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AiMe Morant Instructional Practice Coach


* Interactive Crossword

Find a Partner One Partner takes Down, the other partner takes Across 5-10 min.


Academic Language is the language used in textbooks, in classrooms and on tests. It is different in structure and vocabulary from the everyday spoken English of social interactions.


25 ELA Classrooms 6 observations for each teacher

Findings from the study:

*The quality of their speech has a direct relationship with student literacy outcomes *Teachers use of sophisticated vocabulary significantly impacted students reading comprehension


It is important when planning instruction to incorporate activities that allow students to speak/discuss. They need to be able to demonstrate proficiency with academic language in written and oral communication.


Learning academic English is probably one of the surest, most reliable ways of attaining socioeconomic success in the United States today. This variety of English entails the multiple, complex features of English required for long-term success in public schools, completion of higher education, and employment with opportunity for professional advancement and rewards. (Scarcella 2003)


Academic situations frequently expose learners to vocabulary that they might not otherwise encounter Change the everyday language into academic language.

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Informal English Uses hedges (kind of, sort of) Uses personal pronouns (I) Uses simple connectors (but, also, and) Uses slang (stuff, guys) Academic English Does not use hedges Avoids personal pronouns Uses sophisticated transition words (moreover) Uses academic words

Wordly Wise


Lesson 1 Its Process over Mastery

Takes time to teach and practice

Lesson 2 Its about much more than using a word in a sentence Lesson 3 We need an instructional cycle for promoting oral and written language Lesson 4 There are at least 5 key elements of oral and written language instruction

Use rich texts Know words and how they work Is highly interactive to support deep learning Targets depth of word knowledge


BY PIECE Vocabulary Instruction
How to use the word precisely in extended writing How to use the word to write & talk about other topics The different forms of the The different word parts inside word & how they are used the word & their meanings Multiple meanings for How to represent its the word meaning graphically Its meaning in the article How to use it to talk about the article Its dictionary definition The meaning of the word in different contexts
Day 8 &9

Day 7 Day 5 &6

Day 4
Day 3 Day 2 Day 1

What I already know about its meaning

How to Spell It

What it looks like

What it sounds like

How can we make vocabulary instruction work with the resources we have available?

DAY 1:

How to Spell It

What it looks like

What it sounds like

Phonics (sound and spelling connection) Creating Logos to represent the word (Word List) Ex: jet A TO Note: Make sure the logos represent the word in everyday life. Instructional Strategy: Foldable/ Cartoon Strip

DAY 2:

What I already know about its meaning

Its dictionary definition

Activating the students prior knowledge about the word. (Word List) Instructional Strategy: T-chart/ Think Ink-Share/ KWL Building Dictionary Skills: Each lesson illustrates the word the way it would be shown in the dictionary. (Word List)

DAY 3:

Its meaning in the article

How to use it to talk about the article

Each Wordly Wise Vocabulary unit comes with a passage. In this passage all the words in the unit are used and their meanings are illustrated through the text. (E Activity: Passage) Use questioning techniques to help the students talk about the article. Instructional Strategy: HOT Questions and Thinkpair-share

DAY 4:

Multiple meanings for the word

How to represent its meaning graphically

This is our connection between grammar and vocabulary. Multisensory grammar should be incorporated on this day. ( D Activities: Word Study, Fun Fact) Have students color-code the words to help them identify how the word should be used in a sentence . (Word List, E Activity Passage) Graphically: students must be able to make a connection to the letters in a word Instructional Strategy: Multi-Sensory Grammar

DAY 5 & 6:

The different word parts inside the word & their meanings

The different forms of the word & how they are used

Focus on the smaller word parts inside the word ( word roots, suffixes, prefixes) (Word List) EX: Transform Trans mean into another state or form Form means to configure, to mold What will happen if we add a prefix or a suffix to the word? EX: Order ( reorder, orderly, ordered) Instructional Strategy: Brace Map (thinking Map)

DAY 7:

The meaning of the word in different contexts

How to use the word to write & talk about other topics

Connection to day 4, Understanding meaning as it relates to the usage of the word. (Word List, Passage, Frayer Model) Bring in different text for the students to explore Instructional Strategy: Double-Bubble Map

DAY 8&9:

How to use the word precisely in extended writing

Students must have a clear understanding of the meaning of the word to be able to use it while writing. This connection starts when the student is comfortable using the word orally. Once the word becomes a concrete oral skill it can be transferred to writing. Model, Model, Model, and when you are finished MODEL AGAIN!!!!! Instructional Strategy: Shared Writing, Raft Writing

DAY 9:

Review & Extend

Each lesson is followed by a crossword or hidden word puzzle that uses words from the two proceeding lessons. (Review for Lesson) To extend the lesson Wordly Wise provides review exercises that incorporate understanding the meaning of a word and placing that word in the correct section of a given paragraph. Ongoing Review: Interactive Word Wall Instructional Strategies: Cold Call, Mix-and-Mingle, Role Play

DAY 10:


Each Wordly Wise Vocabulary Lesson comes with a pre-made assessment. These assessments are composed of 18 multiple choice questions. Teacher-made assessments Ongoing Assessment


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