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Teacher: Matt Arentz

Date: Jan 2014

Lesson Time: 40min Lesson: Health Islands

# Students: 20-25

Grade: K-5

Unit: Teamwork/Strategy/Tactics

Objectives/Standards P: Students will maneuver scooter boats around stationary and moving obstacles by keeping their head and eyes up and pushing through their legs. (PA 10.4.3.A, 10.5.3. A) (NASPE 1) C: Students will strategize with teammates to maneuver around obstacles. (PA 10.5.3. F) (NASPE 2) A: Students will rotate positions each round and work collaboratively to retrieve and return health foods. (PA 10.4.3.DF) (NASPE 4,5) Teacher: Teacher will identify and address students who are being safety risks and remove them/handle each situation accordingly. Teacher will continue to
reflect on how to best demonstrate and manage this activity.

Tech: N/A

Equipment: 2 scooters and 1 rectangular mat for every 3-4 students, 30-40 bowling pins/cones, 4-6 hula hoops, 20-30 plastic health foods

Set Induction, IA, Intro, Activity, TBI, ITV IA- Warm up stations At Bellefonte Elementary, students know to come in and begin their warm up stations right away. After each group has warmed up at each of the four stations, they know to bring it in and sit at their assigned squad spots. Set Induction- Health Island Who remembers our health class discussion about healthy foods found on MyPlate? Who remembers when we played Sharks and Sailors? For todays activity we are going to be in those same waters but there will be no sharks. This time you and your squad members will be taking a boat out to sea and bringing healthy foods to your island! Intro and Activity- Health Island Your teams island is fresh out of healthy foods! A plane was set to drop healthy food down to your island via parachute but it missed its mark and your food supply is floating out at sea! Your objective is to retrieve one healthy food at a time and bring it to your island. Each squad (or 3-4 students) is assigned to one island (hula hoop) and the scooter boat beside it (scooter boats are two scooters spaced evenly underneath a firm rectangular mat). With a team of four (which is ideal), two students are riders and


Management and Transitions Set up the equipment prior to students entering the gymnasium. If that is not possible due to scheduling, set up equipment while students are completing their warm up stations.

Safety If equipment is set up during the IA, instruct students not to play with or move the equipment, especially the scooter boats.

Assessment Check for proper uniform (sneakers).

X X X X X X X Bowling pin/cone Scooter Boat X


X Hula Hoop X Healthy Food

Demonstrate while explaining the safest way to enter/exit the boat. If you are not getting on you should be holding it steady with two hands. If you are getting on, you should place two hands in the center of the mat then swing one leg over (like you are getting on a horse). Sit criss-cross and hold onto the sides of the mat.

Safety checklist: did you safely enter/exit the boat? Did you hold the boat steady while you were a pusher?

two are pushers who are steering. Who has ever heard the word, buoy? A buoy can tell us about water depth and help guide the paths of boats so they do not crash into one another. The bowling pins are buoys. Be careful not to crash into any buoys or other boats (or the walls)! If you do crash or your boat falls apart (which it will) your crew must flag down the lifeguard (the teacher/student(s) unable to participate due to shoes/injury/etc). The lifeguard will come over to you to make sure everyone is OK and repair your boat. If your boat crashes, your healthy food will float back out to sea (teacher will place it somewhere on the gym floor). Your crew will need to go back to the island to restart. Each time the crew makes it back to the island they must rotate roles. The pushers become riders and riders become pushers. Especially with younger groups, it is important to give both riders a responsibility. The rider in the front of the boat is responsible for picking up the healthy food from the gym floor. They will then hand it to the rider behind them who is responsible for placing it in their hula hoop. When you are the rider in front, do not exit the boat to pick up food. Remember, the sea has been stormy and you dont want to be swept away!

Be cognoscente of your placement of healthy foods. Keep it away from walls and other foods to avoid unwanted and unnecessary crashes.

May need to Freeze the class to address safe steering/slowing/stopping.

Push with your legs! Steer with your head up!

Prior to set up, make sure the gym floor is free of debris and water spills.

Name one time your crew did/did not use teamwork? How did communication help you succeed?

Transition: With 2-3 minutes left in class, Freeze students. Assign one squad to bring all buoys to their container, another to collect all the food, one to gather scooters and hula hoops, and the other to bring the mats in.

TBI: each crew chooses food, path, rotation of positions. Crew that warmed up the best chooses their boat ITV: competition to see which crew can get 6 healthy foods to their island the fastest, +/- amount of buoys, students helping to lifeguard can be sharks (they can tag riders who are not on their boats-crew would have to re-start at their island), assign crews to a food group, crews can steal food from other islands, winning team (in a race) must be able to name the food group of each item they have collected, older students (grades 4-5) are responsible for constructing their own boat If students are allowed to construct their own boat make sure it is safe. At no time should anyone ever stand on their boat.

Closure (Review/Preview): That was a really fun game that tested your crews ability to communicate and use good teamwork. You also got a great lower body workout in when you were pushing! Who can tell me how their team used good strategies and teamwork to be successful? Great job today, next week we are going to be practicing skills for a sport but its a mystery until then!


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