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Anwers Set 1 Ex A:1- Wilhem II/ 2-Serbia 3-Naval competition 4-The c.

is referring to the Schlieffen plan, Germany and Belgium. The cartoonist support Belgium because he says bravo, congratulating Belgium. ExB: 1 a 2 a3 b 4b 5b 6 a7a 8b 9a Ex C: a )France b ) Germany c) Germany Ex D: The disease is called Trench foot. He caught it because his feet were in water, mud, it was moisted most of the time Set 2 Ex A: 1-Alsace Lorraine, lost by France in a previous war against G 2- The Black Hand 3Because it was a region where people of different nationalities and different religions were living together 4. The alliance system, one country attack a friend in the alliance and soon they were all at war. ExB:1 c 2 a3 c 4 a5 a 6c 7 c 8c 9 b Ex C:a France b Britain c Britain Ex D; Barbed wire: 4/ Dug out: 1 /A place to sleep and storage goods ( for resting) Fire step: 3 / From there they would shoot Sandbags: 2/ A bag filled with sand to protect the trench from flooding and the men from bullets Machine guns: 5/ to shoot against the enemy Set 3 Ex A: 1- The army and military forces are given high profile by the government,/Building up armies , getting ready for war 2- They compete for the navy, for lands overseas, and their industries were also competing 3-He wanted to have more power than Britain, he was an ambitious monarch ExB: 1 b2 a3a4 b5a6 a7c8 d9c Ex C: 1: Germany/2Britain/ 3Germany Ex D: This is haigs opinion, he was the British leader, he would not go against his job and his country, it is biased.

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