invenlions aie sliII lo cone.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
foi venous ones. olh liunks segnen-
laIIy foin noie oi Iess inpoilanl pIex-
us (coiiesponding lo chakias ~ A. S.),
IocaI conlioI cenlies, aII connecled lo
lhe singIe suldoninanl syslen. Iion
lollon-up lhese pIexus aie: 1) pIexus
pudendus oi pi. saciaIis, iesponsilIe foi
visceiaI, noslIy vascuIai pIexus of cav-
einous lodies and lhe infeiioi pail of
lhe ieclun, 2) pIexus IunlaIis iespon-
silIe foi vegelalive ie"exes of uiogeni-
laI syslen and Iegs, 3) soIai pIexus ~
a huge pIexus of neive lissue, Iocaled in
lhe fionl pail of lhe aldoninaI aoila in
lhe foin of conpIicaled nass of neive
gangIia and !lies, pailIy !IIing lhe
HaIIeii liipes, foined ly lhiee najoi ai-
leiies of aldoninaI cavily, coning oul
fion aldoninaI aoila: Iivei, spIeen and
slonach aileiies. They foin lhe Iovesl
pail of lhe pIexus in lhe aldonen.
Coing up, lheie is a heail-poilaI
pIexus: a cenlie of piinaiy inpoilance,
one of lhe najoi appaialus, conlioI-
Iing oveiaII lIood ciicuIalion, excepl foi lhe ciicuIalion in lhe ceieliun,
vilh vhich lhe aoilic pIexus is associaled. This pIexus is loaided ly a
sleIIai ceivicaI. Il is one of lhe innei appaialus, conlioIIing lIood ciicu-
Ialion in ceieliun.
Al lhe IeveI of Iaiynx (Adans appIe) lheie is a pIexus of caiol-
id and ils fanous caiolid lody ~ one of lhe inpoilanl ieguIalois of
ceieliun lIood ciicuIalion. On lhe skuII lase lheie is an analonicaIIy
unseen, lul physioIogicaIIy inpoilanl pIexus of cianioceieliaI neives
having vegelalive inneivalions, alove aII vagus neive and liigeninus
(lhe 1Olh and lhe 5lh paiis).
Alove aII ~ lheie is lhe liain vilh ils nosaic coilex, Iike a "ovei
vilh nany pelaIs of diffeienl pails and sliucluies.
The aclivily peiiod of each channeI counls 6O-9O ninules, lhe lasic
lioIogicaI hunans ihylhn. The change in aclivily, as aIieady said alove,
can le liaced ly lhe change of lhe aclive nosliiI. Longei oi shoilei pe-
iiods indicale an iIIness. The sane ihylhn is veII knovn lo a conlenpo-
iaiy nedicine, as a sIeep cycIe. Aflei a haIf of a cycIe lhe aclive nosliiI
and lhe channeI change. Al lhis nonenl foi sone ninules svilches in
lhe cenliaI eneigy channeI, Sushunna, going Iong lhe lacklone. In lhis
iaie nonenl ve aie conpIeleIy laIanced. Then lhe laIance shifls again.
PICTURE 4. Ida and Pingala
Wrong image of Ida and Pingala,
given in the majority of Western
textbooks on yoga. (This fgure was
borrowed from book by S. Esudian,
E. Haich Yoga for modern human
In fact, Ida and Pingala start on the
petals of the third eye and do not
cross at muladhara
@D5$( G(8&+/ #6&D46D&8
Svaiadoya shaslia gives sone delaiIed ieconnendalions ie-
gaiding favouialIe and non-favouialIe aclivilies al lhe line of each
nosliiI (vhen lhe iighl nosliiI is open one shouId peifoin sone eagei
aclivily, vhen lhe Iefl one ~ lo iesl, lo lhink aloul eleinaI lhings elc.),
anaIyses hov naIfunclions of a naluiaI cycIe ieIale lo iIInesses, gives
sone lechniques of conpuIsoiy changes of nosliiI.
Hindus lhink lhal you can use a collon lanpon lo change lhe ac-
live nosliiI, if needed. Inagine, a peison is liied, lul has lo go on. He
puls a collon lanpon inlo his Iefl nosliiI, lhe iighl nosliiI opens and his
ieseives aie ieIeased. Hindu veie veiy piagnalic. A vonan Iikes noie
a nan vhen she has lhe Iefl nosliiI aclive and he ~ lhe iighl one. Il
vas aIso lhoughl lhal conceiving of a loy oi a giiI aIso depends on lhe
open nosliiI. If in lhe iighl nonenl nan had a iighl nosliiI open and a
vonan a Iefl one, lhey conceive a loy. If vice veisa ~ a giiI.
PICTURE 5. Ida and Pingala
Picture from the Atlas of Tibetan Medicine
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Other energy channels
In addilion lo aII alove said ancienl liealises veie de!ning a Iol
of ninoi eneigy channeIs (Sanskiil: ($A1). Thus Shiva svaiodaya says:
32. Iion lhe naveI 72 OOO nadis enanale and go lhiough lhe
vhoIe lody...
36. Iion aII lhe nadi 1O aie lhe nosl knovn. Anong lhen HA$,
-1(+$2$ and #D0.D5($ aie lhe nosl inpoilanl.
37. The iesl aie: I$(AC.$&13 -DD0.$3 *$0.$0.)1(13 :2$5JD0.$3
EDC.DD and lhe lenlh ~ #.$(C.1(1.
38. Ida nadi ~ lhe Iefl side of lhe lody, pingaIa ~ lhe iighl side,
sushunna in lhe cenlie, and Candkhaii ~ lhe Iefl eye.
39. Haslijihva ~ lhe iighl eye, Iuusha ~ lhe iighl eai, Yashssh-
vini ~ in lhe Iefl eai, AIanlusha ~ lhe face.
4O. Kukhuu ~ iepioduclive oigans, Shankhini ~ anaI. This is
hov 1O nadi aie Iocaled in a lody.
41. Ida, IingaIa and Sushunna aie Iocaled in lhe cenliaI pail of
lhe lody.
42. I loId you lhe nanes of nadis. Nov III leII you aloul vaya
(lypes of aii), ieIaled lo nadi. These aie Iiana, Apana, Sanana, Udana,
43. And >$+$3 ED&5$3 E&1C$&$3 K8)$A$66$3 K.$($(1$1$ ~ addilio-
naI pianas. Iiana is Iocaled in lhe heail, vhiIe apana vaya ~ in enun-
44. Sanana is Iocaled in naveI. Udana ~ in Iaiynx. Viana !IIs aII
lhe lody. 1O vayu aie aIso veiy inpoilanl.
45. I loId you aloul !ve najoi vayu. Nov III leII you aloul lhe
iesl !ve vayu and lheii Iocalion.
46. Naga vayu conlioIs lhe leIching, Kuina ~ lhe vinking, Kii-
kaia ~ lhe sneezing, Devadalla ~ lhe yavning.
47. Dhananiaia !IIs aII aflei lhe dealh. WhiIe a peison is aIive
lhese 1O vaya opeiale in aII nadi.
Iion lhis exliacl ve can concIude lhal lhe desciiled channeIs
noslIy suie ieIale vilh lhe neive !lies going fion lhe liain and ne-
duIIa, iesponsilIe foi ie"ex aiches and conlioIIing liealhing, vinking,
secielion and olhei pailIy voIunlaiy piocesses. AppaienlIy lhese chan-
neIs have physicaI, elheiic and asliaI nanifeslalion. The exislence of lhe
Iasl one lecones undeislandalIe, if ve iecaII lhal a need lo do each of
lhese aclivilies (as vinking foi exanpIe) is peiceived as a 9-(2>
@D5$( G(8&+/ #6&D46D&8
Energy channels in Chinese
Chinese liadilion (as veII $0 $4DBD(46D&8 6.8&$B/) uses a sIighlIy
diffeienl syslen of eneigy channeIs. This liadilion de!nes anleiioi and
posleiioi cenlie neiidians (lhe nosl inpoilanl), 12 najoi neiidians, ie-
Ialed vilh oigans, and 28 Io-channeIs, connecling lhe alove nenlioned
?*&'3/ (L1 in Chinese liadilion) ciicuIales in lhe said 12 neiid-
ians duiing lhe day, foining a ciicadian lioIogicaI ihylhn. Medicine
nany lines liied lo nake a conneclion lelveen Chinese neiidians and
oiganic sliucluies, lul lhe conpIele coiieIalion has nevei leen found.
Hovevei acupuncluie is voiking. Moieovei lhe piesence of poinls
and channeIs can le feIl ly exliasensoiy nelhods. IiolalIy lhe Chinese
syslen of neiidians is Iocaled on lhe elheiic IeveI.
Sone acupuncluie channeIs aie aclivaled vhiIe doing yoga exei-
cises (see chaplei Yoga-lheiapy. Sone piincipIes of luiIding a yoga
Moie delaiIs you can !nd in any look on acupuncluie. Schenes of nuscIe-lendon neiid-
ians, a physicaI anaIogue of acupuncluie ones aie given in lhe appendix 1.
In yoga lheie aie foIIoving lypes of exeicises: +(+*+(8 %'+*+/+5+(8
6+*42+(8 514'+(8 @'-/+(8 5+*.'+( and 5&4-.+.-)* .&02*-O1&(>
IalanjaIi de!nes asana as a confoilalIe and pIeasanl posluie.
Sone nodein piaclilioneis nighl lhink, lhis de!nilion is a nocking. In-
deed sone yoga posilions denand consideialIe agiIily, foice, slielching
and can haidIy le caIIed confoilalIe and pIeasanl. Such a paiadox can
le piolalIy expIained ly lhe facl lhal al a line of IalanjaIi yogins veie
piaclicing an insigni!canl nunlei of asanas, vilh no dif!cuIl ones, lhal
aie given loday ly nodein schooIs. In Halha Yoga piadipika lheie is
a Iisl of 11 asanas foi lody slienglhening and 4 nedilalive ones. In lhe
!isl gioup lheie aie: Svaslikasana, Conughasana, Viiasana, Kuinasana,
Kukulasana, Ullana Kuinasana, Dhanuiasana, Maliasana, Iashinolla-
nasana, Maiuiasana, Shavasana. In lhe second one: Siddhasana, Iadna-
sana, Sinhasana, hadiasana. Such a Iiniled nunlei of exeicises vasnl
expIained ly lhe Iov deveIopnenl of lhe syslen, lul ly lhe cIeai un-
deislanding lhal yoga isnl a lechnique foi hypeiliophied lody deveIop-
nenl. K(+*+( +'& *). .2& 1,.-5+.& 3)+,8 61. +* -*.&'5&4-+.& -*(.'15&*.
.2+. /)3+ )::&'( + %&'()* :)' 2-( (%-'-.1+, &<),1.-)*> In ny opinion, lo
piaclice yoga ef!cienlIy, aining foi lolh physicaI heaIlh and innei voik,
sone 1O asanas aie enough, aIlhough lheii Iisl viII vaiy foi diffeienl peo-
pIe, depending on lheii physicaI and psychoIogicaI fealuies.
Cheianda sanhila gives 32 asanas, vhich aie sliII consideied as
lhe nosl inpoilanl and fiequenlIy used:
1. Siddhasana (siddha pose)
2. Iadnasana (Iolus pose)
3. hadiasana (easy pose)
4. Muklasana (Iileialion pose)
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
5. Vajiasana (dianond pose)
6. Svaslikasana (Svaslika pose)
7. Sinhasana (Lion pose)
8. Conukhasana (cov head pose)
9. Viiasana (heio pose)
1O. Dhanuiasana (lov pose)
11. Shavasana (coipse pose)
12. Cuplasana (seciel pose)
13. Malsiasana (!sh pose)
14. Malsiendiasana (Malsiendia pose)
15. Coiakshasana (Coiokshi pose)
16. Iashinollanasana (foivaid incIinalion pose) lending
17. Ulkalasana (squalling pose)
18. Sankalasana (haid pose)
19. Maiuiasana (peacock pose)
2O. Kakkulasana (cock pose)
21. Kuinasana (luilIe pose)
22. Ullanakuinasana (slanding luilIe pose)
23. Viikshasana (liee pose)
24. Mandukasana (fiog pose)
25. Ullananandukasana (slanding fiog pose)
26. Caiudasana (eagIe pose)
27. Viisalhasana (luII pose)
28. ShaIalhasana (giasshoppei pose)
29. Makaiasana (Makaia pose)
3O. Ushliasana (caneI pose)
31. hujangasana (colia pose)
32. Yogasana (yogin pose)
As sone yoga exeicises aie dif!cuIl lo cIassify (foi exanpIe, vhy
yoga-nudia is consideied as nudia vhiIe il Iooks Iike asana), Iels liy lo
give asana a noie exacl de!nilion, lasing on signi!canl speci!c ciileiia.
K(+*+ -( +* &M&'0-(&8 2&,%-*3 .) 0)*.'), &*&'3/ +*4 %2/(-),)3-0+,
%')0&((&( -* )1' 6)4/ .2')132 '&4-(.'-61.-)* ): (.'&.02-*38 (O1&&X-*3
+*4 .&*(-)* -* )1' 6)4/> Asana can have a speci!c sequence of enlei-
ing and exiling il, lul il is olIigaloiy lo slay in il slalicaIIy foi sone
K(+*+ -*"1&*0&( noslIy )1' %2/(-0+, +*4 &.2&'-0 6)4/8 haidIy
louching oui enolionaI spheie.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
How asanas influence on our body
Mechanical influence of asanas
Mosl of asanas aclivale nany nuscIes, in pailicuIai lhose lhal aie
haidIy used in oui eveiyday Iife. This expIains speciaI conpIicalion of
asanas. UnIike olhei exeicises lhey ained al ,)0+, in"uence on vaiious
pails of oui lody. Doing connon physicaI exeicises ve chaolicaIIy in-
voIve oui nain nuscIes. Hov can ve aclivale a sliiclIy de!ned gioup of
nuscIes` y laking a speciaI posilion. The noie conpIicaled asanas aie,
lhe noie pieciseIy lhey in"uence on IocaI gioups of nuscIes. This vay
ve can save oui eneigy, olheivise vasled foi unneeded nuscIes.
Humoral mechanism
Iion lhe physicaI poinl of viev lhe hunan lody can le piesenled
as an inleiieIaled syslen of cavilies, !IIed vilh Iiquids and gases. Yoga
exeicises signi!canlIy and veiy seIecliveIy in"uence on lhe voIune of
lhese cavilies, and as a iesuIl, lhe piessuie in lhen. So lhese exeicises
piovide a pailicuIai inside nassage of oui visceia. Undeislanding of
lhe hydiauIic aspecl of asanas gives us hinls on hov lo do lhen: as each
asana changes inliacavilaiy piessuie, vhiIe Iiquids noliIily is Iiniled
analonicaIIy, so .2& (%&&4 ): &*.&'-*3 +(+*+ +*4 &M-.-*3 -. 51(. 6&
&*)132 .) ,&. -*.'+0+<-.+'/ %'&((1'& (.+6-,-(&8 ->&> 9& 51(. &*.&' +*4
&M-. + %)(& (,)9,/ +*4 (.+/ -* -. ,)*3 &*)132> If lhis condilion is nol
iespecled, asanas lecone al lhe lesl lhe oidinaiy !lness foi nuscIes.
Anolhei hunoiaI nechanisn of in"uence is a 02+*3& ): 2/4')A
(.+.-0 %'&((1'&> As ve knov, lhe foinuIa of hydioslalic piessuie is:
! # $%&'
vheie B is Iiquid densily, + ~ acceIeialion of giavily, . ~ heighl
of a Iiquid coIunn.
Thal is vhy nosl of asanas change hydioslalic piessuie on ceilain
oigans. LspeciaIIy il is liue foi inveiled poses Iike #1&0.$0$($3 0$&)$(O
+$0$($ and .$2$0$($! This nechanisn of in"uence vas sludied ly D.
Lleil |p.j.
To ieinfoice lhis effecl sone poses aie acconpanied vilh udiana
landha, vhich iaises lhe coipoiaI piessuie sinpIy ly ieducing lhe loi-
sos voIune.
Theie is anolhei aspecl of hunoiaI nechanisn lhal shouId le
nenlioned. Ciling anolhei exliacl fion lhe look of lhe fanous yoga
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
ieseaichei D. Lleil: The gioving inliavascuIai piessuie, pioduced ly
iaising inlia-aldoninaI piessuie shifl s lhe Iiquids exchange laIance
lo lhe inlensi!calion of !Ilialion. As a iesuIl: lhe cIolling of lIood,
lhe hyposlasis in inleislilion and ieinfoicenenl of Iynphalic oul"ov.
Mukeiji and SpiegeIhoff |1971j desciile a sIighl giovlh of ied ceIIs
and Ieucocyles in lIood aflei peifoining udiana-landha and pavana-
nuklasana. These iesuIls can le inleipieled as a iesuIl of lIood cIol-
ling due lo lhe gioving shaie of !Ilialion in lissues. Iion aII alove
said ve can concIude lhal diinking a Iol of valei, suggesled in yoga
syslen, is an alsoIule nusl foi a ieguIai piaclilionei. Moieovei, %'+0A
.-0& ): 2+.2+ /)3+ -( -*(&%+'+6,& :')5 .2& (/(.&5 ): 0,&+*(-*3 %')A
Psychosomatic mechanism
Since ancienl lines peopIe knev lhal hunan lody and souI aie in-
leiieIaled. Iiisl allenpls lo diagnose peisons chaiaclei ly his oulvaid
appeaiance veie done Iong line ago: foi inslance physiognonies ~ lhe
ail of leIIing peisons chaiaclei and fale ly his face, chiionancy ~ ly
lhe Iines on his paIn, phienoIogy ~ ly lhe pailicuIaiilies of his skuII
elc, lul lhe conlenpoiaiy psychoIogy lioughl up lhis queslion quile
iecenlIy. OnIy in lhe Iale 19OOs W. Reich, W. }anes, A. Loven logelhei
vilh olhei fanous psycholheiapisls found oul lhal hunan psyche is
piojecled on oui physicaI lody in a foin of conslilulionaI lype, nus-
cIe conliaclions. The conliaiy is aIso liue: ceilain voik vilh lhe lody
can change hunans psychoIogicaI slale. Accoiding lo conlenpoiaiy
knovIedge, lhe piojeclive conneclion, coiieIaling hunan psyche and
lody Iooks Iike lhis:
C&0@ +*4 .2')+. aie ieIaled vilh inleIIecl, lhe aliIily lo speak oul
youi lhoughls, vilh lhe iighl lo have youi ovn opinion, lake independ-
enl decisions. Conliaclions in lhe lhioal zone aie oflen ieIaled vilh lhe
facl lhal a peison suppiesses his vish lo expiess his offence oi olhei
oveivheIning enolions. This can cause lhyioid dysfunclions. Conliac-
lions in lhe lack of lhe neck, neck osleochondiosis shov an excessive
yoke of iesponsiliIily laken ly a peison and sonelines ly his vish lo
hide, lo diav his head in, lo lecone invisilIe.
U2&(. +*4 2&+'. aie ieIaled vilh lhe sensuaI spheie. Conliac-
lions in lhis aiea aie ieIaled vilh lhe inaliIily lo shov fieeIy and sin-
ceieIy such feeIings as Iove, disIike, synpalhy elc. The nosl connon
lype of conliaclion in lhis zone is lhe inaliIily lo liealhe vilh fuII
Iungs, i.e. vilh lhe even videning of lhoiax al aII sides and vilh iis-
ing coIIai-lones vilh lhe sliaighl spine. TypicaI diseases aiising as a
iesuIl of such enolionaI piolIens aie heail allacks, osleochondiosis.
The inaliIily lo iejoice aII Iife nanifeslalions causes Iung diseases, of-
fences unexpiessed foi a Iong line cause aslhna.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
!.)5+02 X)*& ieIales vilh lhe need lo doninale, vilh povei, iec-
ognilion, aggiession. If lhese needs aie fiuslialed, a peison has veak
aldoninaI nuscIes, "ally leIIy, sonelines diseases of aldoninaI oi-
gans. Tension in Iovei lack nuscIes ieIales vilh lhe feai of allack.
T&,<-( X)*& ieIales vilh lhe need of sex and pIeasuies. Ieo-
pIe vilh iigid peIvis usuaIIy donl aIIov lhenseIves lo have pIeas-
uies. ad slielching of Iegs has aIso lo do vilh lhis piolIen. TypicaI
disoideis in lhis case aie Iovei lack osleochondiosis, lIaddei and
genilaIs diseases. Cieed, ciaving lo save al ones ovn expense cause
conslipalions and haenoiihoids.
Y+0& excepl foi lhe viII cenlie on lhe foiehead ie"ecls piojec-
lions of aII olhei zones. So lhe head is piojecled on lhe foiehead, lhe
lhioal on lhe nose, lhe heail on lhe uppei Iip, lhe slonach on lhe
leelh, lhe peIvis on lhe Iovei Iip, cheeks ~ aie ains, eIlovs aie on
lunouis. Rigidily of consequenl zones of lhe face shovs lhe piesence
of conliaclions in lhe iespeclive zones of lhe lody vilh foIIoving psy-
choIogicaI piolIens.
Ils easy lo nolice .2+. .2& 3-<&* %')7&0.-)* *&.9)'@ '&5-*4(
1( 215+* 02+@'+, (/(.&5 ~ lasic eneigy nodeI, used in yoga, vhiIe
nuscIe conliaclions and olhei alnoinaIilies aie physicaI expiessions
of eneigy defecls of chakias. Iion lhis poinl of viev lhe nain lask of
physicaI yoga exeicises, in pailicuIai asanas, is olvious: 6/ -*"1&*0-*3
%2/(-0+, 6)4/ .) 02+*3& 215+*V( %(/02),)3-0+, (.+.&8 .) '&(.)'& 2-(
&*&'3&.-0 -*.&3'-./ +*4 .) 4&<&,)% 2-( 02+@'+, (/(.&5>
Isychosonalic in"uence of asanas uses anolhei nechanisn ~
6'&+@-*3 B$6.'+8(14 $&4.80! Mosl of peopIe duiing lheii Iife coIIecl
non-adaplive noloi sleieolypes: foi exanpIe, ly cIulching youi !sl
youII nolice cIenching youi leelh. Iiaclicing asanas ve can lieak lhese
sleieolypes, signi!canlIy iaising oui noloi and psychoIogicaI Iileily,
aIso naking il possilIe lo save a Iol of eneigy (see chaplei IsychoIogi-
caI voik in asanas).
Reflex mechanism
Theie aie sone ie"ex nechanisns lhal piovide addilionaI in"u-
ence of asanas. The easiesl of lhen is changes in IocaI honodynanic ~
lhe conpensaloiy inlensi!calion in lIood ciicuIalion aflei slielching
and piessing. Deina-visceiaI and noloi-visceiaI ie"exes, in"uencing
diieclIy funclions of diffeienl oigans, aie noie conpIicaled. They exisl
lecause sensilive neives of visceia, skin iegions (Zakhaiin-Ced zones)
and nuscIes inleiIace on lhe IeveI of neduIIa segnenls, coiiespond-
ing chakias. As a iesuIl lhe lension in ceilain nuscIes and slinuIalion
of ceilain zones of skin in"uence oigans.
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
Stress mechanism
Anyone vho piacliced asanas, couId nolice lhal unIike IalanjaIi
said, nosl of lhen aie unnaluiaI posluies, i.e. unusuaI foi eveiyday
Iife. AcluaIIy asanas expiessIy pul oui lody in a liand nev, unusuaI
posluie, causing niciosliess. Such sliess posiliveIy in"uences on oui
lody slinuIaling oui Iinlic syslen, ceilainIy, if niciosliess does nol
giov inlo a nacio
one. Iion lhis nechanisn ve can concIude sone
piaclicaI iuIes:
1. Asana viII voik, if you nake an exlia effoil, i.e. nake il an
unusuaI posilion. This exlia effoil can le caused ly an expiess slielch-
ing (lul, of couise, vilhoul pain), ly slaying in a pose foi sIighlIy Ion-
gei line, lhan oui lodys ie"ex vanls, oi ly oplionaIIy changing lhe
naluiaI ihylhn of liealhing elc.
L. Kh. Caikavi in 1979, deveIoping lhe leaching on sliess, found oul lhal in iesponse lo
lhe aclion of veak iiiilanls (Iov doses), iegaidIess of lheii quaIily, physioIogicaI adapla-
lion ieaclion deveIops ~ lhe ieaclion of liaining, lo lhe aclion of iiiilanls of nediun foice
(dose) ~ aclivalion ieaclion, lo lhe aclion of sliong iiiilanl ~ sliess. The ieaclion of liaining
and lhe ieaclion of aclivalion iepiesenl lhose adaplive ieaclions, vhich aie nel duiing noi-
naI lody Iife. These ieaclions aie non-speci!c lasis foi physioIogicaI piocesses, as veII as lo
lhe sliess ~ non-speci!c vaiious palhoIogicaI piocesses.
1 lungs
2 liver capsule
3 stomach, pancreas
4 liver
5 kidneys
6 small intestines
7 ureter
8 heart
9 urine bladder
10 urogenital tract
11 uterus
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
2. Oui lody quickIy adapls lo usuaI sliesses, lhals vhy exeicises
of lhe sane lype lecone Iess ef!cienl. ConpIexes shouId le ievieved
and peifecled. Il conceins asanas, pianayanas, as veII as lhe iesl of lech-
niques such as sliessfuI puiifying nelhods Iike fasling, and nedilalions.
3. Too sliessfuI peifoinance gives lhe opposile iesuIl. Macios-
liesses aie desliuclive. Thal is vhy ve nusl aIvays knov vhen lo slop.
Hormonal mechanism
Sone asanas signi!canlIy change lhe inlensily of lIood ciicuIalion
in ceilain gIands. Ioi exanpIe, nalsiasana ieinfoices lhe ciicuIalion in
lhe zone of lhyioid, slinuIaling ils voik and, ly aclivaled hoinones,
in"uencing lhe enliie lody.
Energetic mechanism
AII lhe desciiled nechanisns ceilainIy voik nol onIy foi asanas.
Hovevei lhe -*"1&*0& ): /)3+ &M&'0-(&( -( *). ,-5-.&4 6/ 1(1+, !.A
*&((8 6/ 9)'@ 9-.2 )1' %2/(-0(> The nain oljecl of in"uence foi as-
anas is oui elheiic lody, hunans vilaI eneigy. Many conlenpoiaiy
occuIl-exliasensoiy schooIs speak aloul voiking vilh eneigy and liy
lo naslei il ly consciousness piaclising of visuaIisalion. Sone peopIe
succeed.. lul in nosl cases lhey gol caughl in lheii ovn fanlasy. Aclu-
aIIy il is nol dif!cuIl lo leII lhe diffeience lelveen an iIIusionaiy elheiic
voik and a ieaIislic one. Llheiic eneigy inlensiveIy in"uences on physi-
caI lody ~ vhen lhe eneigy is noving, il has sone conciele sonalic
appeaiances: in aclivaled zones lody lenpeialuie changes, appeais in-
nei vilialion (vhen lheie is loo nuch eneigy in a zone), pain disap-
peai. If lhese effecls aie nol piesenl, you donl ieaIIy voik vilh eneigy.
2.12. In lhe leginning lheie is peispiialion, in lhe niddIe slage lheie is
quiveiing, and in lhe Iasl oi lhiid slage, one ollains sleadiness, and lhen lhe
liealh shouId le nade sleady oi nolionIess.
@$6.$ *'+$ -&$A1B1C$
Ils quile possilIe lo voik vilh eneigy ly youi viII, lul il is a Iev-
eI, vhich lakes a Iong line lo ieach. Hovevei in yoga lheie is anolhei
connon vay lo naslei eneigy, using coiieIalion lelveen oui physi-
caI and elheiic lodies. A coiieclIy done posluie aiouses sone eneigy
novenenl in lhe elhei.
Heie aie sone piincipIes, desciiling lhe inleiieIalion of oui phys-
icaI and elheiic lodies.
1. The eneigy noves fion lhe piessed zones lo lhe slielched
one, fion lhe ieIaxed lo lhe lensed one.
2. Lneigy noves ly lhe channeIs. A channeI is a slielched Iine on
oui lody. A heaIlhy peison has naluiaI channeIs caIIed nuscIe-lendon
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
neiidians (see Appendix 1.), lul, if ve have eneigelic lIocks, lhe en-
eigy can pass oul of lhese channeIs.
3. A channeI is open onIy if aII ils pails aie open, i.e. If il is equaIIy
slielched al aII ils Ienglh. If il is cIosed in any pIace, il is conpIeleIy cIosed,
Iike valei cannol iun in a hose, if il is slepped on in one singIe pIace.
4. Any eneigy novenenl in a channeI -( +,9+/( acconpanied
vilh physicaI effecls Iong aII lhe channeI. Mosl oflen il is a feeIing of
vainlh oi even heal noving up youi lody
. If a channeI is lIocked
lheie can le an effecl of piicking, as vhen lIood cones lack lo a
dunl Iinl. When a lIock is passed lhe piicking is changed inlo heal.
So lheie aie lhe foIIoving eneigy nechanisns of asanas in"uence:
$> D%&*-*3 +*4 I%1'-!0+.-)*J ): 02+**&,(> They aie usuaIIy
lIocked ly a ceilain quanlily of fiozen elheiic eneigy Iong lhe chan-
neI. Such chunks of eneigy usuaIIy ieIale lo sone lIocked enolions,
i.e. asliaI eneigy, aiound vhich lhe elhei eneigy ciyslaIIizes and nakes
a lIock. On a physicaI IeveI such lIocks aie seen as chionic nuscIe con-
liaclions, lensions and piessuies. AcluaIIy lhe voik vilh lhese lIocks can
slail fion lhe asliaI lody (ly calhaisis ieacling of iesliained enolions),
as veII as lhiough oui elheiic and physicaI lodies, i.e. vilh lhe heIp of
asanas. No doull lhe nosl ef!cienl is coopeialion of aII nelhods, vhich
viII le discussed in chaplei IsychoIogicaI voik in asanas.
#> ?*&'3/ '&%+'.-.-)* ): &.2&' fion lhe pails vheie il is exces-
sive lo lhose zones lhal Iack il. In pailicuIai, palching up of hoIes in
elhei, slinuIalion of oppiessed chakias and sadalalion of exciled ones.
Z> I;)'@-*3 )1.J8 i.e. &*&'3-X-*3 ): %')6,&5 X)*&(> A Iov enei-
gy in a zone can le expIained ly lodys conslilulionaI lype oi ly a sel-
up ieceived vhiIe gioving-up and is expiessed ly an olvious veak-
ness of a pail. Ioi exanpIe, a svan neck, lhin ains and Iegs elc. In a
Iighlei nanifeslalion a veakei pail (noslIy a Iinl) has noie lendency
lo fieeze. Iiaclicing asanas, lhese pails can lecone noie eneigelic.
[> \&*&'+, &*&'3/ 0-'01,+.-)* -*.&*(-!0+.-)*> Mosl of esoleiic
liadilions lhink lhal peisonaI slienglh and eneigy IeveI of a peison de-
pends nol on hov nuch eneigy he has in sullIe lodies, lul on lhe
inlensi!calion of ils "ov in his lody. Qigong nasleis say lhal a con-
non hunan has sliing-vidlh eneigy channeIs, vhiIe a qigong naslei
can have lhen as vide as lhe !ngei. The speed al vhich eneigy noves
changes loo. Il can le easiIy pioved ly lhe foIIoving olseivalion. Iiac-
licing yoga coiieclIy, a yogin has lo spend in a pose Iess and Iess line lo
gel lhe sane physioIogicaI effecl. So, if a nevconei has lhe heal nove
up his spine in a one ninule and a haIf aflei exiling hujangasana, in a
yeai of piaclice you need jusl 1O-15 seconds.
I suppose il is lhis heal lhal Indians used lo caII lapas.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Types of asanas
Depending on a nechanisn of in"uence lheie aie six lypes of asa-
!.'&.02-*3 +(+*+( in"uence oui neiidians, Iocaled on lhe foi-
vaid and lackvaid pail of lhe lody. Anong foivaid slielchings aie:
7.DP$(+$0$($3 Q0.6&$0$($3 .$C&$0$($! ackvaid slielchings aie: *'+$
FDA&$3 -$0.15'66$($0$($3 -$A$C.$06$0$($!
T-<).-*3 +(+*+( voik vilh diagonaI neiidians. Anong lhen:
:&6.$5$6018(A&$0$($3 M&1C'($0$($3 -$&1)&166$ M&1C'($0$($ and -$&1)&166$
!.'&*3.2&*-*3 +(+*+( donl slielch channeI, lul condense lhe
elhei ly naluiaI novenenl of eneigy lo lhe sliained zone. Anong
lhen aie: -D&)'6$($0$($3 #$2$JC.O and :&6.$0$2$J.$0$($3 ;1&$J.$A&$0$O
($3 Q6C$6$0$($3 ?1B$&16$ C$&$(13 EDCD6$0$($3 :&6.$ ($)$0$($ and -$&1BDO
&$ ($)$0$($!
E*<&'.&4 +(+*+( change eneigy and Iiquids ciicuIalion in lhe lody
undei lhe in"uence of giavily. These aie: #1&0.$0$($3 #$&B$0$($3 @$2$O
0$($3 E$&($B1A$0$0$($!
T'&((-*3 +*4 (O1&&X-*3 )1. asanas squeeze eneigy oul of sone
zones ly physicaI piessuie on il. These aie I'5DC.$0$($3 F$1D&$0$($!
?O1-,-6'+.-)* +(+*+( in"uence oui lody ly aclivaling ceilain
nuscIes8 laioceplois ieIaled lo lhen, liain and Iinlic syslen ~ lo
keep laIance.
AcluaIIy lheie aie nuch noie asanas. Moieovei each asana has
ils counlIess nodi!calions. You can aIso nake conlined asanas, having
chaiacleis of each lype, lul lhe ain of lhis look is nol lo give lhe con-
pIele Iisl of asanas. Dognalisn is falaI foi a spiiiluaI leaching. WeII
liy lo Iook dovn lhe oiigins and lo undeisland piincipIes, undeiIying
halha yoga, using lhen piaclilionei viII knov, hov lo consliucl asanas
and olhei exeicises accoiding lo his ovn lask and his peisonaI psycho-
physioIogicaI and eneigelic fealuies.
Ils inleiesling lo nole lhal in asanas, desciiled in Halha Yoga
Iiadipika, lheie aie 1-2 exeicises of each lype.
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
Hunan liealh is a piocess conlioIIed ly lolh lhe liain and lhe con-
sciousness. iealh is a liidge lelveen oui lioIogicaI and spiiiluaI na-
luie. The vay ve liealhe, oui pailicuIaiilies, deplh, lhe nuscIes ve use,
diieclIy ieIale vilh oui consciousness. No vondei ve use such sayings as
vilh laled liealh, lake ones liealh avay, a Iunp in lhe lhioal elc.
If )1' 0)*(0-)1(*&(( -( (.-,, (oi even lhe psyche in geneiaI, lecause sulcon-
sciousness aIso in"uences il) )1' 6'&+.2 -( (.+6,&8 4&&% 9-.2 &<&* '2/.25>
On lhe conliaiy, as soon as oui physicaI slale oi lhe diieclion of conscious-
ness "ov changes, ihylhn and lype of liealh changes loo. Al a Iinil lheie
is a liealh lieakdovn, a lenpoiaiy liealh-hoIding, nol conlioIIed ly oui
consciousness. Ioi exanpIe, if ve liy lo Iifl sonelhing heavy, ve have
a lieakdovn in a foin of lension and gioaning, lul sonelines such a
lieakdovn occuis vhen lhe oljecl lo Iifl isnl heavy al aII. Il is lhe allilude:
lhe oljecl is loo heavy in peisons nind. This is an exanpIe of nind lieak-
dovn. The sane lieakdovn vouId Iead lo lhe siniIai liealh lieakdovn
lhal can happen, if ve lhink aloul a physioIogicaIIy dif!cuIl silualion.
A peison can lhink lhal he is alsoIuleIy caIn, lul any exleiioi
olseivei can easiIy see, if ils liue, ly lhe vay he liealhes. Oui liealh-
ing shovs oui ieaI enolionaI slale. And vice veisa ly conlioIIing oui
liealh, ve can Ieain lo conlioI oui enolionaI slale. The delaiIed knovI-
edge aloul chakiaI syslen and piincipIes of psychosonalic inleiieIa-
lion can heIp us lo ninuleIy anaIyse lhe cuiienl slale of any peisons
psyche, jusl ly olseiving and Iislening lo his liealh.
ul foi goaIs of yoga il is aIso inpoilanl lo knov, lhal lhe coun-
lei piincipIe voiks loo: 0)*(0-)1(,/ 0)*.'),,-*3 +*4 @&&%-*3 0&'.+-*
6'&+.2-*3 '2/.258 9& :)'5 + 4&!*&4 -* +4<+*0& (.+.& ): +9+'&*&((>
This is lhe piincipIe undeiIying lhe nexl lype of yoga exeicises ~
%'+*+/+5+(> T'+*+/+5+ -( + 6'&+.2 0)*.'),> Yoga kundaIia-upanisha-
da says lheie aie lvo ieasons naking oui nind vandei ~ )$0$($0
(desiies, caused ly secielIy inpiessed feeIings) and 6.8 J&8$6.! H% oui
desiies can le nasleied, lhe olhei can le conlioIIed. Iion lhese lvo lhe
!isl lo naslei nusl le oui liealh.
So %'+*+/+5+( aie liealhing exeicises. Halha Yoga Iiadipika
desciiles 8 pianayanas: #D&1$ 7.8A$3 QAP$13 #164$&13 #16$213 7.$06&14$3
7.&$5$&13 FD&4..$ $(A -2$)1(1! Sonelines in ancienl yoga pianayana
neanl a liealh-hoId. Modein yoga counls dozens of pianayanas and
lheii vaiialions, such as: fuII liealh, quick pianayanas, sIov, dynanic
pianayanas. On oui physicaI lody pianayana nakes Iess inpacl, lhan
asanas. E. 5+-*,/ +-5( +. &.2&'-0 +*4 +(.'+, 6)4-&(, i.e. vilaIily and
enolionaI spheie.
CuiiousIy Iike in LngIish piana neans lolh aii and sone Iife foice, vilaI eneigy.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
In"uence nechanisn of liealh exeicises, pianayanas in pailicu-
Iai, is lased on lhe foIIoving piincipIes.
$> L2& 02+*3-*3 ): '+.-) ): )M/3&* +*4 0+'6)*-0 +0-4 -* )1'
6)4/> Raising concenlialion of oxygen, ve aclivale inhililoiy piocesses
ly inlensive liealhing and Iung hypeivenliIalion. The iising concenlia-
lion of cailonic acid is achieved ly hoIding oui liealh, and in diffei-
enl phases iesuIls in aclivaling ceilain zones of oui liain. Ioi inslance,
ly iaising lhe IeveI of CO
ly pianayanas, ve aclivale aII hypeicapnic
chenoieceplois and oui iespiialoiy cenlie, aiises lhe iecipiocaI inlensi-
!calion of venliIalion, lhal is vhy lhe successfuIness of lhe iespiialoiy
liaining is de!ned ly lhe evenluaI sIov iising of ./B8&4$B(1$. OnIy in
lhis case ve can achieve a giovlh in chenoieceplois and neuions of
iespiialoiy cenlie iesislance lo a hypeicapnic slinuIalion, foilifying ie-
spiialoiy syslen in physicaI Ioad and in cIosed spaces (lianspoil elc.).
In lhe Iong iun hypeicapnia adaplalion aIso iaises conpensaloiy ca-
pacilies of luffei syslens, favouis ienovaI of hypeivenliIale disoideis,
hypeicapnia, noinaIisalion of cailonic acid in lissues and ceII nelalo-
Iisn oplinisalion.
These effecls veie ieseaiched ly nodein physicians, vho cane
lo sane concIusions, as lhose acknovIedged in ancienl yoga. The foie-
said Caikavi and his co-aulhois shoved lhal hypeicapnia can le used
as a facloi of iaising a non-speci!c iesislance of lhe lody. Anolhei ie-
seaichei IavIenko viole lhal hypeicapnia noinaIIy has palhogenic ef-
fecl, lul liII a ceilain nonenl aclivales lhe iespiialoiy cenlie, pIaying
ils sanogeneiic ioIe.
The sane ieseaich vas conducled in lhe opposile lianch ~ ex-
cessive oxygen. Thus ieseaiches of liain aclivily in lhe slale of .'2'O
6&'B14 J&8$6.R'&C3 conducled in lhe Inslilule of high neive aclivily have
shoved lhal duiing such liealhing lheie is an aclivalion of lhe lack Iefl
and foivaid iighl pails of lhe liain, lhe so-caIIed axis of supeicon-
scious. The sane aie aclivaled in lhe slale of ciealivily. In lhe noinaI
slale Iole zones of lhe Iefl henispheie and lack of lhe iighl one aie
aclivaled (cognilive axis).
Conlining lhe Iasling ialio of inhaIalion-hoId-exhaIalion-hoId,
ve can ieach a sliiclIy de!ned ialio of oxygen/cailonic acid conlenl
in oui lIood, lhus gelling inlo vaiious caIilialed slales. Such nelh-
od lecones even noie ef!cienl ly a diiecl ihylhnic in"uence on lhe
liain ly neive endings, Iocaled in nasophaiynx. Melhods of ihylhnicaI
liealhvoik veie used nol onIy in yoga, lul aIso in nagicaI piaclices,
qigong, nailiaI ails and shanan piaclices.
#> ?*+6,-*3 4-::&'&*. 3')1%( ): 51(0,&( -* 6'&+.2-*3> The in-
leiieIalion lelveen vaiious hunan nuscIes, in pailicuIai, iespiia-
loiy nuscIes, vas noliced and inlioduced in conlenpoiaiy lheoiy of
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
psychosonalics ly A. Loven, aIlhough il is evidenl fion lhe sliucluie
of chakiaI syslen. The nain poinl of such coiieIalion is lhal 92-,&
6'&+.2-*38 %&)%,& 4)*V. 1(& 51(0,&(8 ,)0+.&4 +. .2& ,&<&, ): .2&-' 4-(A
'1%.&4 )' 9&+@ 02+@'+(> L2& )%%)(-.& -( +,() .'1&] -: 92-,& 6'&+.2A
-*3 9& I(9-.02 )*J 0&'.+-* 51(0,&(8 9& +0.-<+.& .2& 02+@'+ -.(&,:> The
addilionaI effecl can le pioduced ly sliaining (voiking oul) of diffeienl
gioups of iespiialoiy nuscIes.
Z> Q&"&M &::&0. )* .2& 6'+-* 6/ -*"1&*0-*3 )* ),:+0.)'/ +*4 ).2&'
'&0&%.)'(8 Iocaled in iespiialoiy liacls. Sone ieseaiches lhink lhal 215J14
0/0685 on lhe one hand ieIales vilh oui enolionaI spheie, on lhe olhei ~
vilh lhe oigans
voik conlioI, in ils evoIulionaiy lase has a ihinen-
cephaIon. Thal is vhy lhe aii, ihylhnicaIIy passing lhiough lhe nose,
puls lhe Iinlic syslen in a pailicuIai slale, vhich leIIs upon lhe geneiaI
slale of lhe lody ~ physicaI and enolionaI. Aulhoi does nol possess
noie delaiIed infoinalion aloul deepei neuiophysic ieseaiches, lhal is
vhy, choosing cycIes, ve shouId liusl oui enpiiicaI olseivalion and
ie"eclion ~ jusl Iike ancienl yogins.
[> P/4'+1,-0 6'+-* +*4 <-(0&'+ 5+((+3&> Iianayanas, especiaI-
Iy lhose done inlensiveIy (Iike kaIalhali and hasliika) cieale ceilain
changes in piessuie ~ in lhe lody and in lhe head, causing lhe effecl of
lheii innei nassage. Iion lhis piincipIe ve can concIude lhal .2&'& -(
+ 5-*-515 (%&&4 ): 4)-*3 .2&(& %'+*+/+5+(8 +. 92-02 .2&/ 0+1(& +
*&&4&4 &::&0.>
^> Q&"&M -5%+0. )<&' (/5%+.2&.-0 +*4 %+'+(/5%+.2&.-0 *&'<)1(
(/(.&5> In cIassicaI yoga il is leIieved lhal liealhing lhiough lhe iighl
nosliiI is slinuIaling and favouis dissocialion piocesses in oui lody
(Sun liealhing). iealhing lhiough lhe Iefl nosliiI is soolhing and fa-
vouis assiniIalion piocesses (Moon liealhing). Thal is vhy, lhe expiess
aclivaling of a nosliiI oi lhe speci!c oidei of changing nosliiIs is an in-
poilanl eIenenl in yoga, piaclicaIIy ils visiling caid.
2.7. Silling in lhe Iadnsana posluie lhe Yogi shouId !II in lhe aii lhiough
lhe Iefl nosliiI (cIosing lhe iighl one), and, keeping il con!ned accoiding lo
ones aliIily, il shouId le expeIIed sIovIy lhiough lhe suiya (iighl nosliiI).
2.8. Then, diaving in lhe aii lhiough lhe suiya sIovIy, lhe leIIy shouId le
!IIed, and aflei peifoining Kunlhaka as lefoie, il shouId le expeIIed sIov-
Iy lhiough lhe chandia (Iefl nosliiI).
@$6.$ *'+$ -&$A1B1C$
_> ?::&0. ): %(/02)()5+.-0 0)''&(%)*4&*0& )* .2& -**&' '&(%-A
'+.)'/ (/(.&5> The lasic syslen of psychosonalic coiiespondence de-
sciiled alove is nol lhe onIy one. Olhei IocaI syslens ieIaled lo chakias
IiolalIy lhis inleiIacenenl of funclions is a physicaI lasis of psychosonalic coiieIalion
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
can aIso le found. Ioi exanpIe, seven ceivicaI veilelias aie piojecled
lo seven chakias. The sane coiieIalion exisls in lhe iespiialoiy syslen:
noie oulIying zones of nasophaiynx aie ieIaled vilh infeiioi chakias,
and deepei ones ~ vilh lhe uppei chakias. Uppei zones aie ieIaled
vilh lhe liain, Iovei zones ~ vilh lhe lody. Conlining aeiodynanic
lypes of liealhing (foi exanpIe, ly a ceilain pose of lhe head oi lhe len-
sion in nosliiIs), ve can in"uence any pailicuIai zone. Anolhei vay lo
use lhis nechanisn is concenlialion on diffeienl feeIings in lhe nose, i.e.
aclivaling diffeienl ieceplois, and lheiefoie diffeienl pails of lhe liain.
iealhing can le successfuIIy conlined vilh nedilalion. Theie is a
nunlei of nedilalion lechniques, lased on consciousness sliucluiing ~
nol aIvays on ieIaxalion, ~ vilh lhe heIp of liealhing. The nosl sin-
pIe is lhe one, vhen a piaclilionei sils dovn and slails Iislening lo his
liealhing. In one of lhe Shaslias lhis lechnique is desciiled as: Lis-
lening lo youi liealh, you Iislen lo lhe liealh of lhe Univeise. One
shouId sil and liealhe ~ nolhing noie. This nedilalion quickIy heIps
lo cone inlo a slale of liace.
S7$(A.$T is a Sanskiil void foi a Iock, vhich chaiacleiises lhe
neaning and nechanisn of ils in"uence. `+*42+( 6,)0@ 0&'.+-* &*&'3/
")9( +*4 ,-O1-4( .'+*(:&'&*0& '&,+.&4 .) .2&58 lhal is vhy nosl oflen
landhas aie done in lhose exeicises lhal change coipoiaI piessuie. In
cIassic yoga lheie aie lhiee nain landhas: U$2$(A.$&$ 7$(A.$3 QAA1/$($
7$(A.$ $(A FD2$ 7$(A.$
R+,+*42+'+ `+*42+ cIoses lhe eneigy in"ov lo lhe head and pie-
venls fion high inliacianiaI piessuie in exeicises, iaising coipoiaI pies-
suie ~ such as Kunlhaka. Indeed, liy lo unIock }aIandhaia andha
and youII feeI a hydiauIic hil in youi head, i.e. a sudden change in
youi inliacianiaI piessuie, iesuIling in liids lefoie youi eyes oi sone
noise in youi head.
S44-/+*+ `+*42+ condenses eneigy in Manipuia and diiecls il lo
Anahala. Thal is vhy aflei hasliikas ve do kunlhaka and uddiyana
landha. AII excessive eneigy, punped ly hasliikas lo Manipuia, is lians-
feiied lo Anahala.
Moieovei uddiyana landha posiliveIy in"uences lhe oigans of al-
doninaI cavily oving lo nechanic nassage.
N1,+ `+*42+ condenses eneigy in Iovei chakias. Il is aIso done
vhenevei lheie is an excessive piessuie oi a concenlialion of eneigy, lo
slop eneigy fion "oving inlo eailh. Moieovei nuIa landha pievenls
AIlhough Maja andha is aIso caIIed landha, il has a diffeienl essence.
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
lhe oul"ov of lhe eneigy fion MuIadhaia (ieIaled lo vilaI foice) lo olh-
ei peopIe. If al a conlacl vilh soneone youi Iinls slail fieezing, youie
chiIIing and physicaIIy (nol enolionaIIy) feeIing voise, piolalIy lheie
is such an oul"ov, and nuIa landha can heIp lo cease lhese synplons.
MechanicaIIy nuIa landha slinuIales inleinaI genilaIia, favouis
inlinale nuscIes deveIopnenl, heIping nen lo conlioI ejacuIalion and
vonen ~ lo nake lhe oigasn noie inlensive and lo nassage penis
duiing coilus.
SE&1/$T is a Sanskiil void foi aclion, lhal is vhy IaleIy il is used
foi nany dynanic yoga piaclices, lul in ieaIily kiiya is an exeicise, lhal
nakes a dynanic inpacl, acluaIIy, + <-(0&'+ 5+((+3&> Kiiya is a knov-
hov of yoga ~ in olhei syslens of physicaI cuIluie lheies nolhing of
lhis kind. Anong kiiya lechniques aie: QAA1$($ 7$(A.$ E&1/$3 >$D21 E&1O
/$. Kiiyas aie aIso cIeansing lechniques, vhich have lo do vilh niyana.
They aie ained lo cIean oui lody fion hainfuI sulslances. A speciaI al-
lenlion is diavn lo cIeansing of digeslive liacl, lIood and olhei syslens.
Theie aie six lypes of cIeansings: >86W3 K.$D6W3 >$D2W3 7$0613 E$BX2$J.X6W3
M&X6$C$! Lveiy lype has ils pioceduies and cIeansing lechniques. Iiinci-
pIes of aclion of lhese exeicises aie in nosl cases olvious.
Mudias aie usuaIIy undeislood as a ceilain gesluie. This undei-
slanding is foined undei lhe in"uence of uddhisl liadilion, vheie
hand gesluies veie videIy used. ul sliiclIy speaking, in cIassic yoga
lhe lein 5DA&$T is nuch videi: il can le peifoined vilh enliie lody,
Iike lhe aIieady nenlioned /'+$ 5DA&$3 0.$C614.82$(1 5DA&$ and olheis,
aIlhough lhey aie noie iaie. Mudias can le peifoined ly lhe eyes
(Iike in 0$5J.$)1 5DA&$3 )$10.($)1 5DA&$), ly lhe longue (($J.' 5DA&$3
C.84.$&1 5DA&$) and even ly lhe anus ($0.)1(1 5DA&$)
. N14'+( +'&
5)(.,/ %'+0.-0&4 -* 5&4-.+.-)* .&02*-O1&( and aie iaieIy invoIved
in physicaI exeicise. This is undeislandalIe, lecause 514'+( 5+@& +
veiy (16.,& &::&0. on peopIe, )* .2&-' &5).-)*+, %,+*& (asliaI lody).
Theii nechanisn of in"uence aIso has lo do vilh psychosonalic coi-
ieIalion. To undeisland lhis nechanisn Iels Iook al nudias cIosesl
ieIalive ~ gesluies. Cood oId gesluies conslilule an inpoilanl pail
of connunicalion. \&(.1'&( +'& 4-'&0.,/ '&,+.&4 .) .2& 01''&*. &5)A
Cheienda sanhila enIisls 25 nudias, lul, if lo counl lhose fion olhei oiigins, lhey aie
a Iol noie.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
.-)*+, (.+.& +*4 %&':)'5 +* &*&'3/ 5)<&5&*. -* .2& +1'+> Mudias
use lhe opposile piincipIe, inlensifying novenenl of a needed eneigy,
foining a needed slale. Look, vhal aie hand posilions of peopIe sil-
ling in pulIic lianspoil. Sonelines lheii hands aie inleiIaced in con-
pIicaled exolic nudias, lul nol due lo high popuIaiily of exsoleiisn.
This is one of lhe naluiaI foins of lodys auloieguIalion, noliced and
nade lo seive ly ancienl piaclilioneis. The nudias capacily lo acli-
vale enolions vas used in cIassicaI Indian lhealie and dancing ail,
vheie nudias veie caIIed S.$060T!
In sone popuIai souices aloul yoga you can !nd lhe leIief lhal
nudias in"uence lhe lody ly encIosing oui channeIs. y channeIs
lhey nean neiidians ly Chinese nedicine (acupuncluie). Indeed, foui
of lhese channeIs end in oui hands, lul vhal good lo encIose a chan-
neI of Iungs vilh a channeI of snaII inlesline Iike in djanana nudia` I
donl knov any cases, vhen nudias sliongIy in"uenced lhe physicaI
lody, vegelalive syslen, i.e. elheiic lody, lhal is vhy I leIieve such an
expIanalion is fai-felched.
Mudias have a veiy sullIe in"uence on lhe lody. If you conpaie
oui oiganisn vilh a iefuilishnenl in a house, nudias aie lhe lhin en-
eiy-papei, vhich you use aflei having voiked vilh a pIane, sandpa-
peied and vainished, and nov you gel il poIished, lul, if you look a
lhin eneiy-papei vhen you sliII have spIinleis eveiyvheie, lhe effecl
fion il vouId le insigni!canl. N14'+( +'& &M&'0-(&( ): .2& +4<+*0&4
y lypes lheie aie encIosing nudias, lIocking eneigy oul"ov
fion chakia, dhiana nudias, heIping lo keep a ceilain slale in vaiious
nedilalions, and &M0'&.-<&8 concenlialing asliaI eneigy oulside of lhe
Vibration techniques
One of lhe nosl ancienl lechniques in hunans hisloiy is iepeal-
ing of nanlias ~ ceilain sound conlinalions, iesonance vilh pailicu-
Iai pails of oui liain and lody. Accoiding lo nodein sludies of neuio-
psychoIogisls, piaclice of nudias ieaIIy changes ieIalive anpIiludes of
liain ihylhns, pioviding aIleied slales of consciousness. They shouId
nol le confused vilh piayeis and olhei foins of aulosuggeslion, le-
cause lhey can have no neaning (aIlhough sone of lhen do have il).
Sone nanlias have a synloIic neaning, foi exanpIe, six syIIalIes of
Tilelan nanlia =5 5$(1 B$A58 .D5 coiiespond lo six voiIds of ud-
dhisl cosnogony, lul il is an exceplion.
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
UnfoilunaleIy nechanisns of nanlia in"uence aie nol suf!cienlIy
sludied. Mayle a key lo undeislanding aie ieseaiches of phonosenan-
lics as foi piinaiy neanings of sounds, as veII as lhe schene of hov
diffeienl pails of lhe lody coiiespond lo diffeienl sounds.
Theie is anolhei nechanisn of nanlia in"uence ~ iesonance ef-
fecl on endociine and neivous vegelalive syslens. Indeed, singing vaii-
ous sounds, ve can foin oui slanding lo have lhe naxinun vilialion
anpIilude ovei lhe needed zones. Thus nanlias can peifoin an innei
nassage lo oui endociine gIands (see Advanced pianayanas).
Nole lhal hunans hisloiy has olhei anaIogues of ieading nan-
lias. Hence a veII-knovn nusicaI insliunenl of Noilhein peopIe ~
}evs-haip, uses lhe skuII as lhe iesonaloi, vhich nakes il possilIe lo
IocaIize acouslic vilialions of naxinun anpIilude in ceilain pails of
liain, slinuIaling lheii aclivily.
In Indian liadilion lheie veie foui vays (oi slages) of ieading nan-
Iiisl slage ~ singing nanlia aIoud dislinclIy,
Second slage ~ nanlia is vhispeied vilh dislincl ailicuIalion,
Thiid slage ~ nanlia is iead nenlaIIy,
Iouilh slage ~ lhe highesl ~ Iines of nanlia aie nol pionounced,
lul a piaclilionei lakes lhe iespeclive slale.
Theie aie aIso sone Iess knovn vays lo use nanlias. One of lhen
is a liusque shouling oul of ceilain sounds. Ioi inslance, in Tilelan
yoga lo ieIieve depiession, lhey veie shouling oul nanlia phal. In
}apan lheie veie nanlias os and kiay. These piaclices denand an
ailicuIale pionuncialion and coiieIaling nanlias vilh liealhing.
Anolhei lechnique lhal can le consideied as nanlia is Iislening lo
inhaIing and exhaIing of lhe aii. In Indian liadilion il is leIieved lhal
vhen you inhaIe lhe aii, il nakes lhe sound so oi sah, and vhen
you exhaIe ~ lhe sound han.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Meditative practices
in Yoga
Psychological aspect
N&.2)4( ): 5&4-.+.-)*( +-5 +. 5+(.&'-*3 %(/02& :1*0.-)*( 6/
0)*0&*.'+.-*3 +..&*.-)* a%+((-<& 5&4-.+.-)*b )' 9-,, a+0.-<& 5&4-.+A
.-)*b> Nol onIy nelhods, lul lhe vays lo nedilale aie so diffeienl, nol
lo nenlion lhal ly nedilalion ve oflen undeisland alsoIuleIy diffei-
enl piocesses, so Iels liy lo de!ne a lypoIogy of nedilalions lasing on
lhe nelhod of piaclicing.
