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Re: Resiuential Paiking West of Washington Avenue
Beai Notoiist:
The 8
anu 9
Stieet Bistoiic Bistiict Neighboihoou Association ("oui Association") is a nonpiofit
association oiganizeu unuei C.R.S. 7-Su-1u1(2), !" $!%& as a iesiuent iesponse to incieaseu business use
anu congestion in oui neighboihoou. Please be awaie that uoluen City Council Resolution No. 2SSS
establisheu a peimit paiking system in the 8
anu 9
Stieet Bistoiic Bistiict. Theie aie now signs placeu
on 9
Stieet neai Washington Avenue uesignating the aiea west of them as iesiuential paiking. If you aie
visiting the Nountain Toau Bieweiy please use the Coois Cieuit 0nion Paiking Lot oi the Ameiican
Nountaineeiing Centei lots on the east siue of Washington Avenue.

0ui Association has been an active paiticipant in meuiation attempts with the Nountain Toau anu in
uiscussions with the City of uoluen attempting to minimize the impact of this business on oui
neighboihoou. 0nfoitunately, owneis of the Nountain Toau have been laigely uniesponsive. Business
uecisions not to pioviue auequate onsite paiking, to maintain late business houis, anu to locate a noisy
beei gaiuen aujacent to iesiuences, while appaiently piofitable, come at a heavy cost to oui quality of life.
Rathei than taking seiious steps to auuiess the pioblems that theii business has cieateu foi oui
neighboihoou, the owneis of the Nountain Toau imply that neighboihoou uegiauation is a cost of theii
business mouel that must be boin by otheisthat oui loss is the piice of theii success.

You have a choice of wheie to enjoy a uiink. Beie aie some alteinatives:

- The uoluen City Bieweiy (92u 12
Stieet) maintains houis appiopiiate to a histoiic, iesiuential
neighboihoou, anu paiking issues in the neighboihoou have been iesolveu.

- The uoluen Noon Speakeasy (11uu Ninei's Alley) piouuces its spiiits offsite anu opeiates its tasting
ioom in a location not aujacent to people's homes.

- Cannonball Cieek Biewing Company (S9S Washington) has auequate paiking in a location sepaiate
fiom iesiuential neighboihoous.

- Baiiels anu Bottles Bieweiy (6uu 12
Stieet) is aujacent to the fiee uowntown uoluen paiking
stiuctuies anu has a small, quiet patio.

Thanks foi youi consiueiation!

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