News Articles On Human Development

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Karen Clarke PSY 1100 Dr.

Erskine January 29, 2014 Kindergarten is the new first grade, researchers find. This article points out that education is far more advanced for children as it was 10 years ago. Kindergarten teachers are expecting more of their students and pushing more literacy and math programs and essentially cutting out art, social studies and physical education. This relates to brain developing and how stress could impact young brains. Expecting more from children can be beneficial but making sure children are still having physical activity and enjoying their learning environment can be crucial, especially at such a young age. Feb. 3, 2014 More Evidence HPV vaccine doesnt promote risky sex. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is designed to prevent cervical cancer. There is debate that promoting these vaccines to teenagers is going to influence adolescents into practicing unsafe sex because they misunderstand what the vaccine actually does. This research highlights that adolescents have other contributing factors that go into place while deciding the manner in which they have sex or not. The article highlights that in order for our teenagers to be informed about sex is direct conversation. If we want our teenagers to practice safe sex or better yet practicing celibacy we need to talk to them about ways they can protect themselves. Feb. 12, 2014 Quitting Smoking May improve Your Mental Health, Too. A new study suggests smoking may be as good for your mental health as it is for your physical health. Researchers analyzed 4,800 daily smokers in the U.S. whom participated in 2 surveys. Those who had an addiction or mental health problems in the fist survey were less likely to have those issues in the second survey if they had quit smoking. When Dr.s treat those with mental health disorders, they may overlook their patients smoking hobbit because they choose to deal with psychiatric problems first. Clinicians tend to treat the depression, alcohol dependence or drug problem first and allow patience to self-medicate with cigarettes if necessary, assuming that psychiatric problems are priority and quitting smoking can only interfere with treatment. But this evidence suggests that quitting smoking can only improve mental health in the long run.

The correlation with Human Development is that mental health is priority to keep out overall health in good shape. Addiction is a hard habit to break and I hear smoking is one of the worst to leave but if it can benefit your well being in more then the physical state, that would be good information to pass on to smokers as another reason why quitting would be necessary. February 20, 2014 Flu hitting young people harder this year. Younger people are at a higher risk then the years before to catching the flu. People between ages 18-64 years of age represent 61% of all influenza-related hospitalizations recorded during the current flue season compared to previous years with the same age group of only 35% of cases. CDC experts estimate that only 40%-45% of Americans get vaccinated each year. It is advised that everyone 6 months old and above get vaccinated every year. Pregnant women are at higher risk of developing serious complications such as pneumonia. This article brings on is a great example of why we can never be too cautious. Medical advances offer us tools to protect ourselves. And if we choose not to utilize them we need to be aware of the viruses that are around. Becoming aware is the first step to protection. Protecting our loved ones and ourselves help stop the spread of diseases that are a threat to the human body. Feb. 27, 2014 Breastfeeding doesnt improve cognitive development, BYU student says. According to this article; previous studies have shown a link between breastfeeding and a childs performance at school, but are not able to explain the connection. This research suggests that its not the breast milk but the parenting style that give children the advantage in school. The mother that is available to breastfeed her child is the same one that is more likely to read to the child on a daily basis. The information above give mothers that are unable to breastfeed hope that they too can prepare their children for school the best way they can. Brain development in a child is more then just nutrition. The amount of attention a parent gives to a child also play a big role in how they turn out later in life. March 11, 2014 Fukushima, 3 Years Later: Disaster Still Lingers In the midst of a disaster, Fukushima has given us a good lesson of preparation. The damage at the plant was so severe that more then 100,000 residents that lived near by had to be relocated. Other nations are taking this example to try to make their nuclear power plants more sustainable against the power of nature. Environmental hazards play a huge role in Human development. When something so catastrophic happens it could halt the ability of our existence. Especially when it is something that could destroy our water and food supply. Not to mention the chemicals that get left behind that could harm development in all humans, or even rise of disease; weather it is curable or not.

March 17, 2014 China backs North Korea on Human Rights. The article brings up the issue of human rights. While some nations offer freedom others tend to be more controlling of the life they offer their residents. This article is specifically about the way North Korea is being accused and compared to those in Nazi Germany. North Korea is considering the report a political attack. This is an issue that could arise another world war. War only means a lot of pain and suffering for the world; especially if it becomes a world war. Our resources would take a big hit and cost of living would rise. Not to mention the violence that it would bring in all nations. March 27, 2014 U.S. Autism Rate Surges, CDC Reports Autism is at a rise. Compared to two years ago it has a 30% increase (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). The debate is whether it is caused by genetic inheritance or if environmental has something to do with the dramatic rise of the disease. The article also stated that in some states like Alabama the autism were 1 in 175 compared to New Jersey that has 1 in 45. That is a big difference. Which only seem to give environmental affects more credit. It does make sense that environment has a lot to do with Autism, also the rise is partly because it is easier to identify now then it was a couple of years ago. Pinpointing what causes Autism would help try to prevent it for our future generations. Not to mention put a huge cut in medical expenses for families everywhere. April 1, 2014 High Winter Ozone Hit Uinta Basin in 2013 Researchers studying the Uinta Basin and air quality during winter finally got good news during the 2013 winter, from plenty of storms that brought snow to help set up inversions that trapped air pollutants. This is good news especially in the Uinta basin considering the magnitude of horrible air quality. This is a step in the right direction to help us understand the damages that come along with poor air quality and it affects on the environment. April 10, 2014 Groundbreaking Procedure helps 11-Year-old Heart Patient With a new technology, involving a valve, Dr. Robert Grey was able to insert a trans catheter valve to open up the aortic valve and avoid another extensive surgery. The procedure took 2 hours and the patient was eating that same night.

What a great way to facilitate a procedure for patients that are already sick. It make recovery time much quicker and easier. With this procedure it gives the chance for patients to become stronger and enjoy their daily life.

April 15, 2014 Blood Test Aims to Predict Breast Cancers Return A new research has come about of testing patients blood to see if cancer is recurring. The test called cMethDNA is about 5 years away from being available to the public. With this test researchers can use gene activity as an indication weather cancer has returned. Aldo with blood test it would make help catch recurring cancers faster then with normal diagnosis. This is a great step in the direction of cancer and treatment. If there is a relapse and it is caught before hand then the treatment could be more effective. April 24, 2014 Study shows bullying has long-term health effects A study published by The American Journal Of Psychiatry reveals that the mental and emotional damage created by bullying can be linked to health problems later in life. Being bullied at the age of 7 to 11 also was associated with feelings of poor general health at age 23 and 50 with poor cognitive functioning at age 50, according to the study. Individuals who experienced bullying were also said to have a higher chance of having depression. This just goes to show the importance of middle age development. Even though you outgrow a phase in life it can still stick with you and haunt you throughout the rest of your life.

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