E* 5&4-.+.-)*( ): .2& !'(. ./%& lhe allenlion is concenlialed on
signaIs coning fion an oljecl. We invoIunlaiiIy piaclice il, vhen ve
naiiovIy Iook al sonelhing, allenliveIy Iislen, sniff and inlensiveIy feeI
lhe pain synplons oi olhei sensalions of oui lody. The nosl connon
of lhese nedilalions aie M&$6$C$ ~ concenlialion of a Iook on lhe shin-
ing oljecl, conlenpIalion of lhe vood laII in China elc. Such nedila-
lions have lvo-sided effecl. On lhe one hand, concenlialing on an oljecl
ve +0.1+,-(& il, i.e. consciousIy peicepl il, vhich videns oui conscious-
ness. On lhe olhei hand, Iong focusing can Iead lo disliaclion, caused
ly liiedness and (&,:A2/%*)(-(.
We can olseive nol onIy innei signaIs, lul aIso peopIes sleieo-
lypes of lehavioui. Heie is an exanpIe fion lhe uddhisl liadilion.
iealhing in, one knovs lhal one is liealhing in, and liealhing oul, one
knovs lhal one is liealhing oul.
1. iealhing in a Iong liealh, one knovs, I an liealhing in a Iong
liealh. iealhing oul a Iong liealh, one knovs, I an liealhing oul a
Iong liealh.
2. iealhing in a shoil liealh, one knovs, I an liealhing in a shoil
liealh. iealhing oul a shoil liealh, one knovs, I an liealhing oul a
shoil liealh.
3. I an liealhing in and an avaie of ny vhoIe lody. I an liealhing
oul and an avaie of ny vhoIe lody. This is hov one piaclices.
4. I an liealhing in and naking ny vhoIe lody caIn and al peace. I
an liealhing oul and naking ny vhoIe lody caIn and al peace. This is
hov one piaclices.
5. I an liealhing in and feeIing joyfuI. I an liealhing oul and feeIing
joyfuI. This is hov one piaclices.
6. I an liealhing in and feeIing happy. I an liealhing oul and feeIing
happy. One piaclices Iike lhis.
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
7. I an liealhing in and an avaie of lhe aclivilies of lhe nind in ne. I
an liealhing oul and an avaie of lhe aclivilies of lhe nind in ne. One
piaclices Iike lhis.
8. I an liealhing in and naking lhe aclivilies of lhe nind in ne caIn
and al peace. I an liealhing oul and naking lhe aclivilies of lhe nind in
ne caIn and al peace. One piaclices Iike lhis.
9. I an liealhing in and an avaie of ny nind. I an liealhing oul and
an avaie of ny nind. One piaclices Iike lhis.
1O. I an liealhing in and naking ny nind happy and al peace. I an
liealhing oul and naking ny nind happy and al peace. One piaclices
Iike lhis.
11. I an liealhing in and concenlialing ny nind. I an liealhing oul
and concenlialing ny nind. One piaclices Iike lhis.
12. I an liealhing in and Iileialing ny nind. I an liealhing oul and
Iileialing ny nind. One piaclices Iike lhis.
13. I an liealhing in and olseiving lhe inpeinanenl naluie of aII dhai-
nas. I an liealhing oul and olseiving lhe inpeinanenl naluie of aII
dhainas. One piaclices Iike lhis.
14. I an liealhing in and olseiving lhe fading of aII dhainas. I an
liealhing oul and olseiving lhe fading of aII dhainas. One piaclices Iike
15. I an liealhing in and conlenpIaling Iileialion. I an liealhing oul
and conlenpIaling Iileialion. One piaclices Iike lhis.
16. I an liealhing in and conlenpIaling Ielling go. I an liealhing oul
and conlenpIaling Ielling go. One piaclices Iike lhis.
M.8 #D6&$ '% M.8 ;D22 :R$&8(800 '% 7&8$6.1(+
!&0)*4 ./%& ): 5&4-.+.-)* is vaiious foins of suggeslion, i.e. ac-
live nasleiing lodys funclions ly ones viII. Depending on lhe vay
lhe voIilionaI connand is given, lhese nedilalions can le divided inlo
visuaIisalions, veilaI and kinaeslhelic suggeslions. The nosl popuIai
aie !isl lvo of lhen.
Duiing visuaIisalion lhe connand is done lo sulconsciousness in
lhe foin of sone faniIiai visuaI inages, picluies and !guies. The nosl
knovn is lhe visuaIisalion of eneigy "ov ~ as a shining vilh a cei-
lain coIoui, nedilalion on chakias synloIs, lhe innei oigans, nandaIas
and so on. In veilaI nedilalion a connand is done veilaIIy, Iike in a
syslen of aulogenic liaining ly SchuIz (My iighl hand is heavy and
vain) and aulosuggeslions ly L. Coue (In feeIing lellei in aII sens-
es eveiy day). Iiaclilioneis of kinaeslhelic suggeslion liy lo piovoke
vaiious sensalions in lheii lody (heaviness, Iighlness, vainlh, coIdness
elc.) ly a voIilionaI effoil.
The oljecl of aclive in"uence in nedilalions of lhe second lype
can le nol onIy physioIogicaI feeIings, lul aIso oui lhoughls.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
AII lhoughls, as soon as lhey aie conjuied up, aie lo le discaided, and
even lhe lhoughl of discaiding lhen is lo le pul avay.
F$.$/$($O#&$AA.'6B$A$ #.$06&$
Medilalion can aIso voik vilh eIenenls of ones voiIdviev, vilh
Iife posilion, idenli!calion and seIf-posilioning in lhe voiId.
He vho piaclices 'cIeai olseivalion shouId olseive lhal aII condilioned
phenonena in lhe voiId aie unslalionaiy and aie suljecl lo inslanlaneous
liansfoinalion and desliuclion... He shouId olseive lhal aII lhal had leen
conceived in lhe pasl vas as hazy as a diean, lhal aII lhal is leing con-
ceived in lhe piesenl is Iike a "ash of Iighlning, and lhal aII lhal viII le
conceived in lhe fuluie viII le Iike cIouds lhal iise up suddenIy.
F$.$/$($O#&$AA.'6B$A$ #.$06&$
Theie is a leIief lhal Weslein IsychoIogy piefeis aclive lech-
niques, vhiIe in Laslein liadilions pievaiI lechniques of concenlialion,
ieIaxalion and conlenpIalion, ly vhich one can easiIy pul hinseIf inlo
a slale of deIighl, nind siIence and liance. In facl lhis poinl of viev is
supei!ciaI. Lveiy liadilion had a lioad choice of nedilalions of lolh
Consideiing aII lhe foiesaid, ve shouId nenlion lhal onIy 5&4-.+A
.-)*( of lhe lhiid lype aie ieaI nedilalions in lhe fuII sense of lhe void,
and aie a synlhesis of lolh lypes of desciiled exeicises. Iiaclilionei
nakes a voIilionaI connand lo change his slale, and al lhe sane line
is olseiving his slale, vhich nake il possilIe lo conlioI lhe effeclive-
ness of connands and lo adjusl lhen, having noie chances lo achieve
lhe vishfuI slale.
Energy aspect of meditations
We consideied nedilalions fion psychoIogicaI poinl of viev. And
vhal aie lhey fion lhe esoleiic posilion` N&4-.+.-)*( +'& %'+0.-0&( :)'
.2& +(.'+, 6)4/> AsliaI lody Iike lhe physicaI one can le liained ly
speciaI exeicises, and lhe ain of lhis liaining, Iike vilh oui physicaI
and elheiic lodies, is lo nake lhe iespeclive lody noie "&M-6,&8 i.e.
alIe lo ieach a lioadei specliun of slales, (.')*3&', i.e. noie iesislilIe
lo oulei enolionaI in"uence, and noie &*&'3&.-0, i.e. noie vivid in ils
enolions. This neans lhal nedilalions, Iike asanas, shouId le piacliced
in conpIex, vilh lhe cIeai undeislanding of youi lask and a pIan of
liaining, conpensaling one aIleied slales of psyche ly olheis, opposile
ones ~ lo nake lhe iange of possilIe slales in ieaI Iife lioadei, incieas-
ing degiees of peisonaI fieedon.
Sonelines lhe lein nedilalion is signi!canlIy naiioved lo sone
caIn, passive slales of psyche. Ioi exanpIe, lhe fanous Ceinan ie-
M/B80 '% /'+$ 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 584.$(1050 '% 1(!D8(48
seaichei of yoga Dieliich Lleil de!nes nedilalion as jusl a liopho-
liopic slale vilh lhe pievaiIing aclivily in paiasynpalhelic pail of veg-
elalive neivous syslen. NeveilheIess lheie aie lens and hundieds of
nedilalive lechniques evidenlIy shaking piaclilionei up, i.e. aclivaling
synpalhelic lianch of ANS. Thals vhy ve leIieve lhal lhis opinion is
a ie"eclion of lhe connon nisundeislanding of yoga in geneiaI, ieign-
ing in lhe Weslein voiId, vhich is a iesuIl of ieIigionizing of nany
schooIs of Indian yoga. Ioi noie delaiIs aloul psychopiaclices see ny
nonogiaph ReIigious psychopiaclices in lhe hisloiy of cuIluie.
Getting prepared
Meditating for actualisation
efoie doing yoga (oi any olhei lhings), you have lo pul youiseIf
inlo a piopei slale.
LneigelicaIIy a nan iepiesenls a laII, oi lellei say an olIong eIIip-
soid, lul lhis laII can have nany hoIes, puncluies and eneigy oul"ovs.
In facl ve go on aiguing in sone un!nished discussions, allach lo sone
exleiioi oljecls, pIan sonelhing foi lhe fuluie and iegiel aloul sone-
lhing aIieady done. AII lhese slales cause oul"ovs of eneigy, ils slick-
ing sonevheie. Theie is a Iav of eneigy: ?*&'3/ 3)&( +,)*3 9-.2
/)1' .2)132.. So leing physicaIIy in one pIace, eneigelicaIIy, eno-
lionaIIy (vhich is lhe sane), ve aie al lhe sane line in vaiious pIaces
and silualions. Il is unfavouialIe in eveiyday Iife, lecause il veakens
us, nakes us Iess ef!cienl, lul especiaIIy dangeious lhis slale is vhen
ve piaclice yoga. Theie is a piincipIe I caII a piincipIe of laIIoon, if
you puncluie a haidIy in"aled laIIoon, lhe aii viII Ieave il sIovIy, lul,
if you puncluie il veII in"aled, il nay expIode. Having eneigy hoIes
and signi!canl oul"ovs, il nakes no sense lo piaclice yoga, lecause aII
lhe eneigy ve punp duiing yoga session viII innedialeIy Ieak ly oui
laiIs. To avoid lhis, lefoie slailing ve nusl Iileiale ouiseIves fion
such eneigy oul"ovs, concenlialing aII oui consciousness on ouiseIves
and on lhe piocess ve aie in, lo feeI leing iighl heie and iighl nov.
Like lhe oclopus diavs in ils lenlacIes, ve shouId keep aII lhe eneigy lo
ouiseIves. Cheianda Sanhila puls lhis lechnique lhis vay:
As soon a Chilla, vhich is unsleady and has lendency lo vandei, exils lhe
gale of feeIings, you nusl hainess il and pul undei conlioI of Alnan (4.2.)
The 0'-.&'-)* of a succeeded nedilalion is lhe feeIing of vainlh
aII ovei lhe lody.
When you piaclice, especiaIIy vhen youi lody is signi!canlIy en-
eigized (ienenlei lhe piincipIe of laIIoon), youi nind can Ieave lhe
heie and nov again and vandei sonevheie eIse. Then lhe acluaIisa-
lion nedilalion shouId le iepealed duiing lhe piaclice.
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
Ioi nedilalion you nusl sil in
one of lhe foIIoving nedilalive pos-
es. L2& 0'10-+, &,&5&*. -( + (.'+-32.
6+0@8 lecause ve have a lendency
lo sloop al lhe IeveI of depiessed
chakias, i.e. lhose zones, vheie
lheie is an eneigy oul"ov. To
avoid consoIidalion lhen ly nedi-
lalion, you nusl sil inlo a sliaighl
hainonious pose, even if in lhe le-
ginning il nay seen unconfoilalIe.
y lhe vay lhis disconfoil can le
used lo acluaIise, ly concenlialing
on il, youi psychoIogicaI piolIens
lhal aie causing il, and evenluaIIy
slail soIving lhen (see lhe chaplei
Medilalion in yoga).
MenlaIIy pass aII youi
chakias, if you see an oul"ov, lake
lhe eneigy lack. Iass lhe Cosnos
eneigy fion lhe ciovn of youi
head aIong youi spine dovn lo lhe
coccyx. Move youi allenlion lo lhe
heail zone, sniIe ly youi heail lo
eveiyone piesenl, lo aII Iiving le-
Meditative poses
and mudras
(lotus pose)
(half-lotus pose)
(sidh pose)
Djnana mudra
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Full yoga breath
(rhythmical breathing)
They say Lyes aie lhe vindov lo lhe souI. Il is liue, lul in lhis
case lhe second vindov lo lhe souI is oui liealh. y lhe lype and pai-
licuIaiilies of liealhing you can leII aInosl
eveiylhing aloul nans enolionaI spheie, and
vice veisa ly changing oui liealh, ve can sig-
ni!canlIy change oui slale.
UsuaIIy peopIe 4)*V. 6'&+.2& 6/ .2&-'
%')6,&5 X)*&(> If a peison has a veak Mani-
puia, he liealhes onIy ly lhe chesl. If he has a
veak Anahala, he liealhes vilh lhe leIIy. If a
piolIen zone is lhe soIai pIexus, he liealhes
vilh lhe gap, sonehov inhaIes vilh his
chesl and leIIy, nissing one zone. If Anahala
and Manipuia cannol voik sinuIlaneousIy,
lhen inhaIing ly lhe chesl, ve exhaIe ly lhe
leIIy. If Anahalas zone is lIocked, ve usuaIIy
conpensale il vilh Vishuddha ~ Iifling lhe
chesl. The nosl avfuI liealhing I caII spine
liealh, vhich is done ly noving ones lack-
lone ~ il is veiy hainfuI, lecause il lieaks
lhe heails voik. L2& 5)'& (1%&'!0-+, )1'
6'&+.2 -(8 .2& ,&(( '&(%-'+.)'/ 51(0,&( 9&
1(&8 .2& 5)'& %')6,&5( 9& 2+<&>
The opposile is aIso liue: 1*6,)0@-*3 .2&(& X)*&(8 +( 9&,, +( '&A
(%-'+.)'/ 51(0,&( .2+. 9&'& *). 1(&48 9& (.-51,+.& 0)''&(%)*4-*3
02+@'+( +*4 .2&-' %(/02),)3-0+, :1*0.-)*(> So Ieaining lo liealhe vilh
lhe chesl, ve Ieain hov lo Iove and lo feeI joy of Iife, liealhing ly oui
leIIy, ve slinuIale lhe sense of innei povei and oui sociaI adaplalion,
liealhing ly lhe cIavicIes, ve Iileiale oui iighl lo expiess ouiseIves,
lhe iighl of lhe innei Iileily.
Iiaclicing yoga (excepl foi speciaI lheiapeulic lechniques, aloul
vhich veII speak fuilhei) lhe lesl vay lo liealh is vilh :1,, /)3+
6'&+.2 (IY), aIso caIIed '2/.25-0+, 6'&+.2-*3. Such liealhing aclivales
aII iespiialoiy zones vilh no exceplion and in lhe iighl oidei, hainon-
ising aII chakias and pioviding lhe coiiecl oxygen/cailonic acid ialio
in lhe lIood.
Sone yoga oiigins cIain lhal a sIoved ihylhn of liealhing can
signi!canlIy pioIong oui Iife, lecause a hunan leing has a Iiniled
nunlei of liealhing cycIes, so lhe sIovei he liealhes, lhe Iongei line
he can enjoy lhis iesouice. This slalenenl is haid lo piove, lul psy-
Faulty performance
of Sukhasana
The spine is bent in the area
of lower vertebrae. This
carriage is often seen in
cases of coccyx traumas. If it
is impossible to sit straight,
a thin pillow should be put
under buttocks
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
cholheiapisls aIso have noliced such a pallein: lhe noie seiious is lhe
palienl, lhe noie supei!ciaIIy he liealhes. So lhe ieIalion vilh lhe Iife
duialion is olvious.
UsuaIIy 5+(.&'-*3 IY causes ceilain psychoIogicaI dif!cuIlies.
A nan jusl does nol nolice lhal he nisses sone zones in liealhing,
fion inside il seens lo hin lhal eveiylhings aII iighl. Thals vhy
lefoie nasleiing fuII liealh, ve nusl peifeclIy naslei lhiee auxiIiaiy
liealhings, each of lhen having ils inpoilanl lheiapeulic effecl.
$> K64)5-*+, 6'&+.2-*38 vhich goes fion ils nane, is liealhing
jusl ly lhe leIIy. To conlioI il, you can pul one hand on youi leIIy and
anolhei ~ on youi chesl ~ il nusl slay conpIeleIy sliII. InhaIing, lhe
leIIy nusl slick oul al lhe naxinun, lul nol vilh lhe heIp of aldoni-
naI nuscIes ~ onIy ly lhe aii piessuie. LxhaIing, lhe leIIy slicks in as
nuch as il can.
This exeicise is supposed nasleied, vhen you can liealhe lhis
vay vilhoul nuch effoil and disconfoil, keeping lhe ihylhn foi al
Ieasl !ve ninules.
;KQCEC\c The aldoninaI liealhing Ioveis aileiiaI piessuie, so hypolension
palienls shouId le noie caiefuI peifoining lhis exeicise. Hypeilension palienls
can use il as a lheiapy and as an uigenl seIf-aid, if lhey iun oul of neds.
#> U2&(. 6'&+.2-*3 is liealhing vilh youi lhoiax, jusl due lo ex-
pansion of lhe chesl and consequenlIy videning of iils. Mosl of nod-
ein peopIe liealhe haidei ly lheii chesl, lhan ly lheii leIIy, due lo
lhe lIocked Anahala and lhe incilalion lo deveIop Manipuia, noie ieI-
evanl lo sociaI ieaIizalion, aIlhough jusl 2O yeais ago in lhe USSR lhe
silualion vas conliaiy: peopIe veie easiIy liealhing ly lheii chesl and
couId haidIy naslei leIIy liealh. Al lhe Soviel lines lhe sliong Ma-
nipuia vas nol jusl useIess, lul dangeious. Taking inlo accounl lhese
dif!cuIlies, Iels Iook al sone delaiIs of peifoining lhis liealhing.
Iiisl of aII oui iils have seveiaI degiees of videning, of vhich ve
al lhe lesl usuaIIy use jusl one. Oui lhoiax can le videned foivaid, ly
sides and up. N+(.&'-*3 .2& 02&(. 6'&+.2-*38 -.V( 6&..&' .) 02&0@ :)' +0A
.-<+.-*3 +,, 4&3'&&( ): ,-6&'./8 ->&> .) 9-4&* .2& 02&(. &O1+,,/ +*4 &MA
.&*(-<&,/8 Iike a iullei laII. If youi chesl noves onIy foivaid oi vhal
is noie oflen, enliieIy up, you shouId deveIop aII nissing iespiialoiy
degiees of fieedon. y lhe vay, psychoIogicaIIy liealhing onIy up
is ieIaled lo lhe incapacily lo expiess ones feeIings, vhiIe noving foi-
vaid leIIs lhal lhese feeIings aie insuf!cienlIy deep.
Sone peopIe !nd il dif!cuIl lo svilch off leIIy-liealh, in lhis
case lhey can use a leIl oi sonelhing of lhis kind lo coid lhe leIIy in
oidei lo lIock lhe possiliIily lo liealhe ly aldoninaI nuscIes. You can
aIso ask foi soneones heIp.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
The connon nislake is aIso lo sulslilule lhe chesl-liealh foi
spine-liealh: inslead of videning iils lhe piaclilionei noves ahead his
enliie lhoiax oi slienglhens his lack, so lhal on lhe fionl viev il Iooks
iighl. Of couise aII lhese aie palhogenic lypes of liealhing. To alan-
don lhis halil, you can piaclice liealhing, Iying on lhe "ooi oi vilh
youi lack piessed lo lhe vaII.
Like in lhe !isl case, lhe exeicise is nasleied vhen you can
liealhe Iike lhis vilh no disconfoil oi exlia effoils, keeping lhe ihylhn
foi aloul !ve ninules.
;KQCEC\c Conliaiy lo lhe leIIy-liealh lhe chesl-liealh iaises lhe I, so
hypeilensive palienls shouId le aIeil.
Z> U,+<-0,& 6'&+.2-*3> Is done ly lhe uppei pail of lhe lhoiax,
due lo ils insigni!canl videning and slielching up.
The fuII yoga liealhing is a conlinalion of lhese lhiee lypes of
()*&+,-.)> InhaIe ly lhe leIIy, lhen ly lhe lhoiax, lhen ly lhe
cIavicIes. LxhaIalion is done in lhe sane oidei: fion lhe leIIy, squeez-
ing lhe iils, diopping lhe cIavicIes.
Healthy respiratory muscular system
The nain iespiialoiy nuscIe is lhe diaphiagn, vilh vhich olhei
nuscIes coopeiale: inleicoslaI, pecloiaI, aldoninaI and shouIdei giidIe.
LxleinaI inleicoslaI nuscIes and anleiioi (inleichondiaI) inlei-
naI nuscIes aie lhose of inhaIing, posleiioi (inleiosseous) inleinaI
inleicoslaI aie lhe exhaIing nuscIes. MuscIes of lhe anleiioi aldoni-
naI vaII ~ exleinaI and inleinaI olIique and inleinaI and exleinaI
liansveise and ieclus aie aIso exhaIalion nuscIes. ScaIenes and slei-
nocIeidonasloids Iifl oui lhoiax and sel il, aIso voiking foi inhaIing.
The sane funclion can le done ly liapezifoin, pecloiaI and seiialus
RecenlIy anolhei nuscIes gioup ioIe lecane cIeai ~ of lhe
lhioal, longue and sofl paIale. They ieceive an inpuIse, coning inlo a
neuioiespiialoiy diive sone dozens of niIIiseconds lefoie lhe inpuIse,
going lo diaphiagn and pecloiaI nuscIes, pioviding ly ils conliaclion
a noinaI polency of aiivays. We usuaIIy didnl considei lhen as ie-
spiialoiy nuscIes oi nuscIes al aII. Meanline jusl lhe sofl paIale has
!ve gioups of nuscIes, conlioIIed ly III, IX, X and XI paiis of ceieliaI
neives, foining phaiyngeaI pIexus.
InhaIalion is done ly videning of lhe lhoiax in liee dinensions:
IaleiaI pails go up (incieasing dexlio-sinisliaI size), anleiioi pail Iifls
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
(incieasing lhe posleiioi-anleiioi size) and diaphiagn goes dovn.
Al lhe veilicaI posilion nen and vonen noinaIIy have a iil (chesl)
liealhing, Iying on lhe lack ~ noslIy diaphiagnalic (aldoninaI).
Aililiaiy change in lhe voIune and speed, logelhei vilh lhe ef-
foil, inhaIalion and exhaIalion ~ vhiIe laIking, shouling, singing, pIay-
ing nusicaI insliunenls elc is usuaIIy done ly diaphiagn-aldoninaI
Respiialoiy nuscIe syslen aIso lakes pail in vaiious aclions, di-
ieclIy no ieIaled lo liealhing: in pIaying nusicaI insliunenls, cough-
ing, voniling, defecalion and olheis. The piinaiy pailicipalion of lhese
oi olheis gioups of iespiialoiy nuscIes in lhese acls depends on ils na-
luie, lhe needed effoil, lody posilion elc.
H)-*3 Y=` 0)''&0.,/> Aflei auxiIiaiy liealhings aie nasleied, lhe
nosl connon nislakes vhiIe piaclicing IY aie:
$> E*2+,-*3 6/ .2& 02&(. /)1 I6,)9 )::J .2& 6&,,/8 punping
aII lhe aii lo lhe chesl. So lhe lolaI voIune of inhaIed aii signi!canlIy
decieases. Such piolIen is lypicaI foi lhose vho cannol Iive al lhe
sane line ly Manipuia and ly Anahala, i.e. lo use foice, vhiIe Iov-
ing and nol haling a peison, vilh vhon lhey inleiacl (needed, foi
exanpIe, foi paienls, punishing lheii kid nol haling, lul Ioving hin).
You shouId le caiefuI nol lo deciease lhe voIune of lhe leIIy al lhe
iesl of lhe inhaIalion.
#> L'/-*3 .) 6'&+.2& I9-.2 .2& (%-*&J8 lending il vhen inhaIe
and unlending al lhe exhaIalion. This is lhe nosl hainfuI vay lo
liealhe. To gel iid of lhis cuslon, you shouId piaclice liealhing in Iy-
ing on youi lack.
Z> H')%%-*3 .2& 02&(.> Aflei lhe inhaIalion is done, you shouId
le caiefuI lo keep youi iespiialoiy nuscIes voiking, i.e. nol lo diop
youi iils unliI you exhaIe ly youi chesl. Olheivise youi Iungs viII
piess lhe peiicaidiaI sac, hanpeiing ils voik and piovoking shoilness
of liealh oi even lachycaidia.
[> \&..-*3 )1. ): '2/.25> The ihylhn of liealhing shouId le
naluiaI, i.e. easy lo keep foi quile Iong vilhoul any disconfoil. Youi
naluiaI ihylhn is de!ned ly lhe possiliIily lo liealhe vilhoul Iosing
youi liealh. L2& 0'-.&'-)* ): 4)-*3 Y=` '-32. a+( 9&,, +( +*/ ).2&'
%'+*+/+5+b -( .2& :+0. .2+. /)1 4)*V. *&&4 .) '&0)<&' /)1' 6'&+.2>
This liealhing shouId naluiaIIy liansfoin inlo youi connon liealh. If
you piaclice il ieguIaiIy, youi liealhing cycIe viII lecone Iongei and
you ihylhn ~ sIovei, lul il nusl le naluiaI. In sone yoga looks il
is ieconnended lo piaclice liealhing, counling liII 8, 14 and even 3O.
This is !ne, lul il is ieckoned on expeiienced yogins and can le hain-
fuI foi leginneis, lecause such a sIov liealhing nay Iead lo lieaking
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
lhe ihylhn (youII vish lo iecovei youi liealh aflei lhis piaclice), oi
even lo naIfunclion of lhe caidio-vascuIai syslen.
^> D<&'.&*(-)* -* 51(0,&(> You shouId nol nake an effoil al lhe
end of exhaIalion.
=)1V,, @*)9 .2+. /)1 +'& 4)-*3 Y=` .2& '-32. 9+/8 -: aflei 5-7
ninules of lhe exeicise you feeI vainlh inside. Sonelines lheie is a
Iighl feeIing of vilialion oi lhe even appeaiance of sveal, vhich aIso
con!ins, lhal lhe eneigy is aclivaled in oui lody.
Al lhe leginneis IeveI slail piaclicing IY foi 1O-2O ninules a
day, Iying on sonelhing !in, lefoie you go lo sIeep. Ils inpoilanl lo
do il on a !in suiface in oidei lo have a peifeclIy sliaighl lack, le-
cause vhen peopIe slail piaclicing yoga, lhey can haidIy sil sliaighl,
and liealhing in lhe cuived pose vouId onIy secuie a palhogenic pos-
Aflei a nonlh of such piaclice you usuaIIy lecone noie enei-
gelic, slail seeing liighl dieans and sIeeping lellei. In facl one of lhe
signs of an incieased eneigy aie liighlei dieans.
You nuslnl do ihylhnicaI liealhing Iying in youi led, even a
veiy !in one, lecause il has ils sIeeping eneigy. When you sIeep, a
ceilain anounl of youi asliaI eneigy Iileiales and you gel svilched
lo sone asliaI pIaces vheie you go in youi dieans, vhich hanpeis,
vhen you piaclice exeicises. Thal is vhy Iylhagoias ieconnended lo
nake ones led ~ nol fion doneslic, lul fion esoleiic consideialions.
The led shouId aIvays le nade aflei lhe sIeep and lellei even hidden,
lecause il keeps asliaI svilches.
H)-*3 /)3+ /)1 (2)1,4 +,9+/( '&5&56&' +6)1. /)1' 0)5:)'.8
ly lhe vay Iike in any olhei occupalion. U+'-*3 +6)1. /)1' 0)5:)'. -(
+ %'+0.-0& ): !<+42-(.2+*+ +*4 N1,+42+'+>
Position of eyes during yoga practice
Wheie lo Iook and al vhal lo focus oui Iook vhiIe doing yoga`
ShouId oui eyes le opened oi cIosed` These queslions appeai fion lhe
!isl sessions, lul lo ansvei lhen coiieclIy Iels consuIl physioIogy and
psychosonalics of lhe vision. TaIking aloul lhe conneclion lelveen oui
eyes and psyche, Iels nole lhe foIIoving.
1. InvoIunlaiy eye noves aie caused ly vandeiing of oui nind.
One of yogas lasks is A.$&$($, lhe slalIe slale of nind. AII psychoso-
nalic piocesses aie ieveisilIe, lhals vhy lhe eyes can seive nol onIy a
gieal indicaloi of lhe slale of oui nind, lul aIso a Ievei lo in"uence il.
In olhei voids, if nolhing eIse is pievieved (Iike in lhe eye gynnaslics)
vhen you piaclice yoga, /)1' &/&( (2)1,4 6& 5).-)*,&((.
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
2. Theie is an enpiiicaIIy pioved inleiieIalion lelveen vheie
you Iook and youi slale of psyche. A Iook leIov lhe hoiizon aclivales
oui sulconsciousness, alove lhe hoiizon ~ supeiconsciousness, eyes
paiaIIeI lo lhe giound ~ oui consciousness. =)3+ -( 5)(.,/ +-5&4
+. 4&<&,)%5&*. ): )1' 0)*(0-)1(*&((8 () -* 5)(. &M&'0-(&( .2& ,))@
(2)1,4 6& X&')A,)9>
3. Mayle youve aIieady noliced lhal vhen a peison concen-
liales on his ovn piolIens, you can see il ly a speci!c disliacled Iook
in his eyes, vhich lecone nolionIess and focus al lhe poinl 15-2O cn
lefoie his face. The Iook lecones enply. On lhe conliaiy, lhe inage
of a sliong nan is associaled vilh lhe Iook inlo lhe dislance. Indeed a
poinl of naluiaI eye focus is ieIaled lo oui capacily lo exlend oui nind,
lo lianscendenl: lhe lioadei is ones consciousness, lhe easiei he can
Iook fai lo lhe hoiizon and keep lhis focus. Naiiov-ninded peopIe can
haidIy Iook afai. The conliaiy is aIso liue: villingIy keeping oui Iook al
lhe eleinily, heIps lo viden oui consciousness. Thals vhy piaclicing
yoga, /)1' ,))@ (2)1,4 6& :)01(&4 +. .2& I&.&'*-./J (as if Iooking inlo
lhe dislance), if olhei isnl suggesled. This focusing shouId le kepl even
if youi eyes aie cIosed.
4. Of couise vilh cIosed eyes il is easiei lo digiess fion oulei
iiiilanls. Thal is vhy vhen you slail piaclicing yoga you shouId do aII
lhe exeicises vilh youi eyes cIosed, aIlhough lhen il is nuch haidei lo
keep youi nind slalIe. Thals vhy al sone poinl il lecones ieasonalIe
lo piaclice vilh lhe open eyes. As foi lhe expeiienced piaclilionei, il
doesnl nallei hov lo keep his eyes duiing lhe yoga cIass.
5. Renenlei lhal lhiough oui eyes ve can ieceive oi Iose
6. Sone looks ieconnend ioIIing up youi eyes lo focus lhen
lelveen lhe eyeliovs. We can easiIy nolice lhal vhalevei lhe posilion
of lhe lody, lhis focus inducls a speci!c euphoiic high slale, vhich is
ly nislake iecognized as an effecl fion asana. Such slale liings no
good, il jusl disliacls oui consciousness fion lhe lody, lhals vhy I
sliongIy donl ieconnend doing il.
!) -* 5)(. &M&'0-(&( )1' ,))@ (2)1,4 6& :)01(&4 +. .2& 2)'-X)*
In nedilalive poses you can oflen see a lendency lo lhiov lack
youi head, lhinking lhal youi spine is sliaighl. If you lhiov lack youi
head, aInosl aII youi nuscIes ie"ecliveIy sliain. No nallei vhal hap-
pens, you shouId aIvays ieach lhe lop of youi head up and sIighlIy
Sone souices caII lhis eye posilion vayshnavi nudia.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Orientation during yoga session
Mosl of Indian oiigins ieconnend doing exeicises facing lhe
Noilh oi lhe Lasl. In ancienl India lhese diieclions veie sacied, lul
in olhei liadilions, Iike esoleiic qigong, ve can !nd noie conpIex ap-
pioaches, ieIaling oiienlalion duiing lhe piaclice vilh youi cuiienl
lasks, seasons and even Moon phases, lul even lhis appioach inpIies
ouldooi piaclice vheie lhe naluiaI eIeclionagnelic !eId of lhe Lailh is
nol disloiled ly nan-caused in"uences. In lhe cilies and condoniniuns
vilh lheii ieinfoiced conciele consliuclions, vheie nodein yogins have
lo piaclice foi lhe nosl of line, lhings aie diffeienl. Thal is vhy lhe
nosl favouialIe oiienlalion shouId le found peisonaIIy, guided ly in-
nei feeIing.
Set-ups during practice
We can do exeicises, incIuding liealhing, nol onIy in diffeienl
oulside foins, lul aIso vilh vaiious !IIing, vhich veII caII a sel-
up and coiieIale il vilh chakiaI syslen. Ioi inslance liealhing vilh
N1,+42+'+ (&.A1% (MuIadhaia liealhing) is a deep, heavy and diy
liealh. esides inhaIing, ve slielch oul iespiialoiy nuscIes lo lhe fuII.
If ve nake a giaph of liealhing, il vouId Iook Iike lhis.
Graphs of breathing
1 Anahata breathing;
2 Manipura breathing;
3 Svadhisthana breathing;
4 Muladhara breathing.
Lungs volume
Lungs volume
Lungs volume
Lungs volume
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
!<+42-(.2+*+ 6'&+.2-*3 is sinusoid: inhaIalion snoolhIy sIips inlo
exhaIalion and again lo inhaIalion, so lhe speed of liealhing changes.
Respiialoiy nuscIes aie nol sliongIy invoIved ~ in Svadhislhana sel-
up you aie nol disposed lo foice youiseIf. Svadhislhana liealhing is
noisl, vain, sonelines a IillIe Ianguid.
N+*-%1'+ 6'&+.2-*3 is anguIai, sliff diy and hol, Iike lhe iun-
neis liealh.
K*+2+.+ 6'&+.2-*3 has a noie conpIicaled sliucluie, cIosei lo a
conpacl sinusoid. Such liealh is vain and Iighl.
Svaiadoya shaslia ieconnends anolhei vay of de!ning lhe
lype of liealhing. You nusl cIose youi passive nosliiI (see desciiplion
of iespiialoiy lechniques), pul a niiioi lo youi nose and nake sevei-
aI liealhings. A !guie foined ly lhe condensale leIIs lhe lype of youi
liealhing: a squaie ~ foi MuIadhaia, a haIf noon ~ foi Svadhislhana,
a liiangIe ~ foi Manipuia, a poIygon ~ foi Anahala, a iound ~ foi
Vishuddha. Ils quile exolic, lul ny olseivalions pioved, lhis nelhod
N+(.&'-*3 .2& '2/.25-0 6'&+.2-*3 -( 6&..&' .) (.+'. 9-.2 .2& N1A
,+42+'+ (&.A1%8 lecause il heIps lo aclivale aII iespiialoiy nuscIes and
lo deveIop lhose of lhen lhal lhe peison usuaIIy doesnl use. esides
lhis lype of liealhing sliongIy eneigizes oui physicaI lody.
Lalei you can liealhe vilh diffeienl sel-ups lo aclivale and de-
veIop youi chakias.
Duiing naluiaI hunans lio cycIe, vhich has a duialion fion 6O
lo 9O ninules, oui liealh passes aII sel-ups, fion MuIadhaia lo Ajna.
Ils lhe naluiaI nechanisn of chakia nuliilion ly piana of lhe aii. Donl
foigel lhal lhis ihylhn is ieIaled lo lhe aclivalion of one of oui nos-
liiIs, coiiesponding lo Ida oi IingaIa. This infoinalion can le used foi
seI!sh and unseI!sh ends. Ioi exanpIe, vhen a peison is liealhing
vilh Svadhislhana, you can nake up lo hin al Svadhislhana, vhen he
liealhes vilh Anahala, use Anahala foi lhe conlacl, and so on. AppIy-
ing lhis knovIedge lo oui peisonaI liaining ve shouId nole lhal lhe
nosl ef!cienl vay lo voik is lo use youi naluiaIIy aclivaled chakia.
Waining-up is an inpoilanl eIenenl of yoga conpIex. Il is iecon-
nended lefoie geneiaI exeicises aflei conpIeling hygienic pioceduies.
Waining-up heIps lo aclivale oui caidio-vascuIai syslen, incieases
"exiliIily, aclivales lokay of elheiic eneigy. Il is especiaIIy inpoilanl
foi noining piaclices, lecause aflei a sIeep aII physicaI funclions aie
sIovei and inlensive ioulines al lhis line (incIuding olheis lhan yoga,
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Iike jogging) can le conpaied lo diiving an unhealed cai, i.e. aie
desliuclive. K 9+'5A1% (2)1,4 ,+(. *). ,&((8 .2+* $d 5-*1.&(8 lecause
lhis is lhe line oui caidio-vascuIai syslen needs lo aclivale snoolhIy.
Making youi ovn conpIex, you can use jusl vaining-up vilh no con-
pIicaled posluies jusl lo vain up (foi exanpIe, vhen you cannol fieeIy
nove aflei an iIIness.
L2& 9+'5-*3A1% (2)1,4 6& 4)*& 9-.2 N1,+42+'+ (&.A1%, foi il is
lhe onIy vay il can give lhe needed iesuIl.
L2& 0'-.&'-)* lo see, if you do il coiieclIy is lhe feeIing of heal in
lhe aclive joinl, vhich can le achieved onIy vilh MuIadhaia sel-up. Il
neans lhe piopei I&$(A.$ is unlvisled and lhe eneigy is "oving. If
you feeI nolhing, nolhing is happening.
AnaIysing hov a peison does his vaining-up, you can diagnose
aInosl aII his piolIens, lecause ly his posluie he is unconsciousIy
shoving lhe slale of his elheiic lody. Ioi exanpIe, if a peison has
a depiessed oi lieached Anahala, he invoIunlaiiIy lends his eIlovs, if
his Vishuddha is lieached, he Iifls his shouIdeis and sliains his neck.
Rolaling lhe hips, a peison shovs his cuiienl eneigy slale. If he has
a piolIen vilh sexuaIily, lhe iound is cul ahead, if he has nany
laiIs, ils cul in lhe lack pail. If Svadhislhana doesnl voik indepen-
denlIy fion olhei chakias, a peison iolales aII his lody, leing incapalIe
lo iolale jusl vilh one pail of il. If Anahala and Svadhislhana nove in
opposile diieclions, il neans lhey voik anisochionousIy. The Iife posi-
lion of such a nan (of couise, unconsciousIy) is Wilh lhe one ve Iove
ve donl sIeep, and lhose vilh vhon ve sIeep Iife isnl nuch fun.
Most simple warming-
up exercises (beginners
1 head rotations;
2 hands rotations,
3 moving arms in elbow
4 shoulder rotations.
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
_ W
f $d
Most simple warming-up exercises
(beginners level)
5 feet rotations;
6,7 warm-up for knees;
8 pelvis rotation;
9 rotation of pelvis together with torso;
10, 11 pelvis rotation in squatting
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
^ [
Dizziness and dif!cuIlies in gelling lhe laIance shov lhal lhe con-
sciousness is unslalIe.
The slale of MuIadhaia can le diagnosed ly lhe peisons capacily
lo lend. If you can lend vilh youi spine sliaighl (jusl ly youi peIvis,
vilh no lending in Iovei lack) foi noie lhan 9O degiees MuIadhaia is
Al lhe leginneis IeveI il is lellei lo do lhe vaining-up vilh lhe
MuIadhaia sel-up. Doing exeicises you shouId pay allenlion lo lhe feeI-
ing of vainlh in youi joinls. Lveiy exeicise shouId le done liII lhe heal
in lhe needed joinl.
Mistakes in doing warm-
up exercises (beginners
1 arms are involuntarily
folded in elbows (Anahata
is breached or depressed)
2 lifted shoulders cover
the neck (indicates
a breached Vishuddha)
3 arms go apart
(Anahata is over excited)
4 energy stuck in Ajna
5 hip goes ahead
(indicates rigid
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
The most common
exercises and general
mistakes in doing them
(beginners level)
Basic group of asanas
Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Lie on lhe giound face dovn, youi head iesl-
ing on youi foiehead oi lhe chin, Iegs logelhei, loes slielched oul. The
paIns of youi hands shouId le pul on lhe giound sIighlIy lefoie youi
head, !ngeis exlended, dislance lelveen hands aloul 2O cn. AII lhe
lody, especiaIIy youi shouIdei lIades ieIaxed as nuch as possilIe.
CDL? lhal having piolIens
vilh lhe heail chakia lhe piac-
lilionei viII unconsciousIy
liing his hands logelhei oi
even joinl his !ngeis, ieducing
chakias eneigy effecl, so lhis
shouId le valched.
L&02*-O1&> Al lhe exhaIalion do a sIov lackvaid aiching vilh
lhe spine, Iifling veilelias one ly one slailing fion youi neck dovn lo
lhe Iovei lack. Slay in lhe !naI posilion, liealhing ihylhnicaIIy. Coing
dovn is done al lhe exhaIalion, i.e. ending lhe posilion, ve liing dovn,
Iike a snake, ly luins veilelia of lhe Iovei lack, lhen of lhe lhoiax and
of lhe neck, !naIIy Iying dovn lhe head.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3> The feeIing of a sliained anleiioi-
niddIe channeI shouId nove fion lhe head dovn. Slaying in lhe nain
pail of asana, you shouId keep lhis sliain Iong aII lhe neiidian. Lel-
ling dovn lhe lension al any pail conpIeleIy ieduces lo zeio aII lhe
effecl fion lhe asana. Mosl oflen ve lake off lhe lension in lhe neck
zone (lhe piaclilionei slops lhioving lack his head). In lhis case eneigy
doesnl go up in lhe head and slicks in lhe shouIdeis, slinuIaling lhe
deveIopnenl of osleochondiosis.
Heie is .2& &*&'3/ 5&02+*-(5 of lhis asana. ConsequenlIy en-
leiing asana ve slielch oui anleiioi-niddIe neiidian
, opening il. To
open an anleiioi-niddIe neiidian you have lo slielch il so lhal lhe
eneigy couId "ov in il, lul il has lo le (.'&.02&4 0)5%,&.&,/ a+. .2&
:1,, ,&*3.2b8 3'+41+,,/ +*4 (100&((-<&,/> The eneigy is galheied in lhe
Iovei pail of lhe lody and aflei slaying in lhe pose (vhen leginneis
slail piaclicing yoga and sliII have diily channeIs, lhe effecl can cone
even aflei asana) il goes up lhe spine channeI, 92-02 -( +00)5%+*-&4
6/ .2& 9+'5 )' &<&* 2). :&&,-*3 5)<-*3 1%8 .) .2& 2&+4> Such an ef-
fecl fion hujangasana is nenlioned in Cheianda sanhila.
Iiie of digeslion in lhe lody viII iise inlensiveIy, aII diseases viII le cuied
and lhe snake-Iike Coodness (KundaIini) viII vake up and iise lhanks lo
piaclicing hujangasana (2.43).
Aflei asana lhe face and lhe eais can lecone ied. The iising heal
deleinines foi hov Iong you nusl slay in lhe posluie.
Speaking aloul neiidians ve use Chinese leins, aIlhough lhose neiidians ly vhich
eneigy "ovs, in yoga aienl conpIeleIy lhe sane as in Acupuncluie, lecause lhe aie Iocaled
nol on lhe suiface, lul deep in nuscIes. NeveilheIess having no olhei eIaloialed leininoIogy
veII use lhe cIosesl one.
Phases of entering
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
?<&'/ +(+*+ 51(. 6&
4)*& .-,, .2& *&&4&4 &*&'3/
&::&0. :')5 -. -( +02-&<&4>
!.+/-*3 -* -. ,)*3&' -(
Lxiling lhe pose, ve
cIose neiidians, al lhe sane
line snoolhing and ie-
luining lhe non-Iifled ly
lhe anleiioi channeI en-
eigy lack ly lhe posleiioi
neiidian. The undeisland-
ing of eneigy nechanisn
expIains lhe inpoilance of
enleiing and exiling lhe
pose coiieclIy. L2& 02+**&,
)%&*( 92&* -. -( (.'&.02&4
+. +,, -.( ,&*3.2> The lIock
jusl in one pIace conpIeleIy
changes lhe eneigy picluie of asana: lhe eneigy so lo say slicks in lhe
lIocked zone, vhich can Iead lo unpIeasanl feeIings and even piovoke
diseases. The nosl connon nislake in enleiing lhis pose is nol lo Iifl
lhe heail zone and aflei Iifling lhe neck conlinue aiching lhe Iovei
lack. As a iesuIl lhe eneigy doesnl go lhiough lhe anleiioi channeI
and doesnl go up lhe posleiioi channeI. The heail veilelia doesnl ac-
livale and lhe Iovei lack veilelia gels liaunalised lecause of lhe loo
zeaIous peifoinance.
Aflei lhis asana you shouId Iie dovn foi 1-3 ninules, piaclicing
ihylhnicaI liealhing. As il vas aIieady said, lhe heal can go up even
aflei doing lhe pose. Lneigy passes al a ceilain speed. L2& I0,&+*&'J
/)1' 02+**&,( +'&8 .2& :+(.&' &*&'3/ %+((&(> When lhe leginnei slails
piaclicing yoga, his channeIs aie quile diily, so lhal il lakes up lo
3 ninules foi lhe eneigy lo pass, lul Ialei lhis piocess can lake sone
L2& -**&' 0'-.&'-)* of doing hujangasana iighl is lhe heal you
feeI, vhen lhe eneigy passes. Aflei sone piaclices lheie viII le Iess
heal, vhich neans lhe asana can le inlensi!ed, foi exanpIe, ly pulling
youi Iegs apail.
IniliaIIy you can feeI olhei lhings lhan heal: piicking (Iike vhen
youi Iinl giev nunl), chiII, vilialion, shiveis elc. These sensalions
can appeai vhen you slail doing yoga and cIean youi channeIs (espe-
ciaIIy piicking, IocaIized aiound lhe piolIen zone).
This iuIe is liue foi leginneis.
Mistakes in doing Bhujangasana
1 buttocks are strained and lifted (energy get
stuck in pelvis); 2 no tension in the neck and
thoracic spine (energy will get stuck in shoulders).
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Il is inpoilanl lo do hujangasana )*,/ ly IongiludinaI nuscIes
of lhe lack. Ains donl pailicipale in lhis asana, lo check foi lhis liy lo
Iifl youi hands vhiIe leing in lhe pose. In lhis asana )*,/ lhe foiesaid
nuscIes of oui lack aie voiking, nol lhose of Iegs, javs, eyes, foie-
head, vhich can sliain ly ie"ex. Such coiieIalions ve caII palhogenic
aiches. In nosl cases lhese aie sleieolypes of novenenl, foined nis-
lakenIy and naking peopIe vasle sone eneigy foi nolhing. L) 6'&+@
4)9* %+.2)3&*-0 +'02&( g .) 5+(.&' &<&'/ 3')1% ): 51(0,&( g -( )*&
): 2+.2+V( 3)+,(>
Undeislanding hov inpoilanl il is lo do asanas coiieclIy, and
lhal iniliaIIy ve lend nol lo nolice oui piolIen zones, il nakes sense
lo slail Ieaining hujangasana and olhei lasic posluies vilh lhe heIp of
anolhei peison, vhod conlioI, if you enlei and exil lhe pose coiieclIy.
Lveiy zone nusl le evenIy aclivaled. Youi assislanl can hoId lighl
youi spine vilh his hands, pievenling lhe Iovei lack fion aiching le-
foie lhe lhoiacic spine. He nuslnl piess, jusl sel il. His !ngeis nusl
slay on lhe nuscIes Iong lhe spine, nol on youi lacklone. When a pei-
son Iies ieIaxed il is easy lo feeI. LongiludinaI nuscIes aie ieIaxed vhen
lheie is no lension and no conliaclions in lhen. If lhe piaclilionei goes
up ly lhese nuscIes (hujangasana isnl a push-up, il doesnl invoIve
hands al aII), aII nuscIes Iong lhe spine aie sliaining evenIy lollon-up.
Youi assislanl can feeI, vhen lhe lension cones lo his !ngeis, slop you
in lhis posilion and nove his !ngeis 2-3 dossaIs dovn. Then you con-
linue aiching and giaduaIIy cone lo lhe fouilh veilelia. This vay you
liealhe noinaIIy and shouId le conlioIIed nol lo ieIieve sliains in youi
neck ~ lhe eneigy viII slop noving lo lhe head and osleochondiosis
can le piovoked.
Making Bhujangasana with the assistant
The assistant immobilizes practitioners back, preventing the tension
to slip problem zones in the spine.
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
(straining spine pose)
Iashinollanasana is a counlei
pose aflei hujangasana.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Lie dovn on
youi lack, feel logelhei, hands Iong
youi lody.
L&02*-O1&> InhaIing lo lhe fuII,
slielch youi hands alove youi head,
slielch you lody fion !ngeis lo loes. Lx-
haIing, sil dovn, naking 9O vilh youi
lody, hands alove lhe head, paiaIIeI lo
youi uppei lody. Then as if soneone is
puIIing you ly lhe hands, lend ahead lo
youi Iegs, slailing fion Iovei veilelia up
lhe spine. Slay in lhis posilion, liealhing
To exil lhis pose, do eveiylhing in
lhe ieveise oidei: fion youi head zigzag-
ging, !isl slielch oul youi chin, aich vilh
youi chesl, iaise youi loiso and lhen Iie
dovn on lhe lack. Il is inpoilanl lo en-
lei lhe pose lhis vay, lecause ve open
oui posleiioi-niddIe neiidian lollon-up
fion loes lo lop, vhich neans ve nusl
cIose il lhe sane vay ~ lop-dovn. So ve
nusl exil lhe pose lhis vay, snake-Iike,
as if enleiing hujangasana. ?M-.-*3 +(+*+
.2-( 9+/8 9& *). )*,/ 0,)(& )1' 02+**&,8
61. +,() (.+6-,-(& .2& &*&'3/> Ioi exan-
pIe, you have lioughl sone eneigy lo lhe
head ~ il viII pailIy go dovn lhe anle-
iioi-niddIe channeI, lhe iesl vonl nake
il. Nol lo have a heavy feeIing in youi
head aflei doing lhis asana, ve diive lhe
iesl of eneigy dovn lhe posleiioi-niddIe
channeI, exiling lhe pose Iike a snake.
Phases of entering the asana
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3> The
feeIing of lension in posleiioi-niddIe
channeI shouId nove lollon-up. Slay-
ing in lhe slalic pail of asana, you shouId
@&&% .2& .&*(-)* ,)*3 +,, .2& 5&'-4-+*h
:')5 .)% .) .)&(> ieaking in lhis lension
cIoses lhe channeI and liings lo zeio aII
lhe effecl fion asana. In addilion lo nak-
ing eneigy nove, lhis pose can aIso acli-
vale elheiic lockays in lhe &M.&'*+, !&,4,
i.e. in lhe oulei pail of oui elheiic lody,
suipassing oui physicaI lody, aiound us.
The !isl cIue lo voik vilh lhis eneigy is
lo nove youi hands iighl. In asanas lhe
elheiic eneigy foIIovs lhe hands. So hands
nusl aIvays le sliaighl and sliained.
Mistakes in doing
No tension in lower back and
buttocks, energy channels
in legs are not activated. The
excessive bending in thorax can
lead to raised blood pressure.
Doing asana with an assistant
Assistant pulls by hands, providing even tensioning of the back
PICTURES Phases of entering
the asana
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
Vakrasana (curved pose)
Vakiasana is one
of lhe IocaI- slielching
squeezing poses.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Sil
on lhe "ooi.
L&02*-O1&> Iul one fool lo lhe opposile
lullock (as if enleiing lhe Iolus). The olhei Ieg
lend in lhe knee and pul ovei lhe opposile
hip, lhe fool paiaIIeI lo lhis hip. The lack is
sliaighl and peipendicuIai lo lhe giound. The
shouIdeis aie al one IeveI, lolh lullocks ~ on
lhe giound. SIovIy puII lhe knee lo oui chesl
lo feeI lhe sliain in lhe lullock. Iain in lhe
lullock is expIained ly a non-ieaIised sexuaI
eneigy, vhich ve assign lo oui lody.
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3> You
shouIdnl ciook lo lhe knee oi pivol lo ieach
il. The posluie nusl le alsoIuleIy sliaighl.
A simplifed variation
of vakrasana
Mistakes in doing Vakrasana
1 the lower back is crooked (no tension in a buttock); 2 one of the buttocks doesnt
touch the ground (energy gets stuck in the kidney); 3 not the knee is reaching the
body, but the body goes to the knee.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
(pivoted spine pose)
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*. Vakiasana.
L&02*-O1&> Iivol youi spine in lhe
diieclion of youi uppei knee, lo iesl on il.
Youi lack nusl slay alsoIuleIy sliaighl,
shouIdeis al lhe sane IeveI. Donl Iifl youi
lullocks off lhe "ooi. Iivoling nusl le
even ~ fion coccyx lo uppei ceivicaI vei-
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3> You
shouId achieve a :&&,-*3 ): &<&* .&*(-)*A
%-<).-*3 ): ,)*3-.14-*+, 51(0,&( ): /)1'
6+0@h :')5 .2& 2&+4 .) .2& 0)00/M> In lhis
asana lhe spine nusl le peifeclIy sliaighl
and peipendicuIai lo lhe giound.
Ailhanalsiendiasana is a veiy ef!-
cienl pose in liealing osleochondiosis and
scoIiosis, lul on condilions lhal il is done
coiieclIy, i.e. vilh lhe sliaighl lack. If
lhese condilions aie nol fuI!IIed, lhe pei-
foinance of asana can voisen lhese dis-
A simplifed variation
of Arthamatsiendrasana
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
$ # Z
L2-( -( + 0)5%,&.&,/ 6+,+*0&4 0)5%,&M :)' 6&3-**&'(> To do il
lhoioughIy and vilh no huiiy, il lakes aloul 15 ninules. You shouId
nevei huiiy lo do exeicise and Ieain lo lake pIeasuie fion eveiy asa-
na. This conpIex cIeans nain neiidians and diives eneigy ly lhe nain
iound, vhich can le coiieIaled vilh lhe niciocosnic oilil in Chinese
liadilion. If you piaclice al youi ovn, you can do lhis conpIex duiing
one nonlh. Aflei lhal youII lecone used lo lhese exeicises, and lhe ef-
fecl fion asanas viII dininish. In lhis case (and onIy in lhis case!) you
can (and shouId) viden lhis conpIex and add sone noie conpIicaled
When peopIe slail piaclicing yoga, lhey can gel agilaled (espe-
ciaIIy, if lhey feeI an effecl fion asanas): lhey vanl lo piaclice noie, lo
do noie asanas elc. Il is lhe viong vay. IiislIy passionale desiies luin
oul quickIy, secondIy lhe anounl of eneigy you can accunuIale duiing
one yoga session is Iiniled ly lhe capacily of youi chakias. In a one-
Iilie jai you can pul onIy one Iilie of valei. Wilh line and piaclice lhis
voIune viII inciease logelhei vilh lhe eneigy polenliaI of lhe piaclilio-
nei. Al lhis poinl you can spend 4O-5O ninules doing yoga, incIuding
hygiene, vaining-up and ihylhnicaI liealhing lefoie going lo sIeep ~
il viII le enough. The huiiy is a slale vheie oui eneigy iuns lefoie us,
lo lhe fuluie, lhals vhy ve canl ieach il. We shouId voik vilh oui-
seIves giaduaIIy vilhoul vioIence.
Mistakes in doing Arthamatsiendrasana
1 one of the buttocks is of the foor;
2 no pivoting in lower back (energy goes
up not from buttocks, but from Manipura);
3 head is thrown back (energy blocked
in the neck); 4 S-formed spine (tension
from pivoting is lessen, energy dispersed
in the back); 5 the crooked back
(such performance causes microtraumas
in intervertebral disks and provokes
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Second group of asanas
Masleiing lhis gioup of asanas shouId le done aflei having nas-
leied asanas of lhe !isl gioup, as veII as vhen lhe physioIogicaI effecl
fion lhen dininishes (lheie is no noie physioIogicaI sensalion of heal).
In lhe yoga conpIex lhese asanas shouId le done aflei lhe posluies of
lhe pievious gioup, lecause lhey piovide lhe noie inlensive unlvisl-
ing of eneigy as foi ils densily and lhe Ienglh of liajecloiy (aclivaling
channeIs in ains and Iegs).
Ushtrasana (camel pose)
As foi ils aclion and lechnique,
lhis asana is siniIai lo hujangasana,
lul il is noie poveifuI, lecause il
uses giavily and aclivales lhe hips.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Take an on-
knee posilion }apanese-Iike, feel on
loes, hips open al 15 degiees (in yoga
lhis posilion is caIIed vadjiasana).
