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Dear Parents,

Its that time of year a ain! I am "ery ha##y to ha"e yo$r %hi&' in my (in'er arten %&ass this year) I *e&ie"e that if +e +or( to ether +e %an ma(e this a "ery s$%%essf$& s%hoo& year) It is my oa& that yo$r %hi&'s first ra'e e,#erien%e +i&& *e fi&&e' +ith #ersona& ro+th as a thin(er an' &earner) In or'er to rea%h this oa& it is "ery im#ortant that yo$ are in"o&"e' an' a+are of ha##enin s in the %&assroom) I am a&+ays a"ai&a*&e *y #hone or emai& if yo$ ha"e any -$estions re ar'in yo$r %hi&'s #ro ress or if yo$ +o$&' .$st &i(e to (no+ more a*o$t +hats oin on in o$r %&ass) I +i&& sen' a +ee(&y ne+s&etter that +i&& 'etai& the +ee(s &esson as +e&& as other #ertinent information) My oa& is to (ee# yo$ in the &oo# as m$%h as #ossi*&e) I +i&& a&so *e sen'in home a +ee(&y fo&'er that I %a&& their /0ri'ay 0o&'er1) This fo&'er +i&& ha"e any ra'e' #a#ers from the +ee(, notes for yo$ to si n an' ret$rn an' many #a#ers that are s$re to *e refri erator +orthy! It is a&so im#ortant that yo$ an' yo$r %hi&' *e a+are of my %&assroom r$&es so e"eryone (no+s +hat is e,#e%te') I ha"e a&+ays fo$n' #arents to *e "ery s$##orti"e of oo' %&assroom *eha"ior so their %hi&' has a oo' en"ironment for ma,im$m &earnin ) I am atta%hin a %o#y of o$r %&assroom r$&es to *e si ne' *y *oth yo$ an' yo$r %hi&' an' then ret$rne' on the first 'ay of s%hoo&) P&ease fee& free to in%&$'e any a''itiona& notes a*o$t yo$r st$'ent that yo$ fee& may *e he&#f$& for me to (no+) I #romise to %omm$ni%ate +ith yo$ any *eha"iora& or a%a'emi% %on%erns an' a&so #ositi"e #ro ress in the %&assroom) Li(e+ise, I ho#e yo$ +i&& %omm$ni%ate +ith me if yo$ or yo$r %hi&' sho$&' ha"e any #ro*&ems, -$estions or %on%erns) Sin%ere&y,

Carrie Ri
2in'er arten %arrie&ynnri s3yahoo)%om

4566 Ri s*ee Dr, P&ano, T7 8968: T ;:5<= 89>?>:66 F ;:5<= 89>?>:64W htt#@AA+++)#is')e'$

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