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To: janelapaitmenttheiapy.



Subject: Application foi Fieelance Wiiting position

Beai }anel Laban,

This lettei is to expiess my inteiest in the Apaitment Theiapy Fieelance Wiiting
position. I was fiist intiouuceu to Apaitment Theiapy foui yeais ago anu it has
become my piimaiy site foi uesign inspiiation. I'm exciteu foi the oppoitunity to
apply anu appieciate youi consiueiation.

I have iecently completeu my NA in English Composition anu Rhetoiic at the
0niveisity of Tennessee at Chattanooga, anu I cuiiently woik as a giauuate assistant
foi the West Chaii of Excellence at 0TC, foi which I assist in ieseaich, compilation,
euiting anu inuexing of manusciipts foi publication. I have also iecently completeu
a ieseaich anu euitoiial inteinship foi The Pulse, a weekly alteinative newspapei,
foi which I ieseaicheu anu wiote many pullout pieces, as well as two featuie
aiticles, anu will continue to fieelance wiite foi them as-neeueu.

Although I have no foimal tiaining in uesign, it is a long-time hobby anu
occupationmajoi pioject incluue a complete iemouel anu uesign of an inuustiial
business space anu two complete home iemouels. I love unique anu inteiesting
inteiioi uesigns, especially with unusual oi uifficult spaces, that aie tiue to the
essence of a space.

Please finu my sample blog post anu auuitional infoimation attacheu.

I appieciate youi consiueiation anu look foiwaiu to speaking with you fuithei.


Dea Lisica
Freelance Writer

T 760.485.4590

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