L&02*-O1&> InhaIing, aich in lhe
spine, slailing fion uppei veilelia,
Iike in hujangasana, giaduaIIy slielch-
ing oul anleiioi-niddIe neiidian. Al
Iasl slick ahead youi peIvis, gial youi
heeIs ly youi hands and ieIy on lhen.
Lxil exhaIing in ieveise oidei, sliaighl-
ening youiseIf lollon-up, veilelia pei
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3> In lhe slalic posilion of asana peIvis
and knees shouId le in one Iine. Avoid shaip luins in lhe spine. L2&
.&*(-)* 51(. 6& &<&*,/ 4-(.'-61.&4 :')5 .2& @*&&( .) .2& 02-*> Those
vho have lIocks in lhe anleiioi pail of lheii hips (vhich indicales lhal
lheii Svadhislhana is cIogged) !nd il noie dif!cuIl lo do lhis asana, lul
lhis piaclice can heIp lhen lo ieIease lhe lIock and lo Iileiale lhe non-
ieaIised sexuaI eneigy, vhich lends lo accunuIale in lhe anleiioi pail
of lhe hips. Ioi nen lhis asana can heIp vilh lhe piolIens of piena-
luie ejacuIalion.
Phases of entering Ushtrasana
(pose of feet to hands)
This asana is siniIai lo Iashi-
nollanasana, onIy done in slanding
In Iadahaslasana lhe eneigy
goes nol onIy due lo lhe lending, lul
aIso due lo lhe giavily, in"uencing
lhe lIood, inlensifying lhe hunoiaI
effecl. So padahaslasana is lo sone
exlenl an inveiled pose.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Sland sliaighl, Iegs and feel lo-
L&02*-O1&> InhaIing iaise youi sliaighl hands, ex-
haIing lend youi lody ahead and dovn, veilelia pei
veilelia slailing fion lhe Iovesl ones. Iul youi hands
on lhe giound neai lhe feel oi on youi caIves and puII
youi lody lo youi Iegs, slielching youi spine. Tiy nol lo
lend youi knees. Lxil asana vilh an exhaIalion, Iike lhe
snake ~ slailing fion youi neck lones. WhiIe exiling
lhe pose, hands gIide fieeIy Iong lhe lody, as if snoolh-
ing youi elheiic lody.
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3> The posleiioi-niddIe
neiidian nusl le evenIy slielched and feIl Iong aII youi
lack ~ fion lhe heeIs lo lhe head. ConlioI youi spine lo
le lenl evenIy.
Phases of entering
(front view)
Phases of entering padahastasana (side view)
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
Trikonasana (triangle pose)
Simplified version
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Sland sliII and
sliaighl, feel paiaIIeI, one and a haIf
shouIdei vidlh apail.
L&02*-O1&. InhaIing, iaise youi
hands ly youi sides lo lhe IeveI of youi
chesl. LxhaIing, sinuIlaneousIy pivol
youi lody lollon-up and lend ahead
vilh youi hip joinls. =)1' 6+0@ 51(.
'&5+-* (.'+-32.8 %-<).-*3 <&'.&6'+ +:A
.&' <&'.&6'+. Donl ciook youi spine,
neilhei change youi peIvis posilion
(lhiov il aside), olheivise asana viII
cause onIy hain. Men shouId slail piv-
oling lo lhe Iefl side, vonen ~ lo lhe
iighl side. Iace and Iook aie diiecled
up, lo lhe iisen hand. iealhe ihylh-
nicaIIy. LxhaIe and inhaIing slail un-
lvisling fion youi head and iaise youi
lody. Iul youi hands dovn. Repeal foi
lhe olhei side.
Phases of entering
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
$ # Z [
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3> Iivol lhe
sliaighl lack and donl shifl youi peIvis. The
spine shouId le lvisled evenIy. When you do lhis
asana, youi Iegs and peIvis donl dispIace, pivol-
ing and lending lhe lody shouId le done sinuI-
laneousIy, keeping youi lack sliaighl. Too nuch
eneigy is equaIIy hainfuI as Iacking il. When you
do an asana, a pail of eneigy is consuned ly youi
oigans and pailIy il is feIl as lhe vainlh oi lhe
heal noving in youi lody. Tiikonasana acls Iike
an enena: eneigy squeezed fion youi peIvis due
lo pivoling, goes up lhe anleiioi-niddIe neiid-
ian, vhich is opening lhanks lo giaduaI pivoling.
Seeing lhe nechanisn of lhe asana, you can un-
deisland ciileiia of doing il iighl: pivoling shouId
le done lollon-up, so lhal lhe squeezed eneigy
couId iise.
L2& -**&' 0'-.&'-)* of doing asana iighl is
lhe feeIing of lhe heal, iising spiiaIIy up lo youi
Mistakes at doing Trikonasana
1 doing the exercise with the stooping, not pivoted back channels dont open.
Its the most common and harmful for health mistake; 2 shifting the hip: energy isnt
squeezed from the buttock up, but goes down to the hip; 3 the same, plus inclining
the head, which blocks energy in the neck; 4 back is pivoted not from the coccyx, but
from the fourth vertebra, as a result energy cannot pass the lower back. Head is thrown
back also a current mistake
Phases of entering
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
Final group of asanas for beginners
Dhanurasana (bow pose)
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Lie on youi
leIIy, lend youi knees and gial
youi ankIes.
L&02*-O1&. InhaIing, aich
lack, iaising youi uppei lody and
youi Iegs. L2& +*3,& ): +(0&*.
): .2& ,&3( +*4 .2& 1%%&' 6)4/
(2)1,4 6& .2& (+5&> Q&,+M +,, .2&
*). -*<),<&4 51(0,&(> LxhaIing, Iel
go youi ankIes, giaduaIIy sliaighl-
ening youi lody ~ fion lhe Iovei
lack up and dovn.
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3>
Walch lhe even lension in youi anle-
iioi-niddIe neiidian. If lhe ihylhn
of youi liealhing lieaks, deciease
lhe angIe al vhich you iaise youi
lody. y lhe liealhing youi lody
can iock, lul donl do il expiessIy.
The angIe of ascenl of youi Iegs and
lhe uppei lody shouId le aInosl
lhe sane.
E**&' 0'-.&'-)* ~ feeIing en-
eigy (heal) "ov lo lhe poinl of con-
lacl vilh lhe "ooi.
Mistake at doing dhanurasana
Legs are raised less than torso. Such
performance isnt harmful, but the
efect from asana will be minimum
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Halasana (plough pose or love pose)
Il is an inveiled pose.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Lie on youi
lack, hands paiaIIeI lo lhe lody.
L&02*-O1&. LxhaIing sIighlIy
ieIy on youi hands and iaise youi
sliaighl Iegs up lo pul lhen leyond
youi head, louching lhe "ooi vilh
youi loes. CIose youi eais vilh
youi hands. Slaying in lhis pose,
liealhing ihylhnicaIIy. Lxil lhe
asana vilh an inhaIalion, snoolhIy
in lhe ieveise oidei.
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5A
-*3> Youi spine shouId le lended,
slielched Iong aII lhe lacklone. Tiy
lo keep youi Iegs sliaighl.
. Aflei inveiled poses
(HaIasana can le consideied a haIf-
inveiled pose) +,9+/( 4) 5+.(-+(+A
*+ slaying in il foi al Ieasl a haIf of
line youve spenl in lhe inveiled
pose. Malsiasana Ioveis inliaciani-
aI piessuie and iaises lhe coipoiaI
This doesnl concein advanced yogins vho consliucl lheii conpIex accoiding lo a noie
conpIicaled piincipIe.
Phases of entering halasana
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
Matsiasana (fish pose)
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*. Sil in lhe Iolus, haIf-Iolus oi sukhasana (vilh
youi Iegs ciossed).
L&02*-O1&. Thiov youiseIf lack and pul lhe lop of youi head on
lhe "ooi. The head shouId le lhiovn lack lo slielch youi anleiioi-nid-
dIe neiidian. LspeciaIIy ils inpoilanl lo slielch lhe anleiioi zone oi
youi neck. Lel youi shouIdeis go lack al lhe naxinun. iealhe ihylh-
nicaIIy. Lxil in lhe ieveise oidei. Asana is done foi 1-2 ninules, lul
nol Iess lhan a haIf of line spenl in lhe inveiled pose.
IailicuIaiilies of peifoining. When you slay in lhis pose, ils es-
peciaIIy inpoilanl lo ieIax youi nuscIes of lhe lack of youi neck. OnIy
in lhis case asana nakes lhe venous lIood "ov oul of youi head. The
addilionaI in"uence of lhis asana has lo do vilh lhe lIood "oving lo
youi lhyioid, Iileialing hoinones fion il, silling lheie in lheii foI-
IicIes. As a iesuIl duiing a coiiecl peifoinance lheie is an incieasing
lienlIing aII ovei youi lody and a heal.
Matsiasana (simplified versions)
1. Lnlei lhe pose fion
Iying posilion. Lxil lhe sane
2. Donl cioss youi Iegs,
ialhei lend youi knees and
pul youi feel as cIose lo youi
lullocks as possilIe. end as
desciiled alove.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
(overall pose or the pose
for all parts of the body)
This is an inveiled pose.
Saivangasana is nol dif!cuIl and
can le done ly anyone, vho has no
piolIens vilh his spine ~ especiaIIy
vilh lhe neck.
L&02*-O1&. Il is peifoined ly !isl
Iying on lhe lack vilh hands undei lhe
nid-lack, lhen Iifling lhe Iegs and Iov-
ei lody so lhal lhe veighl of lhe lody
is suppoiled on lhe head, neck, uppei
lack and uppei ains. iealh is ihylhni-
caI. Lnleiing and exiling lhe pose nusl
le sIov. If you have piolIens vilh youi
spine, oi, if youi neck is veak, il can le
done nol veilicaIIy, lul al 45-6O degiees
lo lhe giound, hoIding lhe lody vilh
youi hands.
P)9 -. +0.(> This posilion of lhe
lody slinuIaled lhe lIood "ov in lhe
veileliaI aileiy lo lhe lack of lhe head,
slinuIaling aII cenlies in visceiaI ieguIa-
lion liain slieans, inpioves funclioning
of aII visceia and aII lhe lodys peifoi-
nance, lhal is vhy il is caIIed posluie
of lhe conpIele lody. Il is a good pie-
venlive neasuie fion vaiix, heIps, if
lheie aie disoideis in ceieliaI lIood
"ov, lul !isl of aII lhis posluie favouis
funclioning of lhe Iefl venliicIe of lhe
caidiac nuscIe. This asana ef!cienlIy
iepIaces aeiolic exeicises, slienglhening
youi heail.
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
Common remarks about pranayamas
We shouId pioceed lo pianayanas aflei having piaclices asanas
foi sone line. Indeed pianayanas goaI is lo eneigize and !x lhe eneigy
sliucluie, aflei il vas puii!ed and foined ly asanas. If lhis sliucluie is
alsenl, pianayanas can lIighl you. esides, lo do pianayanas coiieclIy
you nusl feeI youi lody in lhe noie sullIe vay. Doing pianayanas
inaccuialeIy, you can have noie unpIeasanl consequences, lhan aflei
piaclicing asanas. UsuaIIy pianayanas aie done aflei lhe conpIex of
asanas (foi leginneis I ieconnend onIy lhis oidei), lul lhe nixed
conpIex can aIso le done ~ aIleinaling asanas vilh pianayanas al a
ceilain schene (see chaplei IiincipIes of luiIding a yoga conpIex).
K,, %'+*+/+5+( 51(. 6& (.+'.&4 9-.2 + 4&&% a+( 4&&% +( %)((-6,&b
&M2+,+.-)*. IhysioIogicaIIy il is expIained ly lhe facl lhal in oui Iungs
lheie is a so-caIIed niddIe coIunn of aii. When ve exhaIe, lhe exhausl-
ed aii fion lionchus and aIveoIus goes lo il, and vhen ve inhaIe, lhe
fiesh aii nixes vilh lhe aii fion lhe niddIe coIunn. This nix goes lo
aclive pails of Iungs, ieducing ef!ciency of liealhing. The naxinun ex-
haIalion is needed lo lake avay aII lhe exhausled aii fion oui Iungs.
Kapalabhati (cleaning of the skull)
KapaIalhali is lhe ihylhnic liealhing done ly lhe leIIy vilh lhe
speed of 9O12O liealhings pei ninule. Ralio of inhaIalion and exhaIa-
lion duialion is 3:1. Nunlei of liealhings pei ninule is individuaI and
shouId le de!ned ly achieving lhe giealesl effecl. eginneis (especiaIIy
vilh nol liained diaphiagn liealhing) shouId do aloul 6O liealhings
pei ninule, and lhen inciease lhis ihylhn.
The nain nislake in doing KapaIalhali is lo use pecloiaI nuscIes,
vhich can Iead lo lieak-ups of heailleal and cause pain in lhe dia-
/01 ,2 10345
1. IhysicaIIy KapaIalhali is an inliacianiaI hydiauIic nassage of
lhe liain, done ly piessuie diffeience nade ly lhe leIIy.
2. Keeping a ceilain ihylhn, ve change lhe ialio of oxygen/cailonic
acid conlenl in oui lIood, in lhis case ~ ly incieasing lhe conlenl of oxygen
3. In hunans nose lheie aie speciaI nosehaiis, diieclIy ieIaled lo
oui liain. RhylhnicaIIy in"uencing lhen, ve slinuIale oui liain.
L2& -**&' 0'-.&'-)* of doing il iighl is lhe feeIing of enIighlen-
nenl in lhe eyes aflei doing pianayana, as if lhe ioon lecane cIeaiei,
vhich piolalIy gave pianayana lhis nane.
UnfoilunaleIy I ignoie ieseaiches vheie lhe exacl coiieIalion vouId le de!ned, neveilhe-
Iess such a Iiaison and sone ieguIaiilies can le noliced enpiiicaIIy.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
AkapaIalhali is a siniIai
pianayana, onIy lhal lhe inhaIalion
is done ly lolh nosliiIs and exha-
Ialion ~ ly one, changing il eveiy
line. NosliiIs aie cIosed ly lhe iighl
(foi nen) and Iefl (foi vonen) hand,
peifoining yoni-nudia (niddIe and
index !ngeis aie piessed lo lhe lase
of lhe lhunl aiound lhe Iine of Iife,
olhei !ngeis aie sliaighl).
P)9 -. 9)'@(> AkapaIalhali
voiks lhe sane vay as lhe pievious
pianayana, lul lecause of ieducing
lhe peinealiIily of lhe aii in inhaIing,
lhe hydiauIic vave is lvice sliongei,
lhals vhy lhe effecl is giealei.
Anolhei nechanisn of aclion has lo vilh lhe aIleiing slinuIalion
of Ida and IingaIa, videning lhe specliun of ANS slales.
Ujaya (victorious)
Ujaya is an exeicise, ly vhich ve do an inleinaI nassage of lhe
endociine gIands. These gIands aie Iocaled deep in lhe lody and have
no nechanic access, so lhey aie nassaged ly vilialion. Hunan leing
is Iike an acouslic iesonaloi of voIunlaiy voIune, vhich heIps lo focus
vilialions on each gIand, one ly one, changing lhe pilch and lhe fie-
quency of sounds.
QP$/$ is a successive singing of sounds, foining a sacied nanlia
DN, vhich can le deconposed lo sone sounds: K28 D S8 N. Lveiy
sound is ieIaled lo a ceilain zone and iesonales in il. Sound K shouId
le sung lo feeI lhe iesonance (physicaI feeIing of vilialion, lickIing)
in lhe uppei foinix of lhe skuII, D ~ in lhe pail of lhe lhiid eye,
S (Iike in vho) ~ in sleinun, N in MuIadhaia. IdeaIIy sounds
shouId foIIov vilh no lieak, so lhal lhe vilialion vouId pass fion lhe
ciovn of lhe head lo lhe gioin.
If needed you can slinuIale sone chosen gIands, singing jusl a
pail of lhe nanlia. AcluaIIy ujaya can le done ly olhei nanlias, if you
can diagnose lheii effecl and knov vhich effecl you vanl lo ieceive.
;KQCEC\! Ujaya nakes a sliongIy pionounced slinuIaling effecl, so donl
aluse lhis exeicise.
Yoni mudra
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
(holding breath after inhaling
This exeicise can le done eilhei sepaialeIy oi logelhei vilh olhei,
noie conpIicaled exeicises. Ils aclion is lased on lhe accunuIalion of
cailonic acid, vhich iesuIls in geneiaI loning of lhe lody.
L&02*-O1&. InhaIe ly IY. HoId youi liealh, cIosing liee land-
has. LxhaIe, unIock landhas.
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&':)'5-*3. InhaI-
ing, iespiialoiy nuscIes cannol le ieIaxed
unliI lhe exhaIalion is done. This delaiI ~
a need lo hoId lhe lhoiax open ~ is fun-
danenlaI, lecause lhis is vhal nakes
kunlhaka diffeienl fion a connon
liealh-hoIding. When Iungs aie vide, lhey
donl piess on lhe heail sac, aIIoving oui
heail lo keep lhe sane anpIilude of con-
liaclions, vilhoul incieasing lhe ihylhn.
This vay ve can undeisland lhe ciileiia
of doing lhis exeicise iighl, given in oId
looks: -. 5+@&( .2& 2&+'. 6&+. *). :+(.&'8
61. (,)9&'> If you negIecl lhis pailicuIai-
ily, lhis exeicise, if done ieguIaiIy, can in-
"uence veiy ladIy on oui heaIlh.
Anolhei inpoilanl delaiI is lanhas.
Theii ioIe is lhe foIIoving: uddiana landha
piovides lhe excessive piessuie, inlensify-
ing lIood ciicuIalion in Iungs and iaises
Manipuia eneigy lo Anahala (especiaIIy
inpoilanl aflei hasliikas). DjaIanadhaia
landha in ils luin pievenls fion lhe incieasing piessuie in lhe head
(inliacianiaI piessuie). Indeed jusl liy lo ieIease lhis landha in lhe
exeicise and youII feeI a sliong hydiauIic hannei leal in lhe head.
MuIadhaia landha pievenls lhe incieasing of piessuie in Iovei cavi-
lies of lhe lody and lhe oul"ov of eneigy fion Iovei chakias. Iion
lhe alove said ve can undeisland lhe cIassicaI sequence of laking
landhas: djaIanadhaia ~ MuIadhaia ~ uddiana. Il nakes no sense lo
lake lhen in any olhei oidei, foi exanpIe, lo do djaIanadhaia aflei
uddiana, lecause lhe inliacianiaI piessuie is aIieady iaised. So lhe ie-
veise ieIease of landhas is aIso undeislandalIe.
Kunlhaka neans a pol, lul il piaclicaIIy lecane a synonyn of ielaining al an inhaIa-
Djalanadhara bandha
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Bhastrika (bellows)
hasliika is done in a siniIai nannei as KapaIalhali, lolh in
a noie lough and anpIilude vay, vilh Manipuia sel-up. Aflei lhe
liealhing cycIe ve do kunlhaka, Iasling lhe line ve veie doing in-
lensive liealhing, i.e. al 2O liealhing cycIes kunlhaka nusl Iasl foi
1O seconds.
The innei ciileiion of doing hasliika iighl is lhe feeIing of hol
!ie laII in lhe slonach. In kunlhaka lhis laII nusl iise lo lhe heail
(6$,*78 9,5274)5 ,+ :0,+% ;&7523,47
1. L'/-*3 .) 6'&+.2& 9-.2 .2& 02&(.8 oi voise, I9-.2 .2& (%-*&J
(i.e. lending and unlending lhe lack). hasliika is so inlensive, lhal
liealhing lhis vay you can do sone seiious hain lo youi heail, as veII
as piovoke sone unpIeasanl feeIings in lhe diaphiagn.
2. L&*(-)* -* :+0&8 *&0@8 ()5&.-5&( +'5( +*4 ,&3( 51(0,&( doing
lhe liealhing cycIe. These sliains aie lhe denonslialion of palhogenic
aiches and can le a !eId of fuilhei psychoIogicaI voik (see ReIaxalion
3. `'&+@-*3 6'&+.2-*3 '2/.25> Ioi leginneis a cIassicaI ihylhn
of hasliika 3:1 can le dif!cuIl and, if you piaclice vilhoul avaieness,
you can easiIy svilch lo 1:1. This nislake can le coiiecled ly liaining
and giaduaI deIileiale ieducing of lhe exhaIalion line.
4. !,)9&' 4)9* .2& .&5%)> IeopIe vilh veak Manipuia can !nd
il dif!cuIl lo nainlain lhe ihylhn of 12O liealhings pei ninule, so lhey
liy lo sIovei il dovn. In lhis case hasliika doesnl pioduce lhe needed
effecl of healing Manipuia, aIlhough il does no hain neilhei. This nis-
lake can le coiiecled ly liaining and lhe appiopiiale enolionaI slale
(sIighlIy viId) vhiIe doing lhis exeicise.
HoIding lhe liealh aflei hasliika accoiding lo canons nusl
le equaI lo duialion of hasliika cycIe, lecause, if you do aloul
2 liealhes pei second (Iike you shouId) and have done 2O counls,
liealh-hoId is 1O seconds, if you did 4O liealhings, lhe liealh-hoId
is 2O seconds. This coiieIalion favouis laIancing lhe conlenl of cai-
lonic acid and oxygen in lhe lIood, lul, if you need lo slinuIale
youiseIf addilionaIIy, you can skip lhe liealh-hoId and do jusl lhe
aclive pail.
The eneigelic sense of liealh-hoId is lo liansfei lhe eneigy-laII
fion Manipuia lo Anahala and lhen lo disliilule il in lhe lIood cii-
cuIalion. Once ils done, lheie is no need lo hoId lhe liealh. Longei
hoIds can le used ly advanced piaclilioneis lo achieve sullIei slales.
< 8,228) *099)+2 0+ !37+767975
;1&06 068B0 1( .$6.$O/'+$
Halha yoga piadipika and yoga-lallva upanishada say lhal
vhen a peison does pianayanas, he can feeI heal, vilialion, shivei-
ing, hunning and svealing. IhysioIogicaIIy il neans lhal a synpa-
lhelic lianch of ANS is aclivaled. LneigelicaIIy il indicales lhe nov-
ing eneigy. Duiing yoga session vilialions can giov lo lody iocking.
Il shouId le avoided, lecause iocking lhe lody ve dispeise lhe enei-
gy in il. You shouId liy nol lo iock, lul lo keep lhe noving inside.
The sane vilh vilialion: jusl leing valched, il caIns dovn ~ lhe
channeI is cIaii!ed.
When ve piaclice yoga, no nallei vhal lhe anlienl lenpeia-
luie is, ve slail svealing. Il neans Manipuia is aclivaled, vhich in-
leinaIIy nakes sone eneigies nove fasl. This sveal slays on lhe skin
foi a shoil line and in 5 ninules il is alsoiled. Il diffeis fion lhe
usuaI svealing ly lhe sneII. Il is nol advised lo vash lhis sveal off,
lecause youII Iose a Iol of eneigy. You shouId vail liII il gels al-
soiled oi iul il inlo youi skin. This sveal has a ceilain in"uence on
peopIe, lecause il conlains pheionones, naking us noie nagnelic
lo olheis.
K*/ 1*&<&* a-*0,14-*3 )*&A(-4&4b +%%&+'+*0& ): (9&+. -*4-0+.&
()5& 4-(6+,+*0& -* 02+@'+(V 9)'@>
Finishing yoga session
Meditation on disactualisation
(forming intention)
To piaclice yoga, if lhe piaclilionei does iighl lhe nedilalion on
acluaIisalion, he galheis lhe eneigy fion aII his occupalions, vhich aie
done on his eneigy. This condilion is a nusl foi a quaIily piaclice,
lul can Iead lo sone cuiious consequences ~ pioceedings, off vhich
you lake youi eneigy, gel suspended and jusl slop. Thal is vhy vhen
you !nish youi yoga session, do a ieluin nedilalion, ienenlei aII
youi neaiesl pIans, goaIs and ains, peopIe, you aie iesponsilIe foi, in
lhis vay giving lack sone eneigy lo youi pioceedings, vhich aie ieaIIy
voilh il. This lechnique is caIIed a nedilalion on disacluaIisalion oi
a foining of inlenlion. A speciaI nudia can heIp you lo foin youi
Principles of independent
practicing yoga
Doing yoga conpIex ly youiseIf, you shouId pay allenlion lo lhe
=+2)3,+% 7+: )>,2,+% )?)36 $05)
A Iol aloul il vas said alove.
@27A8) 5272) 0B 60.3 *0+5*,0.5+)55
1&,8) :0,+% 788 2&) *09$8)> 0B 757+75
SlalIe consciousness is conlioIIed ly lhe liealh, vhich is a guid-
ing lhiead Iong aII lhe conpIex. Rhylhnic liealhing is done in one
ihylhn lolh in asanas and passing fion one exeicise lo anolhei. No
lieaks lelveen asanas: lo sil, lo lhink, lo iecovei youi liealh and con-
linue ~ is unacceplalIe, lecause il nakes you Iose youi eneigy and
dispeises youi consciousness. You slail a ihylhnicaI liealhing, vhich
aIieady vains up lhe lody, lhen you cone lo doing asanas. ?*.&'-*3
+*4 &M-.-*3 +(+*+ (2)1,4 6& 4)*& -* .2& '2/.25 ): )1' 6'&+.28 *).
<-0& <&'(+. Lveiy line youi liealh lieaks up fion lhe iniliaI ihylhn,
lheie is a faiIuie of consciousness. If such naIfunclions lecone nu-
neious, nayle, il indicales lhal duiing lhe conpIex you shouId do a
nedilalion on acluaIisalion.
If youi liealhing ihylhn acceIeiales, aflei exiling lhe pose you
shouId slaliIise youi liealh. NoinaI liealh neans heaIlhy heail.
Deep liealh in asana inlensi!es ils effecl, ciealing an addilionaI
ihylhnicaI sliain of channeIs al inhaIalion. Such liealh is caIIed S$
BD5B J&8$6.T.
I8(8&$2 &84'558(A$61'(0 $0 %'& 6.8 586.'A140 '% 1(A8B8(A8(6 B&$46148 %'& J8+1((8&0
@)-.)+*) 0B )>)3*,5)5 C3.++,+% 7 8,228) 7&)7:D
A conpIex is luiIl vilh gioups of lhiee posluies in each gioup.
Lveiy gioup one ly one shouId voiked oul lhe anleiioi-niddIe, lhe
posleiioi-niddIe and lhe diagonaI neiidians. Lveiy nexl gioup of lhiee
does lhe sane lhing, onIy noie inlensiveIy.
Lxeicises vilh Iegs apail such as hujangasana, Iashinolanasa-
na (konasana), and lhe pivoled Ailhanalsiendiasana vilh eveiled Iegs
heIp lo cIeanse side channeIs, Iocaled in anleiioi and posleiioi sides of
lhe lody, aside fion lhe cenliaI Iine.
hujangasana vilh a iisen laiI ~ lhe lended knees, is a haIf-
slienglhening asana, vhich has a !ining effecl. Lxeicises foi slielching
voik vilh lhe innei elheiic, haIf-slienglhening and slienglhening ~
liain lhe exleiioi elheiic. !.'&.02-*3 +(+*+( 0,&+*(& .2& 02+**&,( +*4
5)<& .2& &*&'3/ -* .2& &.2&'-08 vhiIe slienglhening asanas !in lhe
eneigy and diive il inlo a ceilain chakia, heIping lo sliucluie a !inei
chakiaI !eId.
Cioups of asanas aie chosen lo incIude aII eIenenls. Ioi exan-
pIe, lhe vaining-up piovides Wood eneigy, slielching asanas ~ Wa-
lei eneigy, slienglhening posluies ~ Lailh eneigy, snaII pianayanas,
if done iighl, is Iiie eneigy, AkapaIalhali and KapaIalhali is Aii and
MelaI. AII eIenenls shouId le piesenled in a conpIex in lhe piecise
oidei. If you ignoie a gioup of exeicises, youi eIenenls viII le inlaI-
anced. Ioi exanpIe, if you do eveiylhing, excepl lhe vain-up, in lhe
Iong iun youII feeI heaviness in youi lody, lecause lheie is a Iack of
Wood and Iiie, vhiIe Lailh and Walei aie liained a Iol.
If nol lo do !ining haIf-slienglhening posluies, youII feeI ceilain
Iooseness, as if you vanled lo sel oul and "ov. Such asanas !in oui
lody aflei slielching poses. Too nuch of slienglhening poses on lhe
conliaiy nake us loo !in. Cyn-hoIics, if lhey donl do lhe slielch-
ing, vaIk as if lheii lody vas consliained, lecause lheii channeIs aie
cIogged. A vise liainei aflei veighl-Iifling exeicises gives sone slielch-
ing ones, olheivise lhe lody Ioses giace and suppIeness. Whal is lhe
cIogged channeI physicaIIy` K( ())* +( 9& (.)% 4'-<-*3 %2/(-0+, &*A
&'3/ .) + 6,)0@&4 02+**&,8 )1' .-((1&( (.+'. .'+*(:)'5-*3 -*.) :+.8 le-
cause lhey Iack eneigy. Lilhei you Iifl veighl fion noining liII davn,
oi you pul fal.
So, if you vanl lo luiId youi ovn conpIex, youd lellei incIude
a vaining-up, sone snaII pianayanas, al Ieasl lhiee slielching asa-
nas and sone liealhing exeicises. Such conpIex !isl voik oul lhe
joinls, lhen snaII pianayanas voik oul lhe caidio-vascuIai syslen,
lhen ve aclivale oui nuscIes ~ doing slielching posluies, lhen ve
do sone slienglhening posluies and !nish vilh sone liealhvoik.
Sonelines ve can svap slienglhening and liealhing exeicises. If
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
aflei yoga ve have sone unpIeasanl voik lo do, ils lellei lo do
liealhing exeicises lefoie slienglhening ones ~ lo cIose lhe !eId.
In olhei voids, you !in youi !eId, you feeI good and ils easiei lo
pul a vaII, olheivise, if you have liealhed niceIy and feeI aIiighl,
you can easiIy Iel enlei sone lad eneigies and slales you donl need
al aII. AII lhis is inpoilanl lo lake inlo accounl.
Aflei aeiolic exeicises vhen doing nuIaladha and olhei kii-
ayas, ils advised lo pul sone saIl on loui longue and lo nedilale al
a dan-lian, unliI il slails puIsing. This has a juveniIe effecl.
;KQCEC\! I donl ieconnend foi leginneis lo do #1&0.$0$($ (slanding
on lhe head posluie), aIlhough suieIy ils veiy heaIlhy and is one of lhe
nain poses in yoga. The piolIen is lhal, if you vanl Siishasana nake you
good and no hain, you nusl have a heaIlhy neck. And nosl of peopIe lo-
day have neck osleochondiosis aflei yeais of slooping al lhe desk. If lhey
do Siishasana, lheii neck-lone can le janned, as veII as olhei piolIens
can occui. Thals vhy I sliongIy ieconnend doing Siishasana fion lhe
second yeai of piaclice, vhen youi neck is lo sone exlenl cuied ly sin-
pIei asanas.
(,9) B03 60%7
If you aie a nighl ovI, youd lellei nol do yoga in lhe noining
lefoie youi lody vakes up, olheivise piessuie changes can le signi!-
canl. If you neasuie youi I iighl aflei you vake up, il is Iov, and
lhen il evenluaIIy slaliIises. OnIy lhen you can slail piaclicing. If you
aie a noining Iaik, youi lIood piessuie Ioveis lefoie you go lo sIeep,
so lhis is lhe lad line foi piaclice.
AII snaII pianayanas shouId le done vilh lhe Manipuia sel-
up, i.e. aflei doing lhen you shouId le hol. Doing slienglhening
asanas, you shouId liealhe ihylhnicaIIy vilh MuIadhaia sel-up ~
olheivise youi channeIs can le lIocked ly sone Iess sullIe eneigy.
In pailicuIai you shouId pay allenlion on hov deep you liealh is,
i.e. vhen you inhaIe, &<&'/ 6'&+.2-*3 X)*& (2)1,4 6& !,,&4 .) .2&
5+M-515> I ieconnend doing especiaIIy slienglhening asanas vilh
MuIadhaia sel-up.
Ajna sel-up appeais vhen you feeI an exeicise Iike an insliunenl
of voik vilh youi lody. Ioi exanpIe, vhen ve slielch oui Iegs lo sil
inlo Iolus ~ ve do lhe slielching consciousIy, nol aulonalicaIIy. So ve
aie lhinking hov lo slielch oui Ieg so lhal il vouId le pul inlo Iolus.
This is a conscious and sensilIe voik. ;2&* 9& %'+0.-0& /)3+ K7*+
(&.A1% (2)1,4 +,9+/( 6& +. .2& 6+0@3')1*4> Lveiy exeicise shouId le
done nol lo sil lhe needed line in il, lul lo change youiseIf, cIeaiIy
undeislanding lhal nov vilh lhe heIp of asanas, pianayanas, nudias,
I8(8&$2 &84'558(A$61'(0 $0 %'& 6.8 586.'A140 '% 1(A8B8(A8(6 B&$46148 %'& J8+1((8&0
nedilalion and so on In voiking vilh ny physicaI, elheiic and asliaI
pIanes. Ioi exanpIe, you sil dovn lo do a ihylhnicaI liealh. If sone
pail of youi lody is nol liealhed enough, il shouId le liealhed pei-
sonaIIy. Aflei il is liealhed, lhe vain feeIing !IIs aII youi lody. Lis-
lening lo youi lody and using aII knovn insliunenls lo inpiove youi
slale ~ lhals vhal ve caII lhe Ajna sel-up.
In Chinese liadilion lheie is a nedilalion jusl lo sil. }usl lo sil
and nol le disliacled, vhiIe lehind you lheie is a nan vilh a lanloo
slick ~ vaIking and lealing lhose vho aie disliacled. Ils nol dif!cuIl
lo see vhen soneone is disliacled: his shouIdeis Iifl, his head and so
on. In lhis case lhe ioIe of lhe lhiid eye is pIayed ly a nan vilh a slick.
Il is nol in oui cuslon ~ eveiyone is his ovn lhiid eye. Lveiyone de-
cided foi hinseIf eilhei he voiks in yoga oi he is jusl spending line,
lecause soneone said ils good foi heaIlh. Il is good foi heaIlh, if you
knov vhal you do, olheivise ils nol good. Ils nol hainfuI, lul vilh
lhe sane iesuIl you couId sil and valch TV... Wilhoul consciousness
lhe piaclice lecone ieIigion.
/01 80+% 5&0.8: 60%7 5)55,0+ 8752
I lhink lhal a noinaI peison can do yoga foi nol noie lhan an
houi a day. If you do il iighl, an houi is enough lo !II you vilh eneigy.
Hovevei lheie aie lhiee IeveIs of liaining, lhiee lypes of ioulines:
lo keep !l,
lo !II youiseIf vilh eneigy and lo acconpIish sone Iife lasks,
lo change youiseIf.
The !naI ciileiion lo de!ne hov Iong youi session shouId le is
!IIing youiseIf vilh lhe eneigy in lhe anounl you need.
F72.378 176 ,+ $37*2,*)
Yoga doesnl nean you have lo foice youi lody. You shouId cone
naluiaIIy lo eveiy piaclice. Ioi exanpIe, sone peopIe ask: Whal lo do,
if you donl vilhsland fasling` Donl foice il. Do sone cuslon piaclice
and once youII have a *&&4 lo cIeanse youi lody. This feeIing appeais
vhen you gel noie eneigy. This eneigy canl pass lhe lIocked chan-
neIs. Then you gel a naluiaI need lo fasl. If you foice youiseIf, Ajna
eneigy is used foi youi inleslines.
L2& 3)+, ): /)3+ -( *). .) 4) +( 5+*/ +(+*+( +( %)((-6,&8 61.
.) 6'-*3 2+'5)*/ .) /)1' 6)4/> H)-*3 %'+0.-0&(8 /)1' 6)4/ 6&0)5&(
2&+,.2-&'8 5)'& (.'&.02&48 +*4 ()5& +(+*+( 6&0)5& %)((-6,& .) 4)>
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
About lifestyle, or
How to start practicing
/01 20 !+: 2,9) B03 $37*2,*)
If soneone decides as usuaI lo piaclice on Monday, seiious-
Iy, sone houis a day, heII sland il 2-3 days, nol noie. The IifeslyIe
shouId le changed giaduaIIy. esides even if ve do nolhing, eveiyone
is lusy aII day Iong. IeopIe have no fiee line, and vhal is voise,
no fiee &*&'3/. Thals vhy lo slail piaclicing, one shouId ask hinseIf:
vhal can I sacii!ce` Lels slail vilh 1O ninules, ve aII aie veiy lusy,
lul, if you lhink, you can aIvays !nd sone 1O ninules foi sonelhing
ve can do vilhoul, Iike valching a soap opeia oi ieading a nevspapei
oi laIking lo youi neighloui. =)1 51(. 0,&+',/ 1*4&'(.+*48 92+. /)1
+'& (+0'-!0-*3> When you undeisland vhal you aie sacii!cing, line
appeais fion sone piecise souices, nol fion novheie, of couise you
shouId sacii!ce lhings you donl need. If you decide lo sIeep Iess, vhen
you lody is aIieady nol sIeeping enough, il viII le nad al you. Sac-
ii!ce vilh sonelhing you donl need: a useIess conveisalion, valching
TV, diinking aIcohoI elc.
<22,2.:) 0B 02&)35 7+: 722,2.:) 20 02&)35
When soneone slails piaclicing yoga, he can le pIayed lvo
diily liicks, conceining his cIosesl suiiounding. L2& !'(. .'-0@ is lo
leII innedialeIy eveiyone lhal you slailed piaclicing yoga. Dispeising
lhe eneigy of youi inlenlion and lhe one foi you spiiiluaI deveIop-
nenl. Cods Iike nysleiy, said in ancienl line. Youi piaclice viII
lecone ef!cienl, if as Iess peopIe as possilIe knov aloul il. Denon-
slialing youi leIonging lo yoga is a piide oi shovs lhal youi chakias
aie Ioose (oi lolh). Whal is voise, peopIe vilh vhon you shaie lhis
nevs aie iaieIy happy aloul youi good slailing. Ils easiei lo le scep-
lic lhan aIliuisl.
Thal is vhal .2& (&0)*4 4-'./ .'-0@ is aloul ~ peopIe suiiound-
ing you donl accepl youi piaclice. Il is inevilalIe nol jusl lecause of
oui nenlaIily and lhe viong undeislanding of yoga ly aveiage pei-
son. IeopIe aIvays slail spiiiluaI piaclices vilh lhe disappiovaI of olh-
eis. This is a nanifeslalion of + %'-*0-%,& ): &*<-')*5&*.+, '&(-(.+*0&,
inpIying lhal lhe enviionnenl iesisls + %&'()* 3)-*3 1%, gioving.
The sane piincipIe is liue foi sociaI condilions: liy lo evaIuale, hov
lhe allilude of olheis changes, vhen, foi exanpIe, you aie pionoled,
il is equaIIy liue foi lhe peisonaI giovlh. The enviionnenlaI iesislance
shouId le oveicone ~ il is lhe vay lhe WoiId liies you on youi iighl
lo iaise youi slalus.
I8(8&$2 &84'558(A$61'(0 $0 %'& 6.8 586.'A140 '% 1(A8B8(A8(6 B&$46148 %'& J8+1((8&0
On lhe highei IeveI lhe iesislance can le even used lo youi good,
as a souice of peisonaI giovlh. Ioi inslance vhen you do yoga, youi
faniIy connenls il, iiiilaling you ~ liy lo !guie oul vhich eneigy
you donl accepl. Why` Which chakia is nol inlegiaI` So nuch voik lo
T&)%,& +..'+0. (-.1+.-)*( .2+. 21'. &<&* 5)'& .2&-' *). -*.&3'+,
02+@'+( (see lhe look Theoiy and piaclice of psychoIogicaI aikido).
Can yoga be harmful?
Iiaclicing lhe viong vay a peison can cause hinseIf a lig dan-
age. The nain and lhe nosl dangeious nislakes aie:
1. Iiaclicing viong asanas and pianayanas. Theie vas a Iol
said aloul defecls and lheii consequences, lul veII ienind you lhal
ieguIaiIy doing exeicises lhe viong vay can Iead lo piolIens vilh lhe
lacklone (enfoicing osleochondiosis) and vilh lhe caidio-vascuIai sys-
len (vhen you liealhe viong, you can sliain youi liealh even voise).
2. A yoga conpIex luiIl viong, !isl of aII unconpensaled one,
can Iead lo a signi!canl changes in lIood piessuie (vhich you donl
need), slales of ANS and so on. Mosl oflen lhis happens vhen a peison
vanls lo do onIy lhe lhing he does veII and nol lhose he ieaIIy needs.
The piide...
3. Tiaunas. CiaduaIily ~ in eveiylhing.
Q?N?N`?Q8 /)3+ -( + 9+/ :)' 9-(& %&)%,&8 -. 6'))@( *) 1*A
.2-*@-*3 +*4 :+*+.-0-(5>
The conliaiy is aIso possilIe. A peison does yoga foi sone line
(oi cones sone lines lo a gioup session, vhich is noie oflen) and
slails leIieving lhal aII his piolIens aie caused ly yoga. Al a sighl
of diseases a yogin vho feais lhen, says: lhe cause of ny iIIness is in
yoga. This is lhe !isl olslacIe in yoga, ~ viiles Yoga kundaIini upa-
nishada. Il is olvious lhal yoga has nolhing lo do vilh lhis, il is jusl
lhe vay lo lake avay lhe iesponsiliIily foi youi heaIlh. This is hov lhe
so-caIIed defence nechanisns of oui psyche acl, lul lhe discussion of
lhen Iies leyond lhe scope of lhis look.
Physical moves dont help by themselves; concentration is neither
the only clue to success. Te one who does both physical control
and concentration achieves a success and becomes immortal
Isha Upanishada
Human psyche structure
As il vas said alove, asanas aie nol an end in ilseIf of yoga, lul
an insliunenl of voik vilh ones psyche. The cIue lo such voik is a
syslen of psychosonalic coiiespondence, i.e. lhe piojeclion of psycho-
IogicaI piolIens on ceilain pails of lhe lody in lhe foin of nuscIe
conliaclions, sliains, in exliene case of diseases in iespeclive oigans.
Hovevei unIike oui psyche, oui physicaI lody can le seen. Looking
al il and anaIysing ceilain paianeleis, ve cone lo concIusion aloul
lhe geneiaI and cuiienl psychic slale of a peison. Theie is one noie
aspecl: ils dif!cuIl lo see and lecone avaie of ones ovn psychoIogi-
caI piolIens, lecause of lhe defensive nechanisns ~ speciaI psy-
choIogicaI olslacIes, keeping a peison fion adequaleIy evaIualing his
ovn slale. A physicaI lody can aIvays le seen. Il canl le hidden,
so Iooking in lhe niiioi, appIying ceilain schenes, ve can concIude
aloul oui ieaI psychoIogicaI slale. And vice veisa, aclivaling ceilain
pails of oui lody, voiking oul oui nuscIe conliaclions, ve slinuIale
iespeclive psychic funclions and as a iesuIl ~ slinuIale lhe deveIop-
nenl and opening of chakias.
Iion lhe esoleiic poinl of viev unconsciousness is a vhoIe of ex-
peiience lhal a souI ieceived duiing aII ils exislence, vhich in"uence a
peison in lhe foin of needs and aspiialions. esides unconsciousIy ve
aie keeping a pseudoexpeiience ~ nenoiies aloul sone silualions, ve
didnl pass lhe iighl vay, vhich as enolions and allachnenls conlinue
in"uencing on oui Iife, acluaIIy iepiesenling oui Caina. Main chaiac-
leis of pseudoexpeiience aie an enolionaI ponposily and ils aliIily lo
hilch up peopIes allenlion. Indeed enolionaI ieaclion inheie aninaIs,
nol peopIe, lul a Iayei-Iike sliucluie of expeiience iesuIls in lhe facl
lhal, if a peison doesnl have his ovn expeiience of lehavioui in sone
-0/4.'2'+14$2 R'&C 1( $0$($0
silualion, he ieacls accoiding lo his expeiience fion pievious IeveIs, i.e.
lhe vioIenl ieaclion pioves lhal he has no hunans expeiience in siniIai
silualions and lhal hes accunuIaled a pseudoexpeiience of lehavioui
in lhese silualions.
ul fion aII lhe alove said ve nuslnl concIude lhal peopIe
shouId suppiess lheii enolions. On lhe conliaiy, suppiessed enolions
aie a lypicaI nislake done ly peopIe undei lhe in"uence of supeicon-
scious diieclives. As a iesuIl, enolionaI eneigies excieled fion lhe
lody donl cone oul of lhe auia, aie nol ieaIized in a ieaclion, causing
disconfoil and sliess in lhis silualion and in fuluie ones.
The facl lhal hunan consciousness slicks in lhe silualions lhal
ve didnl voik oul, is aIso expIained fion lhe poinl of viev of evo-
Iulion, iepiesenling so lo say an inslinclive vish lo cone lack and
iepIay lhe silualion, lo gel fion il aII needed expeiience, lul, if lhis
vish isnl acluaIised and is nol consciousIy ieaIised, vhal lhis chaplei
is dedicaled lo, such louching Ieads onIy lo eneigy Ioss and ils lIocking
in lhe pasl.
Al !isl gIance il nay seen lhal lhe piolIen of cIeansing oui sul-
conscious appeaied vilh psychoanaIysis and has nolhing lo do vilh lhe
cIassicaI yoga, lul lo piove lhe conliaiy, ve can jusl open Yoga sulia
IalanjaIi and iead ils !isl Iines.
Yoga is Iileialion of Chilla fion Viilli..
Whal is lhal viilli, pievenling a Seeing peison fion con-
lenpIaling liue inages` IsychoIogisls peifeclIy knov lhe effecl of
disloiled peiceplion undei lhe in"uence of diieclives, enolionaI ie-
aclions and sulconscious conpIexes. Thal is vhy lheie aie enough
ieasons lo cIain lhal lhe piocess of Iileialion of Chilla fion Viilli
has a Iol in connon vilh vhal novadays is caIIed lhe cIeansing of
efoie speaking aloul piecise nelhods of sludying lhe sulcon-
sciousness, Iels sludy lhe oljecls ve can neel lheie.
1. Non-ieacled silualions.
2. ConpIexes.
3. Neuioses.
C)*A'&+0.&4 (-.1+.-)*( is a nenoiy aloul silualions, feeIings and
enolions lhal veie nol ieacled as needed, i.e. foi sone ieasons veie
suppiessed and aie hidden in lhe sulconsciousness. In eveiyones Iife
such silualions aie nuneious: slailing fion paienls inhilils Iike donl
you daie lo Iaugh, slop ciying (vhiIe a chiId needs il!), up lo liagic
Iife evenls ve piefeiied lo foigel. Y')5 .2& &*&'3/ %)-*. ): <-&9 *)*A
'&+0.&4 (-.1+.-)*( 0+* 6& -5+3-*&4 +( ()5& 0,).( ): &*&'3/8 (.10@ -*
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
.2& -**&' %+'. ): +1'+. When ve ieIieve lhe non-ieacled silualions, ve
unlIock lhese cIols and ieIease lhe eneigy, lhey conlained.
U)5%,&M&( aie a foin of ieacling, ieaIized oi nol, on an exleinaI
slinuIus (ieslinuIaloi) veII de!ned in advance. Such a slinuIus can le
a peison, an oljecl oi an evenl. The ieason vhy conpIexes appeai, usu-
aIIy has lo do vilh lhe exislence of non-ieacled silualions. An oljecl,
vhich lecones a ieslinuIaloi couId le piesenled oi ieIaled lo such
silualion, facing il, a peison pailIy ienenleis sone unpIeasanl expeii-
ence, ieIaled lo lhis silualion, eneigelicaIIy cones lack lo il. Il lecones
lhe vice ciicIe: an oljecl piovokes again unpIeasanl feeIings, pioving
even noie lhe negalive ieaclion on il.
C&1')(&( aie a conslanlIy piesenled psychoIogicaI liauna, ieIaled
lo conliadiclions lelveen peisons vishes and his supeiconscious di-
ieclives, vhich he canl deslioy consciousIy.
The liggesl danage fion lhen is lhal lhey keep a ceilain pail of
oui psychicaI eneigy fiozen, in addilion lo lhal a ceilain anounl of
eneigy is used ly oui innei censoiship lo keep lhese oljecls in oui sul-
consciousness. NaluiaIIy il Iovei lhe eneigy polenliaI of oui conscious-
ness. esides occasionaI lieaklhioughs of unconscious conpIexes lo lhe
conscious IeveI cause neuioses, synplonalicaIIy leconing appaienl on
oui heaIlh.
The conlaninaled nind is especiaIIy dangeious foi lhose, vho do
spiiiluaI piaclices, lecause foi such voik you nusl change youi voiId-
viev, vhich in ils luin deslioys oui nechanisn of censoiship. esides
nev diieclives can oveiIap lhe oId ones, leing in oui unconsciousness,
and cause addilionaI innei con"icls. Wilhoul piopei knovIedge and
ciilicaI allilude lo ones expeiience a peison iisks lo gel sone seveie
neuioses and even nenlaI disoideis. The nosl connon is a silualion
vheie unconscious conpIexes of lhe piaclilionei aie peicepl ly his
consciousness in a foin of inages and synloIs, vhich he nislaken-
Iy inleipiels as a iesuIl of his enleiing lo asliaI pIane (of his Ioices,
Cod, opening channeIs and so on)...
AII lhe said consideied, I viII enphasize again, lhal + 9)'@ )<&'
0,&+*(-*3 ): .2& (160)*(0-)1(*&(( 51(. %'&0&4& 5)'& 0)5%,-0+.&4
(%-'-.1+, %'+0.-0&(>
To voik oul lhe desciiled physicaI consliains, veII use ceilain
nedilalions, vhich aie given leIov.
-0/4.'2'+14$2 R'&C 1( $0$($0
The piincipIe of lhis nedilalion is lased on lhe facl, ve iecaII once
noie: hunans psyche, his consciousness and sulconsciousness aie pio-
jecled on his physicaI lody, lhals vhy aII nenlaI disoideis have lheii
physicaI enlodinenl. Hovevei unIike lhe sulconsciousness, piolecled
fion lhe consciousness ly lhe nechanisn of censoiship, lhe physicaI
lody is open lo sludy and can le used as a liidge lo enlei lhe voiId of
UsuaIIy lhe nosl of psychoIogicaI piolIens Iead lo nuscIe
conliaclions and lo lhe disloilion and inhililion of diffeienl iefIex-
es. In oui case nuscIe conliaclions viII le used as a cIue lo inlio-
Basic technique of meditation
G,352 52)$
Take a confoilalIe and slalIe posilion (al lhis slage ils lellei lo
Iie dovn on youi lack). Tiy lo ieIax in lhe foIIoving oidei: loes, feel,
ankIes, shanks, knees, hips, !ngeis, hands, viisls, eIlovs, foieains,
shouIdeis, shouIdei giidIe, aldonens, lack, neck, face, head. Aflei
ending lhis cycIe of ieIaxalion, cone lack lo youi physicaI lody and
Iel youi lhoughl pass lhiough lhe sane zones, lhoioughIy checking, if
lhese nuscIes aie ieaIIy ieIaxed.
If you !nd a nol ieIaxed nuscIe, liy lo ieIax il ly lhe povei of
youi viII. If you faiI, concenliale youi consciousness on lhis nuscIe,
focus on il, valching aII appeaiing inages and enolionaI slales. You
have found sone non-ieacled enolions. Tiy lo undeisland and lo
feeI lhe silualion oi lhe enolion youie seeing as deep as possilIe,
lul ienaining caIn as an inside olseivei. Aflei lhis liy again lo ie-
Iax lhis nuscIe. If you succeed, conlinue lhe exaninalion of youi
lody, iepealing lhe cycIe of eIiciling vilh eveiy nol ieIaxed nus-
cIe. You can heIp youiseIf, asking queslions Iike vhal pievenls ne
fion ieIaxing oi vhal enolion is lIocking lhis nuscIe and so on.
If aflei undeislanding lhe silualion you sliII canl ieIax lhe nuscIe,
liy one of lhe lechniques given leIov oi pass lo lhe nexl nuscIe,
consciousIy noling lhal you have an unsoIved silualion.
Iay speciaI allenlion lo lhose pails of youi lody lhal youi
nind liies lo skip oi nol lo nolice. Ils lhe liue sign lhal lhe nosl
seiious piolIens Iie lheie and you see lhe defensive nechanisn
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
in aclion. Anolhei nosl fiequenl defensive nechanisn is a sudden ii-
iilalion, angei, a vish lo slop lhe nedilalion innedialeIy oi al Ieasl lo
change lhe pose. AcluaIise lhis feeIing and nole, vhen il appeaied ~
lhe coiiesponding pail of youi lody aIso has lig piolIens.
The !isl slep is done vhen you succeeded in ieIaxing aII nuscIes.
UsuaIIy nuscIe conliaclions ie"ecl ialhei shaIIov IeveIs of oui sulcon-
sciousness and conlain enolions and feeIings ve have vilhoul ieaIizing
il in. Thals vhy a good vay lo ieIieve lhen is lo acluaIise lhe iespec-
live feeIings (see lhe pievious chaplei), vhich iesuIls in Iileialion of
lhe eneigy of lhis feeIing.
IeopIe usuaIIy have lypicaI piojeclions. Ioi exanpIe, a lension in
lhe knees is ieIaled lo sone huiiy, exliuded foi lhe line of yoga ses-
sion, in aldoninaI nuscIes ~ lo a feai, in lhe neck ~ lo sone iespon-
siliIilies nol fuI!IIed oi oppiessed and so on.
CDL?> Duiing nedilalion aflei having achieved a deep ieIaxalion, you can
expeiience sone aliupl convuIsive novenenls of lhe lody, scaiing lolh
piaclilioneis and lheii leacheis. 2-5 seconds aflei lhey aie ovei, nev nuscIe
conliaclions appeai. Ils nolhing lad, in lhis nonenl lheie is jusl an open-
ing of a deepei sliII nol cIeansed IeveI of sulconsciousness and ils piojec-
lion on lhe lody. Slail nedilalion fion lhe leginning.
@)*0+: 52)$
Y+0& '&,+M+.-)*> This slep is haidei lhan lhe pievious one, lecause
up lo 7O of enolions aie piojecled on oui face, noieovei lhese eno-
lions aie nuch noie de!ned lhan lhose conlioIIed ly oui lody. The
piincipIe of lhis nedilalion is lhe sane: one ly one ieIax youi faciaI
nuscIes, acluaIise youi enolions, feeIings and silualions, hindeiing il.
You shouId aIso undeisland lhal al each effoil of youi viII youi foie-
head nuscIes sliain, so al a ceilain poinl you shouId svilch off youi
viII. Appioxinale coiieIalion is lhis: sel jav ~ angei, lension in uppei
pail of cheeks ~ non-acceplance, in lhe lhioal ~ non-ieaIised vishes lo
say sonelhing elc.
(&,3: 52)$
G-(0&'+ '&,+M+.-)*> You shouId pass lo lhis slep onIy aflei you
nasleied pievious ones, lecause heie youII deaI nol vilh physicaI ie-
Iaxalion, lul vilh lhe feeIing of ieIaxalion of eveiy inleinaI, liacing sil-
ualions, hindeiing il. This nedilalion Ieads us lo sone even deepei Iay-
eis of sulconsciousness and oflen opens sone silualions, vhich veie
lhe ieasons of oui physicaI diseases of iespeclive oigans.
CDL?. Diffeienl pails of lhe sane oigan oflen coiiespond lo diffeienl silu-
-0/4.'2'+14$2 R'&C 1( $0$($0
G032& 52)$
`)*&( '&,+M+.-)* can Iead us lo a sulpeisonaI expeiience, lhals
vhy, if you aie a leginnei in nedilalion, youd lellei skip il. Of couise,
in oui lones lheie aie no nuscIes, lul lheie aie elheiic and asliaI
pIanes, so sone eneigy can aIso le slocked lheie, as veII as lhe feeIing
of lension and ieIaxalion.
G,B2& 52)$
U2+@'+( +*4 %&.+,( '&,+M+.-)* can le used lo open iespeclive
chakias and lo liace lIocks.
Meditating in asana
If you ieached lhe lhiid slep, liy lo conpIicale youi nedilalion,
doing il in one of asanas. In lhis case lhe veighl is iedisliiluled and
sone nuscIes you veienl even nolicing vhiIe Iying on lhe lack, sud-
denIy shov lhenseIves. Youi goaI is lo Ieain lo ieIax aII nuscIes, nol
engaged in doing asana. Ioi exanpIe, if you aie in hujangasana, pay
allenlion lo youi !ngeis. If you have piolIens vilh Anahala, lhey hud-
dIe up. In Iashinolanasana usuaIIy conliacl aldoninaI nuscIes and
lhe gioin and so on.
N&4-.+.-)* -( 0)*(-4&'&4 5+(.&'&48 -: /)1 0+* '&,+M +,, -4,& 51(A
0,&( -* +*/ /)3+ %)(.1'&>
If lhese lechniques heIp you lo sludy vhal is in youi sulcon-
sciousness, oi esoleiicaIIy speaking, once you feeI youi asliaI lody, !nd
silualions, lolheiing you, youi non-ieacled enolions and conpIexes,
you can slail ils cIeansing. Melhods of voik vilh sulconsciousness
can le divided in lvo calegoiies: $($2/614$2 and 4$6.$&010!
