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MinHRAC continues Legal Ass Achieving human rights protection with legal and humanitarian assistance, Mindanao Human Rights Action Center (MinHRAC) provides lawful action towards rights of the people who are neglected and violated. Maria Regina Lim, Admin Finance of MinHRAC pointed out that they are giving legal assistance to those people in due process of the law and following-up on the situation as it develops. In case of any offense, MinHRAC provides free service from their resident lawyers to those poor people who are being accused and violated. Most of the cases they handle are about mistaken identities from people who are used by authorities. Problems rise up due to clients who are complaining of being mistakenly identified and accused for actions they did not do. Furthermore, some were arrested due to mistaken identities. MinHRAC also conducted a discussion program in lieu with the Bangsamoro Agreement whereby numbers of constituent from ARMM suffered displacement and trauma from what happened in their land. As of the moment, MinHRAC is on the process of following-up cases of their clients in different situations. Mindanao Human Rights Action Center is located in Barangay Sta. Maria, this city.


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