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Part 1: Introduction
In a land of peace long ago there lived an evil
man called the Slayer of Light. He ruled a small piece
of land but the people were still afraid of him
because of all the terror and destruction. So a
sorcerer named Lakos forged a medallion with magic
and gave it to the Slayer. he didnt know it waS curSed
so the Slayer was killed by the medallion. Before he
died people say that he ordered his henchmen to bring
him back uSing darrrrkkk mmaaaggic. now heS
taking revenge on the world. (DUH DUH DUAH!)
Zack itS time for School! okay mom zack
moaned cant wait to See my family memberS in nepal
theyre aweSome. zack doeSnt know it yet but heS the
great, great, great, great grandson of Lakos, also
his father is a sorcerer. itS paSSed down from father
to son. They get told on their 13
birthday and zackS
going to turn 13 on friday and thatS when heS going.
As Zack rode his bike to school he met up with his
friends Jack, Emily, Marlin, and Mary who were
actually coming with him to nepal becauSe theyre
doing this big, great project on the Himalayan
mountains especially Mt. Everest. It also turns out
that ZackS family iS technically rich. zackS uncle is
a sorcerer too so he used his powers to make a sick
mansion for the family and friends. However nobody
but his uncle, aunt, and ZackS dad, and mom knew
about it. (Sorry about that now back to the story.)
Zack i cant wait to go over to your familyS and
climb the Himalayas and collect research on it! emily
screamed with excitement. me too! me three! zack
said. glad you guyS are excited when they got of
their bikes they locked them and ran inside.
mmmmmmmmm thatS all zack could hear as he
was sleeping like a silent hum of a plane. Zack could
feel the fresh cold air of Nepal he could imagine
himself on top of Mt. Everest looking into the majestic
mountains and skies. He would actually get to see. He
opened his eyes and felt a burning sensation on his
right Shoulder red hot burning he cried out ahhhhhh!
suddenly it stopped he looked at his shoulder he saw
an insignia on his shoulder the glowed bright yellow it
looked like this )4)4]CE (or something like
that). Good thing his mom is a deep sleeper if his mom
found out about it he would probably get destroyed.
He went back to sleep suddenly he woke up in a
white space that seemed infinite to him all of a sudden
an ugly old dude appeared in front of him. i am lakoS,
he boomed the Sorcerer of light, i am your great,
great, great, great grandfather. what are you
talking about zack Said like zack didnt Say anything
LakoS Said you are a special sorcerer born every 700
years which makes you very powerful you Said lakos
pointing his wrinkled finger at Zack a child of
prophecy. Suddenly zack woke up with his friends and
mom aS the Silent hum of the plane ran on. hiS eyeS
closed. He got up on a bed and with caution went
downstairs he saw his uncle Standing there howS it
going Sorcerer? zack walked up to him hi uncle
Shane zack Smiled So you know im a Sorcerer yup
Shane said. well im wondering if you can teach me,
Zack Scratched hiS head youre a Sorcerer right
yeah i am Shane said. letS go to the backyard
wait whereS my dad he Said he would be here, and
whereS my mom and friendS. your dadS doing a miSSion
and the Slayer took your mom and friendS.
what!!!!! Zack yelled so loud that the insignia
on his shoulder burned hot. calm down I only could
save you, and the only way to save them is to teach
youuuu magic hiS uncle Said with Sympathy. zack
looked down. okay now letS go they walked to the
basement the backyard.

Your first lesson is to form light into a powerful ball of energy,
Shane said. But first youre going to need gauntlets for accuracy, the first
way youll learn how to do it is with two hands. Have you ever watched
Dragon ball Z? Just do it like they do it Haaaaaaaa! Zack started yelling
but instead of using two hands he put one hand in front of him and
concentrated on saving his mother and friends. A ball of yellow light
floated in front of his hand then with all his might he let it go it floated to
the target so fast the millisecond he let it go it exploded and destroyed the
target and like a fifth of the backyard. Shane was amazed. That was
like level 10 sorcery how did you do that? Well Lakos told me I was a
special sorcerer born every 700 years Zack exclaimed. Lakos you mean
our ancestor? Yup Well then the rest will come naturally. Youre going
to the maze full of riddles and traps, youll go tomorrow. The cursed
medallion is the middle and the slayer is in a room to the far left thats
where your mother and friends are. You will combine the medallion into
your magic to destroy the slayer forever.
