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A p r i l 2 8 t h - m ay 2 n d, 2 0 1 4

The Week Ahead at DMHS.

Phoenix flyer

Mon. April 28th, 2014: Tues. April 29th:

6:00pm: Academic Challenge Team Banquet 11:00-1:00pm: leigh GONE to RCS PAPA meeting 3:30-5:30pm: SLT meeting in Statens room

Wed. April 30th:

Dalton l. mcmichael high school

Thurs. May 1st:

leigh GONE all day to Raleigh: NC Principal of the Year luncheon and speaking at NC Chamber about student assessment

Fri. May 2nd:

Special Olympics at RHS 2:00pm: Senior Decision Day event

End of 5th grading period (GRADES DUE May 5th by 11:59pm)

Upcoming Events: May 8th: Report Cards GO HOME May 10th: 1:00pm: 1st Annual Phoenix Corn Hole Tourney!!! May 12th: Staff Meeting May 16th: Prom May 23rd: Progress Reports go home May 26th: Memorial Day Holiday June 13th: Last day of school (Early release day) June 14th: 11:00am: Graduation

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