K*+,/.-0+, 5&.2)4( aie lased on leconing avaie of diffeienl
sulconscious oljecls, using lheii indiiecl denonslialion (dieans,
enolionaI sliesses elc.). ReaIizalion Iileiales and iesliucluies eneigy,
fiozen in deep (unconscious) Iayeis of lhe auia, vhich nakes il pos-
silIe lo use lhis eneigy. The oIdesl and, vhalevei paiadoxicaI il nay
seen, lhe nosl voiked ovei lechnique is lhe uddhisl vippasana
Mosl of nodein anaIylicaI nelhods go lack lo diffeienl schooIs of
U+.2+'(-( 5&.2)4( aie lased on lhe diiecl ieacling of lhe feeIings
and enolions lhal lolhei us, vilh no need lo ieaIise lhen. Mosl of dy-
nanic nedilalions aie used as calhaisis.
See ReIigious psychopiaclics in lhe hisloiy of cuIluie.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Techniques of energetic
and reacting traumatising
Analytical techniques
Of couise piolIen zones diagnoslics ly ieIaxing nedilalion is
jusl lhe !isl slep in spiiiluaI voik. The nain goaI is lo achieve lhe enei-
gelic denouenenl of unfavouialIe enolionaI lies, oi speaking psycho-
IogicaIIy, cIeansing of sulconsciousness. Heie aie sone nedilalive
lechniques you can use lo do lhis voik. These lechniques can le done
lolh in asanas (lhen youII see lhal il voiks, if an unpIeasanl synplon
disappeais oi, if a gioup of nuscIes lhal pieviousIy couIdnl ieIax, !-
naIIy does il) and independenlIy fion halha yoga, lul in lolh cases a
veII-done piaclice nusl ie"ecl on youi physicaI slale.
Replaying the situation
This nedilalion can le a vondeifuI addilion lo lhe ieIaxing nedi-
lalion and can le done eilhei al lhe sane line (silualions aie ieacled al
lhe nonenl lhey aie found), oi afleivaids ~ in lhis case you acl ly a
pIan of voik vilh lhese silualions, lhal you do in advance.
L&02*-O1&> Renenlei and acluaIise a Iife silualion fion youi pasl
lhal vas physioIogicaIIy liaunalising. Iulling youiseIf inlo lhe slale of
inside olseivei, nenlaIIy go lack in lhe silualion and liy lo iepIay il as
pieciseIy as possilIe. Idenlify vilh youiseIf in lhis silualion and Iive il
lhiough fion lhe leginning liII lhe end vilh aII enolions, olseiving youi-
seIf. Repeal seveiaI lines unliI you feeI a ieIief oi unIess you feeI, lhal lhe
silualion doesnl lolhei you enolionaIIy anynoie. Sonelines lhose vho
piaclice lhis nedilalion faII inlo a shoil sIeep ~ aII lhis pioves lhal lhe
silualion vas iepIayed, i.e. lheie vas an eneigelic disengagenenl. This
nedilalion is successfuIIy done logelhei vilh lhe anaIylicaI one.
Letting go your feelings
Al !isl gIance lhis nedilalion ieninds lhe ieIaxalion nedilalion,
lul ils piioiily isnl nuscIe synplons, lul acluaIised feeIings. Ils effecl
is lased on lhe facl lhal aII feeIings, Iived lhiough and acluaIised, aie
Iileialed and Iefl.
-0/4.'2'+14$2 R'&C 1( $0$($0
L&02*-O1&> AcluaIise youi feeIings. Chose one of lhen and con-
cenliale on il. Iocusing consciousness on youi physicaI lody, liace,
hov lhis feeIing piojecls on il in lhe foin of nuscIe conliaclions, len-
sions elc. Keep quielIy valching lhese physioIogicaI denonslialions of
lhis feeIing, unliI you see lhal conliaclions and lhe iespeclive feeIing
lecone veakei and disappeai.
Svilch youi allenlion lo anolhei inpoilanl feeIing and iepeal lhe
Analytic meditation
The piincipIe of ils aclion is lased on lhe desliuclive capacily of
oui anaIylicaI nind. This nedilalion ains lo sveep off fion oui sul-
consciousness aII lolheiing silualions and paienls piogians, ve suc-
ceed lo ieaIise.
L&02*-O1&> Renenlei a silualion lhal lolheis you oi a silualion, in
vhich you lhink a piogian vas inposed lo you. y any anaIylicaI nelh-
od anaIyse lhis silualion and eveiyone vho pailicipaled in il. Il can le an
anaIysis fion lhe poinl of viev of naluiaI Iavs, given lo voik oul lhis
silualion, of psycholypes and peisonaI chaiacleiislics of ils pailicipanls, of
lheii lIocks, lheii dynanics of lehavioui and so on. The noie conpIele
and delaiIed youi anaIysis is, lhe lellei lhis silualion viII le soIved.
Playing with situation
L&02*-O1&> Renenlei a silualion liaunalising you. Idenlify vilh
lhe pailicipanl of il, keeping lhe slale of inside olseivei Slail changing
lhe sceneiy of lhe silualion, keeping ils geneiaI coie. Ioi exanpIe, you
can change lhe season, lhe vealhei, lhe enviionnenl, lhe Iook of peopIe
invoIved. You can liy lo change lheii size, naking lhe nosl lolheiing
inages veiy snaII vilh a giolesque foin, lo change lheii voice (foi ex-
anpIe, nake nen laIk vilh a IillIe squeaky voices) and so on. This nedi-
lalion is done veII, if lhe anxious feeIing foi lhe silualion dininishes.
What law is the situation for?
The foIIoving nedilalion is veiy effeclive, if done iighl.
L&02*-O1&. Think of a liaunalising silualion. ReaIise lhe foIIov-
ing: foi vhich naluiaI Iav did youi Ioices give you lhis silualion` Chai-
acleiise lhe lehavioui youve chosen. (Nole lhal lhe facl lhal lhis silu-
alion liaunalises you guaianlies lhal youve chosen il viong). uiId
anolhei Iine of lehavioui accoiding lo lhe NaluiaI Lav you acluaIised.
The nosl connon nislake in lhis nedilalion is lo Iook foi Iavs
you aIieady knov, vhiIe in nosl cases silualions aie given lo Ieain
sone nev Iavs. Moieovei, ienenlei lhal Iavs iaieIy have a sinpIe
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
voiding as Donl do lhis oi lhal. Mosl of Iavs have a noie conpIi-
caled and sophislicaled foin. Donl foigel lhal a Iav is onIy a voiding
lhal ieguIales lehavioui.
Letting go your thoughts
(great meditation of Tilopa)
This is one of calhaisis nedilalions, done nenlaIIy. Ils lheiapeulic
effecl is lhe cIeansing of youi sulconsciousness fion suppiessed lhoughls.
L&02*-O1&. Sil confoilalIy and ieIax, Iel go youi lhoughls. AIIov
any lhoughls cone lo youi nind, slaying Iike an inside olseivei lo lhis
vilhoul idenlifying youiseIf vilh youi lhoughls.
Soon vhen youi connon lhoughls and lhe innei diaIogue veai
oul fion unconsciousness, on a conscious IeveI vouId cone sone
lhoughls, lhal you nay !nd viId, avkvaid, nol youis elc. The nosl
inpoilanl in lhis nedilalion is nol lo iesisl lhen, jusl lo olseive lhen
vilh no enolions and lo liace lhen, accepling lhe facl lhal lhey aie
youis. Medilalion shouId le slopped, vhen you feeI a gieal disconfoil
oi vhen you Iose youiseIf.
;KQCEC\! LnolionaI peopIe oi lhose vho have a veak Ajna-chakia
shouIdnl do lhis nedilalion.
AII lhe alove-desciiled nedilalions, nayle excepl lhe nedilalion
of TiIopa, aie lhe sinpIesl lechniques foi leginneis. The scope of lheii
usage is Iiniled ly silualions, vheie lheie is onIy a peisonaI liauna
and no eneigelic conneclions vilh olhei peopIe. TechnoIogies of voik
vilh asliaI conneclions aie lhe advanced IeveI of yoga piaclice, vhich
is leyond lhis look.
Catharsis techniques
Iion nany calhaisis lechniques (see lhe look IsychoIogy of
spiiiluaI deveIopnenl), lhe nosl suilalIe foi asanas piaclice is lhe as-
liaI liealhvoik.
Astral breathwork
eing in asanas sone piaclilioneis feeI sone pain and vanl lo
gioan. The nosl oflen il happens vhen lhey aie voiking vilh lheii an-
leiioi-niddIe channeI, lecause in lhis pail of lhe lody accunuIale eno-
lions, vhich can le expiessed. If such vish appeais, il shouId le salis!ed,
i.e. gioaned. Il Iileiales suppiessed eneigy and cIeanses oui asliaI lody
al lhe IeveI of lhe iespeclive chakia. If lhe ieacling is done coiieclIy, lhe
nuscIe conliaclions nay disappeai al a physicaI IeveI and feeIings ie-
Ialed lo lhe novenenl of elheiic eneigy lecone noie inlense.
Looseness and density
of chakra
Lel us liie"y desciile physicaI and psychoIogicaI fealuies, lypicaI
of Iooseness and iigidily of chakia.
`/ ,))(&*&(( ): + 02+@'+ )' ): + !&,4 9& 1*4&'(.+*4 (102 (.+.&
): .2& !&,48 92&* -. 0+* &+(-,/ 6& 6'&+02&4, i.e. vilh lhe ieIaliveIy
veak eneigelic in"uence al lhe iespeclive IeveI appeais a hoIe oi an
eneigy oul"ov. Too Ioose !eIds pievenl eneigy fion slaying in chakia.
IieIds Iooseness is an unslalIe slale: eneigy is piesenl, lul canl le
kepl. The elheiic !eId is dense oulside and Ioosei inside.
Al lhe lehavioui IeveI Iooseness is a slale vhen a peison hasnl
yel voiked oul a ceilain naluiaI Iav, lul he hasnl gol lhe silualion
on il eilhei. IhysicaIIy nuscIes al lhe IeveI ): ,))(& 02+@'+( +'& *). 4&A
<&,)%&4 &*)132 )' 2/%&'.')%2-&4 -* '&,+M+.-)*>
On lhe conliaiy + (.+.& 92&* + %&'()* 0+* 2+'4,/ &5+*+.& .2&
'&(%&0.-<& 02+@'+V( &*&'3/ -( 0+,,&4 '-3-4-./. Rigidily is a hypeilio-
phied excessive densily of eneigy. N1(0,&( -* .2&(& X)*&( +'& (.'+-*&48
(.'&.02-*3 -( 2+'4&'. The nosl oflen iigidily appeais, vheie chakias aie
J2'4C8A. Nole lhal, if chakia is iigid, il doesnl especiaIIy nean lhal il is
veak. If a peison has a iigid and veak chakia, hes veiy Iucky. Al
Ieasl heII have no neuioses. If chakia is sliong and iigid, a peison con-
slanlIy slays in lhe inheienl conliadiclion, lecause lhe eneigy seeks lo
cone oul and !nds no vay oul.
As olhei eneigy fealuies, !eIds Iooseness and iigidily !nd lheii
ie"eclion on lhe physicaI lody and on peisons enolionaI slale (asliaI
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
L2& ,))(&*&(( ): N1,+42+'+ al lhe lehavioui IeveI viII shov as
a lendency lo possess noie piopeily, lhan one can affoid. N1,+42+'+V(
'-3-4-./ is a slale of conslanl squeezing of lhe peIvic "ooi. A peison
Iives vilh a conslanlIy Iocked nuIalandha. Il is quile fiequenl, lecause
in Luiopean cuIluie lheie is an excessive disgusl foi aII piocesses lhal
have lo do vilh defecalion, uiinalion and so on. The psycholype of lhe
peison vilh iigid MuIadhaia is siniIai lo lhe anaIIy !xed lype, cuslon-
aiy in psychoanaIysis.
A good exanpIe of an anaIIy !xed lype is Chekovs nan in a
case. He diesses foi lhe case, if lhe vealhei gels coIdei. Lveiy day
is aII lhe sane: he goes lo voik, cones lack hone, on Sunday goes foi
a vaIk (fion poinl A lo a poinl ~ aII pIanned and !xed). This is lhe
sign of iigid MuIadhaia, vhen a peison is unalIe lo digiess fion his
cuslonaiy schenes. IhysicaIIy you nay see MuIadhaias iigidily as a
sliained peIvic "ooi and Iiniled noliIily of peIvis and hips. UsuaIIy
such a peison can haidIy slielch his Iegs apail.
F))(& !<+42-(.2+*+ is easiIy diagnosed ly an excessive noliIily
of lhe peIvis, vhich goes oul of conlioI. Il is especiaIIy noliced vhen
a peison is slanding. His peIvis aIvays faIIs oul, oflen ahead. He
noves his Ieg, and his peIvis faIIs oul. Il seens lhal his peIvis Iives his
ovn Iife. Sonelines you can nolice lhal his undeileIIy (lhe zone le-
lveen lhe naveI and gioin) is sIighlIy faIIing oul. Al lhe lehavioui IeveI
Ioose Svadhislhana Ieads lo lhe facl lhal a peison easiIy gels hoiny and
can haidIy gel an oigasn ~ lhis is noie lypicaI foi vonen. Ioi nen
lhe sign of Ioose Svadhislhana is high excilaliIily and quick ejacuIalion,
caused ly lhe incapacily lo keep lhe eneigy. LasiIy gelling diunk is
aIso a sign of Ioose Svadhislhana.
!<+42-(.2+*+V( '-3-4-./ is lhe incapacily lo Iel oul youi sexuaI en-
eigy. This neans a peison canl adnil lhal he has a desiie, canl shov
lhis desiie, sexuaIIy expiess hinseIf elc. IhysicaIIy il is a sliain in lhe
undeileIIy. Due lo lhis lhe Iovei lack aiches and lhe peIvis goes sIighl-
Iy lack. Iunny, lul a Iol of nodeIs lhal aie seen as an ideaI of sexuaIily
have lhe sane posluie. Such a peison vaIks Iike a duck ~ his peIvis
lack. Ioi a vonan vilh a iigid Svadhislhana ils dif!cuIl lo lecone
exciled, vhiIe a nan is exlieneIy shy.
#6&8(+6.8(1(+ B'06D&80! M84.(1LD80 '% "&51(+ 6.8 "82A
K ,))(& N+*-%1'+ iesuIls in a lehavioui caIIed leing luIIy.
A peison has a lendency lo lake noie lhan he can leai. A peison vilh
a Ioose Manipuia lypicaIIy has a sofl leIIy.
Nole lhal nen gel Ioosei Manipuia aflei lhey gel naiiied. He has
aIieady ieached sonelhing, has a faniIy, a quile good !nanciaI slale,
he doesnl feeI Iike !ghling anynoie, he has sone slaliIily, lheie aie
peopIe, on vhon he can counl... A peison is ieaIized: pailIy gave
his Manipuia lo a conpany, pailIy ~ lo his vife, pailIy ~ sonevheie
eIse. Lveiylhing seens aIiighl, lul any sliessfuI silualion lieaks hin
dovn, lecause his Manipuia is deIegaled. In lhis case appeais lhe leIIy.
Wonen can aIso have il, aIlhough nen have il noie naiked.
K '-3-4 N+*-%1'+ is a slale vilh lhe conslanlIy sliained aldoni-
naI nuscIes. NoinaIIy lhis slale doesnl Iasl Iong, lecause il easiIy ends
vilh lhe slonach uIcei. A peison conslanlIy slays in lhe slale of slion-
gesl nol expiessed innei aggiession ~ a loiIing coppei of iage. The
nosl oflen lhis aggiession is liansfoined inlo auloaggiessiveness, caus-
ing uIcei.
Ioi nen + ,))(& K*+2+.+ is dif!cuIl lo diagnose, lecause lhey
have nol nuch lo see. Ioi vonen ils noie olvious. UsuaIIy vhen hei
Anahala gels Ioosei, hei lieasls giov "ally. UnliI a young giiI oi a
vonan is Iiving vilh hei ovn liighl enolions, leing a souice of lhen
heiseIf, hei lieasls sland high. As soon as enolions lecone veakei,
a vonan slails foIIoving lhe enolionaI spheie of olheis, hei lieasls
giov and slail hanging. LnolionaI Iooseness of Anahala is expiessed
in lhe facl lhal a peison is easiIy in"uenced even ly sIighlesl enolions.
The lypicaI peison vilh Ioose Anahala valches a soap opeia and sols,
vhen a lad guy loiluies an innocenl puie heioine.
Q-3-4 K*+2+.+ can le easiIy seen. In oui cuIluie il is quile of-
len lecause of oui upliinging. The easiesl vay lo diagnose il, is ly
piolIens vilh liealhing (incapacily lo liealhe vilh lhe chesl). Isycho-
IogicaIIy Anahalas iigidily is lhe incapacily lo expiess youi feeIings. A
peison can have feeIings, lul he faiIs lo expiess lhen, lo Iel go. Oflen
he doesnl even knov lhal he has lhese feeIings. He feeIs nol quile con-
foilalIy, lul he canl de!ne his slale noie pieciseIy and undeisland-
alIy. Ils a piolIen of oui cuIluie: do I Iove oi donl I Iove, do I Iove
oi do I hale ~ I donl knov. If feeIings aie lIocked, lul lhe chakia is
sliong, lhey sliII liy lo cone oul sonehov, leaiing a peison apail,
and his chakia gels lieached.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
K ,))(& G-(21442+ is seen ly lhe fuzziness of speech and ly
nany !IIeis in il. If a peison speaks a Iol, lul ils dif!cuIl lo undeisland
vhal he vanls, his Vishuddha is sliong, lul Ioose. TaIkaliveness is a
sign of Ioose Vishuddha.
LspeciaIIy, if a peison gives infoinalion, hed lellei kepl foi hin-
K '-3-4 G-(21442+ is diagnosed ly a conslanl hypeiliophied
sliain in lhe neck. Sonelines lhese nuscIes aie so sliained, lhal lhe
peison slails pIaying vilh lhen, lecause nuscIes canl slay in len-
sion foi a Iong line and nusl le ieIeased. Thals vhy lhis lension is nol
ieaIized al aII.
A peison vilh iigid Vishuddha has sonelhing lo say, lul has no
iighl lo do il. Anolhei aIleinalive of iigidily is lhe iigid neck. In lhis
case il is a sign of hypei iesponsiliIily, vhen a peison canl say no.
He lakes upon hinseIf loo nuch, and il lecones a luiden, piessing
hin lo lhe giound, uIlinaleIy causing neck osleochondiosis.
K ,))(& K7*+ is an alliilule of a peison vilh lhe supei!ciaI voiId-
viev. As soon as he sees a nev idea, he goes foi il, especiaIIy, if il is
veII piesenled: We diink HeilaIife` HeII sinceieIy peisuade you
lo diink HeilaIife. Then anolhei idea ~ ve shouId give ouiseIves
an enena ~ Iels give enenas. Hes junping fion one idea lo anolhei
vilhoul naking a ciilicaI anaIysis of each concepl lo synlhesize il in
his voiIdviev, inslead hes junping fion one lo anolhei ~ Iike on lhe
vaves. Those ideas can even le conliadicloiy. UnfoilunaleIy you can-
nol diagnose Ioose Ajna ly lhe expiession of lhe foiehead.
K '-3-4 K7*+ is seen in conslanl viinkIing of lhe foiehead, in lhe
conviclion lhal you nusl aIvays le lhinking, oi in lhe hypeiliophied
lension in lhe eyes. Ajnas iigidily oflen doesnl ieIale lo il diieclIy, lul
appeais aflei lIocking leais foi a Iong line. A chiId is foilidden lo ciy,
lhen he piohilils hinseIf lo expiess his enolions lhiough lhe eyes. A
conslanl lension appeais in peiiocuIai nuscIes, enolionaI lension accu-
nuIales. Al lhe lehavioui IeveI lhe Ajnas iigidily is shoved in lhe in-
capacily lo accepl olhei poinls of viev and lo enIaige ones voiIdviev.
L2& (-3* ): ,))(&*&(( :)' &<&'/ 02+@'+ -( .2+. -. 0+* 6& &+(-,/
6'&+02&4> Ioi exanpIe, a sIighlesl enolionaI in"uence ly Anahala ~
you vaIk and see a dead cal ~ loiluies you, lecause you easiIy lake
lhis slale on youiseIf. Ils a sign of Ioose Anahala.
#6&8(+6.8(1(+ B'06D&80! M84.(1LD80 '% "&51(+ 6.8 "82A
Strengthening asanas
Slienglhening asanas !x lhe Iooseness of oui elheiic !eId, dense
il. UnIike slielching and pivoling posluies, lheii effecl is lased on al-
liacling eneigy lo lhe nosl sliained zone of nuscIes. T2/(-),)3-0+,,/
.2-( -*"1&*0& -( *).-0&4 6/ .2& 51(0,& <-6'+.-)* -* .2& -*<),<&4 X)*&.
If lheie is no vilialion, lhe pose is done incoiieclIy. E* (.'&*3.2&*-*3
a.-32.&*-*3b %)(&( )*& (2)1,4 (.+/ O1-&. ,)*38 )<&'0)5-*3 .2& '&(-(A
.+*0&. If you do lhese poses liII lhe sIighlesl disconfoil, il gives no
effecl. The unviIIingness lo vilhsland dif!cuIlies, lo exeil oneseIf and
lo feeI disconfoil ~ lhese aie asliaI signs of a Ioose !eId, and vice vei-
sa, lighlening elheiic !eId slinuIales lhese quaIilies.
In slienglhening posluies you shouId pay allenlion lo youi liealh,
vhich has a lendency lo lieak. I*4&&48 1*0)*.'),,&4 &5).-)*( 5&+*
.2& !&,4 -( ,))(&. Oui consciousness is lhe niiioi of oui liealh. If lhe
liealh is lioken, lhe "ov of consciousness is lioken as veII.
In case of nuscuIai oveisliain oi excessive faligue aflei doing
foice posluies adveise effecls can le ieIieved ly doing hasliika.
Tightening Manipura field
Forward set (mountain pose)
This pose slaliIizes and lighlens lhe elheiic of anleiioi Manipuia.
L&02*-O1&. Take a push-up pose, on youi hands oi on youi viisls
undei you shouIdeis, hands paiaIIeI. ShouIdei lIades aienl iisen, peIvis
isnl faIIing dovn. Sland in lhis posilion unliI you feeI vilialion in you
aldoninaI nuscIes. Sonelines lheie is aIso a vilialion aiound kidneys.
The effecl fion asana can le inlensi!ed ly nanlia houn.
U'-.&'-+ ): 4)-*3 '-32.> Vilialion in aldoninaI nuscIes.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
$ #
Backward set (mountain pose)
Mistakes in doing parvatasana
1 curving the back with shoulder blades and pelvis typical for people with rigid
Svadhisthana; 2 sagging typical for people with loose Manipura. In both cases
Manipura isnt tightened.
This asana lighlens lhe
elheiic !eId of anleiioi Ma-
L&02*-O1&. The sane
as in lhe pievious pose, onIy
face up.
U'-.&'-+ ): 4)-*3 '-32.>
Vilialion in lhe Iovei lack.
Tightening Svadhisthana field
Set on shoulders (shoulder pose)
L&02*-O1&. Sland on youi
shouIdeis. Lie on youi lack, lend
youi knees and pul youi feel cIose
lo youi hands. You can giasp
lhen. Resl upon youi nape and
youi shouIdeis.
U'-.&'-+ ): 4)-*3 '-32.. Vi-
lialion in lhe undeileIIy and in
anleiioi hips.
#6&8(+6.8(1(+ B'06D&80! M84.(1LD80 '% "&51(+ 6.8 "82A
Arthasalabhasana (half-locust pose)
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Lie
on lhe "ooi face dovn. Ains
Iong youi lody.
L&02*-O1&. Raise one
Ieg, nol lending lhe knee and
nol laking youi peIvis off lhe
U'-.&'-+ ): 4)-*3 '-32.> Vilialion in lhe zone of kidneys. The nosl
lypicaI nislake in lhis exeicise is lo iaise lhe peIvis fion lhe "ooi and
lo iaise lhe Ieg ly pivoling lhe lack. Then lhe needed effecl (lighlening
of lhe !eId and vilialion) isnl achieved.
Mistakes in doing Arthasalabhasana
1 the pelvis is raised of the foor (the pose looks more impressive, but doesnt tighten
the feld); 2 the same plus the pose is done by pivoting the backbone. Can cause
traumas to a weak or ill low back.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Lying on
lhe leIIy, hands Iong lhe lody.
L&02*-O1&. Raise sliaighl
hands Iong lhe lody, iaise and
keep Iegs up, feel logelhei.
Salabhasana (locust pose)
The sane as lhe pievious one, lul iaising lolh Iegs. The effecl is
siniIai, lul sliongei.
Dhanurasana without hands (bow pose)
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Urdhvadhanur asana
(inverted bow pose)
Cat pose
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Lie face
dovn, hands al lhe IeveI of lhe
Technique. Lifl youi peIvis so
lhal lhe ains nake one Iine vilh
lhe lack. The lack nusl le sliaighl.
The lending is done onIy ly lhe
peIvis. Donl lend youi knees.
HeeIs, if possilIe shouId sland on
lhe giound.
U'-.&'-+ ): 4)-*3 '-32.> Vilia-
lion in Iovei pail of slonach.
Advanced level
of the exercise
Mistakes in doing cat pose
Round lower back. Svadhisthana feld
wouldnt tighten, because the energy
will accumulate in the belly.
#6&8(+6.8(1(+ B'06D&80! M84.(1LD80 '% "&51(+ 6.8 "82A
Navasa (boat pose)
Firabhadrasana (swallow pose)
Simplifed version
Tightening Muladhara field
Kukutasana (cock pose)
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Controlled splits
Legs apail in spIils, lhigh nuscIes !xing il. The lension in innei
lhighs nuscIes slaliIises lhe Iooseness of MuIadhaia. The nosl inpoi-
lanl in lhis pose is nol lo nove lhe peIvis.
Front view
Mistakes in
doing splits
The pelvis is
moved back
Uttkatasana (strong pose)
Uttkatasana with
feet together
Simplifed version
Horseman pose in qigong
#6&8(+6.8(1(+ B'06D&80! M84.(1LD80 '% "&51(+ 6.8 "82A
Tightening side zones
Santolanasana (balancing pose)
Uthita parsfaconasana
(stretched right angle pose)
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Strengthening poses
in yoga complex
Slienglhening poses is an inpoilanl pail of yoga piaclice, even if
lhe piaclilionei has no Iooseness in his chakias. Doing lhe slielching ve
cIeanse oui channeIs, nove eneigy in lhen, oui elheiic slails sveII-
ing. LvidenlIy ve lecone noie eneigelic, lul lhen lhe eneigy is easiei
lo Iose. To nake suie il doesnl happen, slielching asanas shouId le
conpensaled ly lighlening posluies, i.e. ly asanas, vhich condense oui
elheiic, lighlening il in iespeclive zones.
L-32.&*-*3 %)(&( (2)1,4 +,9+/( 6& 0)5%&*(+.&4 9-.2 (.'&.02A
-*3 %)(&(8 -* + <&'/ %')%)'.-)*+, 9+/> If you do onIy lighlening poses,
youi elheiic viII le iigid, i.e. youII nove Iike a soIdiei. If you do onIy
slielching, youII lecone loo Ioose, Iike a dusl in lhe vind, vhich is
aIso lad, especiaIIy foi lhe sociaI Iife.
Yoga aIvays neans a good laIance of "exiliIily and densily,
Iaigeness and luiIding-up of lolh physicaI lody and physioIogicaI slale
(vhich is acluaIIy lhe sane). Tighlening poses aie veII done vilh lighl-
ening nedilalions, i.e. vilh lechniques lo lighlen lhe asliaI !eId.
and variations
of main asanas
As il vas said alove, if piacliced ieguIaiIy, one can gel used lo yoga
posluies. Asanas and pianayanas, vhich veie in"uencing giealIy lhe
slale, causing signi!canl feeIing of lhe eneigy novenenl, lecone usuaI
and slop naking lhe sane effecl. Heie is lhe nechanisn of lhis adaplalion.
1. Oui lody accuslons lo lhe sane voikoul. Iiaclicing asanas,
ve enIaige lhe capacily of oui lody ~ lhe physicaI and lhe eneigy one.
To neuliaIise lhis adaplalion ve use advanced vaiialions of asanas.
2. Unfieezing of lhe nosl signi!canl zones of lhe lIocked
eneigy, vhich used lo le lhe souice of sliong sensalions. To avoid lhis
adaplalion one shouId incIude inlo his piaclice sone lechniques lo gel
eneigy fion oulside (see Techniques of voik vilh eneigy).
3. IsychoIogicaI adaplalion lo nev sensalions, vhich nakes lhe
acluaIisalion lo piaclice exeicises Iess slalIe. Youi allenlion and eneigy
aie dispeised. To avoid lhis adaplalion you shouId use noie ieguIaiIy
lhe nedilalion on acluaIisalion vhiIe doing exeicises.
To keep yoga piaclice effeclive ve can use noie dif!cuIl exeicis-
es. These advanced asanas can le usefuI foi peopIe vilh naluiaIIy high
"exiliIily. The anaIysis of lhese exeicises shovs, lhal ly lheii voik, and
ly lheii eneigy effecl and sensalions, .2&(& +(+*+( +'& (-5-,+' .) .2&
6+(-0 )*&(8 4&(0'-6&4 -* .2& %'&<-)1( 02+%.&'.
The conliaiy is aIso liue: lhe need lo piaclice advanced asanas
cones onIy aflei lhe ieseive of lasic ones is ovei. Olheivise noie con-
pIicaled asanas viII onIy exhausl inside ieseive of lhe lody. As il is
said in Shvelashvaia upanishada: If you cannol naslei aII asanas,
naslei jusl one, lul ieach lhe lolaI confoil in il.
So Iels lake a Iook al sone advanced yoga posluies, vhich can le
used aflei lhe lolaI nasleiing of lasic exeicises, laking inlo accounl lhe
innei ciileiia of nasleiing.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
and its variations
Bhujangasana with
an advanced bending,
resting on hands
(2nd variation of Bhujangasana)
legs apart
Bhujangasana legs
bended in the knees
(3nd variation
of Bhujangasana)
The geneiaI fealuie of posluies vilh Iegs apail is lhal lhey diive
lhe eneigy nol ly lhe anleiioi-niddIe channeI, lul ly lhe neiidians
of lhe anleiioi and posleiioi pails of lhe lody, on lhe sides fion lhe
niddIe channeI.
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
similar to Bhujangasana
These asanas aie done lo slielch lhe anleiioi-niddIe neiidian. Like
in hujangasana, lhese poses shouId le enleied fion lhe lop dovn, aich-
ing lhe spine veilelia aflei veilelia. If done coiieclIy, lhese asanas nake
lhe eneigy nove and cause lhe feeIing of heal noving up lhe spine.
and its variations
(wheel pose)
(back pose)
(head stand
resting on the
In this pose
there is a natural
stretching of the
Saipasana is an ex-
eicise joining lhe effecl of
lolh hujangasana and
pivoling posluies. Il is en-
leied fion hujangasana
ly luining lhe head foI-
Ioved ly shouIdeis veile-
lia pei veilelia, fion lhe
lop dovn.
Sarpasana (snake pose)
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
!+'%+(+*+> K4<+*0&4
<+'-+.-)*(> Vaiious saipasa-
nas aclivale diffeienl lack
neiidians. The noie conpIi-
caled il is, lhe cIosei lo lhe
spine eneigy noves.
T+'.-01,+'-.-&( ): %&'A
:)'5-*3> In saipasana one
haIf of lhe lody shouId le lo-
laIIy sliained, and anolhei ~
conpIeleIy ieIaxed.
U'-.&'-+. Saipasana ac-
livales non-synneliic neiid-
ians, lhals vhy lhe lension
shouId go fion a lenpIe lo
lhe gioin. The heal goes up
lhe channeI on lhe sliained
haIf of lhe lack.
similar to ashimattanasana
Konasana (angle pose)
Ils ieconnended
foi piaclilioneis vilh lhe
high "exiliIily of lheii
Iovei lack, vho canl gel
lhe eneigy effecl fion Ia-
Yoga mudra
Kurmasana (tortoise pose)
For even more fexible people
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
Kurmasana (tortoise pose)
Simplifed version
Pranamasana (bow pose)
Marichasana (Marichi pose)
The starting position for this
pose is Pashimottanasana
E*(-4& +*4 )1.(-4&
0'-.&'-+ of doing lhese
asanas iighl aie lhe sane
as foi Iashinollanasana.
and its variations
The pose is aimed to activate
the channels on the side of the
middle channel
Poses activate meridians of the posterior
part of the stretched leg
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
similar to adahastasana
(double angle pose)
Intensifes the infuence
on the posterior middle
Padahastasana with
a bended knee
Intensifes the infuence
on the channels of the
bearing leg
and its variations
Trikonasana. First variation
The hand is put near the
same foot. The asymmetry of
poses is done by the pelvis
Second variation
The hand is placed near
the opposite foot
L2& -*(-4& 0'-.&'-+ of doing lhese vaiialions of Tiikonasana coi-
ieclIy aie lhe sane as foi lhe lasic pose, desciiled alove. The onIy dif-
feience is lhal lhe sliain is done onIy ly one Ieg (lo vhich lhe lending
is done).
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
similar to alasana
(inverted angle pose)
Chakrasana kriya
(moving wheel pose)
(knees near ears pose)
(asymmetric postures,
influencing side
Asynneliic poses aclivale peiipheiaI channeIs (Iying aside fion
lhe cenliaI Iine and paiaIIeI lo anleiioi and posleiioi niddIe neiid-
ians). Oflen lhe nanes of lhese poses have a pie!x ailha-, neaning
haIf. Il doesnl nean lhal haIf-poses aie easiei lo peifoin lhan
lheii conpIele veisions. They jusl have a speci!c in"uence on )*&
2+,: of lhe lody.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Phases of entering
Arthanurasana Arthaushtrasana
Virasana (hero pose)
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
and its variations
Djanu-sirsasana (head to
knee pose). First variation
Djanu-sirsasana (head to knee
pose). Second variation
Triang mukhapada
and its variations
Parshvatonasana (stretching to Bhujangasana pose)
CDL?> Despile lhe foinaI iesenlIance, lhese poses aclivale conpIeleIy dif-
feienl channeIs.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
(Siva-Nataraja pose)
Mistakes in doing
Bearing-out the
hip closes the side
(crossbar pose)
Parsva Halasana
(Halasana with a turn)
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
Inverted poses
Viparita karani
(back movement)
Vipaiila kaiani is a veiy dif-
!cuIl pose. To do il coiieclIy, one
nusl have a "exilIe peIvis zone.
AcluaIIy il is a haIf-inveiled, haIf-
slienglhening pose.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Lying on
lhe lack.
L&02*-O1&. Lifl youi feel in
lhe vay lhal youi loes ieach lhe
IeveI of youi nose, peIvis isnl lak-
en off lhe "ooi. The lack nusl le
sliaighl, Iegs aie aIso sliaighl al a
angIe of appioxinaleIy 7O al youi
lody, lhe coccyx Iying on lhe "ooi,
no aiching in lhe lack. Ils a haIf-
inveiled slienglhening pose.
?::&0. +*4 +0.-)*> This pose lighlens lhe !eId in lhe anleiioi pail
of Svadhislhana, pushing lhe eneigy up lhe anleiioi-niddIe channeI.
This effecl is achieved, onIy if lhe lack is peifeclIy sliaighl and hoiizon-
laI. Vipaiila kaiani does lhe sane effecl on vonen as nauIi on nen ~
nakes lhe sexuaI eneigy (ils elheiic consliluenl) iise. Il can le usefuI as
a vay of cuiing fiuslialion, caused ly sexuaI dissalisfaclion.
Mistakes in doing
viparita karani.
The back and the pelvis
are taken of the foor
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
(standing on the head)
Siishasana is one of lhe nosl inpoilanl pos-
luies in yoga, iejuvenaling aII lhe lody. Hovevei il
shouId le piacliced onIy aflei aII lhe piolIens vilh
neck osleochondiosis aie cuied (lhe lesl piaclice foi
il aie saipasana and pivoling poses), lecause olhei-
vise il can piovoke veilelia janning.
Siishasana isnl aIvays easy lo do. To naslei il
one shouIdnl le afiaid lo faII on lhe lack, and foi
lhis ils heIpfuI lo piaclice soneisauIls.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> In vadjiasana iesl on lhe lop
of lhe head, pul youi hands on lhe nape (!ngeis
oveiIap, lul aienl ciossed).
L&02*-O1&. Sliaighlen you lack, feel coning lo
youi head, unlending youi knees. Take youi feel off
lhe "ooi and caiefuIIy sliaighlen lhen.
?::&0. +*4 +0.-)*> Siishasana iedisliilules lhe
lIood in cavilies of lhe lody and nakes il cone lo
lhe head, if lhe neck isnl janned in lhe exeicise. The
feeIing of eneigy coning inlo lhe head is lhe sign
lhal asana can le !nished. esides in lhis posluie lhe
nuscIes, iesponsilIe foi laIance aie aIso eneigized.
Which gioup of lhen ~ depends on lhe leaiing
aiea, i.e. on hov hands aie pIaced (foi noie delaiIs
see chaplei Asanas loosleis).
Phases of entering Sirshasana
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
Sirshasanas variations
Squeezing out asanas
(peacock pose)
Maiuiasana is a squeezing oul pose lhal shouId le done vilh lhe
sliaighl lack. The eneigy you squeeze oul fion lhe Iovei pail (Mani-
puia and pancieas) noves Iike in hujangasana. Il can le iepIaced: Iike
a slielching pose ~ ly lhujangasana, and Iike a squeezing pose ~ ly
Iying face dovn on lhe viisls undei lhe leIIy (vhich is a good heIp, if
you oveiale). If you canl do asana veII, lellei donl do il al aII.
Variations of Sirshasana:
1 Kapalasana (Sirshasana
with arching); 2 Sirshasana
with legs apart; 3 Sirshasana
with pivoted spine
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
(bulls head pose)
strengthening poses
(mountain Meru or the vertebral column pose)
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
(stretching back without
support pose)
Tolangulasana (scale pose)
Tree pose
on one foot
(tiptoe pose)
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Advanced pranayamas
Bhastrika and its variations
The physioIogicaI effecl fion hasliika can vaiy depending on
lhe posilion of lhe eyes, of lhe head, oi ly cIosing one of lhe nosliiIs
(asynneliic hasliikas). Hence lheie aie six lypes of hasliikas.
Standing Bhastrikas
They diffei ly lhe posilion of lhe lody, in vhich lhey aie done.
The lechnique is lhe sane, vhich is lhe connon hasliika.
1. In slanding posilion, hands in nanasle, lhe head is sliaighl,
eyes aie open and focused on lhe poinl on lhe "ooi, silualed in aloul
1,5 n fion youi loes, i.e. Iooking al lhe angIe of 45 dovn.
KLL?CLEDCc In lhis lechnique ils ciuciaI lo squinl eyes vilhoul noving
youi head.
2. In slanding posilion, hands in nanasle, lhe head diopped
lack. Lyes aie open and focused lelveen eyeliovs.
KLL?CLEDCc a) lhe head shouId le diopped lack onIy ly lhe neck, nol
lhe lack, l) posleiioi nuscIes of lhe neck nusl le ieIaxed.
3. In slanding posilion, hands in nanasle, lhe head and lhe
neck in ieIaxed djaIanadhaia landha. Lyes aie open and focused on lhe
vings of nose.
KLL?CLEDCc The lack of lhe neck nusl le slielched and lhe anleiioi pail
as ieIaxed as possilIe.
4. Iosilion Iike in 2, lul open eyes aie focused on lhe vings of
Q&5&56&', lhal aflei lhe inlensive liealhing of hasliika, ils ciu-
ciaI lo do kunlhaka.
?::&0.( +*4 +0.-)*> Like a lasic hasliika, lhese vaiialions piovide
hypeivenliIalion and lhe inside hydiauIic nassage. Hovevei diffeienl
posilions of lhe head nake il possilIe lo conlioI lIood in"ov and oul-
"ov lo lhe head. Indeed lhe lIood "ovs inlo lhe head ly aileiies, Io-
caled on lhe anleiioi pail of lhe neck, vheieas lhe naluiaI (vaIveIess)
diainage ~ lhiough lhe venous syslen in lhe lack of lhe neck. The
slielching of lhe ieIalive zone nakes lhe lIood "ov veakei and en-
hanced lhe lIood in"ov (in lhe lhiid vaiialion) oi ils oul"ov (lhe 2nd
and lhe 4lh). This is liaining nol onIy lhe vascuIai syslen, lul aIso lhe
adapling capacilies of lhe liain.
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
Asymmetric Bhastrikas
The aclion of asynneliic hasliikas ieIies on naking aii"ov dens-
ei ly ieducing lhe adnission seclion of lhe aiivay, Iike in AkapaIalhali.
G,352 ?73,72,0+
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Like in AkapaIalhali, i.e. lhe giving hand in
yoni nudia neai lhe nose.
L&02*-O1&. The liealhing is done Iike in hasliika, lul lhiough
one nosliiI.
Aflei !nishing haIf of lhe cycIe, change lhe nosliiI.
@)*0+: ?73,72,0+
The sane as in pievious, lul inhaIe lhiough one nosliiI and ex-
haIe lhiough anolhei.
Bramari (the bee)
ianaii is a vilialion pianayana.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Any nedilalive posluie.
L&02*-O1&. InhaIing, hun vilh youi nose, Iike a lee ly lonaIily.
LxhaIing (sliII ly lhe nose), hun in one lone Iovei. In lolh cases lheie
nusl le a physicaI vilialion in lhe skuII (in diffeienl zones of lhe head).
Anuloma viloma
This exeicise is one of lhe nosl inpoilanl in coning fion halha
yoga lo ils noie advanced IeveIs. NeveilheIess il shouId le nasleied
G,352 52)$
Sil in a nedilalive asana. The giving hand in yoni nudia, lhe lak-
ing one ~ in dhiana nudia. iealhing ihylhnicaIIy, cIose one nosliiI
aflei anolhei ly lhis schene: inhaIe ly lhe Iefl nosliiI, exhaIe ly lhe
iighl one, inhaIe ly lhe iighl nosliiI, exhaIe ly lhe Iefl one. Men shouId
slail ly lhe Iefl nosliiI, vonen ~ ly lhe iighl one. iealhing ihylhn
shouId le naluiaI. The exeicise shouId le done foi al Ieasl 1O ninules.
@)*0+: 52)$
Adding liealh hoIds (see Lxeicises vilh liealh hoIds).
(&,3: 52)$
Adding eneigy voik (see chaplei Techniques of voik vilh
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Advanced elements
of warming-up
Al lhe advanced IeveI oi vilh lhe lellei physicaI deveIopnenl lhe
vaining-up can le enhanced lo lecone noie ef!cienl. Iiisl of aII I
ieconnend lo slail vilh a seIf-nassage (usuaI and a poinliIIage), and
aflei vaining-up lhe joinls lo add sone aeiolic exeicises, voiking oul
lhe caidio-vascuIai syslen, and in addilion lo lhal sone exeicises lo
vain-up visceia (landhas and kiiyas), voice vain-up (sinhasana) and
dynanic conpIexes Suiia Nanaskai (in a sunny line of lhe day) and
Chandia Nanaskai (especiaIIy good al a fuII noon).
The seIf-nassage can incIude a conlacl and non-conlacl faciaIs, nas-
sage of eais, head, neck, visceia of aldoninaI cavily, of Iegs and ains.
Warm-up enhancers
Those piaclilioneis, vho aie used lo aII vaining-up exeicises,
can Iook al lheii !ngeis. Theie is a sinpIe lesl: slielch youi ains lefoie
you, youi !ngeis sliaighl, and hoId foi sone line. CiaduaIIy youII see
lhal sone of youi !ngeis aulonalicaIIy foIdei. Those !ngeis lhal ciook
Iess aie lhe Iess eneigised. So lhe iespeclive neiidians aie veakened as
veII. In lhis case, vaining-up paIns, you shouId pay speciaI allenlion
lo lhese !ngeis and nuscuIolendinous neiidians. An addilionaI effecl
can le achieved, if you cIench lhe viisls oi nake a nudia duiing lhe
vain-up. L2& 9+'5A1% (2)1,4 6& 4)*& 9-.2 N1,+42+'+ (&.A1%8 i.e.
vilh lhe feeIing, voiking oul lendons.
The sinpIesl vay lo enhance lhe Iegs vaining-up is lo iaise Iegs
highei lhan usuaI. The lension iises accoiding lo lhe angIe. Anolhei aI-
leinalive is lo diav lhe Ieg aside, luining il ~ in lhis vay olhei nus-
cIes aie voiked-oul. Depending on lhe angIe of diaving lhe Ieg, ve
can aclivale diffeienl nuscuIolendinous neiidians.
Bandhas and kriyas
andhas and kiiyas aie done eilhei as sepaiale exeicises oi lo-
gelhei vilh asanas and pianayanas. They can aIso le used as vain-up
eIenenls. ecause lhey voik vilh visceia, ils IogicaI lo do lhen in lhe
end of vaining-up (fion peiipheiy lo lhe cenlie).
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> This exeicise can le done piaclicaIIy in any po-
silion. In vaining-up ils ok lo do il slanding, lul lhe liggesl effecl
il gives in padnasana (Iolus posluie, nol even lhe haIf-Iolus), lecause
gioin nuscIes aie speciaIIy slielched. The iesl of slailing posilions
nake no diffeience.
L&02*-O1&. ConcuiienlIy squeeze youi nuscIes of lhe anus
sphinclei, lhe peIvic "ooi and of lhe genilaIs. This exeicise can le done
in lhe quick lenpo oi vilh Iong hoIding of nuscIes.
E*(-4& 0'-.&'-+ of doing nuIalandha coiieclIy is lhe feeIing lhal
aII visceia iise.
Uddiana bandha
(fisherman pose)
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> This
pose nakes exeicises easiei,
laking off lhe lension fion
lhe leIIy.
L&02*-O1&. LxhaIe
fuIIy, diaving youi leIIy
lo lhe spine, sIighlIy Iifl-
ing il lo lhe iils. Sonelines
il nakes sense lo do djvaIadhaia and MuIadhaia
landhas al lhe sane line. InhaIing, exil lhe !shei-
nans pose, ieIaxing youi leIIy. Uddiana landha
is usuaIIy iepealed lhiee lines in a iov.
T+'.-01,+'-.-&(. As il vas aIieady said, lhe inhaIalion shouId Iasl
as Iong as lhe exhaIalion. Theie is no need lo do landha liII eveiylhing
goes daik lefoie youi eyes and lhen lo gasp foi sone aii. The line of
doing shouId Iel you do lhe inhaIalion vilh no iush.
The aclion of landhas is desciiled alove.
Uddiana bandha kriya
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> As in lhe pievious exeicise.
L&02*-O1&. Aflei laking uddiana landha ieIax youi aldoninaI
nuscIes, so lhal youi leIIy faIIs oul. Repeal seveiaI lines, acceIeial-
ing lenpo. IdeaIIy iaise il vilh lhe speed up lo 2 lines a second. Hov-
evei ils noie inpoilanl lo !nd youi oui ihylhn and lo change lenpo
so lhal you donl gel halilualion.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*. Iisheinans pose.
L&02*-O1&. Diav youi leIIy in and lhiov oul lhe ieclus, lhen liy
lo ievoIve il. Once lhis nuscIe cones oul, lheie viII le no noie piol-
Iens. Youi lack nusl le sliaighl ~ il heIps lhe eneigy lo go up.
U'-.&'-+. WhiIe doing nauIi one nusl feeI lhe heal Iifling.
T+'.-01,+'-.-&(. In lhe !isl phase of doing lhis exeicise you shouId
hoId lhe djanaIadhaia landha, olheivise lhe eneigy can nove fion
lhe head dovn. When lhe heal ieaches lhe lhioal, djaIanhaia landha
shouId le unIocked lo Iel lhe eneigy cone lo lhe head. In lhis case
lheie is a feeIing of enIighlennenl in lhe eyes, i.e. as if eveiylhing
lecane cIeaiei. This feeIing deleinines lhe duialion of lhis exeicise foi
eveiyone peisonaIIy.
;KQCEC\c. NauIi iaises lhe naIe
sexuaI eneigy. In lhis case il is usefuI
foi lhose vho piaclice liahnachaiia oi sex vilhoul ejacuIalion ~ il pie-
seives fion congeslion causing pioslalilis, lul, if you donl diive lhe eneigy
lo lhe head, il easiIy faIIs lack aInosl oul of conlioI.
Uddiana landha, uddiana landha kiiya and nauIi can le con-
sideied as hygienic gynnaslics, good foi eveiyday piaclice. ?M&'0-(&(
4)*& -* (&'-&(8 5&* (2)1,4 4) )44 .-5&( +*4 9)5&* &<&* .-5&(>
Respiratory warm-up
Simhasana (lion pose)
This exeicise is good lo do in vaining-up aflei nauIi, lecause al
lhis nonenl lhe eneigy is iaised up.
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding oi silling.
L&02*-O1&. Do a fuII yoga inhaIalion. IiinIy piess lhe lip of youi
longue lo lhe uppei paIale, so lhal lhe lhioal vouId le sliained. Diav-
ing youi head and youi neck ahead, do sone fuII iolalion novenenls
Ioi vonen lhe sane effecl is done ly vipaiila kaiani.
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
ly youi head. If youie doing il coiieclIy, lhe lension in nuscIes noves
in lhe neck iing ~ vhen head is up, lhe lension is dovn and vice vei-
sa. Slick oul youi longue as fai as you can, so lhal you feeI lension in
lhe lhioal and in lhe lack of youi longue) and Iel oul a ioai Iike lhal of
a Iion. Roai liII lhe aii Ieaves youi Iungs. HoIding lhe liealh aflei lhe
exhaIalion, again piess youi longue lo lhe paIale and iolale youi head.
K0.-)*. Il is easy lo see ly ones ovn expeiience, lhal piessing lhe
longue lo lhe paIale, ve sliain oui nuscIes of lhe lhioal lhal usuaIIy
aInosl nevei gel sliained. Rolaling lhe head, ve diive lhis lension
aiound: vhen lhe head is up, lhe Iovei, anleiioi zone of lhe lhioal gels
sliained, and vice veisa. The highei lhe longue is piessed (lo lhe leelh,
lo lhe neai paIale, lo lhe fai paIale), lhe deepei zones aie aclivaled. So
lhe !isl and lhe Iasl slages of lhe exeicise piovide lhe inside nassage
of lhe lhioal ly lhe nuscIe lension ~ lheie is no olhei vay lo nassage
lhis zone, lecause il is oul of access.
The ioai shouId le done nol ly lhe lhioal, nol ly vocaI Iiganenls,
lul vilh lhe vhoIe inside, as if doing lhe vilialion nassage. Roaiing
vilh lhe lhioal, youII jusl sliain youi voice and gel no effecl. To do lhe
exeicise iighl, you nusl nol jusl shov youi longue, lul slielch il oul al
lhe naxinun. Nole lhal l2& :+'.2&' /)1 (.'&.02 )1. /)1' .)*31& a6&A
-*3 '&,+M&4b8 .2& 4&&%&' /)1' ,+'/*M 3&.( (.'+-*&4> This nakes il pos-
silIe lo vaiy lhe lheiapeulic effecl fion lhis asana.
Theie is a vaiialion of sinhasana, vheie lhe longue is slielched
nol dovn, lul up. Il heIps lo aclivale sone lhioal nuscIes lhal aie nol
used in oui eveiyday Iife. In lhis asana lhe neck shouId le sliained in
lhe posleiioi pail, lhen lhe effecl viII cone.
Maha mudra (the great mudra)
KLL?CLEDCc UnIike Iashinollanasana, naha nudia is done vilh
lhe sliaighl lack. The lending is done onIy ly lhe peIvis. Mudia
is done vilh lhiee landhas and hoIding lhe liealh aflei inhaIalion.
This is an advanced exeicise. E 4)*V. '&0)55&*4 %'+0.-0-*3 -. 9-.2A
)1. +44-.-)*+, 0,1&( :')5 /)1' L&+02&'>
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Suria Namaskar
(Salutation to the Sun complex)
HI !37+79757+7 C$376,+% $05)D
Sland sliII and sliaighl. Iace lhe
Sun oi ils diieclion (if il is hidden ly lhe
cIouds). Iul youi hands logelhei in lhe
nanasle posilion. CIose youi eyes and
ieIax. AcluaIise youi lody foi al Ieasl
haIf a ninule. This viII piepaie you foi
lhe piaclice. Tiy consciousIy lo ieIax aII
lhe nuscIes of youi lody. iealh: sone
fuII yoga liealhings.
JI /7527 K227+757+7 C37,5):
&7+:5 $05)D
E*2+,-*3, iaise youi hands alove
lhe head, al lhe sane line slanding on
liploes. In lhe !naI posilion hands aie
sliaighl in lhe eIlovs and paiaIIeI lo
each olhei, paIns ahead. Conlinue ihylh-
nic liealhing.
LI !7:7&752757+7 C52034 $05)D
?M2+,-*3, caiefuIIy cone dovn
on youi fuII feel, lend ahead and pul
youi hands on lhe "ooi lefoie youi feel
oi gial youi ankIes. AII lhe novenenl
shouId le "uenl vilh no jeiks. The lend-
ing shouId slail al Iovei veilelia and go
lo lhe lop ~ as in Iashinollanasana. Tiy
lo keep youi Iegs sliaighl. If possilIe, liy
lo louch youi knees vilh lhe foiehead oi
lhe chin. Conlinue ihylhnic liealhing.
IeopIe vilh lhe sliff lack (Iovei
lack) nay !nd il dif!cuIl lo achieve
lhe peifecl foin of padahaslasana. They
shouId voik on lhe conslanl sliain in lhe
posleiioi pail of lhe lody: fion loes liII
lhe ciovn of lhe head.
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
MI <5&?7 @7+*&78757+7
C&035)97+ $05)D
E*2+,-*3, diav lack youi
iighl (Iefl foi vonen) Ieg ~ sIid-
ing on lhe "ooi, as fai as possilIe.
Al lhe sane line lend you Iefl
knee, keeping lhe Iefl fool al lhe
sane pIace (in olhei voids, do
lhe Iefl knee Iunge ahead), aich-
ing fion lhe uppei veilelia lo lhe
Iovei ones (as in hujangasana).
Hands louch lhe "ooi, eIlovs aie
NI !73?72757+7 C90.+E
27,+ $05)D
?M2+,-*3, lake lhe iighl
knee off lhe "ooi, al lhe sane
line diopping lhe head foivaid.
Sliaighlening lhe lody in lhe
Iovei lack, slielch lhe Iefl Ieg
lack (sliaighlening lhe knee al
lhe sane line vilh laking lhe
iighl Ieg off lhe "ooi) and pul
lolh feel logelhei. You viII end
up in lhe sel posilion, vhich is
lhe nounlain pose.
OI <5&27+%7 F7975473
C1035&,$ 0+ ),%&2 $0,+25D
This posluie is caIIed Iike
lhis lecause in lhe !naI posi-
lion lhe lody louches lhe "ooi
in eighl poinls. This pose is aIso
caIIed zigzag.
?M2+,-*3 go dovn on aII
fouis, sIighlIy louch lhe "ooi ly
lhe foiehead, noving foivaid
youi head and lhe lody. In lhe
end of lhis novenenl, Iel lhe
chesl sIide on lhe "ooi and pul
youi chin on lhe giound. In lhe
!naI posilion eighl poinls nusl
louch lhe "ooi: chin, chesl, lolh
hands, lolh knees and lhe loes.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
PI Q0% $05)
E*2+,-*3, conlinue lhe zigzag-
Iike novenenl of lhe lody, sliaighl-
ening youi ains so lhal lhe Iovei
lack aiches. The novenenl shouId
go fion lhe lop dovn. In lhe !naI
posilion lhe uppei lody and lhe head
nusl le diopped lack as fai as pos-
silIe and confoilalIe. Knees donl
louch lhe giound. Coning inlo lhis
pose fion lhe pievious one, hands
and feel nusl slay in lhe sane posi-
RI S72 $05)
?M2+,-*3, Iifl youi peIvis as
high as possilIe, keeping lhe sane
posilion of youi hands and feel. As a
iesuIl, youi lody viII lake lhe aich-
Iike posilion. The ains and lhe lack
nusl foin one sliaighl Iine. The Iegs
aie sliaighl.
TI <5&?7 @7+*&78757+7
C&035)97+ $05)D
This posluie niiiois nunlei
foui of Suiia Nanaskai. end lhe
Iefl knee, pul lhe fool lelveen youi
hands. Al lhe sane line Iifl youi
head up (as in lhe exeicise 4, lul in
lhe niiioi vay) and so on. The pose
is aIso enleied vilh lhe -*2+,+.-)*.
HUI !7:7&752757+7
Is a iepealing of lhe 3nd exei-
cise. AIso done vilh an &M2+,+.-)*.
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
HHI /7527 K227+757+7
This pose is siniIai lo lhe 2nd
posluie of SN, onIy lheie is no need
lo sland on liploes, inslead you
shouId aich lhe lack in lhe zone of
youi heail.
The pose is done vilh an -*2+,+A
HJI !37+79757+7
C$376,+% $05)D
Ils lhe !naI posilion, siniIai
lo lhe !isl one. Taking lhis pose you
shouId &M2+,&. Slaying in lhis posilion
liealhe ihylhnicaIIy liII you conlinue
youi piaclice (slail doing nexl cycIe of
Suiia Nanaskai).
S099)+25 0+ $37*2,*,+% @.3,7 F7975473
AII exeicises aie done in one liealhing ihylhn. Movenenls
shouId le done accoiding lo liealhing and nol vice veisa. Lveiy nove-
nenl nusl le snoolh and fuIIy conscious. In eveiy pose seveiaI cycIes
of ihylhnic liealhing shouId le done.
Some small pranayamas
SnaII pianayanas aienl veiy lypicaI foi yoga and aienl used ly
aII SchooIs. Legend has il lhal snaII pianayanas veie found ly one
of lhe Teacheis in an oId Iiliaiy. Hovevei snaII lecause pianayanas
aienl nenlioned in lhe oiiginaI yoga souices I knov, I suppose lhey
veie laken fion anolhei syslen. ecause of lheii Manipuia nailiaI
chaiaclei, nosl piolalIy lhey cone fion nailiaI ails schooIs, vhich
veie in alundance piesenled in India. Doing snaII pianayanas you
shouId pay allenlion lo lhe foIIoving lhiee cIues.