Zack was at the entrance of the maze. He walked in he was ready.
The first riddle he saw was in another language but he automatically was
able to read it, it said, dont look up dont look down theres always
something around. Dont think dont run just keep calm. Zack looked
around then all of a sudden his eyes lit up with a yellow light then he could
see the traps in the walls and floor. He slowly walked stepped on the right
plates and made it across. Then he let out a soft yes and then he fell
through a hole in the ground, Ahhhhhh, he screamed then closed his
eyes. Then he opened them and found himself floating about 5 feet off the
ground. Then he saw the medallion on the other side. He went on his feet
and walked toward it. Chink went the tile.
All of a sudden holes filled with lava appeared out of the ground,
and Zacks pants got burnt to a crisp. He jumped back and all of a sudden
spiders started to climb out of the walls and weird trolls appeared out of
the floor to come and destroy him. Zack felt overwhelmed. Then his eyes
started to glow bright yellow, and his hands illuminated the same color.
Then a giant explosion happened, and Zack found himself on the floor and
couldnt even remember what just happened. He walked toward the
medallion. Then he stepped on a tile and fell through a hole.
Again??????? he yelled as he fell through a dark space. He landed on his
knees and winced with pain. He got up, brushed off his burnt pants, and
then the whole room was filled with purple light.
Zack heard evil laughing and shuttered to hear it. Then he heard
yelling of his name and realized who it was. It was his mom and friends. He
ran into the purple light and appeared into a big red room with his mom
and friends tied up in a corner. He ran toward them, but he was running in
slow motion and couldnt reach them. Then a big giant man made out of
black smoke came into the room and hit Zack into a wall. Zack blacked out,
and the slayer laughed. He wakes up and his mom and friends are gone
and so is the slayer. He says, I need to get that medallion to destroy the
slayer. He went under the hole where he came from and flew up into the
room where he was, but the medallion was gone. He was furious and the
insignia on his right shoulder started to burn. Then a giant yellow sword
appeared in his hand. Whoa, Zack said. He started floating over the hole
and flew down. He searched for secret doorways and traps. His eyes went
into detective mode, and he could see secret passageways inside the place.
There were a lot. Then he saw one with black residue on it. It looked like
ash. The Slayer, he thought. He smashed the door down with his foot and
ran down the steps.
He saw the slayer with his mom and friends. He was putting them
over a bat of dark liquid and had the medallion in the other hand. How
did it not kill him? he wondered. Hes probably too strong. I need to get
the medallion and combine it with my powers so I can defeat him. Zack
caught him off guard and sliced the medallion out of his hand, but his hand
just grew back and he kicked Zack, but Zack blocked it with his sword. Zack
flew back across the room and landed on his feet. The medallion was in the
corner. He made a run for it. He reached it in time, but he couldnt figure
out how to combine it with his powers. The slayer made a powerful ball of
dark light and threw it at Zack. Zack didnt see it, and he got hit. It started
to burn a lot. Zack tried to heal himself, but it wouldnt work. All of a
sudden, his mind flashed and he figured out how to absorb the medallion.
It was pretty nasty though. He took it up and swallowed it. Suddenly, he felt
power through his veins. He got up and attacked the slayer, and his sword
turned green, and he chopped off the slayers foot, and he yelled. His leg
turned into smoke. Then Zack kept on chopping until he was turned into
little pieces of smoke. The power surge stopped, and he fell to the ground.
He rescued his mother and friends and flew them out of the maze. He
solved the riddle. He beat the slayer. He was done. For now

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