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What do you think? What will you tell your students? Cheating will not be tolerated in my class. If a student is caught cheating they will receive a zero for that assignment, project, paper, quiz, or test. I will discuss with any students involved how serious of an offense cheating is. I will make them do the assignment over or create a new assignment for the students. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period. It will be done with a class roster sheet. Our class will follow the school policy on attendance. Students will be in charge of their books for the duration of the class. I will sign the books out the first day of class and a book inventory sheet will be filled out by the student. The students will be responsible for a lost book or for replacing a book that is unnecessarily damaged. If a student does not have a book for the day, they will look on with a classmate or borrow a book from me or another student in a different class. Our class will follow the school policy for tardiness. I will fill out the appropriate forms when a student is tardy. If they do not have a pass but have an excuse of some kind, I will check in with the student privately during class or at the end of class. I will determine if their excuse is valid for their tardiness. I will have a responsibility grade as a part of every class. If students turn in their assignment in on time, they get the full amount of points for the assignment. If they do not turn it in on time, I take 10% off of the grade for the assignment. The responsibility grade is a good way to track how good students are at turning their work in on time. With the grade separated, the parents can also see how well their students are doing with turning work in on time and how that is affecting their overall grade. I will explain the homework policy to the class on the first day. I will let them know the grade is completely in their power. They decide to turn in work on time or not. When I need to get the attention of the entire class I will raise my hand and have students raise their hands and be quiet when they see my hand raised. If a student is not in school, it is their responsibility to see what we did as a class while they were gone. This will be posted on a bulletin board and the corresponding papers will be available on the board as well. They have one day for every day they missed to turn in the homework without affecting their responsibility grade. If they missed a test or quiz I will work with the student to find a time to make up the test or quiz. If we grade homework in class students will grade their own homework. They will use a writing utensil of a different color than they completed the homework in. I will trust that they will correct fairly and accurately.


Attendance/Lunch Count

Missing Books

Tardy Students

Homework Policy

Getting students attention

Absent students and make-up work

Grading Homework

TEACHER PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS I will post assignments on the board as well as the homework website that students and parents will have access to. Students will write their name, the date, and their class period on the top of each paper. Group work will be discussed at the beginning of the class. Students will have specific roles depending on the number of students in each group. Roles can include: note-taker, speaker, leader, encourager, etc. See homework policy.

Posting Assignments

Paper Headings

Group Work

Late work



The students will remain in their seats until I let them leave the classroom. They will not get up early or begin to put away their things before it is time to leave. They will look around their area and in the classroom to make sure they have all of their belongings before leaving for the day. If a student is talking while I am talking I will walk near them or give them a look so they are aware I need them to stop talking. If they do not stop talking I will address a row or section of the class that is paying attention and give them public praise. If they continue to talk I will ask them by name to participate fully in the class. If they continue to talk I will approach them and ask to see them after class is over. I will do this quietly so that it is not a disruption to the lesson. When the class is over or there is a time I can talk with the student privately I will have a conversation with the student about the situation. I will ask the student how they think their behavior affects their classmates, how it affects me, and how it affects them. I will ask the student if there is anything I can do for them in class to make it easier for them to participate. I will then make sure the student understands my point of view and what I expect from them in the future. If I catch someone passing a note I will immediately take it. I will then talk to the students passing the notes in private. I will discuss with them why passing notes is distracting in class. I will rip up the note and throw it away. Pushing and shoving will not be tolerated in my classroom. I will explain on the first day that students who are caught pushing or shoving will be given an appropriate consequence, lunch detention or after school detention. Bullying will not be tolerated in my classroom. I will talk with each individual involved separately. I will have the students involved write how the other person in the situation felt through the whole situation. They will write as the other person. I will follow up after they have written this and go from there. An appropriate consequence will be negotiated with the students.

Passing notes



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