1. Iianayanas shouId le done vilh Manipuia sel-up.
2. Lxeicises aie done al a liealh hoId. AII lhe pailicuIaiilies of
peifoining kunlhaka (as indicaled alove) shouId le laken inlo ac-
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
3. Ains in pianayanas 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 shouId le sliaighl in eIlovs,
shouIdeis dovn. This pose diives eneigy lo Anahala. Olheivise exei-
cises Iose lhe nosl of ils effecl (see vaining-up in lhe chaplei Iiisl
sleps in halha-yoga).
!37+76797 H C23))D
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding, feel logelhei, hands dovn Iong lhe lody.
L&02*-O1&. Wilh lhe fuII yoga inhaIalion iaise youi ains ly sides
lo joinl youi hands alove lhe head. LIlovs shouId le sliaighl, aII lhe
lody slielched fion lhe lips of !ngeis lo loes. Do kunlhaka. LxhaIing,
pul youi hands dovn in lhe ieveise oidei. InhaIalion shouId le as Iong
as exhaIalion.
!37+76797 J C54,)3D
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding, feel logelhei, hands dovn Iong lhe lody.
L&02*-O1&. Wilh a fuII yoga inhaIalion, iaise youi sliaighl ains
lefoie youiseIf, hands cIenched in viisls. Wilh kunlhaka do sone en-
eigelic "ap nolions ly youi ains going up and dovn lo lhe highesl
degiee. They shouId nove synchionousIy, paiaIIeI lo each olhei. Avoid
foIding youi eIlovs (lypicaI foi lieached Anahala). As soon as lhe
liealh-hoId lecones unconfoilalIe, ieluin youi ains in lhe posilion
paiaIIeI lo lhe "ooi and do lhe kha exhaIalion. Iul youi ains dovn.
!37+76797 L C9,88D
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding, feel logelhei, hands dovn Iong lhe lody.
L&02*-O1&. Wilh lhe fuII yoga inhaIalion iaise lhe sliaighl ains
lefoie youiseIf, lhe niddIe and lhe index !ngeis piessed ly lhe lhunl,
IillIe !ngei and lhe iing !ngei sliaighl. Do kunlhaka. One ain goes
lackvaids (lo nake lhe angIe lelveen hands 18O). SynchionousIy io-
lale youi ains ly lhe shouIdei joinl (keeping cIavicIes sliII). Lnd up as
in pievious exeicise.
This pianayana ieIaxes lhe shouIdei giidIe.
!37+76797 M
In lhis pianayana you shouId push up fion lhe "ooi, hoIding
kunlhaka. Take off lhe liealh-hoId, exhaIing kha.
!37+76797 P C&799)3D
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding, feel apail, videi lhan shouIdeis.
L&02*-O1&. Wilh lhe fuII yoga inhaIalion iaise youi sliaighl ains
ly lhe sides lo join lhen alove lhe head in a Iock. HoIding kunlha-
ka, iolale youi lody, iocking noie and noie lhe Iovei lack (as aI-
vays veilelia aflei veilelia). Having ieached lhe videsl anpIilude of
:A)$(48A 8N8&41080 $(A 6.81& 8(8&+/ 1(!D8(48
luining lhe vhoIe lody, giaduaIIy dininish lhe anpIilude, slopping io-
lalion fion lhe lollon up. When lhe iolalion is ovei, exhaIe vilh kha.
!37+76797 R
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding, feel apail, videi lhan shouIdeis.
L&02*-O1&. Wilh lhe fuII yoga inhaIalion iaise lhe sliaighl ains
lefoie youiseIf. CIench lhe !sls and do kunlhaka. ShaipIy nove youi
hands apail, opening youi chesl lo lhe fuII. }oin youi hands ly lhe
viisls lefoie youiseIf (cenliaI posilion). Leaving one hand lefoie youi-
seIf, luin youi lody lack and pul anolhei hand lehind youiseIf, lhe
head luined lo lhe lack hand (i.e. Iook lack). Cone lack lo lhe cenliaI
posilion. Do lhe sane lhing foi lhe olhei side. Conlinue lhe cycIe unliI
kunlhaka is ovei. LxhaIe vilh a kha.
CDL?> Tuin youi lody jusl ly pivoling youi spine. Keep youi eIlovs
sliaighl. Molion is eneigelic vilh Manipuia sel-up.
!37+76797 HU CA3)72&,+% B03 52)7:6 +)3?)5D
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding, feel logelhei oi sIighlIy apail.
L&02*-O1&. InhaIe vilh IY, iaising lhe ains lefoie youiseIf liII
lhe IeveI of shouIdeis, paIns up. CIench !sls, hoId youi liealh and
vilh an effoil (as if oveiconing lhe inside iesislance) foId youi ains
in eIlovs. The sane vay, vilh an effoil, unfoId lhen. As soon as youi
ains unfoId paiaIIeI lo lhe "ooi, innedialeIy ieIax lhen and, ieIaxed,
foId lhen quickIy again. UnfoId vilh an effoil. Repeal lhis cycIe seveiaI
lines. Iinish exhaIing kha.
In lhis exeicise neives aie sleadied ly quick changing of lension/
ieIaxalion. Indeed, .2& 2&+,.2-&' /)1' *&'<& (/(.&5 -(8 .2& 9-4&' /)1'
(0)%& ): (.+.&(h :')5 .2& &M.'&5& .&*(-)* .) .2& &M.'&5& '&,+M+.-)* +*4
.2& '&(.> The piolIen peison !nds il dif!cuIl lolh lo ieIax conpIeleIy
and lo sliain sliongIy. Making lhis scope videi is one of yogas goaIs.
!37+76797 HH C174,+% .$ 8.+% *)885D
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding.
L&02*-O1&. InhaIe vilh IY and slail sliiking youi chesl vilh
lense !ngeis fion lollon up. HoIding liealh, nassage lhe lhoiax. Lx-
haIing, iepeal lhe sliiking. This pianayana inlensi!es lhe lIood "ov in
Iung aIveoIus, inpioving iespiialoiy nelaloIisn and nake lhe phIegn
cough oul. Thals is vhy aflei lhis pianayana you shouId cough. Il aIso
ieIaxes lhoiax nuscIes.
G+'-+.-)*. Sliiking is done noie inlensiveIy ~ vilh !sls. LxhaI-
ing, hun vilh lhe open noulh. This vaiialion of pianayana heIps lo
open vocaI iesonalois.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Gymnastics to cleanse
meridians (MTM)
The piincipIe of cIeansing MTM is lhe sane ve used in asanas: lo
open a channeI ve nusl consequenlIy slielch il lo pass lhe sliain Iong
aII lhe channeI.
HI S8)7+5,+% $)3,*73:,.9
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding, hands Iong lhe lody. IaIns and !n-
geis aie sliaighl and paiaIIeI lo lhe "ooi. InhaIing, hoId lhis posilion
of !ngeis and iaise youi ains ly sides, so lhal lhe lension goes ly lhe
innei side of ains fion lhe !ngeis dovn lo lhe iils.
U'-.&'-+. This exeicise is effeclive, onIy if !ngeis aie sliained al
lhe naxinun, eIlovs aie sliaighl and shouIdeis aienl Iifled. AII lhese
condilions aie dif!cuIl lo do (as veII as veiy usefuI) foi peopIe vilh
depiessed Anahala and lhe piolIen neiidian. Wheie lhe lension dis-
appeais, lhe channeI is cIogged.
JI S8)7+5,+% 0B 2&3)) &)72)35 9)3,:,7+
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> The sane, lul lhe hands aie cIenched in !sls,
lvisled in oidei lhal lhe lack of lhe paIn is paiaIIeI lo lhe "ooi.
L&02*-O1& is lhe sane as in pievious exeicise.
LI S8)7+5,+% 0B 2&) &)732
!.+'.-*3 %)(-.-)*> Slanding, hands apail paiaIIeI lo lhe "ooi, !n-
geis slielched oul.
L&02*-O1&. InhaIing, lvisl youi paIns, so lhal lhe lension vouId
go fion lhe IillIe !ngei up lhe hand lo lhe chesl.
MI S8)7+5,+% 0B 8.+%5 9)3,:,7+
The sane as in lhe pievious, lul lhe sliain shouId go fion lhe
lhunl lo lhe inliacIavicuIai hoIIov.
NI S8)7+5,+% 0B 3)*2.9
As in lhe exeicise 3, lul cIenching !sls. The lension goes fion lhe
index knuckIe lo lhe neck.
OI S8)7+5,+% 0B 59788 ,+2)52,+)I
I piopose lo ny ieadei lo !nd lechniques of cIeansing six Ieg ne-
iidians on his ovn, laking as a lase lhe desciiled piincipIe and MTM
schenes, given in Appendix 1.
Lels lake a Iook on piincipIes of luiIding yoga conpIexes, vhich
vouId heIp advanced ieadeis nake lheii ovn conpIexes. Nole lhal
.2&(& %'-*0-%,&( +'& 5&+*. :)' '&,+.-<&,/ 2&+,.2/ %&)%,&8 92) %'+0.-0&
/)3+ .) -*0'&+(& .2&-' &*&'3/ +*4 :)' .2&-' (%-'-.1+, 3')9.2> The piin-
cipIes of luiIding lheiapeulic conpIexes viII le oveiIooked in one of
lhe nexl coning chapleis.
of compensation
y lhe exanpIe of lhe given lasic conpIexes ve Ieained aloul
lhe piinaiy piincipIe of luiIding lhese conpIexes ~ lhe piincipIe of
conpensalion. Il neans lhal eveiy nexl asana conpensales lhe effecl
fion lhe pievious one. Ioi exanpIe, hujangasana aclivales ANS and
Iifls lhe eneigy lo lhe head, and pashinnalanasana lhal foIIovs il,
snoolhes lhe eneigy and diives il dovnvaids. Aflei lhis conpIex
ve ieluin lo oui piinaiy slale, onIy al a highei eneigy IeveI. Minoi
anonaIies of lhe slale aie conpensaled, lecause in lhe sviiIing en-
eigy diffeienl hoIes in lhe elheiic lody and snoolhes lunps il-
seIf. Oui lody chooses ilseIf lhe needed in"uence, Iike il chooses lhe
needed aclive eIenenls fion lhe nedicaI nixluie, conlaining conpo-
nenls vilh opposile aclion.
`1-,4-*3 0)5%,&M +. + %'-*0-%,& ): 0)5%&*(+.-)* -( .2& (+:&(.
9+/ :)' 6&3-**&'(8 lecause aII undesiialIe oi excessive in"uences of
asanas (Iike lhe addilionaI iaising of lIood piessuie foi a hypeilensive
palienl) aie conpensaled ly asanas vilh lhe opposile aclion. When lhe
piaclilionei deveIops a good sense of his lody, he can vaiy lhe duia-
lion of each asana accoiding lo his needs.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Principle of enhancing
(swirling the energy)
As il vas aIieady said, lheie aie six calegoiies of asanas: slielch-
ing, pivoling, slienglhening, squeezing, inveiled and equiIilialion. e-
sides asanas can le divided inlo foui gioups accoiding lo lhe diieclion
of lhe spine lo lhe Iine of lhe hoiizon.
Lach channeI can le voiked oul in foui pIanes, vhich expIains .2&
%'-*0-%,& ): (-5-,-.14& ): +(+*+(> Ioi exanpIe, hujangasana voiks
vilh lhe anleiioi-niddIe channeI in lhe hoiizonlaI pIane, Ushliasana ~
lhe sane channeI in lhe veilicaI pIane (luining foi 9O), Chakiasana ~
lhe leIIy up (9O noie) and lhe scoipion pose voik oul lhe sane ne-
iidian vilh lhe luin of 27O. Anolhei exanpIe: Iashinnalanasana, Ia-
dahaslasana, HaIasana and Iindasana vilhin Siishasana (asana sland-
ing on lhe head, feel cIose lo lhe head) voik oul lhe posleiioi-niddIe
channeI in foui pIanes. The quailel of pivoling asanas is: Ailhanalsien-
diasana, Tiikonasana, paisva Siishasana (slanding on lhe head vilh lhe
pivoled spine), Iaiiviilla Iaisvakonasana.
Ils easy lo nolice lhal asanas lecone noie inlensive vilh eveiy
pIane, vhich logelhei vilh lhe piincipIe of conpensalion de!nes lhe
nelhod of joining lhen inlo a conpIex.
?<&'/ *&M. 3')1% ): +(+*+( 51(. -*0,14& +(+*+( 9)'@-*3 9-.2
.2& (+5& %,+*& +*4 (2)1,4 6& 6+,+*0&4 +( :)' -.( +0.-)*> \')1%( ):
+(+*+( 51(. +-5 +. .2& 0)*(&O1&*. 9)'@ 9-.2 +,, :)1' %,+*&( 1% .-,,
.2& 2-32&(. %)((-6,& a+( :)' .2& ,&<&, ): 4-:!01,./ ): &M&'0-(&(b>
The naluie of enhancing of lhe effecl fion each nexl gioup has
lo do vilh lhe giavily. Ioi exanpIe, lhe slielching in padahaslasana is
sliongei lhan in pashinnalanasana, lecause lhe lody ieaches foi lhe
eailh noie, lhanks lo lhe giavily. Like in Ushliasana lhe sliain is en-
hanced ly lhe giavily, vhiIe in hujangasana il shouId le oveicone lo
cieale a sliain.
esides, changing lhe pIane, ve can aclivale lhe hunoiaI effecl
fion exeicises.
Principle of swinging
The piincipIes of luiIding yoga conpIexes, desciiled alove, aie
lased on lhe consequenl conpensalion of each asanas aclion, causing
lhe ieIaliveIy insigni!canl svinging of lhe aclivily of oui ANS ~
fion asana lo asana. Such an appioach is quile safe, vhich aIIovs using
il in lhe piaclice foi leginneis. Hovevei noie advanced piaclilioneis
-&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ /'+$ 4'5B28N80
vilh lhe good heaIlh, vho gol used lo conpensaled conpIexes, can
!nd noie usefuI a noie conpIicaled appioach lo luiId yoga conpIex.
The svinging piincipIe inpIies doing noie and noie dif!cuIl exei-
cises of lhe sane gioup (foi exanpIe, hujangasana ~ Ushliasana ~
dhanuiasana and so on), vhich is afleivaids conpensaled ly a gioup
of conliaiy asanas (Iashinollanasana ~ Iadahaslasana ~ HaIasana
and so on). Then lhe scope of svinging of ANS (as veII as lhe giade
of ils liaining) is nuch liggei lhan in pievious nelhods.
Principle of using the ele-
ments in yoga complexes
Diffeienl lypes of exeicises coiiespond vilh diffeienl eIenenls,
aclivaled in oui lody. Lels anaIyse lhis conneclion al lhe exanpIe of
yoga conpIexes given alove (see chaplei Iiisl sleps in halha yoga).
In each conpIex lheie aie lIocks, vhich have lo do vilh lasic eIe-
nenls, al Ieasl vilh !ve of lhen. Ioi inslance, lhe vaining-up liings
lhe eIenenl of lhe Wood, il vakes oui lody fion lhe yin, passive,
sIeepy slale, naking oui lIood "ov faslei elc.
SnaII pianayanas coiiespond lo !ie eIenenl, lhey aie done vilh
Manipuia sel-up, lone us, iaise oui lIood piessuie and inlensify lhe
lIood "ov. Asanas in oui inleipielalion (lheie can le olheis), coiie-
spond lo lhe eIenenl of Walei.
ig pianayanas coiiespond lo Aii eIenenl, vhich vilh sone ad-
nission equaIs lhe MelaI in Chinese liadilion. Indeed, AkapaIalhali,
KapaIalhali, anuIona viIona, hasliika ~ aII pianayanas done ly
Iungs, punp aii inlo oui lody on lhe olhei hand cooI oui Iungs (pul-
ling us fion yang slale inlo yin).
Slienglhening asanas !in us and coiiespond lo Lailh eIenenl.
Coordination of practice
with weather
When ve do a yoga conpIex, ve nusl aclivale aII eIenenls, ex-
cepl foi lhe case vhen one of lhen is excessive in naluie.
Ioi exanpIe, if you piaclice, vhen ils hol, lheie is no need lo
sliess youiseIf vilh snaII pianayanas, lecause lheie is aIieady a Iol of
Iiie aiound, so lheies no need lo gel il noie. The excess of Iiie slails
deslioying Walei and Wood in oui lody ~ ve slail svealing and can
evenluaIIy have a heal slioke.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Oi, if you aie doing yoga in a vel coId day, asanas shouId le Iinil-
ed, lecause, if you add Walei lo youi lody, youi slale viII aggiavale ~
lheie viII le heaviness in lhe lody. The vaining-up, joinls gynnaslics
is on lhe conliaiy good foi a vel vealhei, lecause Wood nakes yang
oul of yin.
In a coId vel vealhei ils nol ieconnended lo do nany snaII
pianayanas eilhei, lecause excessive Iiie viII confionl valei, ovei-
sliessing youi caidio-vascuIai syslen.
Ioi lhe sane ieason ils nol good lo piaclice lig pianayanas in
high hunidily, i.e. al lhe excessive Walei, lecause Aii (oi eIse MelaI)
pioduces Walei (puie Yin), cooIing lhe lody. IhysicaIIy lhis cooIing is
done vhen aii cones inlo oui Iungs.
Taking inlo accounl lhe laIance of eIenenls in youi enviionnenl
and in youiseIf, you can luiId yoga conpIexes lo liing aII eIenenls
inlo a peifecl hainony.
Theii dislaIance can cause unpIeasanl aspecls. Ioi exanpIe, if you
do jusl asanas vilh no vain-up, you gel lhe feeIing of cIogged joinls,
you lody viII feeI heavy, lecause Walei, lhe lasic eIenenl of Yin, is
heavy and lo conpensale il you nusl aclivale Yang aspecls.
If you piaclice lig pianayanas in lhe vindy vealhei, youII gel
loo nuch Aii eIenenl logelhei vilh lhe dizziness, Iooseness, youII le
ieeIing, lecause lhis eIenenl isnl conpensaled.
In lhe open aii lhe laIance of eIenenls is diffeienl lhan indoois,
so hone yogins sonelines !nd il dif!cuIl lo piaclice ouldoois. So
lhe conpIex nusl le luiIl diffeienlIy. In lhe open aii lhe densily of
Earth Wood
-&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ /'+$ 4'5B28N80
naluiaI elheiic eneigies is highei and lhe effecl of saluialion cones
faslei lhan indoois. esides lheie aie oulei "ovs of eneigy, vhich
can hanpei lhe conscious voik vilh eneigy. Ioi exanpIe, if you sil
youi side lo lhe sun, youII !nd il dif!cuIl lo lake lhe eneigy fion
lhe fionl side, lecause aII lhe "ovs you cieale viII le svepl off ly
lhe sun eneigy.
Speaking aloul lhe in"uence of lhe enviionnenl and vealhei on
youi oplinaI conpIex, donl foigel aloul lhe inpoilance of lhe laio-
neliic piessuie. When il is Iov, il nakes sense lo conpensale lhe
Ianguoi ly slailing you session vilh lhe accenl on aclivaling anleiioi
slielching asanas ~ such as hujangasana, vhiIe al a high piessuie ils
OK lo slail vilh yoga nudia and lo nake an accenl on lhe slielching
lack and ieIaxing asanas.
Principle of following
the body (free complex)
This piincipIe is lhe highesl, lhe nosl ef!cienl and, acluaIIy, lhe
nosl advanced IeveI of yoga piaclice. Il neans lhal acluaIising lhe
needs of youi physicaI lody (and as a iesuIl, of youi elheiic lody), lhe
piaclilionei 4)&( +(+*+(8 92-02 2-( 6)4/ 4&5+*4(8 ly naluiaI necha-
nisns of lodys seIf-conlioI. Il nay seen lhal lhis nelhod is so naluiaI
lhal one nay nol need no olheis and slail sludying yoga innedialeIy
fion lhis, lul unfoilunaleIy ils nol lhal easy.
TeII a gioup of peopIe lo do sone naluiaI novenenls, inposed
ly lheii lody (as in Oshos 2$61.$($
) and Iook al lhen. YouII inne-
dialeIy see lhal lheii novenenls donl cone fieeIy and naluiaIIy.
On lhe conliaiy, eveiyone is doing lhe cycIe of sleieolype novenenls,
Ieading in nosl cases lo no calhaisis. Theii novenenls onIy seen fiee,
lul in facl undeicovei fion lhe consciousness, lhey aie conlioIIed... ly
lhe consciousness! And nol ly lhe lody.
The sane can happens in yoga. An inexpeiienced piaclilionei can
!nd lhe foIIoving olslacIes lo piaclice yoga naluiaIIy:
1. Incapacily lo acluaIise lhe naluiaI needs of lhe lody. Mosl
of aduIls !nd il veiy dif!cuIl lo acluaIise lheii ieaI needs, changing
lhe acluaIisalion ly a halil. If il veienl so, hainfuI seIf-desliucling
halils as snoking, diinking and unheaIlhy diel vouId disappeai
To le noie piecise, Ialihan is a Su! lechnique, lul in lhe dance inleipielalion, as il lecane
knovn lo nodein piaclilioneis, il vas given ly Osho.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
2. HaIf-conscious, foIIoving lhe unviIIingness lo voik (in lhe
spiiiluaI neaning) sliiving lo do onIy lhose poses, he can do veII, lul
accoiding lo lhe piincipIe of siniIaiily of physicaI and eneigelic pos-
luies, lhese asanas aie lhe Iess needed foi lhe lody.
3. Denonslialion ~ i.e. lhe vish (aIso unconscious) lo Iook good
in doing yoga posluies, lo lhe piejudice of lhe ieaI needs of lhe lody.
4. SuggesliliIily ~ unconscious vish lo do vhal lhe coIIeague in
lhe gyn oi lhe insliucloi does.
5. IeisonaI dynanic sleieolypes, vhich can happen, if peopIe
used lo piaclice in a canonicaI schooI. Slailing a fiee conpIex, lhey
quickIy !nish ly doing one of lheii usuaI conpIexes.
In olhei voids, lhe fiee foIIoving of lhe lody shouId le piaclice
aflei you aie suie lo acluaIise youi ieaI and nol foieign vishes.
Iiaclicing in gioups you shouId ienenlei lhal lhis piaclice
doesnl foin a connon "ov, lhals vhy lhe piaclilionei nay !nd ils
effecl veakei.
I ieconnend slailing lhe naluiaI yoga session in lhe niddIe of
lhe second yeai in addilion lo slandaid conpIexes, vaining-up ly
lhe connon "ov, and aflei lhe lhiid yeai nake il lhe nain nelhod.
Sequence of doing
Ioi leginneis lhe nosl ef!cienl sequence of pianayanas is lhe
one vhen chakias aie voiked oul fion lhe lop dovn. Il has lo do vilh
lhe facl lhal lhe aii passes lhe iespiialoiy liacl fion lhe lop dovn. The
oplinaI sequence foi leginneis is: KapaIalhali, ujai, lianaii, kunlha-
ka, hasliika, anuIona viIona, sukh-puiak.
As il vas said alove, pianayanas secuie lhe effecl fion asanas,
eneigizing lhe foined posluie. On lhe olhei hand pianayanas aie
noie ef!cienl, if done aflei cIeansing lhe channeIs ly asanas. Undei-
slanding lhese piincipIes foins lhe idea lhal ve can luiId a conpIex,
vheie asanas and pianayanas vouId lake luins. Ioi exanpIe, expeii-
enced piaclilioneis can le advised lhe foIIoving nelhod of voik vilh
piolIen zones and silualions. Do a coupIe of asanas, voiking oul lhe
chakia fion lhe fionl, a coupIe of asanas voiking oul lhe chakia fion
lhe lack, one asana lo voik lhe diagonaI neiidian, Iike desciiled in
lhe chaplei Iiisl sleps in halha yoga. Aflei lhal, do iespiialoiy ex-
eicises, secuiing lhe coiiesponding effecl al lhe needed chakia. Then
pass lo anolhei chakia.
-&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ /'+$ 4'5B28N80
Cumulative routines
Sone exeicises nake lhe effecl fion each olhei nuch sliongei,
if done in sequences. The effecl can le even giealei, if lhe sequence
is done seveiaI lines. Heie aie sone exanpIes of cunuIalive ioulines:
aclivalion of Iung ceIIs ~ Sinhasana, yoga-nudia ~ KapaIalhali.
Accordance of asanas
and pranayamas
As nenlioned alove, pianayanas slienglhen asanas effecl, en-
eigizing lhe upluiIding lhal vas nade ly lhen. On lhe olhei hand,
pianayana effecl is noie evidenl if lhey aie peifoined aflei cIeanhing
channeIs vilh asanas. Undeislanding of lhese piincipIes liings foivaid
lhe idea of lhe possiliIily of luiIding up conpIexes, vheie asanas and
pianayanas aie nixed vilh each olhei. Ioi exanpIe, foi expeiienced
piaclilioneis il is possilIe lo ieconnend lhe foIIoving schene of voik-
ing vilh piolIenalic aieas and piolIenalic silualions. One oi lvo asa-
nas aie peifoined lo voik oul lhe chakia fion lhe fionl side, one oi
lvo lhal voik lhe chakia oul fion lhe lack side, one, voiking il oul
as desciiled in chaplei Iiisl sleps in Halha-yoga. Nexl, liealhing ex-
eicises aie done lo slaliIize iespeclive effecl in iespeclive chakia. Then
one can nove on lo lhe nexl chakia.
Accents in breathing
If doing a yoga conpIex you feeI a need lo nuiluie one of lhe
chakias, you can piaclice liealhing on lhis chakia. Nole lhal depending
on if ve vanl lo slinuIale a chakia (punp il in) oi cIeanse il (lake off
lhe excessive eneigy), ve shouId focus on inhaIing oi on exhaIing. Ls-
peciaIIy good iesuIls aie done ly accenling on inhaIing oi on exhaIing
vhiIe doing such exeicises as KapaIalhali and hasliika. Medilalive
inages lhal can le used lo foin liealhing of diffeienl lypes, have lo
do vilh lhe feeIing of a non-slop !IIing of Iungs oi on lhe conliaiy,
enplying lhen. }usl occasionaIIy lhey aie inleiiupled ly lhe conliaiy
phase of liealhing.
Accenling of lhe liealhing on a chakia can le enhanced ly lhe
piaclice of lhe ailicuIaled pionuncialion of chakia-nanlias. You can see
lhal lhis exeicise is done iighl, if in IY lhe needed chakia is healing.
How breath-holds
influence the body
Asanas acconpanied vilh hoIding liealh is lhe advanced IeveI
lechnique, lecause liealh-hoIds inpIy a good physicaI heaIlh and lhe
adequale seIf-anaIysis of youi slale. If a peison piaclices liealh-hoIds
having no sliong caidio-vascuIai syslen, no heaIlhy Iungs elc. he can
once and foi aII injuie his heail.
iealh-hoIds enhance lhe geneiaI effecl of asana on lhe lody,
!isl of aII on lhe caidio-vascuIai syslen. esides, 2),4-*3 6'&+.2 +:A
.&' -*2+,-*3 -*.&*(-!&( .2& &*&'3/ 5)<-*3 1% +*4 '+-(&( .2& 6,))4
%'&((1'&] 92-,& 2),4-*3 6'&+.2 +:.&' &M2+,-*3 -*.&*(-!&( .2& &*&'3/
3)-*3 4)9* +*4 ,)9&'( .2& `T> Using lhis piincipIe vilh lhe heIp of
liealh-hoIds ve can nake eneigy nove noie inlensiveIy up oi dovn,
of couise, if asana is done coiieclIy.
Theie aie lhiee lypes of liealhing vilh hoIds: inhaIing, exhaI-
ing and nixed.
IE*2+,-*3J liealh is done Iike lhis: -*2+,&A2),4A&M2+,&. The
ihylhn of inhaIing, hoIding and exhaIing shouId nake il possilIe lo
keep lhis liealhing as Iong as you vanl, once you slailed il iighl ~ Iike
lhe ihylhnic liealhing. You shouId !nd a naluiaI ihylhn, coiiespond-
ing youi physioIogicaI cycIe, and lhen liy lo luiId il al lhis schene.
Then you viII le suie lhal youve chosen lhe iighl liealhing, if you
can keep lhis ihylhn foi a Iong line, and aflei 5-6 liealhings you donl
need lo calch youi liealh. To legin you shouId inhaIe and exhaIe as in
IY, naking a shoil hoId in lelveen, jusl foi sone seconds.
I?M2+,-*3J liealhing foinuIa is &M2+,&A2),4A-*2+,&> LxhaIing
liealh caIns dovn, Ioveis lhe lIood piessuie and nakes eneigy nove
:0$($0 R16. J&8$6.O.'2A0 Y$A)$(48A 28)82Z
of asanas
with breath-holds
asing on piincipIes hov eneigy noves, ve can undeisland hov
lo use lhese lypes of liealhing in conpIexes. The effecl of asanas, vhich
aie enleied vilh inhaIing (i.e. anleiioi aiching poses, naking eneigy go
up, Iike 7.DP$(+$0$($3 Q0.6&$0$($3 K.$(D&$0$($ 864!) is enhanced ly a
inhaIing liealh in lhe asana.
On lhe conliaiy such asanas as /'+$ 5DA&$3 -$0.15'66$($0$($3
-$A$.$06$0$($3 @$2$0$($ aie done vilh lhe exhaIe liealhing, lecause
lhey naluiaIIy diive lhe eneigy dovnvaids, so liealhing Iike lhis, ve
nake lhis effecl sliongei.
So vilh lhe heIp of liealh-hoIds ve inlensify eneigys novenenl
up oi dovn.
KLL?CLEDCc These lechniques sliongIy in"uence lhe lIood piessuie, so,
if you have piolIens vilh il, you shouId le caiefuI. If you aIieady have
a high piessuie, I-*2+,-*3J liealh shouIdnl le done, Iikevise vilh lhe
Iov piessuie you canl piaclice lhe I&M2+,-*3J liealh. The conliaiy is aIso
liue ~ lolh liealhings can le peifeclIy used as lheiapeulic lechniques.
iealhing vilh hoIds, Iike aII olhei iespiialoiy exeicises, shouId le
done in lhe individuaI ihylhn, i.e. lhe ialio of inhaIe, exhaIe and hoId
nusl le such, lhal lhe piaclilionei couId keep lhe chosen ihylhn foi
quile a Iong line vilh no sliess. Of couise you can liy lo do Iike Indian
yoga looks say and hoId youi liealh foi 4O seconds, lul hov nany
iespiialoiy cycIes you can do lefoie you vanl lo calch youi liealh and
caIn dovn youi heail`
The liealh-hoId nusl le a nicio-, nol a naciosliess, il nuslnl
nake you Iose youi liealh and lieak youi heail voik. Moieovei lhe
liealh ieIales lo lhe psyche slale, so, if lhe ihylhn of lhe liealh is Iosl,
lhe psychic slale is aIso dispeised. Thals vhy liealh-hoIds shouId le
hainonicaIIy inleiIaced in lhe naluiaI liealhing ihylhn. Nole lhal aII
lhese liealhings aie sliessing. If you feeI lhal you caidio-vascuIai sys-
len doesnl cope vilh il, you aie liied, youi heail aches, lhe han-
neis leal in youi head, il aches loo, aII lhis neans lhal you sliII have
lo le caiefuI vilh lhese lypes of liealhing.
Doing asanas vilh liealh-hoIds, /)1 51(. @*)9 92&* .) (.)%>
You shouId nol sliess neilhei inhaIing, noi exhaIing. Youi slale nusl le
caIn. You nuslnl sliain youi javs, hands, aldoninaI nuscIes elc. (as
il oflen happens due lo lhe palhogenic aiches).
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
The liealh is hoId ly lhe nuscIes of Iaiynx, so lheie is acluaIIy no
need lo sliain youi hands.
P),4-*3 /)1' 6'&+.2 +:.&' -*2+,-*38 /)1 (2)1,4 @&&% /)1' 02&(.
)%&*> Youi chesl nusl le open as vide as possilIe ly youi inhaIing
nuscIes as if you conlinued inhaIing. Then lhe piessuie of Iungs on
lhe heail is nininaI, and il can leal vilh lhe naxinun anpIilude.
Olheivise lhe heailleal anpIilude shiinks and youi heail slails leal-
ing faslei.
Make suie you keep lhe sane ihylhn of liealh vilh hoIdings
foi al Ieasl one exeicise (ideaIIy ~ duiing lhe enliie conpIex). Il is
inpoilanl lo foin a ceilain veII-de!ned ialio of oxygen and cailonic
acid concenlialion in lIood (see lhe chaplei Types of yoga exeicises.
Theii nechanisns of in"uence), vhich is nainlained ly a ihylhn of
liealh-hoIds. The piaclilioneis lask is lo achieve a speci!c slale ly
veII-de!ned ialio of liealh-hoIds. If lhe line of liealh-hoIds changes,
his slale Ioosens loo.
The capacily lo liealhe vilh hoIds sliongIy depends on peisons
vegelalive lone. Those vho !nd il dif!cuIl lo exeil lhenseIves (vilh
doninaling paiasynpalhelic syslen) easiIy do exhaIing hoIds, vhiIe
lhose vho !nd il dif!cuIl lo ieIax (vilh doninaling synpalhelic sys-
len) do veII inhaIing hoIds. As eveiyvheie, in yoga voiks lhe piin-
cipIe of conpensalion: /)1 (2)1,4 5+(.&' .2& .&02*-O1&8 92-02 /)1 4)
9)'(&. I.e. peopIe vilh lhe ialio of vegelalive lone noie lhan 1 (a slale
vhen a peison is aIvays loned), shouId Ieain lo nake a Iongei hoId on
exhaIe, vhiIe lhose vho aie conslanlIy ieIaxed shouId nake a Iongei
hoId on exhaIing.
=)1 51(. !*4 /)1' *+.1'+, +*4 %2/(-),)3-0+, 6'&+.2-*3 '2/.258
-* 92-02 /)1 0+* 6'&+.2& 41'-*3 .2& &*.-'& 0)5%,&M8 @&&%-*3 .2&
(+5& &5).-)*+, (.+.&>
In exliene case you can do an asana on one liealhing cycIe, en-
leiing il and exiling on lhe !isl and lhe one inhaIalion oi exhaIalion,
and lo slay in lhe pose al a liealh-hoId. Sone schooIs leach lhis nelh-
od as lhe lasic. This nelhod is ieaIIy veiy effeclive on condilions lhal
you have a veiy good heaIlh and veiy cIean channeIs. The Iasl condi-
lion is ciuciaI foi lhe foIIoving ieasons. The eneigy effecl fion asana is
ieceived, if lhe eneigy had line lo pass lhe open channeI. The line of
passing diffeis foi eveiyone, depending, as il vas aIieady said, on lhe
cIeanness of lhe channeI, vaiying fion sone ninules lo sone seconds.
If lhe channeI is cIogged and lhe liealh-hoId is shoil, il can le jusl nol
enough, and asana viII lecone useIess.
esides you shouId ienenlei lhal slaliIily of youi conscious-
ness in doing lhe conpIex (A.$&$($) diieclIy depends on keeping one
ihylhn of liealhing duiing lhe vhoIe conpIex. Thals vhy il nakes
:0$($0 R16. J&8$6.O.'2A0 Y$A)$(48A 28)82Z
sense lo piaclice lhis lechnique onIy aflei youie suie lhal you can do
aII lhe pIanned asanas.
In lhe noining
il nakes sense lo accenl on lhe inhaIing liealh-
ing. You can pioIong anleiioi slielching poses lo lone youiseIf up, and
in lhe evening (if you vanl lo avoid a sIeepIess nighl, vanling lo sIeep
veII) concenliale on lhe exhaIe liealhing.
Dynamic complexes
with breath-holds
(by the example
of Suria Namaskar)
Suiia and Chandia Nanaskai as olhei dynanic conpIexes can le
done vilh liealh-hoIds. This heIps lo gel lhe faslei effecl fion lhe con-
pIex, naking yoga session faslei in geneiaI. The piincipIe of accoidance
of asanas and lypes of liealhing is lhe sane as in slalic conpIexes. The
chosen liealh nusl enhance lhe naluiaI effecl fion asana. The onIy dif-
feience is lhal exiling one pose ve enlei anolhei and ve do il vilh lhe
sane inhaIalion oi exhaIalion.
Nanasle ~ ihylhnicaI liealhing, hasla ullanasana (pose vilh iis-
en hands) ~ inhaIing liealh, padahaslasana ~ exhaIing liealh, ashva
sanchaIanasana (one Ieg Iunge ahead) ~ inhaIing liealh, paivalasana
(foivaid sel) ~ inhaIing again, Ashlanga Nanaskai (zigzagging) ~ ex-
haIing, dog ~ inhaIing, cal ~ exhaIing elc. IdeaIIy each pose can
le done al one singIe liealh-hoId, lul onIy if ils enough lo open lhe
needed channeI lo lhe fuII.
Heie ve nean lhe individuaI lioIogicaI noining, vhich cones foi eveiyone in his line.
Ioi exanpIe, foi nighl ovIs il cones Ialei lhan foi noining Iaiks. efoie lhe individuaI
noining ils lellei nol lo piaclice al aII.
Work with energy
through breathing
Iiaclice of voik vilh eneigy in halha yoga can le divided inlo
sone slages.
Al lhe !isl IeveI a peison voiks vilh lhe eneigy, vhich is aIieady
piesenl in hin, i.e. diiving eneigy fion one zone lo anolhei. UsuaIIy
foi lhe !isl IeveI lhis eneigy is enough, lecause a ceilain anounl of il is
heId in nuscIe conliaclions. In facl ve Iileiale lhe eneigy fion conliac-
lions and nuscIe lIocks, iedisliiluling il noie adequaleIy.
If lhe ieadei has piacliced lhe desciiled nelhods vilh ceilain iegu-
Iaiily, he nighl have noliced lhal evenluaIIy ve gel used lo lhen ~ lolh
physicaIIy and eneigelicaIIy. In olhei voids asanas lhal used lo nake lhe
heal iise and veie causing olhei physioIogicaI sensing of eneigy noving,
donl nake lhe sane effecl anynoie. Il is expIained nol onIy ly adapla-
lion. Those slocks of eneigy, vhich veie kepl in nuscIes, vhich veie
used al lhe leginning aie jusl aIieady iedisliiluled in lhe lody. Il le-
cones noie "exilIe, has Iess lIocks. Ils gieal, lul lo conlinue piaclicing
you shouId cone lo lhe nexl IeveI ~ gelling lhe eneigy fion oulside.
I donl ieconnend leginneis lo voik vilh visuaIisalion of enei-
gy, lecause lhis nelhod is quile dif!cuIl and can pIay sone diily liicks.
Theie aie olhei, sinpIei, lul sliII veiy ef!cienl nelhods lo galhei en-
eigy fion lhe voiId aiound you.
L2& !'(. ()1'0& ): &*&'3/ /)1 0+* 9)'@ 9-.2 -( .2& +-'> Theie
is an inleiesling iuIe, vhich vas aIieady nenlioned: 9& 3+.2&' &*&'3/
6/ .2)(& %+'.(8 6/ 92-02 9& I,-(.&*J .) )1' %2/(-0+, :&&,-*3(> This
iuIe can le easiIy denonslialed ly a sinpIe lesl. Iul youi hands one
in fionl of anolhei. Lislen ly youi iighl hand, Iike lhe heal is coning
fion lhe Iefl hand. Aflei a vhiIe youi iighl hand viII lecone vainei
and lhe Iefl one coIdei. Change lhe diieclion of feeIing: slail Iislening
['&C R16. 8(8&+/ 684.(1LD80
ly youi Iefl hand foi lhe heal coning fion lhe iighl one. The iighl
hand viII cooI and lhe Iefl slail vaining. Il happens foi lhe said iea-
son: lhe hand, on vhich you concenliale, lakes lhe eneigy ~ in lhis
case fion youi olhei hand. AcluaIIy 0)*0&*.'+.-)* )* (&*(+.-)*( -( +6A
()'6-*3 .2& &.2&'-0 &*&'3/>
If ve vanl lo lake sone eneigy fion lhe aii, ve nusl Iislen lo
lhe sensalion of lhe aii inside oi oulside ouiseIves, feeI il veII.
If ve vanl lo galhei sone eneigy lo a ceilain chakia, oi on lhe con-
liaiy lake off sone excessive eneigy fion il, ve nusl Iislen lo lhe feeIing
of lhe aii al a IeveI of lhis chakia. If you vanl lo punp a channeI, you
nusl Iislen lo lhe feeIing of lhe aii al lhe IeveI of lhis channeI.
This piincipIe is liue foi aII senses. One SchooI has an exeicise of
ealing an oiange: you have lo eal il veiy-veiy sIovIy, lo conlenpIale
il, lo sniff il, lo louch il, lhen you sIovIy cul il, feeIing essenliaI oiIs
evapoiale, lhen you eal il, sensing eveiy hue of ils lasle. As a iesuIl a
peison is fuII vilh jusl one oiange, lecause he alsoils a Iol of oianges
elheiic !eId. If you eal il quickIy, you noslIy devoui ils physicaI lody,
ignoiing lhe elheiic one.
?<&'/ (&*()'/ 0+*+, '&,+.&( .) + 0&'.+-* 02+@'+ +*4 6'-*3( &*&'3/
5)(.,/ .) -.>
The sane happens vhen you voik vilh lhe elheiic eneigy of lhe
aii: liealhing vilhoul avaieness you noslIy consune oxygen. If you
concenliale on lhe aii passing, you lake lhe B&$($ fion lhe aii.
Theie aie lvo lasic iespiialoiy exeicises you can piaclice aIone oi
logelhei vilh lhe lasic conpIex of exeicises lo nake lhen noie effec-
live. The !isl one is caIIed S7&8$6.1(+ DB 4.$C&$0T! Il has foi a goaI lo
punp up chakias vilh lhe eneigy of lhe aii.
Breathing up chakras
The lechnique is lo pay allenlion lo lhe aii passing each ie-
spiialoiy zone: nasophaiynx, Iaiynx, lhoiax, soIai pIexus, leIIy. Ils
olvious, lhal each zone ieIales lo a chakia ~ fion Vishuddha lo
Svadhislhana. Sahasiaia and MuIadhaia aienl nouiished ly liealh-
ing, lecause sahasiaia nouiishes ly lhe Cosnic eneigy and MuIad-
haia ~ ly eailh eneigy. On eveiy chakia ils ieconnended lo do
3-4 liealhings.
The lellei you Iislen lo lhese sensalions, lhe noie eneigy you
lake fion lhe aii.
Nolice lhal lhe feeIing of lhe aii passing can vaiy. Sone peopIe
feeI lhe aii B&8001(+, ils 614C21(+3 4''2(800 oi R$&56.3 lhe 058223 lhe 0'D(A
of lhe noving aii. Accenling on vaiious sensalions, ve lake fion lhe aii
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
diffeienl lypes of eneigy. This is lhe cIue lo undeislanding hov chakias
ieIale lo diffeienl sense lodies, vhich vas desciiled in oId liealises
vilh no fuilhei expIanalions.
Accoiding lo Indian souices, MuIadhaia ieIales lo lhe sneII, Sva-
dhislhana ~ lo lhe lasle, Manipuia ~ lo lhe vision, Anahala lo lhe
louch, Vishuddha lo lhe heaiing. I suppose lhal lhis ieIalion is nol al-
soIuleIy coiiecl, lheie aie sone nislakes in lexls oi in lheii inleipiela-
lions. Indeed MuIadhaia (oui physicaI lody) nouiishes noslIy ly food,
and in lhis vay noie IikeIy coiiesponds lo oui .+(.& senses. On lhe olh-
ei hand, aInosl foi aII pIanls, aninaIs and peopIe, of couise, lhe eiolic
sense is caiiied ly lhe sneII. Thals vhy I lhink lhal MuIadhaia ieIales
lo lhe lasle, and Svadhislhana ~ lo lhe sneII.
AppIying lhis pallein of coiiespondences on lhe lechnique of lak-
ing lhe eneigy fion lhe aii, ve can say lhal concenlialing on lhe aiis
densily, ve feed oui lody ly lhe scope of eneigies cIose lo MuIadhaia
ones, on ils sneII ~ ve feed Svadhislhana, ils lenpeialuie (lhe feeIing
of vainlh) ~ Manipuia, lickIing in aiivays ~ Anahala, lhe sound of il
passing ~ Vishuddha.
Al lhe advanced IeveI you shouId Ieain lo concenliale on lhe
sense, you choose in advance ~ il liains oui sense lodies, oui concen-
lialion, and liing up lo lhe deveIopnenl of siddhas. On lhe leginneis
IeveI ils lellei lo focus on lhose senses, vhich aie easiei lo gel.
iealhing up chakia ve can %15% -. 1% oi 0,&+*(& -.. Chakia
is punped up, vhen lhe accenl is done on lhe aii liealhed in. Chakia
is cIeansed vhen lhe accenl is done on lhe aii Ieaving oui lody on lhe
exhaIalion. These exeicises can le done sepaialeIy oi logelhei.
Breathing up channels
Lneigy fion lhe aii can le laken nol onIy al lhe IeveI of ceilain
chakias, lul Iong aII lhe eneigy neiidians. LspeciaIIy ils usefuI lo en-
eigise aclive neiidians, lhals vhy il nakes sense lo do lhis lechnique
logelhei vilh asanas.
In aII anleiioi-slielching asanas ~ hujangasana, Dhanuiasana,
Ushliasana and so on lhe accenl shouId le done on lhe aii passing
lhiough lhe anleiioi-niddIe channeI, i.e. you have lo Iislen hov lhe
aii is passing lhiough lhe anleiioi pail of youi Iungs.
In posleiioi-slielching asanas Iike yoga-nudia, Iashinollanasa-
na, padahaslasana, ~ you shouId feeI lhe aii pass lhe posleiioi pail of
youi Iungs.
Al lhe advanced IeveI you can cooidinale lhis liealhing vilh
lhe phases of asana. In lhis case vhen you enlei asana, you can con-
['&C R16. 8(8&+/ 684.(1LD80
cenliale on youi feeIings, lhen lhe poinl of eneigy galheiing viII
nove logelhei vilh lhe poinl sepaialing lhe slielched pail of neiid-
ian fion lhe pail, sliII nol aclivaled (lhe slielching poinl). When
lhe eneigy is passing in lhe slalic (nain) pail of asana, lhe poinl of
galheiing is vheie lhe eneigy is naluiaIIy passing. Ioi exanpIe, in
hujangasana vhen lhe heal passes up lhe spine, you shouId con-
cenliale on lhe aii passing lhe posleiioi pail of youi Iungs, vhen
you aie &M2+,-*3, if possilIe, ly lhe sane zone, vheie you feeI lhe
heal passing. Such piaclice leaches us hov lo nove lhe heal in oui
lody, i.e. lo conlioI lhe eneigy in oui lody vilhoul doing asanas ~
jusl ly lhe conscious effoil.
In pivoled asanas Iike Tiikonasana, Ailhanalsiendiasana, saipas-
ana ~ !isl of aII you nusl feeI lhe aii pass in lhe slielched Iung (feeI
lhal you liealhe vilh one Iung). And aflei lhe eneigy has passed ~ in
lhe squeezed one al lhe exhaIalion.
Breathing up
in pranayamas
SiniIai cIues can le used in pianayanas. Ioi exanpIe, vhen you
do anuIona-viIona, liealhing in ly youi iighl nosliiI, you shouId feeI
lhe aii pass lhiough youi iighl Iung as if you vheie !IIing ly lhe aii
onIy lhis Iung. LxhaIing ly youi Iefl nosliiI, feeI lhe aii Ieave ly lhe Iefl
In KapaIalhali you shouId conlioI lhe aii passing in lhe nasophai-
ynx, fionl and naxiIIaiy sinuses. In hasliika you shouId cIeaiIy feeI
lhe aii in lhe Manipuia zone.
Nolice, lhal piolIen zones aie noie dif!cuIl lo liealhe up. Like
in doing asanas unconsciousIy ve liy lo skip lhese zones. Al lhe IeveI
of depiessed oi veakened chakias ils noie dif!cuIl lo feeI lhe aii pass,
aIlhough lhis is vhal you need lo slaliIise lhen. On lhe conliaiy, feeI-
ings in exciled chakias can le loo liighl, so you need lo ignoie lhen.
Work with energy
by visualisation
VisuaIisalion is lhe nosl advanced lechnique of voik vilh eneigy.
E 9+'* 6&3-**&'( +3+-*(. 1(-*3 .2-( %'+0.-0& -* /)3+8 6&0+1(& <-(1+,-A
(+.-)* 0+* 6& &+(-,/ 0)*:1(&4 9-.2 -5+3-*-*3 .2& &*&'3/8 92-02 3-<&(
*) '&(1,.(> The diffeience lelveen voiking vilh lhe eneigy and inag-
ining il, is lhe sane as dining oi lhinking lhal you dined.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Techniques of pumping up
in asanas
Asana is a naluiaI eneigelic oulIine, so +*/ 9)'@ 9-.2 .2& &*&'3/
-* +(+*+ -( +%%,/-*3 .2& )1.(-4& &*&'3/ )* -.( *+.1'+, 5)<&5&*. -*
.2& 6)4/> Diiving lhe eneigy ly youi viII againsl ils naluiaI vay is in
nosl cases useIess oi hainfuI.
No doull, in enleiing, slaying in lhe pose and exiling il, lhe en-
eigy noves diffeienlIy. Ioi exanpIe, vhen you enlei hujangasana, lhe
anleiioi channeI is opening, and lhe eneigy can descend fion 6.8 B'1(6
'% 8(68&1(+ (lhe chin, lhe lhiid eye oi Vishuddha ~ depending on pei-
sonaI pecuIiaiily) dovn lhe poinl vheie lhe slielching aiiived. When
you aie hoIding lhe pose, lhe eneigy is descending lo lhe Iovesl poinl,
diffeienl in aII vaiialions. When il accunuIales a Iol, soonei oi Ialei il
goes up lhe channeI Iocaled lelveen lhe anleiioi and posleiioi chan-
neIs, i.e. piaclicaIIy ly lhe spine, cIosing lhe eneigy cycIe. Thal is lhe
nain aclion of hujangasana.
In lhe conscious voik you shouId choose ceilain eneigy and pul
il in lhe naluiaI passage. In a Iong slay in asana you can punp up vilh
diffeienl eneigies seveiaI lines, laking lhen one ly one lhiough lhe
poinl of enleiing and diiving ly lhe said syslen of channeIs. Al lhe !isl
slage you can coiieIale lhese eneigies vilh youi liealhing (foi exanpIe,
in hujangasana vhen you liealhe in, lhe eneigy goes dovn lhe fionl,
and vhen you liealhe oul, il goes up lhe lack). Lalei on cIeansing youi
channeIs you can do vilhoul lhis accoidance.
Of couise, in asanas nol onIy anleiioi and posleiioi niddIe chan-
neIs gel aclivaled. In asynneliic poses ve usuaIIy use lhe channeIs, Io-
caled ly sides fion lhe cenliaI Iine. If coiieclIy slielched, neiidians in
lhe hands and in lhe Iegs can aIso le aclivaled. The schene of nuscu-
Iolendinous neiidians, lhal can heIp you lo undeisland aclivaled chan-
neIs, is given in Appendix.
1. The eneigy can nove onIy in lhe open, i.e. slielched channeI, lhals vhy
il nakes sense lo liealhe up in asanas onIy if lhey aie coiieclIy foined.
2. In a slalic pose lhe eneigy nusl nake a cIosed Ioop.
3. SIighl vaiialions in asanas lechniques can cause signi!canl changes in
eneigy cuiienls sliucluie (see lhe chaplei Asanas enhanceis). And vice
veisa, diffeienl vaiialions of asanas aie needed lo voik oul and eneigise
diffeienl channeIs.
['&C R16. 8(8&+/ 684.(1LD80
Energy pathway
in Sarpasna
Energy pathway in Trikonasana
Energy pathway in Trikonasana
(channels in the hands and the outer leg are not shown)
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Pumping ups
for men and women
Lneigy sliucluies of nen and vonen diffei, lecause a nan !nds
easiei .) 3&. .2& &*&'3/ :')5 +6)<&8 +*4 + 9)5+* g :')5 6&,)9>
`&(-4&( -.V( &+(-&' :)' + 5+* .) .+@& .2& &*&'3/ -*2+,-*38 +*4 :)' +
9)5+* i&M2+,-*3. Considei lhal in hujangasana and olheis of lhal
Iike eneigy is laken fion lop dovn, and in Iashinollanasana and olh-
eis of lhal Iike ~ fion lollon up. Hence asanas can le divided inlo
nascuIine and feninine, vhich is peifeclIy accoided vilh lheii ef-
fecls ~ ieIaliveIy loning oi caIning dovn, as veII as vilh lhe leIieving
of Chinese nedicine as foi lhe Yin naluie of lhe anleiioi channeI and
lhe Yang ~ of lhe posleiioi, lul doing aII asanas vilh no iegaid lo lhe
sex, ve shouId lhink aloul diffeiences in punping ups.
V73,72,0+ B03 9)+ 0B 788 $.9$,+% .$5
The eneigy is laken fion alove. Say, you aie going lo do hujan-
gasana, lake lhe eneigy fion alove and inhaIing diive il dovn ~ ils
naluiaI, lhals lhe vay ve do il. Say, you aie going lo do Iashinol-
lanasna. The eneigy is sliII laken fion alove, lul lo galhei eneigy le-
foie enleiing lhe asana ve sliII have one noie inhaIe (vhen ve iaise
oui hands). Al lhis inhaIe ve lake lhe eneigy fion alove and diive il
ly oui anleiioi pail of lhe lody dovn lo lhe coccyx (in yoga-nudia) oi
dovn lhe heeIs. As a iesuIl, exhaIing, ve slail enleiing asana and ve
can Iifl lhe eneigy ly lhe opening channeI.
V73,72,0+ B03 109)+
In hujangasana vilh lhe exhaIalion lefoie enleiing asana, lhe en-
eigy is laken fion leIov and is diiven up lhe spine liII lhe lhiid eye
zone. InhaIing, ve enlei asana as aIvays, diving lhe eneigy dovn lhe
niddIe neiidian.
In Iashinollanasana lhe eneigy is galheied vhen exhaIing, done
logelhei vilh lending ahead, fion leIov innedialeIy lo lhe posleiioi-
niddIe channeI.
AddilionaIIy eneigies aie laken fion leIov al lhe exhaIalion.
;KQCEC\c Donl le gieedy voiking vilh eneigy. Chakias and elheiic
lody have a Iiniled capacily. Theie is such a slale as oveiealing: lhe en-
eigy jusl doesnl enlei anynoie. If you punp youiseIf up ef!cienlIy and
good, aflei sone punp-ups you can feeI oveisaluialion and Iaziness. Il
neans, you had enough of il. If you oveipunp youiseIf vilh eneigies, lhe
effecl viII le Iike aflei a physicaI oveisliess. The nexl noining youII feeI soie
and voin oul. Sonelines oveiealing nakes you feeI discooidinaled, Iazy
(nol ieIaxed, lul Iazy) inslead of leing spiighlIy ~ a noinaI slale aflei yoga.
Iind youi ovn eneigy noin ly lhe expeiinenlaI nelhod.
['&C R16. 8(8&+/ 684.(1LD80
KLL?CLEDCc Sonelines in punping-up oi innedialeIy aflei you can feeI
heaviness. The nain ieason is lhe inpeifecl physicaI peifoinance of asanas.
The piaclilionei liies lo diav lhe eneigy lhiough his cIogged oi nol open
channeI ly his conscious effoil. This causes eneigy liiedness and lhe viong
disliilulion of eneigy in lhe lody, vhich iesuIls in lhis heaviness.
Anolhei ieason can le in lhe adveise eneigy in lhe pIace of liain-
ing. Ioi exanpIe, if you punp up in lhe lusy pulIic lianspoil, lhe eneigy
viII pass lhiough aII auias of passengeis, vho sland cIose lo you and viII
liing a Iol of eneigy !Ilh, changing ils quaIilies. Mayle lhe passengeis
viII iejoice on such cIeaning, lul viII il le heaIlhy foi you` A pIace foi
doing yoga nusl le chosen deIileialeIy, laking inlo accounl ils eneigy
fealuies (nol jusl physicaI ones), especiaIIy lhe accoidance of pIaces enei-
gies vilh youis. Lven in lhe open aii nol eveiy pIace suils eveiy peison.
Energy movement
in outer etheric
Oulei elheiic is a pail of elheiic !eId, Iocaled oulside lhe physicaI
lody. Sone exeicises nake lhe eneigy nove in lhis pail of lhe elheiic.
Moieovei in sone syslens, such as lai chi, lhe nain allenlion is paid lo
lhe oulei elheiic.
Tightening of outer etheric
by raking movements by hands
To desciile and lo undeisland hov eneigy noves in lhe oulei
elheiic, lake lhe hydiodynanic nodeI. Ioi exanpIe, enleiing Iashinol-
lanasana, lheie is a conpacling of eneigy
in lhe oulei elheiic lelveen lhe hands
and ankIes due lo lhe eneigy lhe piacli-
lionei iaked up ly his hands. This ex-
cessive eneigy slails noving lhe channeI,
open fion lhe heeIs. The sane happens
in padahaslasana, Tiikonasana elc. Lxil-
ing lhe pose, ve snoolh lhe undisliilul-
ed eneigy ly oui hands. Undeislanding
lhis nechanisn, il lecones cIeai, vhy
hands and ains nusl le in lhe iighl po-
silion in asanas, lul ils faii lo nolice lhal
lhese effecls aie sullIe and nol lhal in-
poilanl al lhe leginneis IeveI.
