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Rep. Robert B. Aderholt, R-Ala., and Mrs.

Caroline Aderholt Crimson Strawberry and Goat Cheese Bruschetta Yield: 4 servings Prep time: 10 min tes !ngredients " # ps $resh, ripe stra%berries 1 bag ette, thinl& sli#ed into 1'-(0 sli#es ' o) so$t goat #heese ( tablespoons hone& *lo#al hone& al%a&s best+ Preheat oven to ",0-. .oast bag ette sli#es in oven $or 10 min tes or ntil #risp. Cool. /sing a small paring 0ni$e h ll the stra%berries. 1li#e ea#h stra%berr& into several thin sli#es holding stra%berr& inta#t, so that the stra%berr& ma& be $anned o t %hen #omplete. 1tir the goat #heese and hone& together in a small bo%l. 1pread abo t 1 tablespoon onto ea#h bread sli#e. Pla#e the $anned stra%berr& over #heese and toasted bag ette. Repeat %ith remaining stra%berries. Plan to ma0e "0 min tes be$ore serving.

1en. Mar0 Begi#h, 2-Alas0a, and Ms. 2eborah Bonito Alaskan Salmon Potstickers Yield: 1' Potsti#0ers Prep time: 1, min tes !ngredients $or Potsti#0ers 3o n#es salmon $illet, s0in removed ( tablespoons sea salt 4 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 spring onion*s#allion+, thinl& sli#ed 1 teaspoon Mirin 1 teaspoon light so& sa #e 1' g&o)a %rappers !ngredients $or the dipping sa #e " tablespoons light so& sa #e " tablespoons lemon 4 i#e 1 teaspoon #aster *s per$ine+ s gar 1 tablespoon dashi gran les 1almon -illing: 5eat hal$ the oil in a $r&ing pan. Add the salmon and #oo0 $or "6, min tes ntil bro%ned on both sides and #oo0ed all the %a& thro gh. Allo% to #ool, then $inel& $la0e the salmon. Combine the salmon, spring onion *s#allion+, mirin and so& sa #e in a bo%l. 7a& a g&o)a %rapper on a board and p t ( teaspoons o$ the $illing into the #enter. Br sh the edges lightl& %ith %ater, then bring the edges together to en#lose the $illing and press to seal. Repeat %ith the remaining %rappers. 5eat the remaining oil in a large $r&ing pan, add the d mplings and #oo0 ntil #risp and golden. Add '0ml o$ %ater, #over and #oo0 $or abo t , min tes, or ntil the li8 id has evaporated. 2ipping 1a #e Re#ipe: Combine light so& sa #e, lemon 4 i#e, #aster *s per$ine+ s gar and dashi gran les .

1en. 9ohn Corn&n, R-.e:as, and Mrs. 1and& Corn&n Ceviche Martini Yield: ' servings ;;1erving #evi#he in a martini glass has a %a& o$ ma0ing &o $eel li0e &o <re eating something reall& =bad,> %hen &o <re a#t all& eating something that<s health&. .his re#ipe is $rom Reata, 7egendar& .e:as C isine;; !ngredients 1 ? po nds $resh shrimp, ra%. peeled, deveined, headless, and #hopped 9 i#e o$ 1( limes , teaspoons 0osher salt 1 teaspoon $reshl& gro nd bla#0 pepper 4 Roma tomatoes, di#ed " shallots, di#ed " green onions, ro ghl& sli#ed " 4alape@o peppers, seeded, and min#ed " b n#hes #ilantro, stemmed and ro ghl& #hopped .ortilla #hips !n a small mi:ing bo%l, s8 ee)e the lime over the #hopped shrimp. 1eason %ith salt and pepper. Add the tomatoes, shallots, green onions, 4alape@os and #ilantro. Mi: %ell ntil all the ingredients are thoro ghl& #ombined. Cover and #hill in the re$rigerator $or abo t ' ho rs. 1erve the #evi#he in a martini glass %ith a tortilla #hip garnish.

1en. 1a:b& Chambliss, R-Aa., and Mrs. 9 lianne Chambliss Sea Island Shrimp Prep time: "0 min tes !ngredients ( ? po nds o$ shrimp 1 onion sli#ed 1 B # p o$ salad oil "C4 # p %hite %ine vinegar 1 ? teaspoon salt 1 bottle o$ #apers %C4 i#e B teaspoon hot sa #e B teaspoon Dor#estershire sa #e 1 teaspoon dr& m stard , ba& leaves 1 lemon sli#e thinl& Peel and devein shrimp. Coo0 ntil pin0. 2rain the shrimp and let it #ool. 1li#e the onion and the shrimp. Mi: the remaining ingredients together. Po r the mi:t re over the shrimp and onions. Marinate overnight or several ho rs. 1erve in a large bo%l. /se toothpi#0s i$ served as an appeti)er.

