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Chelsea Lee Professor Lanius CHD 265

Parent Interview Did John develop typically during prenatal development? Were there any problems during your pregnancy? John developed normally and I didn't have any problems during my pregnancy. What was the birth process? A natural birth or a C-section? John was a planned C-section. I had some trouble doing a natural delivery with my daughter (she was an emergency C-Section), so the doctors took caution and planned a CSection for John. What were some significant developmental milestones/experiences, such as learning to crawl, walk, form sentences, etc.? He crawled and walked pretty close to "normal". I think he crawled around 9 months and walked around 12 months. He barely spoke until he was almost 2 and a half. He used sounds, like grunts, or made up words to get my attention, to tell me he needed something, etc. Then one day when he was about 2 and a half he started using actual words and forming sentences right away. It must have been a social thing because I started taking him to full time day care around that time. Did these developmental milestones happen about the same time as his siblings? If not, what do you think caused this difference? John was crawling and walking way before his sister (currently 5 years old). I think he saw her walking and wanted to do what she was doing. His sister began talking much earlier than John. She starting speaking words before she was 2 and was conversing with peers and adults around 2 years of age. I think Jenny was doing a lot of talking for him so he didn't feel like there was a need to talk. Have you noticed any developmental delays with Connor? Are there any signs that Connor is developmentally behind other children? If so, what milestones (language, cognitive, physical, social)? I haven't noticed any developmental delays with John. He has been developing typically for a 3, soon to be 4 year old, according to the Virginia Early Childhood Milestones.

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