Tightening of energy
in the outer etheric
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
How energy goes out
to the outer etheric
in pumping-ups
The oulei elheiic Iike lhe innei one has ils channeIs, vhich gel
aclivaled, vhen you do exeicises. UsuaIIy lheii !IIing slails fion lhe
cenlie lo peiipheiies vhen lhe innei elheiic is !IIed up. On picluies
you see sone exanpIes.
Energy moves in the outer etheric
['&C R16. 8(8&+/ 684.(1LD80
in dynamic complexes
In dynanic conpIexes eneigy noves nol Iike in slalic poses.
Speaking aloul dynanic conpIexes ve nean nol jusl Suiia and
Chandia Nanaskai, lul olhei dynanic conpIexes as veII. In a dy-
nanic peifoinance asana doesnl conlain a slalic pail, so lhe enei-
gy doesnl nake a cIosed Ioop. In facl, eneigy noves onIy vilh lhe
sliain. In conpIexes lhe Ioop is cIosed ly lhe nexl coning asana.
In Suiia Nanaskai hasla ullanasana (pose vilh iisen hands) nakes
lhe eneigy nove dovn lhe anleiioi pail of lhe lody, and lhe foI-
Ioving pose padahaslasana cIoses lhe Ioop, diiving lhe eneigy up
lhe posleiioi pail. And so on. Lach paii of asanas cIoses lhe eneigy
Ioop, enhancing ils "ov. We, so lo say, sviiI lhe eneigy off, naking
il sliongei. Of couise lhis diieclion of eneigy nove lakes pIace onIy
if lhe exeicise is done iighl, !isl of aII, if enleiing and exiling aie
done coiieclIy. The anleiioi slielched asanas nusl le enleied fion
lhe head dovn, and lhe posleiioi slielched ~ fion lhe coccyx (oi
even heeIs) up. Ioi exanpIe, coning fion dog pose lo lhe cal pose is
done ly Iifling lhe peIvis and nol ly diopping lhe head.
Hence punping up vilh oulei eneigies shouId secuie lhis eneigy
Work with sun mantras
G,352 527%)
Repeal a nanlia (vilh no visuaIisalion) in a piaying-Iike eIeval-
ed slale. Repeal and iepeal nany lines unliI you feeI lhe "ov. Sun
nanlias aie puie, so lhe "ov is usuaIIy feIl as sone heal, "ushing elc.
Like in lhe physicaI voiId lheie is such lhing as ineilness, in lhe asliaI
pIane eneigy doesnl shov innedialeIy. To uncIog lhe channeI one has
lo iepeal nanlia nany lines. Isyche has lo le luned up. The noie
you piaclice, lhe faslei eneigy shovs ilseIf. Aflei a ceilain piaclice lvo-
lhiee iepelilions of nanlia aie enough lo nake eneigy nove, lul al lhe
leginning you have lo iepeal nanlia foi a Iong line.
CDL?> Theie is an effecl I caII nanlias lieaking up. Il can happen vhen
aflei a vhiIe you slail saying nanlia nechanicaIIy and inaccuialeIy, vilh-
oul ailicuIalion, svaIIoving up Ielleis and nol nolicing lhese defecls. Nalu-
iaIIy due lo lhis, lhe "ov disappeais oi lecones scaicei. To avoid lhis you
nusl slay avaie.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
To avoid lieaking up nanlia Hindu saciiIize lhe piocess of iead-
ing, doing il in ceilain iiluaIs. Ioi exanpIe, lefoie using nanlia you
have lo iinse youi noulh. One couId vondei vhal foi ~ nanlias aie
said nenlaIIy ~ lhe ansvei is olvious: lo sepaiale lhe sacied fion lhe
piofane, lo punp up lhe piocess of ieading.
@)*0+: 527%)
When you slail feeIing lhe "ov, liy lo see ils coIoui. Lven if you
faiI, you can sliII visuaIise lhe "ov coning on you.
Hov sliong lhe "ov is depends on nany faclois ~ if lheie aie
anonaIies on lhe Sun loday, nanlias voik lellei of voise (foi exanpIe,
Ive noliced lhal sun nanlias of Suiia Nanaskai aie especiaIIy sliong
in lhe lop of peiiods of lhe Sun aclivily). Anyvay /)1 0+*V. (.+'. <-(1A
+,-(-*3 .2& &*&'3/ 1*.-, /)1 0,&+',/ :&&, .2+. .2& ")9 -( '&+,,/ 0)5-*38
).2&'9-(& /)1V,, 6'&+@ 1% .2& 5+*.'+>
Masleiing of Suiia Nanaskai nanlias is lellei in lhe diiecl sun-
Iighl. Il lellei shine diieclIy on lhe piaclilionei. Ils especiaIIy good lo
slail piaclice vilh Suiia Nanaskai nanlias in spiing, aflei lhe veinaI
equinox, ils lhe peak of lhe Suns gelling sliong, so nanlias voik jusl
!ne, and youII feeI quickei lhe effecl.
Youi foins of voik can le diffeienl, sliII once you shouId liy lo
see lhe coIoui of lhis eneigy. The coIoui paIelle has ils advanlages. Hu-
nans scope of coIouis is nuch liggei lhan lhe scope of laclicaI sensa-
lions. Manlias of Suiia Nanaskai aie vain and pIeasanl, lul ils veiy
dif!cuIl lo say vhich ones aie vainei and vhich ones aie coIdei, aI-
lhough ly coIoui lhey diffei quile a Iol.
Nole lhal coIouis of sun nanlias aie conpIicaled. They aie aI-
vays undeiIined ly lhe Sun eneigy ~ yeIIov-oiange, lul lheie aie lvo
noie, inleiIacing vilh il ~ eneigies of lhe consleIIalion and of lhe pIan-
el. Thals vhy lhe nixluie is quile conpIicaled.
Emotional aspect of work
with sun mantras
Suiia Nanaskai oiienlales on Anahala, lhals vhy lhe feeIing of
acceplalion of lhe Sun heIps lo gel lhis eneigy. If a piaclilionei is
cIosed, he can gel *) eneigy al aII. Thals vhy Suiia Nanaskai shouId
le done in lhe eIevaled and inspiied nood.
To nake any aclion aiiive, you nusl !II il vilh youi spiiil. Man-
lias nusl le !IIed vilh youi povei! In lhe sliII slale Anahala is cIosed
and lhe eneigy doesnl enlei youi lody. AII asanas, pianayanas, nu-
dias and nanlias shouId le asliaIIy !IIed. Then lhey voik.
['&C R16. 8(8&+/ 684.(1LD80
Meditative aspect of work
with sun mantras
UnIike nosl of olhei nanlias, sun nanlias, oi lellei say lhe
nanes of lhe Sun lhey conlain, can le liansIaled. Lach nane has a hinl
on a ceilain quaIily a peison can possess. Medilalion on lhe essence of
lhis fealuie and naking il cone lo us, especiaIIy logelhei vilh nanlia
ieading, is lhe highei IeveI of voik vilh lhese nanlias. AcluaIIy nedi-
lalion on lhe sense of voids is a speciaI kind of spiiiluaI voik. Heie
aie liansIalions of 12 nain nanes:
F16&$ \ %&18(A!
<$)1 \ 0.1(1(+!
#D&1$ \ R'(A8&%D2 21+.6!
7.$(D \ A1$5'(A!
7.$+$ \ .$BB1(800!
-D0.$( \ 85B'R8&1(+!
@1&$(1$+$&J.$ \ +'2A8( +8&5!
F$&14.1$ \ A$R( 5$068&!
:A161$ \ 1("(16/!
#$)16$& \ 58&41%D2!
:&C$ \ 8(8&+/!
7.$0C$&$ \ 28$A1(+ 6' 8(21+.68(58(6!
Mayle lhese liansIalions donl give fuIIy lhe essence of lhese
nanes (ils inpossilIe lo liansIale pieciseIy fion one Ianguage lo an-
olhei), lul ils enough lo slail piaclicing. AII in aII in Vedas and in
Mahalhaiala (Aianiakapaiva) lheie aie 1O8 nanes of lhe Sun.
The ancienl liealises say lhal lhe Maslei of Yoga Siva knev 84 niI-
Iions of asanas. Novadays yoga uses aloul 2OO poses, incIuding nosl
sophislicaled ones. Wheie is lhe iesl` Hov couId such a vaiiely exisl`
Theie is one noie queslion: vhy so diffeienl schooIs give diffei-
enl lechniques of lhe sane (ly lheii nanes) asanas`
The infuence is located
mostly in the middle back
The ansvei lo lhese queslions is lhe
foIIoving. E*(-3*-!0+*., sonelines aInosl
nicioscopic changes -* .2& .&02*-O1& ):
+(+*+( ()5&.-5&( 0+1(&( ()5& :1*4+5&*A
.+, 02+*3&( -* .2&-' &::&0.8 .2& X)*& ): -*A
"1&*0& +*4 .2& 4-'&0.-)* ): .2&-' +0.-)*>
In nosl cases lhese changes have lo do
vilh lhe posilions of ains and Iegs, up lo
!ngeis and loes. In sone poses lhe Iinls
lecone naluiaI veighing naleiiaI, concen-
lialing oui effoil in lhe needed zone, in
olheis speci!c gesluies of !ngeis aclivale
nuscuIolendinous neiidians. These kinds
of nodi!calions veII caII pose &*2+*0&'(.
Heie aie sone exanpIes of enhanceis,
vhich viII heIp lhe ieadei lo undeisland
lhe nain idea of lhis appioach in yoga.
Indeed eveiy asana can le sIighlIy
nodi!ed vilh insigni!canl changes in lhe
posilion of oui hands and Iegs, so lhal il
nakes lhe IocaIised in"uence on a pailicuIai
zone. Ioi exanpIe, if you do yoga-nudia,
lhe spine zone, vhich is sliained, depends
on lhe posilion of youi hands, pIaying lhe
ioIe of naluiaI pIunnel. So, if you vanl
lo voik oul nainIy lhe niddIe pail of youi
spine, you shouId pul youi hands lack, lhen
lhe nain sliain viII le in lhe niddIe spine.
The infuence is located
mostly in the lower back
and the sacral bone
The infuence is
located mostly in
the upper back
:0$($0 8(.$(48&0
If you vanl lo voik oul lhe Iovei lack, il nakes sense lo use
youi ains as a pIunnel. Then you pul youi hands lefoie youiseIf so
lhal lhey puII you ly lhe shouIdeis, and lhe sliain goes lo lhe Iovei
lack zone. Nole lhal lhe failhei you pul youi hands, lhe Iovei veilelia
gels ils IocaI in"uence.
IinaIIy, if you knov lhal youi nosl piolIen zone is lhe neck and
dovn lhe neck, you can pul youi hands leyond youi head. In lhis case
lhe sliain on youi neck and lhe uppei spine viII le al lhe naxinun.
This asana can le enhanced, if you diav youi Ieg al lhe olhei
angIe. The failhei ils diavn aside, lhe highei nuscIes of lhe lack aie
voiked oul. Il conceins aII vaiialions of lhis asana.
1. The zone of the maximum infuence of
asana is in Manipura zone left.
2. The zone of the maximum infuence of
asana is under the left shoulder blade.
3. The zone of the maximum infuence of
asana is a little up the left buttock.
In Iashinollanasana lhe ioIe of enhanceis is pIayed ly youi ains.
Theii posilion de!nes, vhich zone of lhe spine is voiked oul (al lhe
sane piincipIe as in yoga-nudia).
In Ailhanalsiendiasana lhe ioIe of enhancei is pIayed ly youi
slanding Ieg ~ lhe noie you puII il lo youiseIf, lhe Iovei veilelia aie
in"uenced ly lhe asana (vilh lhe condilion lhal you aie doing il vilh
youi lack sliaighl and donl lake youi lullocks off lhe "ooi). So, if you
have piolIens vilh lhe Iovei lack, you shouId do Ailhanalsiendiasa-
na vilh youi fool aInosl neai youi hip, vhiIe, if you have piolIens in
lhe chesl zone, you shouId pul lhe heeI aInosl cIose lo youi knee.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
The enhancei is lhe angIe of lhe fool of youi lended Ieg. The noie
you luin il oul, lhe highei in youi lody feeIs lhe piessuie fion naichi-
asana. Ioi exanpIe, if you vanl lo have an in"uence on youi inleslines,
lhe fool shouId le aInosl paiaIIeI lo lhe olhei Ieg. If you vanl lo in"u-
ence lhe zone of diaphiagn, lhe spIeen (oi consequenlIy, if lhe iighl Ieg is
lended ~ on youi Iivei), lhis fool nusl le luined oul as nuch as possilIe.
The maximum pivoting
in the lower back
The maximum
infuence of asana
on Svadhisthana zone
The enhanceis in lhis pose aie angIes lelveen youi Iegs and youi feel.
The enhanceis in dhanuiasana aie siniIai lo lhose in Ushliasana.
The maximum pivoting
in the middle spine
The maximum pivoting
in the thorax zone
The maximum
infuence of asana
on Manipura zone
The maximum
infuence of asana
on Anahata zone
:0$($0 8(.$(48&0
The enhancei in Ushliasana is lhe angIe lelveen lhe knees. The
noie lhey aie apail, lhe Iovei chakias gel voiked oul.
The enhancei in lhis asana is lhe angIe of diaving youi Ieg aside.
The noie ils slielched aside, lhe highei nuscIes of lhe spine aie in"u-
CDL?> The angIe lelveen youi Iegs is lhe enhancei, nol onIy lecause youi
veighl is iedisliiluled, lul aIso lecause diffeienl nuscuIolendinous neiid-
ians gel invoIved (see Appendix 2).
The enhancei in Siishasana is lhe angIe lelveen youi eIlovs. The
videi lhey aie, lhe Iess youi leaiing aiea is, lhe noie dif!cuIl il is lo
keep laIance, and lhe Iovei chakias gel invoIved.
The maximum
on Anahata
The maximum
on Svadhisthana
AInosl eveiy asana has ils enhanceis. Cuided ly youi undei-
slanding of lheii piincipIes, you can adjusl asanas and yoga conpIexes
in lhe vay lhal lhey voik oul youi nosl piolIen zones.
=)3+ -( *). + 4)35+.-0 (.14/-*38 61. + (&. ): %'-*0-%,&( +*4 -*A
(.'15&*.(8 92-02 &<&'/ %'+0.-.-)*&' 0+* +*4 (2)1,4 1(& 0'&+.-<&,/ .)
+02-&<& 2-( )9* 3)+,( +*4 .+(@(>
The maximum infuence
on Anahata zone
The maximum infuence
on Vishuddha zone
The maximum infuence
on Muladhara zone
As you knov, nedilalion is one of lhe oIdesl nelhods of in"u-
ence on ones psyche. Hovevei, leing lhe poveifuI insliunenl of lhe
spiiiluaI deveIopnenl, nedilalion can lecone a poveifuI looI of seIf-
desliuclion. The nany lhousand yeai veiI of seciecy on lhe one hand
and lhe enlhusiaslic snalleieis appioach on lhe olhei have caused lhe
facl lhal onIy one peicenl of lhose vho piaclice nedilalive lechniques
ieaIIy achieve sone posilive changes in lheii psyche. The nain ieason
is lhe alsence of syslen appioach lo nedilalions. esides lhe nosl in-
poilanl lhing is foigollen: 5&4-.+.-)* -( +* -*(.'15&*.8 *). .2& 3)+, ):
(%-'-.1+, 4&<&,)%5&*.> To use an insliunenl, you nusl knov vhal ils
foi, hov lo appIy il and you nusl have a cIeai pIan of vhal you vanl
lo do. The Iasl poinl is vhal nosl inexpeiienced piaclilioneis niss.
They oflen use nedilalion Iike an unknovn piII, vilhoul any piesciip-
lion, jusl lecause lhey knov, lhal diugs cuie, lul lhey ignoie lhal eveiy
diug has ils speci!c in"uence on oui lody.
Ils faie lo nolice lhal lheie veie and lheie sliII aie schooIs lhal
use a scienli!c appioach lo nedilalive piaclices. Ioi exanpIe, coning
lo a Tilelan nonasleiy, a sludenl vas given a lask lo piaclice one of
lhe 1O8 cIassic nedilalions ~ lhe one his leachei lhoughl his psyche
needed lhe nosl. The sane appioach is used in seiious schooIs of yoga.
In lhis chaplei veII lake a Iook al lhe piincipIe of choosing nedi-
lalions and al sone nedilalive lechniques, vhich can le usefuI al lhe
leginneis IeveI of yoga.
Psychological aspects
of meditation
Iion lhe psychoIogicaI poinl of viev lheie can le de!ned !ve
nain diieclions of inside voik vilh ones ovn psyche.
1. AcluaIisalion of psychics piocesses.
2. DeveIopnenl of consciousness and of seIf-consciousness.
3. CIeansing of sulconsciousness.
4. Depiogianning of supei-consciousness.
5. Achieving lhe innei inlegiily.
Lels lake a noie delaiIed Iook al eveiy diieclion and sludy ils
Actualisation of psychics processes
A signi!canl voIune of infoinalion, laken ly oui senses, isnl
!xed in oui consciousness. We Iook and donl see, ve Iislen and donl
heai, eal and donl lasle. The nain ieason foi il is lhal lhe nosl of line
oui consciousness isnl heie and nov, inslead ils lusy soIving diffei-
enl piolIens, ienenleiing inages of lhe pasl and leIIing vhal vasnl
said in line. The sane vas vilh oui enolions, feeIings and sliivings,
vhich aienl aIvays conscious, lul sliII lhey in"uence oui Iife, undeiIy-
ing oui aclions and allilude. Accoiding lo CeslaIl aII lhis iesuIls in lhe
facl lhal a peison has Iess fiee eneigy, vhich neans he is Iess adaplive
lo Iife silualions. To soIve lhis piolIen ve can piaclice lhe heie and
nov slale ~ on lhe IeveI of oui senses, enolions and feeIings.
The nolion of lhe inpoilance of acluaIisalion of psychic piocesses
appeaied aIieady in ancienl syslens of psycho-piaclices. A Iol of al-
lenlion vas paid lo il ly lanlia. Many of 112 nedilalions desciiled in
Vijniana haiiava Tanlia aie dedicaled lo acluaIisalion.
Open lhe dooi lo youi senses. IeeI even lhe anl cieep. Then THIS viII cone.
?1P(1$($ 7.$1&$)$ M$(6&$
AcluaIisalion vas an inpoilanl pail of Zen. We knov a paialIe
aloul a Zen naslei, vho lecane a sludenl again, lecause he foigol on
vhich side of his unlieIIa he Iefl his sandaIs ~ he ieaIised lhal did il
Anong conlenpoiaiy esoleiic schooIs lhe liggesl allenlion lo ac-
luaIisalion vas paid ly C. Cuidgieff, vho lioached lhe suljecl of ac-
luaIisalion even lefoie I. IeiIs and Osho. One of his nosl inpiessing
lechniques is piolalIy lhe Slop, vhich is done Iike lhis: a gioup of
sludenls do lheii eveiyday voik and in lhe nosl unexpecled nonenl
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
gel lhe oidei lo fieeze. Al lhe sane nonenl lhey nusl slop, leing con-
scious of lhe posilion lhe oidei caughl lhen in. In his Oiange look
Osho desciiles lhe foIIoving acluaIisalion lechniques: snoking nedi-
lalion, desaulonalisalion and olheis. The nosl conpIele sludying lhe
acluaIisalion of psychic piocesses gol in CeslaIl-psychoIogy of I. IeiIs,
vhich quile soon luined fion a psycholheiapeulic syslen inlo a senies-
oleiic schooI. The nain inpoilance of lhese psycho-lechniques is in lhe
facl lhal lhey donl onIy viden lhe consciousness ly acluaIisalion, lul
aIso in lhe snoolhesl vay leach peopIe lo ie"ecl, vhich is ciuciaI foi lhe
voik al fuilhei IeveIs.
Development of consciousness
and of self-consciousness
IoIIoveis of lhe conlenpoiaiy esoleiic syslens especiaIIy en-
phasize lhe ciyslaIIisalion of consciousness and lhe deveIopnenl of
seIf-consciousness. This appaienlIy coiieIales vilh lhe appeaiance of
exislenliaIisn and lhe iespeclive discouises. Ils aIso possilIe lhal lhe
iespeclive psychopiaclices lecane ieIevanl undei lhe in"uence of coi-
iesponding phiIosophic ideas. Ioi exanpIe, lhe nolion of conscious-
ness ciyslaIIisalion vas inlioduced lo lhe occuIl liadilion ly Cuidjieff.
y lhis he neanl foining a slalIe inside voiId in a peison. The fanous
ieseaichei of his voiks piofessoi A. Rovnei noliced lhal sone of lhese
ideas appeaied undei lhe in"uence of Nielzsche. An exlieneIy inpoi-
lanl, if nol lhe cenliaI ioIe, lhe consciousness pIayed in lhe sludy of
D. Kiisnanuili. Theie aie nany ef!cienl lechniques of ciyslaIIizalion of
consciousness in voiks of C. Caslaneda.
Anong lechniques pioposed ly C. Caslaneda !isl of aII is sig-
ni!canl lhe Thinking aloul Dealh lechnique. Accoiding lo il you
nusl le conslanlIy avaie, lhal eveiy nonenl of oui Iife, incIuding lhe
piesenl, can le lhe Iasl one, lecause dealh is aIvays slanding lehind
youi Iefl shouIdei. The effecl of lhis nedilalion inpIies lhal lhe Iasl
nonenl of Iife, vhen lheie is aIieady no fuluie and lhe pasl Ioses ils
vaIue, a peison vouId ceilainIy vanl lo Iive fuIIy, i.e. consciousIy. This
lechnique isnl ieaIIy nev. AInosl lhe sane lechnique vas desciiled in
Sanuiai codex ushido. Hovevei lhe phiIosophic desciiplion of sini-
Iai lechniques vas given ly Heideggei and Sailie. UlleiIy ef!cienl foi
ciyslaIIizalion of consciousness aie exeicises of slaIking, pioposed ly
Caslaneda ~ lhe ail of a conscious aclion ~ Iike Tiansfoinalion oi
Tiansfoinalion in vonan elc. The effecl fion lhese lechniques cones
fion lhe facl, lhal, pIaying an unusuaI ioIe, a peison is olIiged lo keep
his consciousness conlinuousIy aIeil. Choosing a nev unusuaI ioIe, lel-
lei conpIeleIy opposile lo aII pasl expeiience, al a good concouise of
ciicunslances heIps lo feeI inside ones ovn eing.
Speaking aloul Cuidjieffs syslen, veII nolice !isl of aII lhe
Slop lechnique, desciiled alove. The effecl of ciyslaIIizalion of con-
sciousness aiiives lhanks lo lhe acluaIisalion, ieIaled lo lhis piocess.
Anong nedilalions of Osho, vhich have lhe sane goaI, ils
voilh lo nenlion Aie you heie, econe a cosnonaul of youi in-
side space, Donl liy lo fooI youiseIf, desciiled in his Oiange
look and so on.
Nole lhal sone nedilalions of cIassicaI esoleiic syslens veie aIso
favouiing lhe ciyslaIIizalion of consciousness. Thus in yoga lheie vas a
lechnique Olseivalion of !ie oi of lhe Iighl lelveen eyeliovs.
In lhis nedilalion one had lo feeI lhe Iighl iadiale fion inside,
so lhal lhe consciousness vouId le ils souice, nol jusl an exleinaI ol-
seivei. The aIieady sludied lechnique Cioving lhe spiiiluaI chiId is a
vaiialion of consciousness ciyslaIIizalion, piacliced in Taoisl yoga.
Cleansing of subconsciousness
The nolion of sulconsciousness cIeansing, i.e. ieacling lhe sup-
piessed feeIings and enolions, causing neuiolic lension, aIso appeaied
lhanks lo lhe ideas of psychoanaIysis. AIlhough lhese lechniques of
cIeansing veie used ly nankind foi aII lhe lines. They aie so nunei-
ous, lul can le divided inlo lvo calegoiies:
K*+,/.-0+, ~ aie lased on ieaIizing unconscious oljecls and us-
ing lhen logelhei vilh lheii secondaiy nanifeslalions (dieans, eno-
lionaI lensions elc.). To piaclice lhen one nusl aIieady have quile a
vide consciousness (a soIid ego, ly psychoanaIylic) and a good capac-
ily of ie"eclion. The nosl pail of anaIylicaI nelhods have iools in dif-
feienl schooIs of psychoanaIysis, lul aie acluaIIy siniIai lo lhe ud-
dhisl vipassana, desciiled alove.
U+.2+'(-( ~ aie lased on lhe diiecl ieacling of lolheiing feeIings
and enolions, vilh no need lo ieaIize lhen. These aie foi exanpIe, lhe
ciy lheiapy, liealhvoiks Iike ieliilhing, hoIoliopic liealhvoik and
CIeansing of sulconsciousness is an inpoilanl slep in seIf-lians-
foinalion nol onIy lecause il heIps lo dininish neuiosis, lypicaI lo a
nodein peison, lul aIso lecause il Iileiales psychic eneigy, needed
foi deepei inleinaI voik. Osho pioposed quile a vide iange of lech-
niques, leing so diffeienl, lhal anyone couId choose lhe nedilalion
lhal couId Iileiale hin fion a ceilain kind of non-ieaIised enolions.
AcluaIIy Osho has iedone on lhe nodein IeveI lhe uddhisl piaclice
of peisonaI seIeclion of nedilalion. Heie aie sone lechniques fion his
Oiange look.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Dynanic nedilalion ~ a ieaI !nd of Osho. An ef!cienl nedilalion of lhe
calhaisis lype.
Laughing nedilalion ~ heIps lo Iileiale oneseIf fion non-ieaIised eno-
lionaI eneigies and is a piaclice of aili!ciaI Iaugh duiing a ceilain line. The
lask is lo achieve a nonenl, vhen lhe Iaugh vouId go naluiaIIy, vilh no
noie need lo foice il.
ealing of lhe piIIov ~ heIps lo Iel go lhe suppiessed aggiession.
iealhe Iike a dog ~ calhaisis nedilalion, using lhe povei of liealh. Ia-
vouis lo ieacl lhe aggiession.
Nalaiaja nedilalion ~ calhaisis nedilalion heIping lo ieacl lhe eneigy,
undeiIying huiiy and luslIing.
}oIling ~ a calhaisis nedilalion, selling fiee lhe nuscIes, Iileialing un-
conscious desiies.
Ieeiing al lhe niiioi ~ an effeclive nedilalion, heIping lo acluaIise un-
conscious feais.
Cone inlo youi feai ~ lhe effecl is siniIai lo lhe pievious nedilalion.
TypicaI foi nedilalions, pioposed ly Osho, is lhal aInosl aII of
lhen piovoke calhaisis.
In Caslaneda syslen lheie is a cuiious lechnique caIIed Wiping
off lhe peisonaI hisloiy oi Reluining lhe Iosl eneigy, vhich fion
lhe psychoIogicaI poinl of viev can le inleipieled as lhe one aining lo
cIeanse lhe sulconsciousness. The nosl fuII desciiplion of il is given in
lhe Soiceieis ciossing ly Taisha AleIai. Il inpIies ieluining lack
lhe eneigy Iosl in pasl silualions and in Iileialion of eneigies ieceived
in such silualions fion olheis.
TianspeisonaI physiolheiapy aIso has sone veiy ef!cienl nelh-
ods of cIeansing lhe sulconsciousness. Anong lhen ve can nenlion
hoIoliopic liealhvoik, one-vay, ieliilhing, lased on calhaisis povei
of liealhing, psychoanaIylicaI lechniques, lody-oiienled psycholheiapy
and nany olheis. Isycholheiapeulic lechniques unIike lhose of yoga
inpIy lhe piesence of a lheiapisl, coiiecling palienls aclions, vhich
signi!canlIy incieases lheii lheiapeulic effecl (of couise, if lhe lheiapisl
is a highIy piofessionaI speciaIisl). In geneiaI ve can nole lhal psycho-
lheiapy lecane a liidge lo esoleiisn foi lhe Luiopean cuIluie.
Deprogramming of super-consciousness
Depiogianning of supei-consciousness is lhe Iileialion fion sleieo-
lypes, diieclives and conpIexes, inposed in chiIdhood. Il is aIso vieved ly
lhe foIIoveis of conlenpoiaiy esoleiic syslens as an eIenenl of seIf-voik.
AIieady Iieud noled lhe facl lhal conponenls of supei-conscious-
ness aie lhe souice of lhe najoiily of psychoIogicaI piolIens. The cie-
aloi of liansacl anaIysis L. eine vas lhe !isl lo desciile in delaiIs lhe
ioIe of paienls piogianning in hunans Iife, lul he pioposed no ef-
!cienl lechniques of Iileialion fion lhese piogians. NeveilheIess such
lechniques as iefianing (desciiled leIov) appeaied Ialei, lhanks lo lhe
nelhods of Liicksons hypnosis, Neuio-Iinguislic piogianning, lul
nosl of lhen donl depiogian lhe supei-consciousness, lul iepiogian
il, i.e. iepIace sone piogians ly olheis, noie ef!cienl foi a peison.
AIso nole lhal lhe possiliIily ilseIf lo depiogian and iepiogian lhe
supei-consciousness iesuIls in ciealing nev phiIosophic and elhic ques-
lions of vhelhei one vaIue syslen (vilh ils piogians) is lellei lhan
anolhei. The nosl allenlion lo depiogianning is paid ly lhe foIIoveis
of ieleI Zen and of lhe siniIai syslens. Ils inleiesling lo nolice lhal
lhe liansacl anaIysis ilseIf logelhei vilh olhei syslens, piaclicing in-
side depiogianning, appeaied in lhe second haIf of XX cenluiy, vhen
lhe sociely vas eageiIy ievieving ils oId vaIues, acluaIIy depiogian-
ning ils coIIeclive supeiconsciousness. On lhe olhei hand il vas lhe
line vhen lhe pulIic !isl Ieained aloul ideas and piaclicaI iesuIls of
cyleinelics, vhich piovoked lhe vish lo desciile hunans psyche in
lhe sane leins. The consciousness and lhe lody aie pails of lhe sane
cyleinelic nachine. The cyleinelic syslen appeaIs ly ils seening sin-
pIicily. We can accepl il oi nol, lul ve canl deny lhal in desidenli!ca-
lion vilh ones lehavioui palleins ils noie heIpfuI lhan aII phiIosophic
aigunenls of hunanilaiian psychoIogicaI schooIs.
Lels lake a Iook al sone lechniques of inside depiogianning,
used in diffeienl esoleiic syslens.
Inside hunling is a lechnique given ly C. Caslaneda. Il inpIies
lhe conscious liacing dovn of youi sleieolypic acls, lhal aie olslacIes
lo youi deveIopnenl, and lheii evenluaI ienovaI. The sane goaIs have
exeicises Iike Changing of ones appeaiance, ieaking lhe iegine,
DesliucluiaIisalion of ego, desciiled ly lhe sane aulhoi.
Refianing, a lechnique used in NLI, cIeaiIy has nyslic iools. Il
is lased on seaiching foi silualions, vheie lhe supeiconscious piogian
vasnl coiiecl and foIIoving il in an alsuid vay. ReaIizing lhis silua-
lion, a peison can gel a calhaisis dischaige of lhe piogian.
Achieving inner integrity
The highesl phase of seIf-liansfoinalion in nosl of occuIl syslens
is .2& +02-&<-*3 ): -**&' -*.&3'-./, vhich piesunes lhe synlhesis of
vaiious pails of hunans psyche (sulpeisonaIilies). In facl lhe delec-
lion of non-inlegiily of hunans peisonaIily is one of lhe nosl cuiious
discoveiies, done aInosl al lhe sane line ly nyslics and psychoIogisls.
The calegoiy of (16%&'()*+,-./ ilseIf, lioadIy used in CeslaIl-psychoI-
ogy, psychosynlhesis and Ialei appeaied in ioIe lheoiy of Mead, vas
!isl inlioduced ly Cuidjieff, aIlhough lhe exislence of sulpeisonaIilies
vas aIieady desciiled ly IalanjaIi.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
4.4. Ciealed ninds (I suppose he speaks aloul sulpeisonaIilies) aiise fion
egoisn aIone.
4.5. Theie leing diffeience of inleiesl, one nind is lhe diiecloi of nany
4.6. Of lhese, lhe nind loin of concenlialed insighl is fiee fion lhe inpies-
sions (he is speaking aloul foining lhe slalIe lasic peisonaIily on lhe lase
of Inside Olseivei)
SulpeisonaIilies aie slalIe sliucluies, pailIy having consciousness,
enolions, desiies and olhei fealuies, so lo say expiessing diffeienl fac-
els of hunans peisonaIily. Cuidjieff vas conpaiing hunans psyche
vilh lhe lallIe!eId vheie diffeienl pails !ghl foi conlioI ovei hunans
lehavioui. If lheie is no Maslei, i.e. peisons ieaI I, vhich can le
ciyslaIIized fion lhe conlains of his psyche ly a haid inside voik, lhis
!ghl nevei ends. Il can le easiIy seen vhen a peison is doulling, liying
lo decide lelveen lvo aIleinalives. These doulls aie in facl lhe !ghl of
his lvo oi noie sulpeisonaIilies, having diffeienl opinions. Depending
on vhich one viII vin, a peison lakes lhis oi anolhei decision. Anolhei
cIeai exanpIe of sulpeisonaIilies is lhe inside diaIogue ~ a laIk of sul-
peisonaIilies. Cuidjieff didnl knov aloul lhe ideas of cyleinelics, so he
desciiled lhis piocess in nechanic leins ~ aIlhough in his desciiplion
ve can easiIy see lhal hunans psyche can le piogianned. The nain
lask of his syslen can le de!ned ly lhe foIIoving: A peison nusl slop
leing a nachine and liy lo lecone a Hunan. Iion lhis lask he deveI-
oped diffeienl piecise lechniques of voik vilh sulpeisonaIilies.
In lhe voik vilh sulpeisonaIilies ve can de!ne lvo goaIs. K 5-A
*-515 .+(@ -( .) +02-&<& + 0)2&'&*. (.+.& ): %(/02&8 i.e. a slale vhen
lheie is no !ghl lelveen diffeienl sulpeisonaIilies ~ lhey aII coopeiale
foi lhe sane goaI. Ioi lhis ve can use vaiious lechniques of lhe inside
liealies, ve can use lhe six-slep nodeI of lhe inside liealy pioposed ly
NLI. The noie conpIicaled lask is lo inlegiale aII sulpeisonaIilies, i.e.
lo achieve an inlegiaI slale of consciousness. A peison vho achieved
lhis slale can le hinseIf in any silualion, having no need ~ neilhei in-
side, noi oulside, ~ lo pIay any ioIes. Techniques lhal heIp lo achieve
lhis slale aie desciiled in voiks of Roleilo AssaggioIi and his foIIoveis
(foi exanpIe, D. Rainvalei). Sone lechniques veie desciiled ly Osho,
incIuding nedilalions Iunny faces and Looking in lhe niiioi can
le used lo acluaIise youi sulpeisonaIilies.
In cIassicaI esoleiic syslens lheie aIso aie nelhods lhal can le
inleipieled as lhose of synlhesising sulpeisonaIilies lo achieve lhe in-
side inlegiily. Iiisl of aII ils lhe Tilelan nelhod of neiging vilh 1A$50!
Iion lhe psychoIogicaI poinl of viev idans can le inleipieled as pei-
soni!calions of diffeienl pails of hunan psyche, especiaIIy since in
Tilelan yoga liadilion idans aie openIy decIaied lhe fiuil of lhe
nind. In lhis case lhe neiging vilh idans can le vieved as a lech-
nique of a successive synloIic acluaIisalion of sulpeisonaIilies, ieIaling
lo diffeienl Iayeis of lhe unconscious, vilh lhe foIIoving synlhesising
lhen. Tilelan souices considei lhal lhese piaclices shouId le done vilh
caulious, lecause, if a sulpeisonaIily is veakei ly ils eneigy polenliaI
lhan lhe consciousness, lhe Ialei can le dissoIved in lhe sulpeisonaIily.
Thals vhy Tilelan leacheis give lheii pupiIs a veII-de!ned sequence
of idans foi nedilalion.
Work with subtle bodies
As il vas said in lhe chaplei Types of yoga exeicises and lheii
nechanisns of in"uence a nedilalion can le seen nol onIy fion psy-
choIogicaI, lul aIso fion lhe eneigy poinl of viev. In lhis case 5&4-.+A
.-)* -( +* &M&'0-(& :)' .2& +(.'+, 6)4/ (iaiei foi lhe nenlaI lody, such
nedilalions aie scaice). CoaIs of lhese exeicises incIude:
1. InvoIving in lhe eneigy ciicuIalion lhe idIe pail of lhe asliaI pIane. This
goaI is lhe sane as lhe pieviousIy discussed videning of lhe consciousness
and cIeansing of sulconsciousness.
2. Seaiching foi individuaI cIues lo voik vilh eneigy.
3. ManipuIalion vilh chakias !eIds and vilh eneigy leaiing. Lels lake
a delaiIed Iook al il.
Theie aie lvo exliene slales of asliaI !eId of eveiy chakia: .2&
&M.'&5& .-32.&*-*3 and .2& &M.'&5& 9-4&*-*3 of lhe !eId.
Ioi exanpIe, lhe slale of exliene lighlening in Anahala is achieved
ly a nedilalion of disidenlifying oneseIf vilh enolionaI slales of olh-
eis. Al lhe eneigy IeveI lhe piaclilionei lhiovs avay fion his !eId
aII lhe slales lhal, despile leing in his !eId, aie nol his ovn, leing
sonelhing, he caughl fion oulside: iiiilalion, huiiy, enolions of olheis
elc. Tighlening of Ajna is a disidenli!calion vilh aII lhe ioIes ve pIay,
gelling iid of depeisoni!calion slales. The Manipuia lighlening nakes
you ieady foi lhe silualion and alIe lo counl jusl on youiseIf, lhe Sva-
dhislhana ~ a cIeai feeIing of youi desiies elc.
The conliaiy slale ~ Anahalas videning is feeIing lhe slale of
olheis ~ lhe enpalhy. The exliene videning of Anahala is a slale
vhen you can feeI lhe enolionaI slale of any peison (any pIace oi egie-
goi) as youi ovn. Widening of lhe !eId of uppei chakias is ciealivily,
videning of Ajna is lhe capacily lo iead lhe signs of lhe voiId, lo
gel infoinalion fion diffeienl egiegois, of Vishuddha ~ lhe capacily
lo ieIy on olheis poinl of viev Iike on youi ovn, of Manipuia ~ using
silualions and iesouices of lhe voiId elc.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Widened slales aie veiy inpoilanl, lecause )*,/ -* .2& 9-4&*
(.+.& 02+@'+( '&0&-<& &*&'3/. A peison, unalIe lo viden lhe !eId of
sone chakias (vhich neans lhey aie iigid), soonei oi Ialei gels lhen
D*& 0+*V. 0)*(.+*.,/ ,-<& -* (102 &M.'&5& (.+.&( g .2&/ 0+* )*,/
6& +02-&<&4 -* 5&4-.+.-)*>
The essence of piaclicing vide-lighlened slales is lo liain oneseIf
lo gel exliene slales and lo viden lhe allainalIe scope of slales in eve-
iy chakia. Such enolionaI-psychoIogicaI "exiliIily heIps lo !nd and lo
foin a slale of !eId, oplinaI foi a cuiienl Iife silualion.
T'+0.-0& ): 5&4-.+.-)* -( 61-,4-*3 +* 2-&'+'02/ ): (.+.&( :')5
.2& &M.'&5& .-32.&*-*3 .) &M.'&5& 9-4&*-*3 ): .2& +(.'+, !&,4 +( 9&,,
+( !*4-*3 )*&V( )9* 6+,+*0&4 (.+.&8 +*4 .'+-*-*3 )*&(&,: .) .+@& +*
+4&O1+.& (.+.& -* &<&'/ (-.1+.-)*>
In addilion lo videning and lighlening of !eIds, eveiy chakia
can have a so caIIed eneigy leaiing ~ a speci!c slale, a con!guia-
lion of lhe !eId, vhich has a ceilain in"uence on olheis. Sone en-
eigy leaiings aie palhogenic, Iike lhe ones piovoking peopIe on
lhe negalive allilude lo you. An exanpIe of such eneigy leaiing can
le a slale you vanl lo !ghl vilh ne` vieved ly peopIe Iike a
chaIIenge and soonei oi Ialei Ieading lo a con"icl. Theie aie aIso
usefuI eneigy leaiings, such as lhe slale of lhe loss, vhen a pei-
son is vieved Iike soneone inpoilanl nol onIy ly his enpIoyees,
lul even ly lhose vho donl knov hin peisonaIIy. ConvenlionaIIy
eneigy leaiings can le divided inlo giving, laking and neuliaI. The
Iasl ones nake il possilIe lo slay unnoliced.
?<&'/ %)(.1'& .+@&* 0)*(0-)1(,/ -( + (-442+> L2& .+(@ ): /)3+ )*
.2& +4<+*0&4 ,&<&,( a6&/)*4 .2& (167&0. ): .2-( 6))@b8 -( :)'5-*3 ):
0+%+0-.-&( .) +02-&<& +( 9-4& '&%&'.)'/ ): &*&'3/ 6&+'-*3( +( %)((-6,&>
The piaclice of nedilalions can le signi!canlIy enhanced ly lhe
piaclice of )'R0. AInosl in aII esoleiic liadilions vovs veie lhe sliong-
esl insliunenl of psychoIogicaI seIf-in"uence, used aInosl in aII cuI-
luies. Hovevei lhe giealesl deveIopnenl lhis piaclice gol in lhe Indi-
an liadilion. Mahalhaiala and olhei nylhoIogicaI souices aie iich in
desciiling huge spiiiluaI achievenenls, lhanks lo vovs. In lhe Chiis-
lian liadilion lhis piaclice vas signi!canlIy piinilivised, lhals vhy lo
oui line cane lhe leIief lhal vovs ain al lhe deveIopnenl of lhe viII.
Hovevei in lhe Laslein liadilion vovs aie used foi nuch deepei inside
voik. y lheii aclion, vovs can le divided inlo lvo gioups.
Vovs, ,-5-.-*3 ceilain funclions of a peison, Iike J&$.5$4.$&1$

(iefusaI fion lhe sex Iife), lhe vov of siIence, fasling and so on. Linil-
ing one of his naluiaI funclions, a peison accunuIales and enhances a
ceilain lype of innei eneigy, vhich heIps lo acluaIise il and lhen lo pul
undei lhe conscious conlioI.
As soon as you gel an inpuIse lo do sonelhing, slop.
?1A].(1$($ 7$.1&$)$ M$(6&$
Vovs, %)(-.-<&,/ 4&!*-*3 a peisons foin of lehavioui, heIps lo
accunuIale eneigy, lo acluaIise inside piolIens and lo soIve lhen. The
Iongei il Iasls, lhe deepei inside piolIens gel discIosed.
Work with mental body.
Djnana yoga
Oui nenlaI lody conlains lhe foIIoving.
$> T&'()*V( ,-:& %)(-.-)* is lhe deep disposilion lo oneseIf and
lhe voiId aiound, a peisons individuaI naliix, a piisn, lhiough vhich
he is Iooking al lhe voiId. Il conlains an enolionaI aspecl and is a
liidge lelveen lhe asliaI and nenlaI lodies. UsuaIIy Iife posilion is nol
ieaIised, lhough ils possilIe and even nol veiy dif!cuIl lo do. In nosl
cases lhe Iife posilion can le desciiled ly a shoil nelaphoi, Iike foui
Iife posilions ly eine: In OK~Youie OK, In nol OK~Youie OK,
In OK~Youie nol OK, In nol OK~Youie nol OK.
The Iife posilion, conscious oi nol, is going lhiough lhe vhoIe
peisons Iife, signi!canlIy piedeleinining il. An unfavouialIe, non-
hainonic Iife posilion can signi!canlIy voisen lhe quaIily of Iife and
lo in"uence peisons seIf-ieaIisalion in sociaI and spiiiluaI spheies, and
even on his heaIlh. Thals vhy lhe lask lo acluaIise lhe Iife posilion and
lo coiiecl il, if needed, is so inpoilanl.
The sliucluiaI conlain of lhe Iife posilion is lhe enolionaI !IIing
of nolions. Take a vilaIIy inpoilanl nolion, vhich is a nenlaI sliucluie
ilseIf, and concenliale on il. YouII !nds oul lhal nany nolions conlain
an enolionaI eIenenl. Negalive enolions aloul sone nolions nake il
haidei lo conlacl vilh lhe iespeclive oljecl in lhe physicaI pIane. Ioi
exanpIe, lhe negalive !IIing of lhe calegoiy sociely nakes a peison
sociaIIy Iess adaplive, and lhe one of lhe calegoiy noney nakes hin
This de!nilion is nol exacl, lul videIy knovn, foi noie delaiIs see chaplei Yoga and
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
#> T&'()*V( 9)',4<-&9 is a noie conpIicaled consliuclion. Ils
haid lo le expiessed ly a sinpIe nelaphoi. Ciealesl phiIosopheis veie
viiling voIunes, liying lo desciile lheii voiIdviev, lul foi nosl of
peopIe lheii voiIdviev is unconscious and oflen conliadicloiy. In lhis
case soonei oi Ialei lhese opposilions aie ieaIised in lhe physicaI pIane.
The lase foi eveiy voiIdviev is peisons individuaI vaIues ~
ceilain oljecls, slales and lhesis, having foi hin an uncondilionaI in-
poilance. VaIues can le conscious and unconscious. If lhey aie uncon-
scious, lheie can le a piolIen: a peison vho slails Iiving in a syslen
of vaIues, diffeienl fion his ovn, inposed fion oulside (foi exanpIe,
ly a sulcuIluie in vhich he found hinseIf), slails lieaking dovn. Nol
in nelaphoiic, lul in lhe diiecl sense. Thals vhy acluaIisalion of ones
vaIues and voiIdviev is nol a funny gane, lul a vilaI necessily on lhe
vay of spiiiluaI deveIopnenl.
Iion lhe voiIdviev IogicaIIy cone (&*(&(. The voiIdviev aIvays
incIudes a sense-foining, vaIue aspecl, olheivise ils nol a voiIdviev,
lul a knovIedge aloul.... Senses Iike vaIues aienl aIvays ieaIised ly
a peison. Theie can aIso le (and even quile oflen) a %(&14)A9)',4<-&9h
vhal a peison lhinks is his voiIdviev, doesnl ieaIIy deleinine his Iife,
leing jusl a syslen of ialionaIisalion, diiecled lo expIain peisonaI piol-
Iens and lhe unviIIingness lo soIve lhen. AnaIysing Iife of lhe gieal-
esl lhinkeis of lhe pasl, ve can see lhal lhey lecane gieal, exaclIy
lecause lhey succeeded in ie"eclion and in ieconsliuclion of lheii ovn
voiIdviev as veII as in Iiving accoiding lo il, i.e. in naking il ieaI.
An inpoilanl lask of djana yoga is lo achieve a congiuency of
ones Iife and voiIdviev.
Z> N)4& ): .2-*@-*3> An innei Iogic, vhich can diffei fion lhe
connon AiislolIes Iogic.
In Iasl decades lhe science has pioved, lhal a non-AiislolIes Iog-
ics can exisl, Iike lhe aIleinalive geoneliy lhal diffeis fion lhe connon
LucIid geoneliy. The peisons vay of lhinking can le nol hainonic
inside and le ieaIised as sone psychoIogicaI and evenluaIIy physicaI
piolIens. y lhe vay, sone ieseaiches piove lhal nenlaIIy iII palienls
have lheii ovn speci!c Iogic.
The voik vilh nenlaI lody is lased on .2& '&"&0.-)* ): .2-*@A
-*38 i.e. lhe capacily lo see inleinaI conliadiclions in ones lhinking, as
veII as lo liack dovn lhe nelhodoIogy of lhinking, ils slyIe and lhe
slyIe of lhinking of olheis, lo adjusl ones lhinking accoiding lo a cei-
lain lask.
Olhei lechniques of djana-yoga aie leyond lhe lasks of lhis look.
;KQCEC\c L2-( 02+%.&' -( 9'-..&* :)' -*(.'10.)'(8 2&+,&'( +*4 +4<+*0&4
%'+0.-.-)*&'(> E: /)1 4)*V. 1*4&'(.+*4 ()5&.2-*38 *&<&' 61-,4 /)1' )9*
.2&'+%&1.-0 0)5%,&M&( g 0)*(1,. + (%&0-+,-(.>
Mosl of lhe yoga looks say aloul lheiapeulic effecl fion asa-
nas, enIisling oigans, vhich lhese poses in"uence and lieal. Hov-
evei, if ils easy lo agiee vilh lhe in"uence, vhich is aIso easy lo
check ~ ils enough lo lake lhis pose and lo see vhal you feeI, ils
noie conpIicaled vilh asanas liealing effecl. Indeed eveiy oigan
can have alsoIuleIy diffeienl diseases vilh conpIeleIy diffeienl iea-
sons and needing alsoIuleIy diffeienl appioaches lo lhe liealnenl.
Thals vhy such an appioach is nol piofessionaI. Yoga exeicises aie
ieaIIy veiy sliong nedicanenls, lul Iike piIIs, lhey need lo le used
iighl, noieovei, leing laken viong, lhey can lecone hainfuI. To
undeisland piincipIes of yoga-lheiapy Iels lake a Iook al lhe nelh-
odoIogy, undeiIining il.
of branches of autonomic
nervous system (ANS)
Accoiding lo conlenpoiaiy science a noinaI funclioning of hu-
nans lody is piovided ly his aulononic (vegelalive) neivous syslen,
vhich conlains lhe synpalhelic and paiasynpalhelic lianches. Cuii-
ousIy lhis nolion have a Iol in connon vilh lhe Indo-Tilelan nedicine,
vhich acknovIedged lvo lasic piincipIes of lodys funclions: heal
and coId.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Ils veiy iaie lo see a peison vilh laIanced lianches of ANS. Usu-
aIIy lhis laIance is shifled lo eilhei side.
If il is dislaIanced signi!canlIy vilhoul conpensalion, lheie can
le synplons of iIIness and funclionaI disoideis. Synpalics can have
such diseases as hypeilension, aileiioscIeiosis and coionaiy disease.
Iaiasynpalics can lypicaIIy have slonach and duodenun uIceis, lion-
chiaI aslhna elc.
The conlenpoiaiy nedicine pul lhe oulvaid signs inlo speciaI
lalIes (lalIe of Wein).
Ils aIso possilIe lo leII lhe eigo- and liopholiopic aclivily ly lhe
lesl of Luschei, oflen used in psychoIogy.
!/5%+.-0( +'& '&0)55&*4&4 .) 4) 6&*4-*3 +(+*+( ,-@& T+(2-A
5)..+*+(+*+ +*4 /)3+A514'+. Lxeicises shouId le done vilh no huiiy,
vilh Svadhislhana oi Anahala sel-up vilh lhe Iong !xalion in lhe pos-
luie. Ils good lo legin vilh such asanas as shavasana. esides synpal-
ics aie indicaled lo liealhe lhiough lhe Iefl nosliiI (Chandia lhedana)
and lo do Suiia Nanaskai conpIex.
L) .'&+. 4-()'4&'( '&,+.&4 .) .2& &M0&((-<& %+'+(/5%+.2&.-0 +0.-<A
-./8 .2& 6&(. +'& +*.&'-)' +'02-*3 %)(&( ,-@& `217+*3+(+*+
. Lxeicises
shouId le done in lhe aclive pace. Ils good lo piaclice Suiia Nanas-
kai vilh Manipuia sel-up, as veII as snaII pianayanas and kunlhaka.
Synpalhelic syslen is aIso loned ly Suiia lhedana (liealhing lhiough
lhe iighl nosliiI).
The piincipIes of laking inlo accounl lhe facloi of doninaling ANS
lianch in luiIding lheiapeulic conpIexes aie in noie delaiI discussed
in lhe ailicIe of Seigey Agapkin uiIding individuaI piaclice accoiding
lo piincipIes of Indo-Tilelan nedicine.
Hovevei lhe given schene of dividing peopIe inlo synpalics and
paiasynpalics is nol uncondilionaI. Ils noliced lhal sonelines a pei-
son can have signs of lolh coIunns of Weins lalIe, i.e. one peison can
have signs of aclivaled lianches of lolh synpalhelic and paiasynpa-
lhelic syslens. This olseivalion cones aIong vilh lhe yogic concepl of
depiessed and exciled chakias, as lhe eneigy ieason of disease. ecause
chakias coiiespond lhe knols of ANS, -.V( %)((-6,& .) 2+<& )*& 02+@'+
a+*4 .2& '&(%&0.-<& KC! 6'+*02b 4&%'&((&4 +*4 +*).2&' g &M0-.&4>
Accoiding lo ieseaich of lhe aulhoi using coIoui lesls of Luschei, piaclice of hujan-
gasana incieases lhe ialion of vegelalive lone in 1.5 lines.
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
?<+,1+.-)* ): -*-.-+, <&3&.+.-<& .)*& 6/ ;&-*
of sympatics)
of parasympatics)
Complexion Pale Reddish
Vascular pattern Not pronounced Marble-like, acrocyanosis
Sebaceousness of skin Reduced High, acne
Sweating Reduced High, hyperhidrosis
Dermographism Rose, white Red, prominent
Chill Absent Typical
Fever within infections Bias towards hypothermia
Usually not big, bias
towards mild pyrexia
Portability of stufy spaces Satisfactory Bad
Syncope Rare Typical
Dizziness, vestibulopathy Not typical Typical
Appetite High Can be reduced
Body mass Bias towards thinness
Possible bias towards
Heartbeat Bias towards tachycadria Bias towards bradycardia
Arteriotony Bias towards high Bias towards low
Cardialgy Possible
Often, with no apparent
Lacking of air, sighing Not typical Typical
Bias towards nausea,
vomiting, pain in the
Not typical Possible
Pain in legs by the end of
the day, at night
Not typical Can be
Can be mostly with
emotional tension
Often after overstrain,
Sleep Anxious Deep, long lasting
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Human energy anomalies
as a reason of disease
Excited and depressed chakra
Accoiding lo a yoga concepl, hunans slale is deleinined ly
his sullIe lodies and pIanes, !isl of aII, elheiic and asliaI, vhich aie
piojecled on lhe physicaI lody. The ieason vhy lhese lodies lecone
disloiled is lhe lieaking of NaluiaI Iavs, piinaiiIy negalive eneigy
conneclions vilh olhei peopIe, caIIed laiIs. An exanpIe of such con-
neclion can le sone huil feeIings of one peison ly anolhei, lhe feeIing
of guiIliness oi iesponsiliIily, olsession oi excessive allachnenl.
TaiIs can le convenlionaIIy divided inlo laking ones, vhen lhe
eneigy is Ieaving us, and giving ones ~ vhen lhe eneigy is coning lo
us. The sane laiI is giving lo one peison and laking foi anolhei. Long-
Iasling eneigy in"ov oi oul"ov !isl disloils peisons auia, pIaying lhe
ioIe of a luffei (vhen so caIIed hoIes, lunps and denls appeai),
and lhen his inside eneigy sliucluie. Wilh lhe
Iong-Iasling oul"ov fion a chakia, vheie lhe laiI
is Iocaled, chakia lecones depiessed, and aflei a
Iong in"ov ~ exciled. Al lhe sane line chakias
IocaIisalion sIighlIy changes. The expeiience has
shovn lhal an &M0-.&4 02+@'+ (2-:.( :)'9+'48 lo
lhe anleiioi pail of lhe lody, 92-,& .2& 4&%'&((&4
)*& 5)<&4 6+0@>
y peisons posluie ils easy lo see his cus-
lonaiy exciled and depiessed chakias. Theie is
a geneiaI piincipIe: spines posluie iepeals lhe
chakiaI sliucluie. K. .2& ,&<&, ): &M0-.&4 02+@'+
%&'()*V( <&'.&6'+ 5)<&( (,-32.,/ :)'9+'48 +*4 2&
(.+'.( +'02-*3> K. .2& ,&<&, ): 4&%'&((&4 02+@'+ +
%&'()* (.+'.( (.))%-*3>
UnIike lhe pieviousIy desciiled silualion
vilh !eIds Iooseness, vhen a peison can nove
ly an aiea deIileialeIy, a peison vilh a depiessed
chakia is conslanlIy slooping in lhis aiea. Lven
vhen he is asked lo sland sliaighl, he canl do il,
lecause his innei ciileiia of sliaighlness diffei
fion lhe appaienl viev. Ioi exanpIe, if a peison has a conslanlIy de-
piessed Anahala, hes slooping in lhe heail zone. Accoiding lo lhe de-
piessed zone, he can sloop in his uppei, niddIe oi Iovei Anahala.
Breaching in the
etheric body
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
If a peison has a conslanlIy depiessed Mani-
puia, he aIvays liies lo sil dovn, lucking in his
leIIy, lhe zone ieliies and cIoses (lhough ils nol
caIIed slooping). If a peison has a depiessed Vi-
shuddha, he usuaIIy hides il in lhe shouIdeis, Iifling
lhen and lovs his head. If Vishuddha is exciled, a
peison Iooks lhiough his nosliiIs ~ his head is
aIvays sIighlIy diopped lack.
If a peison has an exciled Ajna, he vaIks Iike
an osliich ~ a head aIvays lefoie his lody. If Ajna
is depiessed, lhe head is sIighlIy diopped lack. If
Svadhislhana is depiessed a peison hides lhis zone,
if exciled ~ slicks il oul. Ils easy lo undeisland
vhy il happens on eneigy IeveI.
Ioi exanpIe, Iels lake lhe heail chakia. If
Anahala is depiessed, il shifls lack, laking aIong
hunans elheiic lody. Il foins a hoIe, unnaluiaI lo
a hunan. A peison liies lo snoolh his elheiic as he
can ~ ly slooping al lhe iespeclive angIe. A peison
sloops, lhe edges of lhe hoIe gol cIosei, lhe densily
of elheiic is ieIaliveIy equaI ~ foivaid and lack.