Rep. Eli4ah C mmings, 2-Md., and 2r. Ma&a C mmings Classic Maryland Crab Cakes Yield: 4 servings Prep time: 1, min tes !ngredients 1 po nd 4 mbo l mp or ba#0$in l mp #rabmeat, $resh or paste ri)ed 1 large egg B # p ma&onnaise 1 ? teaspoon 2i4on m stard 1 ? teaspoon Fld Ba& seasoning *or to taste+ 1 teaspoon $resh lemon 4 i#e ? teaspoon Dor#estershire sa #e Gosher salt 1 B # ps $resh bread#r mbs *$rom so$t %hite sand%i#h bread, s #h as Pepperidge -arm+ 1 tablespoon #hopped $resh $lat-lea$ parsle& ( tablespoon nsalted b tter 1 tablespoon olive oil 7emon %edges $or serving 2rain the #rabmeat, i$ ne#essar&, and pi#0 thro gh it $or shells *4 mbo l mp %ill not have shells+. P t the #rab in a medi m mi:ing bo%l and set aside. !n a small bo%l, %his0 the egg, ma&onnaise, m stard, Fld Ba& seasoning, lemon 4 i#e, Dor#estershire sa #e, and B teaspoon salt. 1#rape the mi:t re over the #rab and mi: gentl& ntil %ell #ombined. Aentl& brea0 p the l mps %ith &o r $ingers, b t do not overmi:. 1prin0le the bread#r mbs and the parsle& over the mi:t re. Mi: thoro ghl&, b t gentl&H tr& not to t rn the mi:t re into a mashIit sho ld still be some%hat loose. Cover %ith plasti# %rap and re$rigerate $or 1 to " ho rs. 1hape the #rab mi:t re into 3 #a0es abo t 1 in#h thi#0. !n a 1(-in#h nonsti#0 s0illet, heat the b tter %ith the olive oil over medi m heat. Dhen the b tter is $roth&, add the #a0es to the pan *3 sho ld $it #om$ortabl&+. Coo0 ntil dar0 golden bro%n on the nderside, abo t 4 min tes. -lip the #a0es and red #e the heat to medi m lo%. Contin e #oo0ing ntil the other side is %ell bro%ned, 4 to , min tes. 1erve %ith lemon %edges on the side $or s8 ee)ing over the #a0es. 1pe#ial !nstr #tions: /se 4 st eno gh Fld Ba& seasoning to give a hint o$ its presen#e or it %ill overpo%er the #rab.

Rep. 9ohn 2ingell, 2-Mi#h., and Mrs. 2ebbie 2ingell Michigan Cherry BBQ Meatballs Yield: Jaries depending on si)e o$ meatball .ime: Jaries !ngredients 4 sli#es thi#0 sli#ed ba#on, $inel& #hopped 1C4 # p onion, $inel& #hopped 1 tablespoon garli#, $inel& min#ed ( po nds lean gro nd por0 1 po nd lean gro nd bee$ 1C" # p Ameri#an 1poon Cherr& BBK Arilling 1a #e 1C4 # p Ameri#an 1poonL 2ried Red .art Cherries, $inel& #hopped 1C4 # p bread #r mbs ( tablespoons #ream or hal$ and hal$ 1 egg, beaten 1 teaspoon dried basil 1 teaspoon dried oregano ( teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon bla#0 pepper 1C( teaspoon #a&enne pepper Preheat oven to ",0 degrees. 1a tM the ba#on in a small sa tM pan over medi m heat. Dhen the ba#on is abo t hal$ #oo0ed, add the onions and garli# and #ontin e to sa tM ntil ba#on is #oo0ed and onions are transparent. Remove $rom heat and drain an& e:#ess grease $rom the ba#on. 1et aside. !n a large mi:ing bo%l, #ombine remaining ingredients and mi: slightl&. Add the #oo0ed ba#on, onion and garli# $rom the sa tM panH mi: thoro ghl&. Portion meatballs b& sing a slightl& ro nded tablespoon o$ the mi:t re $or ea#h meatball. Ro nd ea#h meatball b& # pping &o r hands aro nd the portioned mi:t re and rolling &o r hands in a tight #ir#le. Meatballs sho ld be $irm in shape b t not pa#0ed tight. Pla#e the meatballs onto a greased #oo0ie sheet and ba0e $or appro:imatel& 1, min tes or ntil #oo0ed. !n a #lean mi:ing bo%l pla#e #oo0ed meatballs. Add Ameri#an 1poon -oods Cherr& BBK Arilling 1a #e to taste and desired moist re. Mi: gentl& and trans$er to a serving platter or bo%l. 1erve hot.

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