The sane happens vhen chakia is exciled. Chakia
shifls foivaid, vheie appeais a lunp, vhiIe al lhe
lack ~ a denl. y sliaighlening his shouIdeis he
conpensales lhen.
Whal aie lhe lieaches causing chakia depies-
sion` N)(. ):.&* 02+@'+ 6&0)5&( 4&%'&((&48 92&*
+ %&'()* (%&*4( .)) 5102 &*&'3/ :')5 .2-( 02+@'+>
Theie can le seveiaI vays of such oveispending.
L2& !'(. 9+/ of eneigy Ioss is due lo 2/%&'A
.')%2-0 &5+*+.-)*. MoslIy chakia ends up in lhis
phase aflei an oveiexcilalion. Ioi exanpIe, a pei-
son has lieaches on Ajna ~ he conslanlIy liies lo
peisuade olheis in his voiIdviev, olheis iesisl as
lhey can, lul he aigues, piesses lhen dovn, pioves
IogicaIIy, peopIe conlinue iesisling, lul he expIains
lhen lhe liulh and so on. In lhe end eilhei his op-
ponenls give up, oi gel iid of hin ~ in lolh cases
he Ioses his eneigy. The slale of oveiexcilalion de-
nands high excilalion of chakia, vhen lhe peison
keeps lhis slale. A peison vilh lhe exciled Ajna is aInosl inpossilIe
lo peisuade. Any allenpl lo connunicale vilh hin al lhis chakia viII
end vilh hin giving you a lunch of exanpIes, and even if you succeed
in naking sone noie IogicaI aigunenls, he viII nevei Iislen lo you.
Posture of a person
with an excited
Posture of a person
with a depressed
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Aflei a yeai oi lvo (eveiyone has his line) chakia lecones con-
slanlIy depiessed, i.e. lhe peison exhausled hinseIf. If a peison has
a depiessed Ajna, he !nds il veiy dif!cuIl lo concenliale on sone-
lhing ~ his lhoughls aie louncing fion one suljecl lo anolhei, haidIy
!x on sonelhing piecise, and he gels easiIy olsessed ly changing ideas,
having a slale of geneiaI nislaIance.
K (&0)*4 9+/ of Iosing eneigy is 9+(.-*3 -. 6/ .+-,(> If chakia
has nany laking laiIs, eneigy is Ieaving il unconscious lo ils ovnei.
Il Iooks as if a delloi pays lhe inleiesl aulonalicaIIy, al lhe nonenl,
vhen noney aiiive lo lhe lank ~ a peison doesnl even see il. y lhe
vay, lhe one, vho feeIs guiIly, ieaIIy pays ly his Manipuia eneigy.
Lels liie"y desciile slales, ieIaled lo dysfunclions of olhei
H&%'&((-)* ): G-(21442+ can le de!ned as -*&M%'&((-<&*&((.
A peison doesnl expiess hinseIf, inside he can le veiy inleiesling
vilh inleiesling lhoughls, inleiesling innei Iife, lul aII lhis doesnl !nd
ils vay oul. In lhe slale of exciled Vishuddha a peison sliived lo say
sonelhing even if he has nolhing lo say.
The slale of 4&%'&((&4 K*+2+.+ is .2& &5).-)*+, 4&%'&((-)*,
vhen a peison isnl disposed lo enolionaI feeIings and can haidIy
feeI joy elc. On lhe conliaiy, if ones Anahala is exciled, he has high
enolionaIily, a slale, vhen a peison gels high fion his ovn enolions.
LvenluaIIy il can end vilh luining oul Anahala.
Mechanism of Anahatas depression with the feld breached
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
A peison vilh + 4&%'&((&4 N+*-%1'+ is a peifecl enpIoyee, vho
nusl have his Manipuia depiessed lo foIIov quickIy diieclives ~ on
lhe eneigy of his loss. Wilh an exciled Manipuia a peison is an eleinaI
The slale of 4&%'&((&4 !<+42-(.2+*+ is a slale of sexuaI undeide-
veIopnenl, Ioveied sexuaIily, loiedon. The slale of exciled Svadhisl-
hana appeais aflei Iong hoIding of lhe sexuaI desiie.
Ils dif!cuIl lo say aloul MuIadhaia, as il doesnl nove foivaid
oi lack, lul sliII il can le lieached.
AcluaIIy olhei vays of chakias excilalion aie aIso possilIe ~
vhen il gels exciled nol lecause ils ovnei oveiieaIizes hinseIf on il,
lul lecause he galheied loo nuch eneigy on il ly lhis oi anolhei nelh-
od. Ioi exanpIe, having a hypeiliophic J2$4C %'&5 '% J8.$)1'D& on a
iespeclive chakia, leing unalIe lo eal so nuch.
}usl fion appaienl signs ils haid lo say, hov chakia gol exciled.
Ioi lhis ve nusl anaIyse peisons lehavioui and his slale duiing ceilain
line. If his chakia slalIy slays foi a Iong line in lhe exciled slale, piol-
alIy hes nol JD&(1(+ 16 DB, lul &+.( loo nuch, i.e. lakes noie eneigy
fion olheis lhan he can digesl. Hov, foi exanpIe, ve can oveifeed
oui Ajna` y deslioying soneones voiIdviev and giving nolhing in
ieluin, naking peopIe doull in lheii cieeds. Having a veII-deveIoped
nenlaI appaialus ils easy lo peisuade anyone lhal hes viong, even if
il is nol so. If peisons voiIdviev slails coIIapsing, lhe Iileialed eneigy
cones lo youi laking Ajna, lul, if ils naluiaI capacily and slienglh
isnl enough, Ajna gels oveifed and oveiexciled. Wilh lhe oveiexcil-
ed Ajna youi head feeIs heavy and fuII ~ il lecones haid lo lhink,
nolhing cones lo nind.
Il can le veiy usefuI, if you knov, hov lo foiesee hunans le-
havioui. Ioi exanpIe, if soneone is ieguIaiIy oveiealing, heII piol-
alIy oveieal youi eneigy loo. In lhe sane vay of you see a peison
vilh an oveiexciled Manipuia, il neans, lhal he nade loo nany peo-
pIe depending on hin. Many peopIe ove hin, vilialing ~ pay oi
nol lo pay ~ lhey can do neilhei of lhal. Oi nayle such a peison
vilh an oveiexciled Manipuia is leaiing loo nany peopIe on his en-
eigy ~ he opened his ovn conpany, vheie eveiyone is afiaid lo say
a void, conslanlIy nouiishing hin vilh lheii Manipuia, vhich he aI-
ieady canl eal. In lhis case you can cIeaiIy foiesee lhal heII liy lo
use vilh you lhe sane pallein, liying lo oiganise you, nake you a
delloi, dependanl on hin.
Mosl of peopIe have a sleieolypic lehavioui. UsuaIIy a peison has
a Iiniled nunlei of sleieolypes, using il vilh aII peopIe aiound.
Lels lake a liief Iook al lhe conneclion lelveen chakias slale
and lypicaI diseases.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
AnalonicaIIy Ajna ieIales lo oui ceieliun, eyes, fionlaI and nax-
iIIaiy sinuses, nose and uppei leelh. As olhei chakias Ajna can le de-
piessed, exciled, lIocked and Ioose.
Ajna gels depiessed, vhen a peison is loo oflen olsessed vilh
ideas, vasling his eneigy. In facl olsession is vasling lhe eneigy of
allenlion. Ioi exanpIe, you gel olsessed aloul vhals happening al
hone. Youi eneigy of allenlion is paid lo youi hone, i.e. youi Ajna is
pailIy oul of you. If a peison has a lendency lo gel olsessed ly nany
lhings al lhe sane line, !islIy his Ajna gels oveiexciled and lhen, aflei
lhe eneigy is oveispenl, lecones conslanlIy depiessed. Il can piovoke
duII headaches. Nole lhal headaches can le of diffeienl kinds: piessing,
puIsing, acule, duII elc. They aie caused ly diffeienl ieasons. Migiaines
aie caused ly an oveiexcilenenl of Ajna, lul even oflen ly Svadhisl-
hanas eneigy "oving lo Ajna.
A duII headache and aII possilIe aleiialions, slales of discooi-
dinalion, lhe slale, vhen a peison sils dovn and passes avay (he
isnl Iosl in lhoughls, lecause vhen veie lhinking, oui eyes aie aclive,
vhiIe in lhis case his eyes aie enply) ~ aII lhese slales have lo do vilh
Ajnas depiession oi a lig hoIe in Ajna. Such hoIes and laiIs can
le foined vhen a peison has nade loo nany peopIe dependanl on
his Iogic and voiIdviev. Ioi exanpIe, a hypnolisl is doing a session of
cIassic hypnosis ly Shaiko. I viII counl liII 1O and youII faII asIeep ~
is a de!nileIy Ajnas enanalion, aflei vhich a peison gels a suggeslion.
Whal is a suggeslion` A hypnolisl lakes a pail of his Ajna and culs
il in lhe Ajna of anolhei peison. Mayle soneone viII feeI lellei, lul a
hypnolisl viII have Iess eneigy. Naluie canl le fooIed.
Veiy oflen leacheis have such piolIens, if lhey leach chiIdien
noslIy ly Ajnas suggeslion: You nusl do Iike lhis. You gol il` Like
lhis!!!, if leacheis Ajna isnl lIack oi hes lieaking lIack Iavs, laiIs in
Ajna can appeai and evenluaIIy chaika lecones depiessed, causing aII
lhe alove said diseases.
Speci!c syndiones on Ajna ~ Iess connon, lul aIso happening, is
a slale of disconlenl, nanifesled ly Ajna. Disconlenl can le expiessed in
diffeienl vays: ly Anahala (offence), Vishuddha (giunlIing, ciilicisn).
Il can aIso le expiessed ly Ajna ~ vhen a peison Iooks al lhe voiId
fiovningIy: Wish, I couIdnl see you. UsuaIIy such slale leals lhe
naxiIIaiy sinuses, causing ailhiilis, sinusilis and caiies, Iooseness and
faIIing of lhe uppei leelh. Sonelines a peison can have heaIlhy Iovei
leelh and lad uppei leelh. Il is usuaIIy expIained ly a disconlenled lop
and a noinaI Manipuia, lecause Iovei leelh aie noie ieIaled lo Mani-
puia, vhiIe uppei leelh ~ vilh naxiIIaiy sinuses, nose and Ajna. Sone-
lines spoilsnens uppei leelh slail voisening aflei liaunas of lhe nose.
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
Theie aie olhei speci!c syndiones, ieIaled lo Ajna. Ioi exanpIe,
lhe syndione of undeiciying. A peison, noslIy in chiIdhood vas
convicled lhal ils lad lo ciy and you shouId hide youi feeIings. Lno-
lionaI eneigies aie pioduced, lul donl Ieave lhe lody, gelling sluck
in lhe nuscIes ieIaled lo lhe iespeclive chakia. In oui case ~ in Ajna.
Teais, vhich veienl ciied oul, piovoke lhe hypeilension in ocuIai and
sone faciaI nuscIes
, vhich is usuaIIy seen in lhe conslanl lension in
lhe foiehead: as if lhe peison veie sIighlIy scovIing aII lhe line. In lhe
Iong iun Ajnas eneigy is spenl (lecause il vas lIocking aII lhese eno-
lions, lhough lhey aie Anahalas ones), il lieaks Ajna dovn. Then a
peison can have piolIens vilh lhe headache.
The diieclive Wish I couIdnl see you can le suggesled as an
inlegiaI piogian. Ioi exanpIe, paienls iepeal lo lheii chiId: Wish I
couIdnl see you, and a kid is iepealing eveiylhing aflei lhen, so he
gels lhe sane halil and doesnl see nany lhings. So al lhe eneigy
IeveI he desliucls his ovn eyes logelhei vilh lhe Iivei. Sonelines lhis
lieach can cause dialeles. Theie is such a cuiious ieIalion: eyes aie
connecled vilh lhe Iivei, and Iivei ~ vilh eyes.
Sonelines lhe Iov densily in Ajnas !eId can le caused ly lhe
alsence of ones iighl lo have ones ovn voiIdviev. The peison aI-
vays Iislens lo vhal olheis say (nevspapeis, looks, nass nedia), lul
loday lhey say one lhing, lonoiiov ~ anolhei... WhiIe lhe eneigy lhal
couId le used lo foin ones ovn poinl of viev passes avay... Il le-
cones noie and noie dif!cuIl lo lhink vilh ones ovn head. If lhe
!eId is Ioose and lhe chakia is veak, evenluaIIy soneone viII suieIy eal
lhis !eId. Thals vhy a peison vilh Ioose Ajna aIvays !nds soneone
lo sil on his Ajna. IhysioIogicaIIy il can cause a lic in lhe Iefl eye,
appeaiing vhen a peison gol lhiusl an opinion, lhal is nol his ovn.
Though lhe peison can slay unconscious aloul il. Sonelines il happens
due lo excessive inleiesl lo vaiious phiIosophic and esoleiic syslens. A
ceilain Ajnas panlophagy. A peison ieads, ieads, Iislens lo eveiylhing.
Al lhe sane line he Iels in veiy diffeienl eneigies, vilhoul ciyslaIIiz-
ing his ovn voiIdviev. The liulh is lhal aII syslens of olhei peopIe aie
IillIe liicks, ly vhich one have lo consliucl his ovn voiIdviev. Ils his
kainic lask on Ajna. If he doesnl do il, hes jusl giving his eneigy lo aII
lhe syslens and aulhois, so uIlinaleIy heII have piolIens vilh Ajna.
The sane ieason can expIain olhei diseases of lhe head and lhe
synplons, Iocaled on lhe Iefl side.
AcluaIIy foi Ajna ils veiy inpoilanl, if lhe iIIness is Iocaled on
lhe iighl oi on lhe Iefl side.
To undeisland, vhich ones, Iook al lhe niiioi and see, vhich nuscIes gel invoIved vhen
you ciy.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Vishuddha is ieIaled lo lhe lhyioid and paialhyioid gIands, eais
and eveiylhing Iocaled in lhe Iaiynx, lo lhe guIIel, liachea, uppei lion-
chus. Sonelines lhe piolIens on Vishuddha can injuie uppei aiea
of lhe Iungs (aIlhough noslIy lhey aie on Anahala), lhe longue (vilh
vhich ve speak) and lhe neck-lones.
The nosl connon slale of excilenenl is due lo lhe facl lhal a pei-
son didnl say aII, he vanled. Tine aflei line ve vanl lo say sone-
lhing ~ sonelines sonelhing pIeasanl, sonelines unpIeasanl, ve have
oui ovn opinion. Ones opinion nusl le expiessed, lul a peison has a
piogian, lIocking his iighl lo fieeIy expiess his opinion. NeveilheIess,
lhe eneigy slays lheie, nol expiessed, il accunuIales in Vishuddha. This
causes lhe feeIing of a lui in lhe lhioal ~ lhe !isl signaI, sliII on lhe
eneigy pIane, lhal chakia is in lioulIe. LvenluaIIy lhis lui can Iead
lo vaiious diseases. If ils a lui of offence, il can cause iIInesses Iike
aslhna. ionchilis aIso has lo do vilh lhe unsaid disconlenl oi jusl vilh
cuIlivaling in oneseIf lhe slale of iesenlnenl, lul lhen veie speaking
aloul Anahala slales.
Sonelines Vishuddha can gel exciled lecause a peison lehaves
hinseIf lIackIy ly Vishuddha, vhiIe his chakia is vhile. So he pio-
vokes peopIe lo gel inleiesled in sone infoinalion, lhey gel olsessed
vilh lhis, lhe eneigy is coning lo his Vishuddha, vhich canl digesl
il. As a iesuIl chakia gels exciled, and lhe peison gels diseases, caused
ly lhe hypeifunclion of lhe iespeclive oigans.
Iion lhe poinl of viev of Iogic, if chakia is exciled, oigans nusl
gel exciled loo and vice veisa, lul in ieaIily ils aII lhe olhei vay iound.
E: + %&'()* 3&.( +* &M0-.&4 G-(21442+8 2&V,, 2+<& + (/*4')5& ): .2/A
')-4 -*(1:!0-&*0/> K*4 92&* 02+@'+V( 4&%'&((&4 g + (/*4')5& ):
)<&':1*0.-)*> A goilei
is a syndione of depiessed Vishuddha, nol of
lhe exciled one.
A depiessed Vishuddha causes aslhnas, lionchilis and so on. Cu-
iiousIy veiy oflen Vishuddha gels depiessed lecause of lhe ciilicisn.
Ciilicisn acluaIIy has lo do vilh sone insuf!ciency in Manipuia, lul
ciilicising, ve lhiov oul lhe eneigy of Vishuddha. Ciilicisn is a hypei-
expiession of ones opinion. A peison is expiessing his opinion ~ no
one asks hin, lul he goes on and on. Il causes vaiious kinds of a soie
lhioal, lonsiIIilis, i.e. in"annaloiy piocesses in lhe lhioal. The nosl
connon ieason foi a soie lhioal is ciilicisn: one have ciilicised sone-
one, judged hin, and you gel a soie lhioal. Rinsed vilh eucaIyplus and
sea saIl, il seens lo gel lellei, lul in facl you shouId innedialeIy !nd
Hypolhyioid goilei / hypolhyioidisn /, undei vhich lhyioid gIand nay le enIaiged up
lo lhe iale al vhich lhe lody liies lo nake up lo ils hoinone funclions. Theie is eulhyioid,
hypeilhyioidic, goilei. Theii naluie is diffeienl.
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
oul, vho judged ly you and vheie vas. Ciilicisn causes nany acule
disoideis vilh leelh. Aflei having ciilicised soneone leelh slail aching
vilh exaclIy an acule pain. Ieiiodonlosis is a noie conpIicaled disease,
caused ly piolIens in diffeienl chakias.
A disease coning fion Vishuddha is deafness ~ nol inloin, lul
lhe acquiied, kainic one. The ieason is lhal lhe peison iefuses lo Iislen
lo olhei peopIes opinion. You leII hin sonelhing, and he jusl doesnl
Iislen. This vay he shuls off, cIosing lhe in"ov lo his chakia.
Anolhei disoidei, ieIaled lo Vishuddha is slanneiing. y ny ol-
seivalions slanneiing has lo do vilh lhe lieach in Vishuddha oi vilh
lhe facl, lhal Vishuddhas "ov is devouied ly soneone eIse. Sonelines
a kid canl pionounce aII Ielleis. In lhis case ve have lo see, vho is sil-
ling on his chakia (laking lhe eneigy, assigned foi his deveIopnenl,
see Ioining of chakias in chiIdhood). Veiy oflen isoIalion of lhe de-
vouiei fion lhe chiId iesuIls in inpiovenenl.
The syndione of lhe lieached oi deIegaled Vishuddha on lhe
psychoenolionaI IeveI is Iosing lhe aeslhelic sense. A peison is indiffei-
enl foi hov hes diessed: niceIy oi nol, aeslhelicaIIy oi nol, Iosing lhe
inleiesl lo his ovn Iook.
Anahala is ieIaled lo lhe caidio-vascuIai syslen, !isl of aII lhe
heail ilseIf, Iungs, aII lhoiacic veileliae, ains and hands, iils and aII
inleicoslaI spaces, Iovei pail of lionchus (lhey pailIy ieIale lo Vishud-
dha and pailIy lo Anahala, depending on vheie lionchilis is Iocaled).
The slale of Anahala is easy lo de!ne, even if you donl see enei-
gies. }usl lake a Iook al lhe peisons hand, if his paIn is diy in nany
pelly viinkIes, il usuaIIy neans he has a depiessed Anahala. And vice
veisa, if lhe hand is "eshy and juicy his Anahala is OK.
U,)33&4 K*+2+.+ is lypicaI foi a peison vilh lhe iigid spheie of
feeIings. A peison vilh a cIogged Anahala has no iighl lo fieeIy ex-
piess his feeIings. He canl fieeIy Iove, fieeIy hale, fieeIy iejoice, fieeIy
giieve and so on. His feeIings aie giipped in a vice and lIocked.
Such a peison can le easiIy noliced ly sone appaienl signs, even
if he has no diseases. Iiisl of aII, vhen he is liealhing lhe IY oi
any liealh al aII, he doesnl liealhe vilh his chesl ~ onIy vilh his
leIIy and his cIavicIes, his lhoiax leing unalIe lo viden. SecondIy,
lheie is so-caIIed ainoui ~ he vaIks as if he veie in a sheII, Iike
a nonoIilh. AInosl aIvays ils acconpanied vilh vaiious synplons
of osleochondiosis, scoIiosis. In facl, eveiyvheie lheie is a iigidily of
lhe lack, ve can usuaIIy speak aloul a cIogged chakia. LvenluaIIy
a cIogged Anahala can cause heail diseases.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Iuilhei noie, if a peison has a lIocked iighl lo expiess his feeIings,
il iesuIls in hypeilension and depiession of Anahala. Theie aie sone
possilIe vays foi lhe disease lo deveIop. On lhe one hand lhe depiession
can le caused ly lhe facl lhal an unused oigan aliophies. Theie is a gen-
eiaI piincipIe, lhe Iav of Lenaik. On lhe olhei hand such a peison can
oflen lecone an oljecl of olsession foi olheis: Hes such an enolionaI
ielaid! This causes giudges againsl his Anahala, eneigy oul"ovs elc.
WhiIe Anahalas depiession causes high lIood piessuie, hypeilension. In
peispeclive lheie is a ceilain possiliIily lo end up vilh a heail allack.
AIlhough heail allack is a speciaI iIIness. Accoiding lo ny olseivalions il
deveIops, vhen lheie aie a Iol of peopIe, vho gol olsessed aloul sone-
one al lhe sane line, and lhis olsession is speci!c: Iike Snoolh saiI-
ing lo lhe Ieaking loal! When nany peopIe vanl lo gel iid of soneone,
annoying lhen. Theie can le olhei ieasons. RecaII lhe novie Tine lo
vish. The piolagonisl has a heail allack. The ieason: he vas Iiving nol
ly his ovn vishes, lul ly lhose of olheis, giving avay his Anahala.
?M0-.&4 K*+2+.+ can le caused ly lhe facl, lhal a peison alliacls
olhei peopIes feeIings. Ioi exanpIe, a connon picluie: an aged faniIy
coupIe, vheie a husland has hypeilension and his vife ~ a hypolo-
nia. olh have an iII heail. ConpIainls: he doesnl Iove ne anynoie,
doesnl undeisland ne, doesnl caie enough, and fion his side: I an
so exhausled! He feeIs guiIly. This feeIing is aIieady a lieach in Ana-
hala. He is liying lo give hei as nuch as he can, having Iess and Iess of
eneigy, lhal causes a hoIe, vhiIe she doesnl ieaIIy need lhis eneigy.
The vife has il loo nuch, she canl eal il, hei Anahala gels exciled, lhe
lIood piessuie faIIs, lhe head aches.
IossilIe Iung iIInesses Iike pneunonia, luleicuIosis elc. aie caused
ly lhe Iack of P'18 A8 )1)&8! Ils nol a coincidence lhal luleicuIosis vas
a favouiile disease of Russian aiislociacy, vhich vas lioughl up in
soiiov: an LngIish spIeen oi Russian soiiov.
Lung iIInesses aie diieclIy ieIaled lo such feeIing as anguish. An-
guish is lhe Iacking of Iiie in Iungs. Nol a puie !ie, lul lhe eneigy
of joy, vivacily. If a peison can iejoice his Iife, ils OK. Renenlei lhe
fanous novie The foinuIa of Iove` Daddy says ils unvoilhy lo
enjoy onIy happiness fion Iife. Heie he vas neaning a deIighl, Sva-
dhislhana is a pIeasuie, lul deIighl, oiienled on sone oljecl, is noie
on Anahala. Nol lo foigel lhal lhis Daddy vas Iying paiaIysed, vhich
couId nake us doull aloul his Iife posilion.
Sonelines pneunonia can happen aflei you seiiousIy quaiieI vilh
soneone. Sveaiing, saying oul aII lhe conpIainls can lieach Anahala
(vilh diily eneigies), vhich in ils luin can Iead lo Iung diseases. ionchi-
lis happen vhen a peison is disconlenled vilh his Iife. Lveiylhing seens
viong, and a peison jusl sils and cuIlivales lhis slale. If lhis slales IocaI,
he gels an acule lionchilis, if conslanl and conlinuous ~ a chionic one.
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
Theie can aIso le aII possilIe disoideis of lhe spine in Anahala
zone: osleochondiosis, scoIiosis elc. Osleochondiosis as lhe nosl pop-
uIai disease of oui line (foi aII ny Iife Ive seen nol noie lhan !ve
peopIe, vho didnl have il), is caused ly lIocking oi depiession of lhe
iespeclive chakia. If ils cIogged oi depiessed, a peison sloops in lhe ie-
speclive zone. Il lecones chionic, nuscIes gel a IillIe in"annalion, cone
aIong vilh lhe posilion of lhe spine, vhiIe lhe spine iepeals lhe posilion
of nuscIes. If a peison has lhe pain, slailing in his shouIdeis dovn lhe
soIai pIexus, he can foi suie liain noie Iileiale expiession of his feeIings.
ScoIiosis, spinaI cuivaluies aie caused ly anolhei aspecl. As il
vas said lefoie, oui iighl side is nascuIine and lhe Iefl one ~ feni-
nine. When a peison gels Iess eneigy on lhe eilhei side, he slails
slooping iespecliveIy. In lhis case he lieaches lhe Iav Iike lhis: eilhei
he can expiess his feeIings, lul canl ieceive il oi vice veisa, oi he has
sone de!nile conpIainls onIy fion nen oi onIy fion vonen, especiaI-
Iy in lhe chiIdhood, vhen lheie is a lig dependence on one of one of
lhe paienls ~ I Iove ny Mon veiy nuch, and I donl Iove ny Dad ~
oi vice veisa.
The spine is aiching, vhen chakias exciled. A peison gels noie
eneigy, lhan he can digesl.
AII possilIe inleicoslaI neuiaIgias aie oflen ieIaled lo Anahala as
veII, and accoiding lo ny piaclice, lhey aiise due lo sone IocaI lieach-
es. A peison has shool lhiough soneones feeIings. These piolIens
aie easiIy liealed ly a nanuaI lheiapy, ly ieselling veilelia, and in a
fev days lhe pain goes avay.
Maslopalhy aIso has lo do vilh lIocked Anahalas feeIings. Il can
happen lo vonen, vho have a Iol of feeIings and canl expiess lhen.
Ils a slagnalion of Anahala eneigy ~ inside ils loiIing up, and oulside
lheie is nolhing. Accoiding lo ny olseivalion, sonelines il happens in
oveidiscipIined faniIies. Ioi exanpIe, vhen a falhei hoIds his daughlei
in iion hands. IeeIings aie nol lIocked, vhen if a vonan has lhen,
she expiesses il, if nol ~ doesnl, lul vhen she has eneigy and doesnl
enanale il, naslopalhy is quile possilIe.
In lhe young age giiI can have naslopalhy, lecause shes ieady lo
slails hei sex Iife, lul doesnl do il. Such naslopalhy if nol disiegaided,
passes aflei she !nds heiseIf a ieguIai pailnei. ecause in oui sociely
such leIiefs as no sex lefoie naiiiage, shed lellei do eveiylhing in
In oui lines lheie aie nany young peopIe vilh a defoined lho-
iax, and in geneiaI uppei Anahala is veiy iaie. Anahala has seveiaI seg-
nenls. Uppei Anahala is iesponsilIe foi Iove lo Cod, Naluie, Cosnos ~
lianscendenl Iove ~ J.$C61! MiddIe Anahala is iesponsilIe foi Iove, fiiend-
ship vilh equaIs, foi pailneiship. And lhe Iov Anahala is iesponsilIe
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
foi Iove lo ones ovn: ny hone, ny dog, ny vife. A peison is sloop-
ing ly a zone, vhich is depiessed. Novadays uppei Anahala is veiy
iaie, vhiIe lhe Iov Anahala sonelines cones oul. Thals vhy young
peopIe usuaIIy have a lIack vaIk ~ Iike lhal of iap singeis. You canl
expIain hov lo Iove Cod lo a peison, vho doesnl have lhis segnenl of
On lhe psycho-enolionaI IeveI lhe syndione of lieached Anahala
is depiession and louchiness.
Manipuia ieIales lo such visceia: slonach, gaslioinleslinaI liacl
(excepl foi lhe uppei guIIel), inleslines ~ in lhe !isl pIace lhe snaII in-
lesline, lecause Iaige is noie ieIaled lo MuIadhaia, uppei aiea of kid-
neys and adienaIs (vilh lheii adienaIine and so on), Iivei, spIeen, spine
al lhe IeveI of Manipuia, pancieas.
H&%'&((&4 N+*-%1'+ is foined vhen a peison is conslanlIy
pIying and is aIvays piessed ly olheis. Such peison has no halil
lo lake iesponsiliIily foi his aclions and aIvays Iays il on soneone
eIse. He is incIined lo Iive on ciedil. He is unalIe lo sland upon his
Manipuia is iesponsilIe foi doninaling, foi peisons capacily lo
doninale ovei olheis. If lhis capacily is veak oi lIocked, a peison deI-
egales his Manipuia eneigy lo soneone eIse. Whal lhey luin hin lack,
is vhal he eals. If hes aIvays giving noie lhan he has, he gels con-
slanlIy depiessed and foins an inage of a snaII guy, and his Mani-
puia consequenlIy gels depiessed loo. Medicine caIIs lhis slale a psy-
choIogicaI sliess. A peison aIvays feeIs anxiely Iike hov viII I Iive`
Ieais aie aII syndiones of lhe lieached Manipuia.
When ve Iose Manipuia eneigy, ve feeI scaied and anxious. The
lieached, depiessed Manipuia causes !isl of aII acidily and gasliilis.
An uIcei is a iesuIl of accepling a foieign posilion, diclaled fion sone-
one eIse. Hed Iike lo change, lul he canl, leing unalIe lo asseil hin-
seIf ~ and lhe uIcei is assuied. In psychoIogy lheie is a conceplion lhal
uIcei is lhe auloagiession. When a peison is luIIied, aggiession aiises
in hin, lul he canl expiess il lo lhe olhei peison, so he expiesses il on
Livei disoideis aie usuaIIy caused ly hunans iage, expiessed
oi nol. A peison cheiishes his iII-viII and even feeIs high. Livei and
gaII-lIaddei aie husland-and-vife in Chinese syslen. If peisons
Iivei gels exciled, gaII-lIaddei ducls gel depiessed. iIe isnl pioduced
inlensiveIy, gels inspissaled, "akes appeai in lhe inspissaled liIe and
slick logelhei, foining gaIIslones.
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
AII possilIe disoideis in pancieas, Iike panciealilis, aie cause ly
vaiious Manipuia lieaches. My peisonaI slalislics in lhis is IillIe, lul
lhe nosl possilIe ieason of nany diseases is lhe alsence of lhe inside
iighl foi lhe inilialive. A peison is good, he has Manipuia, lul lo lake
lhe inilialive, lo nake sonelhing on his ovn (Iov Manipuia) ~ he can
gel iIInesses of pancieas.
Duodenun diseases aie iIInesses of a depiessed Manipuia, au-
lociilicisn. I didnl nolice any iadicaI diffeiences fion lhe oidinaiy
CuiiousIy, Manipuias iIIness is dialeles. The ieason is a geneiaI
disconlenl vilh Iife, eveiylhing is jusl nol iighl, ~ hence, lheie is no
inside luining.
H-(&+(&( ): &M0-.&4 N+*-%1'+. A lendency lo soIve piolIens onIy
ly Manipuia, a slale of eleinaI vaiiioi. Il can le caused ly a cIogged
Anahala oi Svadhislhana. Such peopIe lypicaIIy have a ied face and
diyish conslilulion. Wilh Anahala and/oi Svadhislhana lhe capiIIaiy
nelvoik gels oveiexciled and capiIIaiies slail lieaking. Manipuia gels
exciled, and in lhis case acidily Ioveis. A peison enanales loo nuch of
Manipuia eneigy, keeping nolhing inside. Such peison gels a hypeisen-
silive slonach and has lhe lendency lo eal sonelhing lad.
Anolhei inleiesling nonenl: lhe incapacily lo conceive is oflen
expIained ly a depiessed Manipuia. If a palienl has a lieached Mani-
puia (especiaIIy vilh hei falhei), she can have piolIens in conceiving.
AIlhough a vonl is Iocaled in Svadhislhana, ils connecled vilh lhe
felus lhiough Manipuia, so appaienlIy eneigy goes lo a felus lhiough
nolheis Manipuia, nol Svadhislhana. If Manipuia is depiessed lhe fe-
lus canl gel eneigy fion lhe slail, a vonan gels piegnanl, lul has
niscaiiiages. She needs lo gel off hei Manipuia vhoevei is silling on
il, lo lecone independenl fion olhei peopIes opinions, conceplions,
ieIalions, lo feeI independenl and fiee. Iion lhe kainic poinl of viev
ils olvious, if a peison isnl independenl and fiee, a nevloin laly viII
lecone psychoIogicaIIy defeclive. Who needs il` So lhe souI, vanling
lo ieincainale, ignoies such paienls.
Wilh Svadhislhana aie ieIaled genilaIs (naIe and fenaIe), lIaddei,
Iovei pail of kidneys, ienaI peIvises, uieleis, uielhia, ovaiies, vonl foi
vonen, Iovei lack (excepl foi lhe coccyx, ieIaled lo MuIadhaia), hips.
The nosl connon nislake is lo pionise, Ioosening Svadhislhana
!eIds and lheii non-ieaIisalion. A nan oi a vonan have spiead lheii
!eIds, olheis gol olsessed, piepaied lhenseIves foi sex, and gel
nolhing. The essence of lhis nislake is lIocking ones desiie, foilid-
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
ding oneseIf lo deiive pIeasuie. Wanl lo do il ~ do il, lul, if a peison
has a desiie, lul gives oneseIf no iighl lo have il, soonei oi Ialei heII
have piolIens vilh heaIlh. Wonen have iII appendages, in"annalion
in ovaiies.
The nexl nislake is inleiesling. Luiopean sociely is lased on
Chiislianily, so oui cuIluie has a geneiaI diieclive foi a negalive alli-
lude lovaids sex. This diieclive Iies so deep in oui cuIluie, lhal sone-
lines you can lhink lhal eveiylhings aIiighl and peinilled, lul il iesls
inside, slaying veiy deep in oui nenlaIily and is veiy dif!cuIl lo slul
up. If lhis diieclive shovs up acliveIy, a peison can have vaiious ny-
coses (lhiush and so on). On lhe olhei hand, if lhe peison canl jusl
gioove, gel his pIeasuie, Iive his lhiiIIs lo lhe fuII, he can have vaiious
congesled diseases, foi nen foi exanpIe, pioslalilis. esides, due lo in-
nei Iinilalions, one can have pain in lhe Iovei lack and lad "exiliIily
in lhis zone.
Anolhei psychoIogicaI ieason causing diffeienl Svadhislhana dis-
eases, is lhe feai lo lecone piegnanl, and foi nen ~ lhe feai foi lheii
vonan. This can cause diffeienl iIInesses, in"annalions.
!/*4')5&( ): .2& &M0-.&4 !<+42-(.2+*+. Svadhislhana can le-
cone exciled vhen a peison has a Iol of eneigy on il, lul il doesnl
go oul ly laiIs and isnl ieaIized. A peison has a desiie, lul donl
spiead his laiIs. This can cause cyslilis ~ lhe in"annalion of lhe lIad-
dei. Il can le lhe ieason of lIood iush lo lhe head, of headaches, ni-
giaines, so ils lhe syndione of exciled Svadhislhana, vhen a peison
canl Iel his eneigy oul of Svadhislhana.
This is aIso lhe ieason foi nany schizophienias, foined in puleilaI
age, vhen a giiI is ieady lo slail hei sex Iife, lul hei faniIy gags hei vilh
you canl do il, ils loo eaiIy. Theie is such disoidei as "ush. A giiI is
silling, and suddenIy hei face lecones ied as lonalo. The ieason is lhe
sane. Il aII passes, if she !nds a ieguIai pailnei, vho salis!es hei.
IossilIe desiies, lhal appeaied and veienl ieaIized, can accunu-
Iale in hips in lhe foin of hip conliaclions. Men usuaIIy gel il in lhe
anleiioi pail of lhe hips, and vonen ~ in lhe posleiioi pail, causing
ceIIuIile. Wonen have lhe syndione of olesily lecause of lhe non-ieaI-
ized Svadhislhana.
Disoideis of pioslale gIand aie caused ly lhe alsence of lhe innei
iighl lo deiive pIeasuie, ly enolionaI iigidily ~ nol sensalionaI iigid-
ily, lul lhe enolionaI one. A nan canl fuIIy enjoy a vonan, Iel hinseIf
go in sex, so he is conslanlIy Iooking foi nev pailneis: liied one ~ ils
nol good, Iooks foi anolhei, again sonelhing doesnl voik. WhiIe lhe
piolIen Iies inside ~ he has no iighl foi a conpIele pIeasuie. Sone-
lines lhis conliaclion is nolivaled ly a vish lo shov hinseIf in lhe
led, lo piove his nen polency. The iesuIl is lhe sane ~ pioslalilis.
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
Iilionas, cysls and siniIai diseases aie caused ly lhe facl, lhal
sone nen gel olsessed aloul a vonan, sonelines lheie is a deIusion,
vhich can le of lvo lypes ~ of oneseIf and of a nan. In one case a
nan gels olsessed, in anolhei ~ a vonan pielends lhal she is aIiighl.
We have aIieady naluiaIIy cone lo il, lecause infeiliIily piolIens
have lo do vilh MuIadhaia, nol vilh Svadhislhana. MuIadhaia ieIales
lo lhe coccyx, pioslale gIand, peIvis, Iaige inleslines, ieclun. The lypi-
caI disease fion MuIadhaia is haenoiihoids. UsuaIIy ils caused ly
gieediness. \'&&4-*&(( -( )<&'&5+*+.-*3 )*&V( &*&'3/ )* .2-*3(> Whal
is enanaling of MuIadhaia` A peison Iels his eneigy !eId oul and le-
Iieves, lhal a lhing leIongs lo hin. He spieads his !eId and is hoIding
aII lhings ly il. I have one fiiend vho suffeis fion haenoiihoids. He
says lhal as soon as he gels a nev allack of haenoiihoids, he lhiovs
sonelhing avay, and innedialeIy feeIs lellei. Cieediness causes vaii-
ous piolIens vilh inleslines, sonelines lo conslipalions.
And vice veisa, nol hoIding lhe funclion of MuIadhaia, piolIens
vilh lhis chakia can cause diaiihoea, aIlhough usuaIIy lhe ieason is in
Manipuia. Ils lhe incapacily of Manipuia lo digesl eneigies. MuIad-
haia is iesponsilIe foi naleiiaI lhings, lhe eIenenl of Lailh. To Mu-
Iadhaia ieIale piolIens of lad leelh, fiagiIe lones, sonelines ailhiilis,
ailhiosis elc. Ailhiilis, ailhiosis is a joinl lissue invoIvenenl, caused ly
such a puieIy MuIadhaia fealuie as slulloinness ~ a peison canl give
in his piincipIes.
MuIadhaia is iesponsilIe foi lionlophIelilis and olhei diseases
of dense lIood, vhich is an excess of Lailh in lhe lody. MuIadhaia is
iesponsilIe foi hypeisensilivily. Il can le lhe opposile ~ you poinl al
soneone, and hes feeIing, vheie exaclIy you poinled. This is MuIad-
haias veakness. The eIenenl of Lailh slaliIises physicaI, elheiic and as-
liaI lodies. Lailh eIenenl is piesenl on lhe physicaI, elheiic and asliaI
I had palienls ~ yogins, vho veie piaclicing foi a Iong line
and fiuslialed lhenseIves MuIadhaias. MuIadhaia needs naleiiaI pos-
sessions, safely. My hone is ny foiliess is lhe inage of MuIadhaia
peison. Inslead lhey said We aie yogins, ve donl need anylhing, lhe
naleiiaI voiId is nol foi us and lhiev avay eveiylhing fion lheii
hones, slopped laking caie of lheii Iives. In olhei voids, a peison has
conpIeleIy iefused aII MuIadhaia enanalions. Iiisl lhey gol a syn-
dione of hypeisensilivily, and lhen slailed Iosing lheii leelh.
NOTL. Thal I aIvays say aloul ieasons causing iIInesses, as aloul possilIe
ones. Wilh eveiy peison you nusl Iook foi his pailicuIai ieasons.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Rehabilitation of fields
integrity and chakra
Therapeutic complexes of asanas
asing on lhe chakia conceplion of diseases desciiled alove, ve
can undeisland lhe piincipIe of luiIding a lheiapeulic conpIex. Such
conpIex has foi a goaI snoolhing of lhe !eId, eneigizing depiessed
chakias and sadalion (ienoving lhe excess of eneigy) of lhe exciled
ones. If a chakia is exciled lecause of ils iigidily and lhe accunuIaled
non-ieaIized eneigy, one have aIso lo voik vilh lhe silualion on lhe
asliaI pIane, i.e. lo use asliaI lechniques in asanas ~ lo noan, lo ie-
acl ones pain and so on. The nexl slep is lo cIeanse channeIs in lhe
elheiic pIane. The ciileiia of successfuI piaclice aie vaiious sensalions:
piicking, a feeIing Iike nunlness, vilialion, feeIing of lhe eneigy, Iil-
eialing fion lhe iespeclive zone. Aflei lhal you can slail voiking di-
ieclIy vilh chakias.
Nole lhal, if chakia is depiessed, al lhe iespeclive IeveI of lhe
elheiic pIane lheie viII le a hoIe ahead and a lunp on lhe lack.
This neans, you need exeicises lhal voik vilh lolh of lhen. The gen-
eiaI piincipIe of punping lhe hoIe lo a lunp is lhe sane lhal ve used
in connon conpIexes: .2& &*&'3/ 5)<&( :')5 .2& (.'+-*&4 X)*& .) .2&
(.'&.02&4 )*&> In oidei lo change a hoIe inlo a lunp you need sone
slielchings in lhe zone of lhe hoIe and sone nuscIe sliains in lhe zone
of lhe lunp.
If a chakia is depiessed, lo slinuIale il, i.e. lo !II il fion lhe fionl,
you shouId do sone anleiioi-slielching exeicises foi lhis chakia. Il can
le hujangasana oi Ushliasana vilh an accenl on lhe needed chakia.
If youi chakia is exciled, you have a hoIe on lhe lack and a
lunp ahead, so you have lo do sone lending exeicises, squeezing
lhe exciled elheiic zone.
As il vas aIieady said in lhe chaplei aloul slienglhening poses,
oveivoiked chakia lecones Ioose, i.e. il easiIy Ioses eneigy. LspeciaIIy,
if a peison didnl voik on his lehaviouiaI ieasons of lhe iIIness, didnl
lake off his laiIs. In oidei lo nake eneigy slay in lhe, punped hoIe ~
no nallei, in lhe fionl oi lack pail of lhe lody, ~ il shouId le !xed ly
slienglhening asanas foi lhis zone.
The effecl fion asanas is !xed ly ihylhnic liealhing and ly olh-
ei pianayanas. In lhe case of depiessed chakias pianayanas shouId
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
le done lefoie lhe lheiapeulic conpIex lo alliacl addilionaI eneigy lo
lhe lody. Ils good lo do such loning pianayanas as hasliikas. Ide-
aIIy, liealhing you invoIve nuscIes of lhe piolIen zone. If you voik
vilh lhe exciled chakia, il nakes sense lo do a fuII yoga liealh in lhe
ieIaxed slale aflei a conpIex.
Thus + 5-*-515 .2&'+%&1.-0 0)5%,&M8 +-5-*3 (.+6-,-(+.-)* ):
02+@'+8 0)*.+-*( .2'&& &M&'0-(&(h (.'&.02-*38 !'5-*3 +*4 %'+*+/+5+>
This sel shouId le iepealed seveiaI lines in lhe iov al one pace.
The effecl fion lhis sel can le sIighlIy incieased, if you add a piv-
oled pose accenling on lhe zone, you aie voiking vilh. Iivoling poses
enhance lhe eneigy "ov, lhals vhy lhey can le usefuI foi lolh de-
piessed and exciled chakias.
In geneiaI aII possilIe iIInesses, caused ly osleochondiosis, in
lhe neck, lhoiax oi Iovei lack (iadicuIilis), noslIy aie cuied ly Ailha-
nalsiendiasana and olhei pivoled poses (on condilions lhal lhe spine
keeps lhe iighl posluie).
;KQCEC\c The conliaiy is aIso liue. Ailhanalsiendiasana vilh lhe
slooping lack causes osleochondiosis. And lhal is veiy quickIy. Ils ex-
pIained ly liaunalising of inleiveileliaI disks ly lhe sinuIlaneous pivol-
ing and piessing (physicaIIy), and ly eneigy sluck in lhe slooping aiea
(eneigy IeveI). In Iess seiious cases, vilh lhe chakia iigid oi Ioose, lul yel
neilhei depiessed noi exciled, Iess exeicises can le enough. In lhis case lhe
nininun conpIex is as foIIovs. Ioi a Ioose chakia: a slienglhening pose
and an inlensive pianayana (hasliika) ~ lo caIn dovn lhe excessive
lension (if you succeeded in achieving il). Ioi a iigid chakia ~ a slielch-
ing pose vilh lhe deep (vilh MuIadhaia sel-up) ihylhnicaI liealhing vilh
enolionaI ieacling (noaning) and a snoolh liealhing lo iedisliilule lhe
eneigy, Iileialed fion lhe lIock.
Chakras stabilisation by breathing
Chakias depiession oi excilalion in"uence on hov inlensiveIy ve
inhaIe and exhaIe ly lhe iespeclive zone. Thus, -: + 02+@'+ -( 4&%'&((&48
.2& %&'()* 2+( + .&*4&*0/ .) 5+@& + 4&&%&' &M2+,+.-)* ~ as if he
veie gelling iid of lhe aii. The exanpIe of il can le soneone, sighing
vilh his chesl, vhen he has a lieached Anahala (i.e. leing in depies-
sion). This poinl of viev is pioved ly lhe opinion of AnaloIiy Ieliovich
ZiIlei, piofessoi, MD: ...lhe nosl of liealhing chionics especiaI-
Iy vilh pievaiIing olsliuclive
disoideis (hanpeiing lhe aii pass ~
4'558(6 '% #$%&'(')) have a liealhing pallein vilh an aclive inhaIalion,
vheieas il needs lo le passivaled.
Such diseases, Iike lionchiaI aslhna, aie usuaIIy caused ly chakias depiession.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
On lhe conliaiy + %&'()* 9-.2 .2& &M0-.&4 02+@'+ 2+( + .&*4&*0/
.) + 4&&%&' -*2+,+.-)*, as if he didnl vanl lo Iel lhe aii go.
The conliaiy is aIso liue: chakia can le slaliIised ly changing lhe
haliluaI liealhing pallein, i.e. ly aclivising lhe inhaIalion and passiv-
aling lhe exhaIalion foi a depiessed chakia and passivaling inhaIalion
and naking noie aclive lhe exhaIalion foi an exciled one. Of couise,
lhe nosl signi!canl effecl viII le achieved, if you voik vilh liealhing
nuscIes al lhe IeveI of lhe piolIen chakia.
The easiesl vay lo use lhis nelhod is ly piaclicing ihylhnic
liealhing, lul il can aIso le done vilh any pianayana, incIuding in-
lensive ones.
meridian system
by yoga exercises
Hov il vas aIieady said, asanas in"uence nol onIy on oui vis-
ceia, lul aIso on lhe syslen of nuscuIolendinous neiidians (see Ap-
pendix 1). The IocaIisalion of neiidians is so lhal lhey oflen cone
quile fai fion zones, on vhich lhey in"uence. Thals vhy nany asa-
nas nake an indiiecl inpacl on oigans, physicaIIy nol invoIved in
lhen. Ioi exanpIe, saipasana slielches lhe slonach neiidian, pada-
haslasana ~ lhe one of lhe lIaddei, aII pivoled poses ~ neiidians
of gaII-lIaddei.
Like chakias, eveiy neiidian can le in an excessive (exciled)
and insuf!cienl (depiessed) slale
. In lhe !isl case lhe pain synplon
appeais vhen you squeeze lhe neiidian, in lhe second ~ vhen you
slielch il.
Slielching neiidians, ve slinuIale lhen. asing on lhis facl and
knoving nain piincipIes of acupuncluie, you can nake conpIexes foi
a piecise liealing of chosen oigans.
Ioi noie delaiIs aloul excessive and insuf!cienl aspecls of neiidians and oigans see a
cIassic nonogiaph of Taleeva D. M. ManuaI of ie"ex acupuncluie. Of couise lhis lheoiy
is a viev of Chinese cIassic doclois of lhe laIance of ANS lianches, vhiIe lalIes given ly
Taleeva is a delaiIed and noie ancienl vaiialion of Wein lalIes.
*'+$6.8&$B/! #'58 B&1(41B280 '% JD12A1(+ 6.8&$B8D614 4'5B28N80
of ANS balance
by asymmetric types
of breathing and asanas
AInosl aII lasic asanas and pianayanas equaIIy in"uence on Ida
and IingaIa, aie synneliic in lheii kind and piesune lhal a piaclilio-
nei is aIso synneliic, lhough nosl of peopIe aie nol (ienenlei youi
Iasl visil lo phologiaphei: Sil sliaighlei, you shouIdei up, youi chin
The dislaIance of ANS lianches is aIso seen in lodys asynneliy.
ecause synpalhelic and paiasynpalhelic ANS lianches aie ieIaled lo
Ida and IingaIa, vhich aie piojecled on lhe iighl and Iefl nosliiI, lheii
dislaIance al lhe IeveI of any chakia iesuIls in lhe facl, lhal peopIe uncon-
sciousIy lake asynneliic poses, lhinking lhal lhey sil sliII and sliaighl.
The nain piincipIe of hov sullIe lodies piojecl on lhe physicaI is
lhal a peison aie usuaIIy cIosing lhe zone, vhich is lieached and Iacks
eneigy. Il conceins nol onIy lending ahead (slooping in lhe iespeclive
zone), lul aIso aII possilIe unconscious IaleiaI lendings. Ioi exanpIe, if
a peison Iacks foi eneigy in lhe Iefl channeI al lhe IeveI of Vishuddha,
heII le aIvays Iooking a IillIe lil lo lhe Iefl, and lhe sane vilh lhe iighl
side, Iacking foi eneigy in one of lhe channeIs in Anahala, heII sIighlIy
diop one shouIdei, in Svadhislhana ~ heII lhiov ahead one hip elc.
The uneven disliilulion of eneigy can le seen ly asynneliy of
lhe feel. Theie is a Iav of accunuIalion of nislakes: lhe fuilhei fion
lhe souice, lhe lellei you see aII iniliaI nislakes. Ida and IingaIa go
fion lhe lop dovn, so lhe noie dovn, lhe noie olvious is lhe asyn-
neliy. Il expIains, foi exanpIe, vhy sone peopIe can easiIy sil in one-
sided haIf-Iolus, and canl change lhe Ieg foi anolhei side.
The nosl connon piolIen is an unconscious luining of lhe head,
vhich has lo do vilh lhe excessive kha (iighl) and lkha (Iefl) pel-
aI of Ajna. Once noie, + %&'()* 2-5(&,: .2-*@( 2&V( (-..-*3 (.-,, +*4
The conliaiy is aIso liue: lhis oi anolhei ANS lianch can le acli-
valed ly changing lhe synneliy of lhe pose and ly changing lhe laI-
ance of liealhing inlensily ly diffeienl nosliiIs. Ioi exanpIes, synpal-
ics can le ieconnended lo do liealhing exeicises nol in a connon
posilion, lul luining lheii head sIighlIy lo lhe iighl, i.e. aclivaling lhe
Iefl channeI. They can aIso nake Iongei slays in iighl-sided poses (vheie
lhe head is luined lo lhe iighl), Iike saipasana, Ailhanalsiendiasana elc.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
T-<).-*3 )1' 6)4/ +. .2& ,&<&, ): + 02+@'+8 9& 0+* -*"1&*0&
O1-.& %'&0-(&,/ )* )1' 6)4/> Doing asynneliic pianayanas, Iike Aka-
paIalhali, you can liealhe vilh jusl one nosliiI.
Sone Indian souices ieconnend aclivaling lhe needed lype of
liealhing ly pulling a collon lanpon in one nosliiI, doing exeicises,
lul I peisonaIIy lhink, lhis nelhod is loo exliene and can le haidIy
ieconnended as lheiapeulic.
The asynneliy piincipIe can aIso le used in doing asanas. Ioi
exanpIe, if a peison has an aclive Iefl channeI, he can le advised lo do
yoga-nudia nol sliaighl, lul vilh a sIighl (1O-15) luining of lhe lody
on lhe Iefl side. AIlhough even a conscious sliaighlening in asanas, dis-
loiled ly lhe palhoIogic asynneliy of lhe channeIs, aIieady gives a cei-
lain hainonising effecl.
K9+'&*&(( is lhe nain cIue lo yoga and ils even noie liue foi
IiolalIy lheie is no olhei suljecl lhal vouId le so inliicale
and conliadicloiy, as lhe heaIlhy nuliilion. On lhe one hand (and il
can le pioved ly ones ovn expeiience), nuliilion in"uences gieal-
Iy on oui physicaI and enolionaI slale. On lhe olhei, il vouId lake
nany pages jusl lo enuneiale aII exisling heaIlhy diels. The sad-
desl lhing is lhal nosl of lhen aie conliadicloiy. Moieovei I knov
nany cases, vhen a diel vhich vas good foi one peison, liinging
hin heaIlh and slienglh, luined oul lo le veiy hainfuI foi anolhei.
AppaienlIy, peopIe aie indeed diffeienl and shouId eal diffeienlIy.
So a singIe univeisaI syslen of nuliilion foi eveiyone doesnl exisl.
Hovevei lheie aie sone piincipIes, lasing on vhich one can luiId
his ovn diel.
Principles of nutrition
of all bodies
As il vas aIieady said, yoga dislinguished eighl hunan lodies,
foui of lhen leing noilaI, coIIapsing aflei hunans dealh, have lo
le fed.
T2/(-0+, 6)4/ Iives on fals, pioleins, cailohydiales, nicioeIenenls,
vilanins and on olhei sulslances, vhich nusl le veII-laIanced.
?.2&'-0 6)4/ Iives on lhe elheiic eneigy, in pailicuIai, fion
food. To le iich in elheiic eneigy, food nusl le aIive, i.e. as nalu-
iaI as possilIe, leing as Iess piocessed and sloied as possilIe. Ioi
exanpIe, gieens, giovn in ones ovn gaiden vilhoul chenicaIs, aie
noie aIive, lhan hydioponics ones. Iiesh neal is noie aIive, lhal
lhe one lhals leen fiozen, and even noie lhan lhe canned one (also-
IuleIy dead pioducl). The degiee of Iife in a pioducl can le de!ned
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
ly seeing lhe size and quaIily of ils elheiic ~ aIive pioducls usuaIIy
have il liggei and densei. Theie is an easiei vay lo see il. AIive
pioducls go lad sIovei, lhan lhe sane dead ones (if lhey veienl
speciaIIy piocessed ~ in vhich case lhey canl le laken al aII). Ioi
exanpIe, gieens, picked fion ones ovn gaiden can slay fiesh foi
2-3 days, vhiIe hydioponics Iook faded ly lhe sane nighl ~
lecause lhey donl have nuch elheiic.
If elheiic lody is undeifed, il gels exhausled, ils vilaIily faIIs,
and lhe peison lecones sickIy. In ny opinion, such piolIens of lhe
nodein civiIisalion as lhe chionic faligue syndione, aIIeigy ~ aie aII
iesuIls of undeifeeding elheiic lody.
K(.'+, 6)4/ is nouiished ly inpiessions, i.e. ly lasles. Once
dielicians nade a lesl: feeding a peison ly a veII laIanced, lul
one-lasle food. So lhe voIunleei lecane iII, lecause his asliaI lody
vasnl nouiished. Thal is vhy nankind lhioughoul ils hisloiy vas
paying so nuch allenlion lo lhe lasle of lhe food. Thals vhy lhe
ieslauianl food, !IIed vilh asliaI lodies of lhe peisonneI, speci!-
caIIy decoialed, cosls noie, lhan lhe hone one (aIlhough lhe hone
one lasles lellei).
Theie is food vilh jusl an asliaI conponenl and no physicaI and
elheiic one, Iike foi exanpIe, spices, "avoui addilives, leveiages Iike
Coca-CoIa, deiived chenicaIIy.
Undeislanding piincipIes of nuliilion of lhe lodies expIains one
of lhe iools of anolhei seiious piolIen of novadays ~ lhe olesily. An
aveiage cily dveIIei has no liighl and vaiious inpiessions, so he is
enolionaIIy hungiy. One of lhe vays lo salisfy lhis hungei is food, lul
il luins oul lhal food has nol onIy asliaI, lul aIso a physicaI conpo-
nenl... Iion lhis ve can concIude lhal one of lhe vays lo !ghl ole-
sily is lo !II ones Iife vilh good and diveise inpiessions. ellei nol
canned (fion TV).
N&*.+, 6)4/ Iives on lhoughls and ideas. KnovIedge is food
says Siva sulia. Thals vhy hunanily conlinuousIy cieales nev dish-
es (as if lhe oId ones veienl enough), and lhe nosl expensive one in
lhe ieslauianl is lhe chefs speciaI. These dishes conlain nenlaI enei-
gy, lhe eneigy of ciealivily. NeveilheIess nenlaI lody nouiishes noslIy
nol ly food, lul vilh ideas and infoinalion.
*'+$ $(A (D6&161'(
The principle of foods cor-
respondence to the consti-
tutional type
As il vas aIieady said, diffeienl peopIe shouId eal diffeienlIy.
AIieady lhe Iavs of Manu, iepiesenlalives of diffeienl casls veie ad-
vised lo have diffeienl diels and iesliiclions in ealing. One of lhe sys-
lens, heIping lo choose ones ovn diel is lhe Ayuivedic syslen of
lhiee doshas.
K'0.$ ~ is one of lhe lasic piincipIes of Indo-Tilelan nedi-
cine. ?$6$3 B16$3 C$B.$ ~ Wind, iIe and IhIegn ~ aie lhiee lasics
of lhe hunan lody. The laIance of lhese doshas deleinines lhe con-
slilulionaI lype of a peison. Knoving ones lype you can adjusl youi
vay of Iife, youi diel, individuaI piaclice, in oidei lo achieve a pei-
fecl laIance. Indo-Tilelan nedicine leIieves lhal vala appeaied due
lo lhe neiging of Wing (vayiu) and lhe Llhei (akasha), pila ~ fion
Iiie (agni) and Walei (apo), kapha ~ fion Walei (apo) and Lailh
(piilkhvi). The pievaIence of dosha, up lo lhe peicenl ialio, can le
deleinined ly peisons conslilulionaI lype. Ayuiveda has speci!c diel
ieconnendalions foi eveiy pievaiIing dosha.
The principle
of using gunas
Ils veII knovn, lhal Indian liadilion vas using lhiee lasic slales
(gunas), in vhich eveiy syslen, incIuding a nan, can le. These slales
aie caIIed 0$66)$3 &$P$0 and 6$5$0!
!+..<-0 aie fiesh fiuil, vegelalIes, gieens, couched giain, fiesh
naluiaI daiiy pioducls, naluiaI (nol chenicaI) sveels.
Q+7+( aie spices and "avouis, spicy food, fiesh sleaned neal,
sone lypes of aIcohoI (high quaIily cognac, lequiIa).
L+5+(.-0 aie aII canned pioducls, iools (Iike polalo), neal, fal, aI-
cohoI Iike leei elc.
Laling pioducls fion eilhei gioup puls you in a slale, coiie-
sponding lo a guna. Sone Indian lexls, especiaIIy ieIigious ones, iecon-
nend onIy sallvic food, lul lheie can le Iife silualions, vheie nol sal-
lva shouId le pievaiIing. Ioi exanpIe, aclive effoils need a Iol of iajas.
Sonelines aflei loo inlensive spiiiluaI piaclices and physicaI aclivily
one needs lo gel lack lo Lailh, and lhis can le done ly lanas.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
You shouId aIso ienenlei, lhal peisons leIonging lo a ceilain
)$&($ aIso deleinines his lesl diel. Thus lhe pievaiIing guna in liah-
nins nuliilion (neaning lhal he has an occupalion, coiiesponding his
casle), shouId le sallva, foi kshaliiya ~ iajas, foi vaishya ~ iajas and
lanas and foi shudia ~ lanas.
The sliucluie of nuliilion aIso diffeis ly casles. Hence, liahnin
shouId eal a IillIe, lul vaiious food, vhiIe shudia shouId eal a Iol.
The principle
of time and place
Oui lody is a iesuIl of nany niIIions of evoIulion. In lhis evoIu-
lion ve adapled ouiseIves lo eal accoiding lo seasons of lhe naluiaI
Sun cycIe. Hundied yeais ago iefiigeialois veie invenled aIong vilh
olhei advanced nelhods of sloiage, and foi lhe !isl line lhe diel has
lecone independenl fion lhe season, lul oui lody is sliII used lo il.
Thals vhy ils lellei lo lake foi a lasis of youi nuliilion pioducls, lhal
naluie of youi iegion is giving al lhe piesenl season. If ils spiing, you
shouId eal gieens, if ils sunnei ~ leiiies, vegelalIes, fiuil, aulunn ~
giains and iools, vinlei ~ neal dishes. Ils aIso inpoilanl, lecause
aIive pioducls lhal you eal aie diieclIy connecled lo lheii ieIalives.
I ienenlei once ve had such a lig ciop of appIes, lhal ve nanaged
lo keep il liII lhe Iale spiing, lul lhe day, vhen appIe-liees slailed lIos-
soning, aII lhe iesl of lhe oId-yeai ciop has iolled ~ once and con-
pIeleIy. Which pioved one noie line, lhal lhe food ve eal conlains ils
ovn infoinalion and Iives ils Iife. We shouIdnl negIecl il.
So .2& )%.-515 :))4 -( (1%%)(&4 .) 6& .2& )*&8 3')9* -* /)1'
. Naluie is an inleiieIaled honeoslalic syslen, pioviding ils
chiIdien vilh aII lhey need, lhe vay lhey need. Thals vhy lhe food,
giovn in youi Iand conlains eneigies and sulslances you need foi Iife.
Of couise, I donl piopose lo foigel aloul lananas and oianges, lul ve
shouIdnl negIecl lhis piincipIe.
An indiiecl pioof of lhis piincipIe is lhe foIIoving nedicaI facl: Luiopeans have nosl
food aIIeigies lo ciliuses and chocoIale, i.e. fion pioducls, giovn on olhei conlinenls, vhiIe
Afiicans aie nevei aIIeigic lo ciliuses.
*'+$ $(A (D6&161'(
The principle of following
ones natural wishes
No doull, hunans lody is a conpIicaled seIf-oiganising syslen,
vhich piolalIy shouId knov ilseIf, vhich pioducls il needs, and vhich
ones aie lad. In eaiIy chiIdhood il is ieaIIy so. In a fanous expeiinenl
a IillIe kid vas given a Iol of diffeienl food (pul in lhe ioon, vheie he
vas cIosed). He vas ciavIing and lasling eveiylhing. When ieseaiches
counled vhal vas ealen, il luined oul lo le peifeclIy laIanced, aIlhough
fion aduIls poinl of viev lasle conlinalions veie avfuI. Wheie does
lhis capacily go, vhen ve giov oId` E. -( 4&(.'10.&4 6/ .2& -5%)(&4
(.&'&)./%&( ): *1.'-.-)*
. Thals vhy, if a peison, leing noie lhan 5
yeais oId, foi lhe voise luidened vilh diseases, decides lo eal vhal he
vanls, he jusl nakes his piolIens voise. You can cone lack lo naluiaI
nuliilion onIy aflei having seiiousIy cIeansed youi lody. Youi physi-
caI lody ~ fion sIags, youi psyche ~ fion food halils, fion leIiefs
aloul vhal one shouId eal. LaleIy il aIso lecane ciuciaI lo cIeanse
oui asliaI lody fion aII desiies, induced ly adveilisenenl ~ lo eal
sonelhing oi lo liy sonelhing.
One of lhe lesl vays lo cIeanse oui lody and psyche is fasling.
Aflei lhe coiiecl coning fion fasling oui lody lenpoiaiy gels lack
lhe capacily lo see, vhich food is heaIlhy foi il. Veiy oflen aflei fasling
pioducls lhal used lo le desiialIe foi us (Iike conpIex pasliy) lecone
disgusling even ly lheii Iook, lul aflei a vhiIe oui lody gels diily
again and slails denanding noie and noie peiveil food.
y lhe vay, lhese ciileiia can le laken as lhe insliunenl lo see,
vhelhei ils nol line lo fasl. If you vanl lo eal sonelhing, you donl
even knov, vhal, youi lody uigenlIy needs fasling.
In addilion lo fasling yoga pioposes nany so-caIIed cIeansings
of lhe lody, vhich veII nol discuss heie, lecause lhey aie peifeclIy de-
sciiled in Ai Lddais (VasiIievs) look The liealise on nuliilion. Heie
aie jusl sone piincipIes of heaIlh-inpioving fasling.
Ioi exanpIe, lefoie 6 nonlh age, ve have no saIl ieceplois, lul, if you slail pulling
saIl in youi food, lhey foin veiy quickIy. esides paienls aie oflen lusy, so lhey give lheii
kids canned laly food inslead of heaIlhy naluiaI one. Due lo aII lhis chiIdien deveIop food
aIIeigy ~ !isl nonoconponenl, lhen nuIliconponenl. Wilh line il piogiesses inlo neuio-
deinalilis, poIIinosis and lionchiaI aslhnas. CuiiousIy, if paienls foIIov doclois insliuc-
lions and donl give lheii chiId lhe aIIeigen pioducl foi 6-12 nonlhs, veiy oflen lhe lody
foigels aloul lhis aIIeigen and Ialei on shovs no ieaclion on il.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Principles of health-
improving fasting
1. Iasling is lellei done duiing a fuII noon oi on a nev noon.
2. Donl oveieal lhe day lefoie fasling. ellei donl eal neal. In
lhe evening dine vilh ke!i and give youiseIf an enena.
3. Duiing fasling il is :)'6-44&* .)h
liush leelh (especiaIIy, if fasling is Iong),
lake nedicalions,
snoke, diink aIcohoI elc.
4. Duiing fasling il is )6,-3+.)'/ .)h
diink valei (2-3 Iilies a day),
give enena eveiy evening,
cIeanse youi longue and noulh,
slay in lhe open aii.
5. Duiing fasling ils '&0)55&*4&4 .)h
piaclice yoga (lellei in !isl haIf of lhe day),
if you fieeze, lake a hol lalh (if youi heail is sliong) oi a
if youi head aches, give an addilionaI enena oi cIeanse
youi slonach (piovoke voniling).
6. Q&0)<&'-*3 :')5 :+(.-*3 (2)1,4 ,+(. +( 5102 +( .2& :+(.-*3
-.(&,:> The viong iecoveiing iuins lhe posilive effecl fion fasling. Il is
done in lhiee sleps, appioxinaleIy equaI in line:
diinking diIuled juice (giaduaIIy iepIacing valei vilh
juice). H)*V. 4'-*@ oiange fiuil and caiiols juice,
ealing vegelalIe saIads (vilhoul diessing),
ealing cooked ceieaIs (no saIl oi lullei).
Aflei fasling il is nol ieconnended lo eal neal and non-dielaiy
pioducls foi lhe line lhal equaIs lhe line of fasling.
Tis world is born in passion and with passion it liberates.
Hevadjra Tantra
The suljecl of lhis chaplei is olviousIy veiy conpIicaled and de-
seives a vhoIe look, lhals vhy veII jusl nake sone geneiaI noles, oi
lellei say vainings, lhal can heIp lhe piaclilioneis avoid sone liggesl
Modein aloul-yoga ciicIes have lvo opposile alliludes lo sex.
Sone (especiaIIy Indian) souices have a veiy negalive allilude lo sex,
piopagaling J&$.5$4.$&1$ ~ a conpIele oi pailiaI conlinence (oul of
naiiiage oi foi lhan conceiving a laly). This leIief vas foined undei
lhe in"uence of ieIigious docliines, fion lhe so lo say ieIigionising of
yoga, quile signi!canlIy disloiling ils genuine spiiil. AII conlenpoiaiy
ieIigions sonehov denonise sex, lecause, cIogging peopIes Svadhisl-
hana, ieIigious egiegois Iive on lhis non-ieaIised eneigy. Ancienl ieIi-
gious veie Iess dianalic aloul sex, lhough lhey aIso veie using sexuaI
eneigy foi lheii, noslIy nagicaI, goaIs. AII peopIes had lheii feslivaIs of
feiliIily, acconpanied vilh gioup oigies, vivid sexuaI denonslialions,
lalooed in eveiyday Iife. Renenlei Thais fion Alhens, vho gave hei-
seIf on lhe pIoughed !eId lo inciease fecundily. Ancienl SIavs aIso had
such iiluaIs, lhey veie using lhe Svadhislhana eneigy, ieceived ly sex-
uaI ganes and lhe gioup sex lo caII lhe iain in lhe agiicuIluiaI peiiod
(Ivana CupaIa).
Sludying ancienl Indian souices, Iike Mahalhaiala oi even oIdei
The ocean of lhe slieans of sloiies ly Sonadeva (appioxinaleIy lhe
V cenluiy .C.), ve can see, lhal lhey donl have lhal lypicaI Indian Iu-
iilanisn. Yogins and ascelics in lhese sloiies aie Iiving in ashians vilh
lheii vives, faIIing in Iove vilh apsaias and sinpIy leaulifuI vonen
and so on. Cods of lhe Indian panlheon lehave lhe sane vay. In lhe
ancienl Indian cuIluie sex isnl nade a felish, neilhei denonised. Ils
liealed as sonelhing naluiaI, lhough ils povei is knovn and used. In
pailicuIai, vilh nagicaI goaIs:
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
A vonan is indeed a Iiie, hei Wonl is hei fueI. The haii is ils snoke.
Hei genilaIs ~ lhe "ane. Coning inside ~ cailons. IIeasuie ~ spaikIes.
On lhis !ie gods nake a sacii!ce of a senen.
7&1.$A$&$(1$C$ QB$(10.$A$
Ils aIso inleiesling, lhal lhe lein J&$.5$4.$&1$ is aInosl aIvays
inleipieled as conlinence, vhiIe ils ieaIIy liansIaled as appienlice-
ship ly liahnin ($4.$&1$ in Sanskiil neans appienlice) and doesnl
diieclIy ieIale lo lhe conlinence.
So vheie did Indian schooIs gel lheii unheaIlhy Iuiilanisn` Il
seens, lhal lhis queslion has seveiaI ansveis. Iiisl of aII il vas lhe in"u-
ence of IsIan and Ialei Chiislianily in lines vhen India vas conqueied.
SecondIy ils a iesuIl of peiceplion of lhe Weslein peopIe, seeing Indian
ideas lhiough lheii ovn piisn. And !naIIy, lhe oljeclive piolIen of
deesoleiisalion of yoga, fiee access foi eveiyone lo pieviousIy cIosed
schooIs, foicing lo hide lhe nosl ef!cienl lechniques of voik, iepIacing
lhen (lo avoid seiious piolIens) ly videIy undeislandalIe ieIigious
Theie is anolhei lianch of sludying sexuaI piaclices. Lveiy noie
oi Iess educaled peison knovs lhal Tanlia is lhe sex yoga (lhough
ils nol), has iead Kanasulia, vhich he lhinks has lo do vilh Tanlias
(vhich is aIso nol liue), lhinks lhal in lhe Laslein voiId lheie veie
spiiiluaI piaclices, using sex (lhough lhey aie in aII cuIluies, incIuding
lhe Luiopean one). Sone peopIe heaid aloul Tao of Iove and Chinese
lechniques of sex vilhoul ejacuIalion. Sone even piaclice il lhenseIves,
nislakenIy laking il foi Indian vadjioIi nudia. In noie sinpIe veisions
of nodein lanlia, sex is piacliced foi sexuaI Iileialion, vhich is gieal,
lul noie ieIales lo psycholheiapy, lhan lo esoleiics oi yoga. This is lhe
piolIen of aII nenlioned leIiefs. Whal neophyles lhink is lhe ancienl
piaclice, al lhe lesl is ils shade and exlieneIy sinpIi!ed foins, vilh no
liue sense. Sone of lhen can pIay diily liicks. Ioi exanpIe, pseudol-
aoislic piaclices of sex vilhoul ejacuIalion vilh iaising eneigy, iesuIl in
sex, ieduced lo a sinpIe nechanic and elhei-oiienled pioceduie. Iive
lhousand Iove pushes donl diffei fion oidinaiy jogging oi any olhei
physicaI iouline. The enolionaI (asliaI) conponenl of naking Iove is
Iosl, causing a iapid desliuclion of Svadhislhana and pooi asliaI lody.
One jusl doesnl vanl lo nake Iove anynoie... Of couise, Taoisls knev,
hov lo avoid lhis lioulIe, lul foigol lo say. SliII lhese aie esolei-
ic lechniques. Anolhei diily liick has lo do vilh lhe facl, lhal vilhoul
conpensaling exeicises (al Ieasl nauIi), piaclicing sex vilhoul ejacuIalion
causes congeslions in pioslale, vhich evenluaIIy can cause pioslalilis.
Anolhei diily liick of lhis lechnique is lhal is lIocks lhe naluiaI eneigy
"ov lelveen a nan and a vonan. A nan doesnl give eneigy, and a
vonan, giving hei eneigy, soon giovs oId. Kainic dells aie foining...
*'+$ $(A 08N! #8N B&$4614180 1( /'+$
The sane vilh nodein lanlia. U,+((-0 .+*.'+ is a lechnique of de-
veIopnenl of lhe asliaI lody. AII lanlia iiluaIs (nol onIy sexuaI ones) cuI-
livale lhe capacily lo feeI, lo have diffeienl enolionaI slales in lheii peak
foins. Tanliic lechniques donl incIude ejacuIalion conlioI, lhey ain lo gel
lhe nosl acule sliong sensalions, lo knov hov lo feeI lhen, slaying con-
scious. Tanlia uses nany insliunenls, sex is jusl one of lhen, aII aining
lo deveIop sensilivily. Take foi exanpIe, lhe iiluaI pancha-lallva: a pei-
son lieaks aII laloos and iiluaIIy deiives pIeasuie vilh diffeienl chakias.
In India devoled liahnins donl eal neal, donl snoke slinuIanls, donl
piaclice gioup sex and so on ~ lhese aie lheii liadilionaI laloos.
In lhe iiluaI lhey do aII on lhe conliaiy: diink vine (ieIigious Hin-
du nevei diinks vine ~ foi hin ils Iike diinking uiine foi us), lhen
lhey eal neal, !sh, snoke naiijuana and have gioup sex. A peison is
Iiving lhiough sone peak slales due lo lieaking laloo, lul does a nod-
ein peison feeI lhe sane vay, diinking and snoking in eveiyday la-
sis` Ioi hin such a iiluaI vouId liing no peak sensalions, and vouId
lecone jusl a vay lo paily. Ils a nislake lo lake lanlia foi delauch.
The diffeience is lhal in lanlia iiluaIs peak slales aie achieved lo Ieain
hov lo consciousIy conlioI lhis eneigy. WhiIe in delauch a peison
doesnl Ieain lo consciousIy conlioI eneigies.
L2& 4&3'&& ): 0)*.'), ): +(.'+, &*&'3-&( -( 4&.&'5-*&4 6/ 2-( 0+A
%+0-./ .) @&&% 0)*(0-)1(*&((, and nol onIy in his fanlasy, lul in ieaI
Iife, vheie lhese eneigies aie piesenl. Ioi inslance, you nay le lhink-
ing lhal you keep liahnachaiia, silling in an isoIaled ceII, coId and
danp, lul vhen you have essenliaI scenls aiound logelhei vilh naked
vonen, lhis leIief can piove lo le viong.
This conceins aII chakias. A peison conlioIs his slales, unliI his
chakia conlains noie eneigy, he can deaI vilh. Thals vhy lo deveIop
chakia you need lo voik vilh peak slales. Thals vhal ieaI lanlia is
aloul. Of couise, you aIso need sone piaclice lo acquiie youi expeii-
ence of lhese slales, lo hainonicaIIy incIude lheii iesuIls in youi ev-
eiyday Iife. Tanlia had il, lul do nodein lanliisls have il
So vhal is lhe ieaI allilude of yoga lo lhe piolIen of sex` Olvi-
ousIy il cones fion lhe essence of yoga ilseIf: /)3+ -( 5+(.&'-*3 ):
&*&'3/> IncIuding sexuaI eneigy, vhich neans nasleiing ones desiie,
sensalions and oigasn.
Y)' + 5+* .2-( 5&+*( .2& 0+%+0-./ .) ,-:. 2-( (&M1+, &*&'3/ 9-.2A
)1. &7+01,+.-)*8 +*4 :)' + 9)5+* g .) ,-:. 2&' &*&'3/ 92&*&<&' (2&
9+*.( -.8 ->&> %')<)@& 2&' )9* )'3+(5> The IeveI of conlioI of sexuaI
eneigy foi nen is seen al hov Iong he can nake Iove. Ioi a vonan
ils lhe conliaiy ~ hov fasl she can feeI lhe oigasn naking Iove. olh
Aloul changed slales of consciousness and lhe piolIen of lheii acquiiing you can iead in
ny nonogiaph ReIigious psychopiaclicies in lhe hisloiy of cuIluie.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
depend on hov channeIs aie cIean and on lhe capacily lo Iifl ones en-
eigy. ConlioI of lhe elheiic eneigy foi nan is his capacily lo iaise il ly
his anleiioi niddIe channeI, and foi a vonan ils lhe capacily lo keep
noving, feeIing lhe oigasn vilhoul Iosing il.
Hovevei sexuaI eneigy conlioI isnl onIy aloul sex. SexuaI eneigy
nolivales peopIe foi nany aclions. econing avaie of lhese nolives,
de!ning lhen is aIso an eIenenl of conlioIIing sullIe eneigy.
If used coiieclIy, sexuaI eneigy gives us nany siddhas. y sex-
uaI eneigy you can alliacl anyone, lecause aInosl eveiyone ieacls on
il. The one vho is ie"ecling eveiyday on Svadhislhana, lecones lhe
naslei of Iove and affeclion, says Siva sanhila.
SexuaI eneigy in"uences lhe aninaIs. If a peisons Svadhislhana is al
Ieasl a IillIe lil open, he !nds conlacl vilh aninaIs. Ioi exanpIe, a dog of
lhe opposile sex slops laiking, a peison is no Iongei an aggiessive oljecl
foi il. SexuaI eneigy in"uences lhe pIanls
. esides, ils aInosl a univeisaI
heaIing eneigy, ieIaled, as il vas aIieady said, lo lhe eIenenl of Walei.
An inpoilanl aspecl of sexuaI piaclices incIuding lanlia is pail-
neis exchange of eneigy, and nol jusl lhe asliaI, lul aIso vilh elheiic
one. Men and vonen aie indeed leaieis of alsoIuleIy diffeienl asliaI
eneigies. A nan leais in hinseIf a spiiiluaI-ieguIaling eneigy, vhiIe
a vonan ~ lhe eneigy of aclivily and desiie. A nuluaI nouiishing of
pailneis vilh lhese eneigies can signi!canlIy hainonise lolh, aIlhough
unfavouialIe eneigy exchange is aIso possilIe ~ vhen lhe laIance seii-
ousIy shifls lo eilhei side. Too nuch of naIe eneigy nakes sex loo
vapid and ialionaI. IhysicaIIy il shovs ly lhe facl, lhal vonan (and
Ialei hei nan) viII feai lo expiess hei desiies. Too nuch of fenaIe
eneigies nake lhe nan Iose his head. HeII le knocked oul ly eno-
lions (nol aIvays posilive) and lhis paii viII Iose ils spiiiluaI coie. This
is aIso a piolIen foi sex vilh nuneious pailneis.
Sex of a nan vilh seveiaI vonen is eneigelicaIIy inleiesling
foi aII pailicipanls (and as a iesuIl enolionaIIy pIeasanl), onIy if his
nens pilh is sliong enough lo conlioI lhe lolaI enolionaIily of aII his
vonen-pailneis. As foi vonan, piaclicing sex vilh seveiaI nen, hei
sexuaI desiie nusl le sliongei lhan lheii unconscious conpeliliveness.
If lhis iuIe is vioIaled, lheie can le eneigy (and olhei) piolIens.
Nolice lhal lhis iuIe appIies nol onIy lo a gioup sex, i.e. a diiecl
and sinuIlaneous eneigy exchange lelveen pailicipanls, lul aIso lo
silualions, vheie a peison has seveiaI pailneis, vho donl even knov
each olhei.
An inpoilanl conponenl of esoleiic lanlia is piaclicing sex in
lianspeisonaI slales, heIping lo deveIop asliaI lody.
To piove il you can jusl pul a veak pIanl on youi led.
*'+$ $(A 08N! #8N B&$4614180 1( /'+$
Hatha-yoga for Svadhisthana
Legs, especiaIIy lheii slielching ieIale lo Svadhislhana. UsuaIIy a
peison vilh lhe easy enolionaI spheie can easiIy do spIils, does pa-
dahaslasana, and vice veisa, if he canl do il, he has enolionaI lIocks in
Svadhislhana. UsuaIIy lhe opposile is aIso liue: coiiecl slielching heIps
lo open Svadhislhana !eIds.
To vind up Svadhislhanas !eId, a good exeicise is hips iola-
lion. Il can le diffeienl. When ve aie iolaling liII lhe Iinil of MuIad-
haia sel up, lo feeI sliain in eveiy poinl of iolalion, aflei a vhiIe ve aie
feeIing lhe heal in lhe leIIy. Anolhei siniIai exeicise is vhen you iolale
youi hips, lul nol liII lhe Iinil, inslead you send lhen lo iolale aulo-
nalicaIIy, as if il didnl depend on you. Rolale and lhen Iel go lo nake
youi hips nove nechanicaIIy. This exeicise heIps lo use Svadhislhana
independenlIy fion lhe lhiid eye. IeopIe vilh a sliong lhiid eye !nd il
dif!cuIl lo Iel go lheii enolionaI spheie IileiaIIy vilh no conlioI.
Anolhei exeicise is caIIed Tilelan penduIun. Il is lased on lhe
sane piincipIe, as lhe second one, lul hips aienl iolaled. A peison
slands sliaighl, cIenches !sls, !xes lhen in one poinl and slails doing
aIleinale-iecipiocaI nolion ly lhe Iovei pail of his lody. This exeicise
shouId le done foi a Iong line ~ up lo haIf an houi, non-slop. IneiliaI
ihylhn iaises lhe eneigy.
E* +,, 4&(0'-6&4 &M&'0-(&( -.V( -5%)'.+*.8 .2+. .2& I%1(2J 3)&(
I:')5 .2& &+'.2J8 *). :')5 .2& 6)4/> E: -.V( *). ()8 -. 5&+*(8 .2+. .2&
%&'()* 1(&( -* (&M *). .2& *+.1'+, &*&'3/8 61. .2& &*&'3/ ): 2-( 5-*48
->&> 2&V( 5).-<+.&4 *). 6/ 2-( )9* 4&(-'&> !102 (&M -( &M2+1(.-<&>
Men can cIeanse lheii Svadhislhana fion non-ieaIised desiies ly
Ushliasana. This pose aIso favouis lhe capacily lo nake sexuaI inlei-
couise Iongei and so on. Ioi vonen ils vipaiila kaiani. Men accu-
nuIale non-ieaIised sexuaI eneigy in lhe anleiioi pail of lheii hips,
vhiIe vonen ~ in lhe posleiioi pail, in lheii lullocks. If a vonan
has painfuI poinls on hei lullocks, il neans, she has a non-ieaIised
sexuaI eneigy.
CeneiaIIy speaking, aslioIogy is a sepaiale lianch of esoleiic
knovIedge, a poveifuI insliunenl (in skiIfuI hands) of cognising one-
seIf and lhe voiId. To sludy aslioIogy one needs line and syslen ap-
pioach, lhals vhy in lhis look veII onIy give sone geneiaI nolions
aloul hov ceIesliaI lodies in"uence on youi halha yoga session.
How moon cycles
influence on our body
Ils connonIy leIieved lhal lhe Moon, luining aiound lhe Lailh,
in"uences on hov "uidilies nove in oui pIanel in geneiaI (high and
Iov lide), as veII as in lioIogicaI oljecls. IeopIe aie exposed lo lhis
povei loo. Thus ve can nolice lhal lheie is a speci!c novenenl of vilaI
eneigy in lhe lody, ieninding high and Iov lides in naluie: lhe exces-
sive eneigy nakes a vhoIe iound of lhe hunans lody duiing 28 days.
The naluie of lhese high lides is sliII unknovn, lul ve can piesune,
lhal lhe physioIogy of lhis phenonena has lo do vilh !IIing lhe capiI-
Iaiies vilh lIood, vhen lhe lide lecones high in lhe iespeclive zone.
Indeed aslioIogisls have noliced Iong line ago, lhal al ceilain phases of
lhe Moon, ceilain oigans lecone noie vuIneialIe lo diffeienl diseases.
In lhis line ils aIso nol ieconnended lo do suigeiy on lhese oigans
lecause of lhe gieal iisk of lIood Ioss, lhe lIeeding, vhich is dif!cuIl
lo slop.
esides in lhe zone of high lide sone olhei funclions gel acli-
valed, foi exanpIe, lhe iespeclive zone lecones noie eiogenic.
When lhe Moon is fuII, lhe nosl eneigies aie concenlialed in
lhe head, and vhen ils nev ~ in lhe Iegs and in lhe Iovei pail of
lhe lody. This eneigy "ov expIains lhe negalive in"uence of lhe fuII
*'+$ $(A 6.8 06$&0
noon on lhe pshycoenolionaI slale of peopIe (especiaIIy vilh a unsla-
lIe psyche). This aIso expIains cIassic Veda ieconnendalion lo piaclice
fasling on lhe fuII noon (in lhis peiiod lhe naxinun cIeansing lakes
pIace, lecause aII "uids aclivale). Olseiving
youi slale, you can easiIy nolice, lhal on lhe
fuII noon ils veiy dif!cuIl lo piaclice halha,
you feeI noie Iike nedilaling, ie"ecling on
sonelhing, vhiIe al lhe nev noon lhe lody
is piaclicaIIy denanding physicaI liaining.
The novenenl of eneigy lide in oui
lody is shovn on lhe picluie. CIassic Indi-
an liealies donl specify if lhe eneigy nove-
nenl diffeis foi nen and vonen, lul ve
suppose lhal il does in lhe niiioi vay. Ioi
nen vhen lhe noon is nev: lhe poinl of
naxinun in"uence of lhe noon is Iocaled
on lhe Iefl fool, foi vonen ~ on lhe iighl
fool. Then lovaids lhe fuII noon il shifls ly
lhe Iefl (iighl foi vonen) side of lhe lody
lo cone lo lhe head vhen lhe noon is fuII.
And foi lhe second phase of lhe noon, lhe
gioving oId, il descends consequenlIy lo
lhe iighl fool foi nen and lo lhe Iefl fool
foi vonen. Thus vhen lhe noon is giov-
ing, lhe high lide is on lhe laking side,
aclivaling funclions of eneigy in"ov. When
lhe noon is decieasing, funclion of oul"ov
aclivales and lhe lody slails cIeansing il-
seIf. This iuIe can le used lhis vay: piaclic-
es aining lo ieinfoice, deveIop chakia (in aII senses ~ fion spiiiluaI
up lo sinpIe nuscIe liaining) aie lellei vhen lhe noon is gioving,
vhiIe cIeansing is lellei al lhe descending noon.
Inleiesling lo nolice, lhal lhese piincipIes aie used in phylolheia-
py. Heie is one cilalion.
So ly lhis nonenl passes exaclIy a haIf of noon cycIe. Then lhe noon,
going aiound, decieases and is passing chakias in lhe ieveise oidei. Knov-
ing lhal chakias aie seven and lhe noon cycIe is 28 days, ils easy lo counl,
lhal eveiy chakia has lvo days of lhe noon cycIe al lhe gioving noon (lhe
peiiod of eneigy in"ov) and lvo days al lhe decieasing noon (peiiod of
eneigy oul"ov).
IIanls, galheied in lhe iespeclive peiiods of lhe noon nake lhe sane effecl
on chakia. Ioi exanpIe, leais fool vilh lIue "oveis, picked up in lhe 11

and 12
days of lhe noon cycIe alliacls eneigy lo Ajna, and galheied in 17

and 18
days on lhe conliaiy favouis lhe oul"ov.
Motion of Energy Flow
under the Moon Activity
Figure from Rajasthan
miniature of XVIII century
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
In olhei voids, lo cIeanse lhe 6
chaika fion lhe negalive eneigy lhe sick
peison shouId lake liolhs and infusions of leai fool vilh lIue "oveis
(pIanls of lhe faniIy Aconilun), galheied on lhe 17
and 18
days of lhe
noon cycIe, and lo conpensale lhe eneigy on Ajna ~ infusions of leai fool,
galheied on lhe 11
and 12
days of lhe cycIe.
A cIinicaI exanpIe: lhyioidilis, acconpanied vilh lhe decieased funclion of
lhyioid have lo le liealed ly giving lhe lIue-"ovei leai fool, galheied on
lhe 11
and 12
days of lhe noon cycIe, vhiIe lhe acule Iaiyngilis and lhy-
ieoloxicosis ~ ly lhe sane leai fool, galheied on lhe 17
and lhe 18
YeIIov-"ovei leai fool lhe sane as lhe innoileIIe, dandeIion, giealei ce-
Iandine and olheis have eneigy aclivily vilh Manipuia (lhiid chakia), ie-
sponsilIe foi aII lhe conpIex of digesling oigans, lhe syslen of piolein syn-
lhesis and deloxicalion. This kind of leai lool shouId le galheied on lhe
and on lhe 23-24
day of lhe noon caIendai. Chionic hypoacid gaslii-
lis, liIiaiy dyskinesia ly a hypolonic nelhod aie liealed ly lhe yeIIov leai
fool of lhe !isl peiiod of galheiing, vhiIe lhe uIcei disease of duodenun
and acule hepalilis ~ ly lhe galheiing of lhe second peiiod.
Other biological rhythms
in the body
A peison has a quile conpIicaled syslen of lioIogicaI ihylhns.
Sone of lhen aie veII-knovn and even adveilised (Iike so-caIIed inleI-
IecluaI, enolionaI and physicaI ihylhns in eveiy noliIe phone ~
aIlhough lhis infoinalion is veiy doullfuI). Olhei ihylhns aie IillIe
knovn and nol sludied al aII. Yoga leIieves lhal lhe nosl inpoilanl lo
knov is oui ciicadian ihylhn. IndividuaI day diffeis fion lhe ieaI one:
oulside il can le evening, vhiIe ly youi individuaI cIock ils sliII noin-
ing. Sone aslioIogisls leIieve lhal lhe individuaI nidnighl depends on
lhe line of liilh, lul I canl check lhis infoinalion.
In lhe sane nannei is luiIl lhe individuaI annuaI ihylhn. Sun-
nei is individuaI ~ i.e. lhe nosl aclivily season is lhe one, opposile lo
lhe season of youi liilh. ConsequenlIy lhe individuaI spiing is a peiiod
of ciealivily and aulunn is a peiiod of sunning up.
Chinese nedicine aIso desciiles lhe day ihylhn, ieIaled lo lhe en-
eigy novenenl ly oui syslen of neiidians. Lveiy one of oui 12 chan-
neIs is on ils peak and in ils Iovesl poinl foi 2 houis a day. Oigans, ie-
Ialed lo lhe channeI aie lhe nosl vuIneialIe in lhe nonenl of deciease.
Il is vhen lhey shouId le punped up vilh eneigy.
No look can le lellei lhan a diiecl connunicalion in lhe
Iive liadilion. No lexl can iepIace lhe connunicalion vilh lhe
Teachei, lul undeislanding of piincipIes of ones piaclice nakes
a peison cIosei lo lhe slale of yogin. Thals vhal lhis look vas
viillen foi.
Acupuncture a Chinese method of treatment by touching bodys active
points. In Chinese is called stinging and searing. In reality the
scope of actions with body points is much wider.
Astral astral body of the Earth.
Bandha muscle lock.
Biolocation a method of measurement of etheric energies. Primarily
biolocation was the synonym of withe-walking. After this
defnition became wider. A biolocator contrary to an extrasense
or medium to actualise his sensations usually uses such special
instruments as a withe, biolocational rod, pendulum.
Block some programs, directives etc, blocking a normal work of
chakra. Blocks are done by some egregors to feed with human
Chakra human energy centre.
Chitta consciousness.
Dharana (Sanskrit dhara to hold) holding of a chosen psychological
and energy state.
Ego in psychoanalysis and in this book: a conscious part of humans
psyche, determining his capacity to be aware, to refect and
to grow spiritually. Note that in many systems ego means
a completely diferent thing, sometimes the contrary, like for
example, the set of superconscious directives, defning humans
false I.
Empathy the capacity to feel other persons emotional state.
Energy syn. prana, tsi, ki, sansa, mana, spirit.
Free energy human energy, still not structured for any tasks.
Gradha (Sanskrit: whirlpool) the etheric component of chakra. Energy
whirlpool, absorbing or emanating etheric energy.
Hara in Japanese three-chakra tradition: the inferior chakra,
responsible for humans instinctive-biological part. According
to Indian chakra model its a conventional union of Muladhara,
Svadhisthana and Manipura.
Holotropic catharsis technique, based on hyperventilation of lungs, aiming
breathwork to activate the unconscious, to provoke catharsis, in the limit
to enter the transpersonal state. Invented by S. Grof within the
transpersonal psychology.
Hypercapnia excessive contains of carbonic acid in the blood.
Ida One of the most important human energy channels. Starts in
the left nostril. Corresponds to the parasympathetic branch of
Idam in Tibetan exoteric tradition: a creature, defending the faith. In
esoteric system idam was representing a certain set of psychic
states, a practitioner had to achieve.
Kriya a type of yoga exercises, mainly connected with the viscera
Kundalini a symbol of physiological (material) energy. Is depicted as a
snake, swirled in Muladhara in three rings and a half.
Latihan a meditative technique in the form of a free dance.
Limbic system (visceral brain) a set of brain structures (olfactory
bulb, olfactory tract, olfactory trigone, cingulated gyrus,
hippocampus, amygdales and so on), supporting a variety of
functions including emotion, behaviour, long term memory,
and olfaction. The limbic system provides the superior control
of all vegetative functions of the cardio-vascular, respiratory,
digestive systems, metabolism and energy. Its a representative
centre of introreceptors in the brain, where information from
diferent organs is coming.
Manasa in sankhia system the mind, making judgments.
Mudra a body posture, infuencing on humans emotional sphere. The
most known are fnger gestures hastas.
Nadi energy channels.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Pathogenic arch the unconscious tension in some group of muscles, appearing
at the conscious efort to strain or to relax another group of
muscles, physiologically not connected to the frst one.
Pingala one of the most important human energy channels. Starts in
the right nostril. Corresponds to the sympathetic branch of
Posture a confguration of etheric and astral body, determining persons
emotional state and his perception of other people.
Pratiahara a state of concentration of ones self-awareness, detachment
(frst of all emotional) from the outside objects, state of here
and now actualisation.
Sankhia an ancient philosophy of yoga.
Siddha a paranormal skill, based on the capacity to manage the
energy. Can be conscious and unconscious.
Subpersonality a relatively free part of humans psyche, build around some
desires or emotions, suppressed to the unconsciousness. This
term is widely used (in diferent interpretations) in Gestalt
therapy, psychosynthesis, NLP. In the modern tradition
appeared thanks to G. Gurdjief.
Sushumna a central energy channel, corresponding to the spine.
Switch a capacity to come into some transpersonal states, typical to a
certain egregor.
Tail a destructive energy connection with another person, caused
by breaching of some natural laws, causing claims and
obsessions of others. Conventionally tails can be taking and
Ten-sho in closed Japanese traditions: a chakra, located in the area
of solar plexus, responsible for feeling ones Life Way, ones
Dharma. Indian and Tibetan sourced were mentioning
about this chakra and depicting it (see the chapter Human
energy structure the chakras picture from the Atlas of
Tibetan medicine), but wasnt discussed in detains because
of the high esoterism of the subject. I call this chakra Suria
Vadjroli mudra sucking in the fuid by the seminiferous tubule.
Vagran a musical instrument of North inhabitants. The sound is made
(Jews-harp) by a plate, pressed to the teeth and making the skull
Varna primary motivational predisposition to a certain occupation.
There are 4 main varnas: brahmins (thinkers, artists, religious
fgures), kshatriya (warriors and managers), vaishya (traders)
and shudras (artisans).
Vasana unconscious desires, secretly pushing a person to their
Vegetative tone the degree of excitement or depression of ANS. In particular
is measured by a coefcient of vegetative tone, which can be
defned by physiological and psychological (Luschers test)
methods. If the coefcient of vegetative tone is more than 1,
processes of excitement prevail in the body, if less than 1 of
Vippanasana analytic meditation, used in Buddhism, based on the intel-
lectual interpretation of all events in the spirit of a certain
Yama according to Patanjali the frst stage in yoga. Its often
thought, that yama means ethic commandments of yoga.
This is an exoteric point of view. In reality yama means tech-
niques of gathering and keeping the free energy, needed for
the further practice. Patanjali gives fve well-known rules of
Yama. Shandilia upanishada makes them 10: Yama (absti-
nence) can be of ten kinds: ahimsa, satia, astea, brahmacharia,
daya, ardjava, kshama, dhriti, mitahara and shaucha. Ahimsa
is the non-injuring of any living being in anytime and by any
action of ones mind, speech and body. Satia is the pronounc-
ing of true words, providing well-being of all creatures by the
action of your mind, speech and body. Astea is the absence
of the wish to steal any property of others by the action of
your mind, speech and body. Brahmacharia is the continence
from sex in any situation and in any state of action of your
mind, speech and body. Daya is a good will towards all living
beings in all situations. Ardjava is keeping your mind, speech
and body calm in doing indicated and in keeping from doing
all forbidden actions.
ANS ~ aulononic neivous syslen
I ~ lIood piessuie
IY ~ fuII yoga liealh
MTM ~ nuscuIolendinous neiidians
SN ~ Suiia Nanaskai
1. T(/02),)3/ ): (%-'-.1+, 4&<&,)%5&*. (1996). The look is devoled lo
lhe piincipIes and lechniques of nedilalion. Il offeis a syslenalized ap-
pioach lo nedilalions, using vhich a sludenl oi an insliucloi of yoga
couId seIecl lhe nosl effeclive nedilalions, ained al lhe acluaI silua-
lion soIving. Il suppIies ovei 8O nedilalion lechniques, anaIyzes nedi-
lalions, used in olhei SchooIs.
2. Q&,-3-)1( (.14-&( (1997). The look consideis key eIenenls of ieIigious
syslens fion esoleiic and psychoIogicaI poinl of viev, as veII as de-
sciiles lasic piinaiy ieIigious foins.
3. F&0.1'&( )* T(/02),)3/ (1998). This look vas viillen on lhe lasis of
lhe couise of Iecluies on psychoIogy, given ly lhe aulhoi al Khaikov
yoga acadeny.
4. T(/02),)3-0+, +-@-4)> G> $ (1998). IsychoIogicaI aikido is lhe aulhois
peisonaI deveIopnenl and a pail of lhe noie geneiaI concepl of SociaI
inleiaclion yoga. The ain of lhe psychoIogicaI aikido (IA) is keeping
psychoIogicaI and eneigy inlegiily in con"icl silualions. IA is an eso-
leiic syslen, lased on undeislanding eneigelic essence of hunan con-
nunicalion. IA is an inlegiaI syslen of nelhods, vhich can le sludied
as a iesuIl of liaining.
5. T(/02),)3-0+, +-@-4)> `1-,4-*3 +5)'.-X-*3 6&2+<-)1' (.'+.&3-&(> G>#>
6. `'-&: &((+/( )* 2-(.)'/ ): &().&'-0 (.14-&( (2OO1). The look vas viillen
on lhe lasis of lhe anaIogous couise, given ly lhe aulhoi al lhe exlia-
nuiaI depailnenl of Khaikov yoga acadeny.
7. Chakia syslen opening. (2OO1). The look desciiles lhe sliucluie of
chakia syslen and nelhods of ils deveIopnenl and opening, accunu-
Ialed ly lhe aulhoi.
8. Q&,-3-)* %(/02),)3/ (Kyiv, Hnxa-en1p, 2OO2). The look is devoled
lo lhe conpiehensive consideialion of ieIigion as a psychoIogicaI phe-
nonenon. In pailicuIai, il consideis such issue as psychoIogicaI souices
of ieIigion, lhe ioIe of aIleied slales in lhe syslen of ieIigious expeii-
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
ence, esoleiic psychoIogicaI piaclices in gIolaI ieIigious liadilions, as
veII as lhe piolIen of nanipuIalive in"uence on lhe psychics fion lhe
so-caIIed neo-ieIigious oiganizalions.
The look is lased on lhe naleiiaI of lhe oiiginaI couises IsychoIogy
of ieIigion, ReIigious sludies, ReIigious OiienlaI heiilage, given
ly lhe aulhoi al Khaikov acadeny of cuIluie (CuIluiaI sludies facuIly)
and in a nunlei of olhei highei educalionaI eslalIishnenls. Al piesenl
lhe look is exenpled fion laxes and nay le usefuI as a lexllook foi
sludenls, psychoIogisls, cuIluiaI sludies speciaIisls, ieIigious sludies
speciaIisls, and aIso peopIe, inleiesled in esoleiic and non-liadilionaI
psychoIogy. AddilionaI inleiesl lo lhis look nay le shovn fion lhe
peopIe, vho, due lo vaiious ieasons, ieIaled lo lhe piolIens of neoieIi-
gion, since hone Iileialuie on ieIigious sludies lhis issue is in facl does
nol pay allenlion lo lhis nallei.
9. U2+@'+ T(/02),)3-0+, 4-+3*)(.-0(> T> $ (2OO2). The look is devoled lo
piaclicaI lechniques of diagnoslics of lhe psychoIogicaI slale of a pei-
son, speci!c fealuies of his/hei chaiaclei, slienglh and deveIopnenl
iale of lhe chakias ly exleinaI, visuaIIy evidenl piopeilies. The look
uses nelhodoIogicaI leins and deveIoping concepls Chakia syslen
1O. U2+@'+ T(/02),)3-0+, 4-+3*)(.-0(> G> # (2OO2). Conlinued pievious
11. U2+@'+( :)'5+.-)* -* 02-,4'&* (2OO3). The look fion esoleiic posilions
ieveaIs lhe piolIen oi liinging up chiIdien.
12. N&.2)4( ): :+-'/ .+,&( +*+,/(-( (2OO4). The look is devoled lo lhe nelh-
ods of exliacling esoleiic infoinalion fion faiiy laIes and is noslIy in-
lended foi lhe sludenls of lhe Senioi SchooI.
13. Q&,-3-)1( %(/02),)3-0+, 01,.1'& %'+0.-0&( (2OO4). The nonogiaph is
devoled lo sludying ieIigious psychoIogicaI piaclices as an inlegiaI
cuIluiaI phenonenon. Il consideis ie"eclion of psychoIogicaI piaclices
in diffeienl cuIluies, sludies lheii genesis, evoIulion, inleiaclion vilh
olhei foins of spiiiluaI Iife.
14. L2&)'/ +*4 %'+0.-0& ): %(/02),)3-0+, +-@-4) (2OO5).
15. U2+@'+ T(/02),)3-0+, 4-+3*)(.-0( (2OO5).
16. T(/02),)3-0+, %'+0.-0&( -* 5/(.-0 .'+4-.-)*(h :')5 +*0-&*. .) 0)*.&5A
%)'+'/ .-5&> Monogiaph (2OO8).
Infoinalion on nev looks, deveIopnenls, gioups and seninais
can le found al velsile:
Anthology of primary sources
Way of Shiva: AnlhoIogy of Ancienl Indian CIassic Texls. ~ Kyiv, 1994
Upanishadas Tanlias and Yogis. ~ Moscov, 1999.
Radhakiishnan S. Ancienl Indian IhiIosophy. ~ Moscov, 1993
NaIinov V. Sponlaneily of consciousness. IiolaliIily lheoiy of senses and
senanlic aichileclonics of peisonaIily. ~ Moscov, 1989.
Sniinov .L. Sankhya and yoga: IhiIosophic lexls
Toichinov Ye.A. ReIigions of lhe WoiId: Lxpeiience leyond Iinils:
TianspeisonaI slales and psycholechniques. ~ Sainl-Ieleisluig: Ieleil.
Voslokovedeniye, 2OOO.
Yoga hygiene
Shii Yogendia. Yoga. IeisonaI hygiene. ~ Kyiv, 2OO1.
Purifying procedures and food
Ai Lddai (VasiIyev). Tiealise on nuliilion. ~ Moscov, 1997.
Medical aspects of Yoga
Lleil D. IhysioIogicaI aspecls of yoga. ~ Sainl-Ieleisluig, 1999.
iauligan V., Ciislian I., Rad M. Isychosonalic nedicine. ~ Moscov,
ZiIlei A. I. Respiialoiy lheiapy in casuaI piaclice. ~ T.: Medicine, 1986.
Chinese tradition of bioenergy and acupuncture
Cava Luvsan. TiadilionaI and conlenpoiaiy aspecls of OiienlaI
ie"exolheiapy. ~ Moscov, 1986
Taleeva D.M. Cuidance on acupuncluie. ~ Moscov, 198O.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Tibetan tradition
Zhud-shi ~ ieIics of nedievaI Tilelan cuIluie. ~ Novosiliisk, 1988
AlIas of Tilelan nedicine. ~ M., 1998.
Hatha Yoga
Ai Lddai (VasiIyev). asics of Halha-yoga. ~ Moscov, 2OO3
Sii Iallalhi }ois. Yoga dipika.
Svani Vishnudevananda. ConpIele iIIuslialed look of yoga. ~ Moscov,
Ceela Iyengai. Yoga: A Cen foi Wonen. ~ Khaikov, 2OO2.
Sexual practices
SIingei I., DegIas N. Seciels of Sex. ~ Minsk, 1993.
Roleil Van CuIik. SexuaI Iife in Ancienl China. ~ Moscov, 1992
Chinese Lios. ~ Moscov, 1991
Tanlia encycIopaedia. ~ Moscov, 2OO2.
Psychosomatics and psychotherapy
MasIov A.C. Iai exlienes of hunan psychics. ~ Moscov: Luioasia,
MasIov A.C. Molivalion sand peisonaIily. ~ Moscov, 2OO3
Loven A. IsychoIogy of lody: lioeneigelic anaIysis of lody. ~ Moscov,
Reich V. ody funclions. ~ Moscov, 1997
Reich V. AnaIysis of chaiaclei: Technique and lasic piovisions foi sludenls
and piaclice anaIysls. ~ Moscov, 1999.
Tyonkin L.N., Linan V.C. Mylhs of Ancienl India. ~ Moscov, 1985.
(after Gavaa Luvsan)
CDLEU?. Nunleis on picluies naik zones and lianches of nuscuIo-
lendinous neiidian.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
PICTURE 1. Musculotendinous meridian shou-tai-yin, related to the meridian of the
PICTURE 2. Musculotendinous meridian shou-yang-ming, related to the meridian
of the large intestine.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
PICTURE 3. Musculotendinous meridian tsu-yang-ming, related to the meridian of
PICTURE 4. Musculotendinous meridian tsu-thai-yin, related to the meridian of the
spleen and pancreas.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
PICTURE 5. Musculotendinous meridian shou-shao-yin related to the meridian of
the heart.
PICTURE 6. Musculotendinous meridian shou-thai-yang related to the meridian of
the small intestine.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
PICTURE 7. Musculotendinous meridian tsu-thai-yang related to the meridian of
the urine bladder.
PICTURE 8. Musculotendinous meridian tsu-shao-yin related to the meridian of the
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
PICTURE 9. Musculotendinous meridian shou-tsaue-yin related to the meridian of
the pericardium.
PICTURE 10. Musculotendinous meridian shou-shao-yang related to the meridian
of the three heaters.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
PICTURE 11. Musculotendinous meridian tsu-shao-yang related to the meridian of
the gall-bladder.
PICTURE 12. Musculotendinous meridian tsu-tsie-yin related to the meridian of the
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
Classic Yoga texts
(&) 9052 ,9$0327+2 2)>25 0+ 60%7
1. Advaya taraka upanishada.
2. Amritabindu upanishada.
3. Dhianabindu upanishada.
4. Gheranda samhita.
5. Hatha yoga pradipika.
6. Shatchakra Nirupa.
7. Siva-Samhita.
8. Siva-Sutra.
9. Svaradoya shastra (Siva svaradoya).
10. Tejabindu upanishada.
11. Vidjniana Bhairava tantra.
12. Yoga rahasiam.
13. Yoga samhita.
14. Yoga tattva upanishada.
;.::&,52 5.2375' *0+27,+,+% %00: :)5*3,$2,0+
0B 9):,272,?) 2)*&+,-.)5
1. Mahasattiphana sutra.
2. Sutra of the full awareness of breathing.
(,A)27+ 7+: S&,+)5) 23)72,5)5 0+ 9):,*,+)
1. Chjud Si.
2. Nei tsin.
3. Vaiduria Onbo.
oId shovs lhe voiks, vhich, as il is knovn lo lhe aulhoi, have leen liansIaled inlo
()>25 0+ W+:,7+ $&,8050$&6 7+: 962&080%6I
K5)B.8 B03 60%7 $37*2,2,0+)35
1. Amoghanashtra upanishada.
2. Amritananda upanishada.
3. Anandalahari.
4. Ananda-paharu.
5. Anvalaya grihia sutra.
6. Aparoksha-Anubhuti.
7. Aruni upanishada.
8. Atharvaveda.
9. Atma upanishada.
10. Avadhuta Gita.
11. Aytreya Brahmina.
12. Aytreya upanishada
13. Bhagandharva tantra.
14. Bhagavad Gita.
15. Bhairava damara tantra.
16. Bhataparichkheda.
17. Bhuta damara tantra.
18. Brahmabindu upanishada.
19. Brihadaraniaka upanishada.
20. Brihavricha upanishada.
21. Chkhandogia upanishada.
22. Dakshinamurti sutra.
23. Devi Bhagavata.
24. Devi mahatmia.
25. Devi upanishada.
26. Dharmashastra.
27. Djabala upanishada.
28. Djivanamukti gita.
29. Djnanarvana tantra.
30. Gandharva tantra.
31. Ganesha Atharva Sirsa.
32. Ganesha purana.
33. Goraksha paddhiti.
34. Gorakshasataka.
35. Guatania tantra.
36. Hamsa upanishada.
37. Isha upanishada.
! #$%&'(')! *'+$, -./01'2'+/3 -0/4.'0'5$61403 71'8(8&+86140
38. Ishvara pranidhana.
39. Ishvavasia upanishada.
40. Kalachudamani nigama.
41. Kalika Purana.
42. Kamadhenu tantra.
43. Kamikalavilasa tantra.
44. Kandarparochanagehavidhana.
45. Kanhashruti upanishada.
46. Kankala-shalini tantra.
47. Katha upanishada.
48. Kaushitaki upanishada.
49. Kena upanishada.
50. Kriyakanda varidhi.
51. Kshurika upanishada.
52. Kubdjika tantra.
53. Kularpava tantra.
54. Lalitasahasraniama.
55. Laws of Manu.
56. Laya yoga samhita.
57. Mahabharata.
58. Mahanarayana upanishada.
59. Mahanirvana tantra.
60. Mahavakia upanishada.
61. Mandukia upanishada.
62. Mantra mahodathi.
63. Mantra yoga samhita.
64. Manuscript of the Mysore palace.
65. Manusmriti.
66. Markandeya purana.
67. Matsia purana.
68. Mundaka upanishada.
69. Narada Pancharatra.
70. Nilarudra upanishada.
71. Nitia Tantra.
72. Paramahamsa upanishada.
73. Payigala upanishada.
74. Pranatomini.
75. Prashna upanishada.
76. Prathama charita.
77. Pratiabhidjna Hridaya.
78. Prayoga sara.
79. Purayachariarpava.
80. Ramapurvatapania upanishada.
81. Rigveda.
82. Rudra Shamala.
83. Samaveda.
84. Sammohana tantra.
85. Sarva upanishada.
86. Shabdakapadruma.
87. Shakra anda tarangini.
88. Sharada Tilaka.
89. Shatapha Brahmina.
90. Shatapha brahmina.
91. Shatkarmadipika.
92. Shvetashvara upanishada.
93. Siva Purana.
94. Subala upanishada.
95. Sushruta Samhita.
96. Tantra bhidhana.
97. Taytariya Araniaka.
98. Taytariya Brahmina.
99. Taytariya samhita.
100. Taytariya upanishada.
101. Tayttiria upanishada.
102. Tedjabindu upanishada.
103. Uttpati tantra.
104. Vadjrasuchika upanishada.
105. Vedanta sara sankgraha.
106. Vedanta sutra (Brahma sutra).
107. Vikhvasara tantra.
108. Vishnu purana.
109. Vishnu tilaka.
110. Yadjurveda.
111. Yoga chintamani.
112. Yogini tantra.
113. Yogini yadjnavilkia.

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Hn xnnia c chpo6on cqopxynna1n paionainnn hipxip po hpax1nxn noin" sacnonannn
na posyxinni qisiooiiuno" hcnxocoxa1iuno 1a 6ioenepie1nuno cy1noc1i nhpan noin# \hepme
posinny1i hpnnnhn ho6yponn noioncixnx xoxhexcin $oxpexo pn spoponnx i xnopnx npen%"
nanopn1icn nny1pimni $hon&nsani si c1anaxn% xpn1epi hpanninoc1i nnxonannn nhpan" sahpohononani
paionaini hipxopn po xepn1a1nnno hpax1nxn# Taxo yhepme hipnn1e hn1annn hpo hoxnxn hip
uac nnxonannn nhpan noin 1a x neia1nnni nacipxn# Ax1yainic1i ioio hn1annn hon&nsana s 1nx"
mo n 6iimoc1i hohynpnnx xnni s ic 1exn penxi nhpann hoxasani s hpnnnhonnxn hoxnxaxn#
Knnia nahncana na ocnoni '()piuno hpax1nxn an1opa" a 1axo '*)piunoio pocnipy nnxapannn
noin 1a in1eic1na# 3a c1pyx1ypon xnnia pos6n1a na xiixa pinnin" nxi xoy1i 6y1n xopncni
pisnnx npnx + nip nonauxin po panno hpax1nxynunx# Knnia xac qo1oipaqi n xannxn" mo
inc1pyn1i nhpann" qasn nxopy" poshopi enepii" hoxnxn hpn nnxonanni nhpan#
Knnia xoe 6y1n ixanon nx pn npen" nxi ixann1icn noion 1a eso1epnxon" 1ax i pn ixapin"
nxi hpax1nxyn1i hcnxooiin" qaxinin s qisnuno xyi1ypn# Ha cioiopnimnin peni xnnia anaoiin
ne xac#
can be found at website

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