Number Theory

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Number theory (or arithmetic[note 1]) is a branch of pure mathematics devoted

primarily to the study of the integers, sometimes called "The Queen of Mathematics" because of its foundational place in the discipline. Number theorists studyprime numbers as well as the properties of objects made out of integers (e.g., rational numbers) or defined as generalizations of the integers (e.g., algebraic integers). Integers can be considered either in themselves or as solutions to equations (Diophantine geometry). Questions in number theory are often best understood through the study of analytical objects (e.g., the Riemann zeta function) that encode properties of the integers, primes or other number-theoretic objects in some fashion (analytic number theory). One may also study real numbers in relation to rational numbers, e.g., as approximated by the latter (Diophantine approximation). The older term for number theory is arithmetic. By the early twentieth century, it had been superseded by "number theory".[note 2] (The word "arithmetic" is used by the general public to mean "elementary calculations"; it has also acquired other meanings in mathematical logic, as in Peano arithmetic, and computer science, as in floating point arithmetic.) The use of the term arithmetic for number theory regained some ground in the second half of the 20th century, arguably in part due to French influence.[note 3] In particular, arithmetical is preferred as an adjective to number-theoretic.

An , or postulate, is a premise or starting point of reasoning. A self-evident principle or one that is accepted as true without proof as the basis for argument; a postulate. As classically conceived, an axiom is a premise so evident as to be accepted as true without controversy.[1] The word comes from the Greek (xoma) 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident. As used in modern logic, an axiom is simply a premise or starting point for reasoning.[4] Axioms define and delimit the realm of analysis; the relative truth of an axiom is taken for granted within the particular domain of analysis, and serves as a starting point for deducing and inferring other relative truths. No explicit view regarding the absolute truth of axioms is ever taken in the context of modern mathematics, as such a thing is considered to be an irrelevant and impossible contradiction in terms.


In mathematics, the term axiom is used in two related but distinguishable senses: "logical axioms" and "non-logical axioms". Logical axioms are usually statements that are taken to be true within the system of logic they define (e.g., (A and B) implies A), while non-logical axioms (e.g., a + b = b + a) are actually defining properties for the domain of a specific mathematical theory (such as arithmetic). When used in the latter sense, "axiom," "postulate", and "assumption" may be used interchangeably. In general, a non-logical axiom is not a self-evident truth, but rather a formal logical expression used in deduction to build a mathematical theory. As modern mathematics admits multiple, equally "true" systems of logic, precisely the same thing must be said for logical axioms - they both define and are specific to the particular system of logic that is being invoked. To axiomatize a system of knowledge is to show that its claims can be derived from a small, well-understood set of sentences (the axioms). There are typically multiple ways to axiomatize a given mathematical domain.

In both senses, an axiom is any mathematical statement that serves as a starting point from which other statements are logically derived. Within the system they define, axioms (unless redundant) cannot be derived by principles of deduction, nor are they demonstrable by mathematical proofs, simply because they are starting points; there is nothing else from which they logically follow otherwise they would be classified as theorems. However, an axiom in one system may be a theorem in another, and vice versa.

It is possible to draw a straight line from any point to any other point. It is possible to extend a line segment continuously in both directions. It is possible to describe a circle with any center and any radius. It is true that all right angles are equal to one another. ("Parallel postulate") It is true that, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, intersect on that side on which are the angles less than the two right angles.

In mathematics, a theorem is a statement that has been proven on the basis of previously established statements, such as other theoremsand generally accepted statements, such as axioms. The proof of a mathematical theorem is a logical argument for the theorem statement given in accord with the rules of a deductive system. The proof of a theorem is often interpreted as justification of the truth of the theorem statement. In light of the requirement that theorems be proved, the concept of a theorem is fundamentally deductive, in contrast to the notion of a scientific theory, which is empirical.[2] Many mathematical theorems are conditional statements. In this case, the proof deduces the conclusion from the hypotheses. In light of the interpretation of proof as justification of truth, the conclusion is often viewed as a necessary consequence of the hypotheses, namely, that the conclusion is true in case the hypotheses are true, without any further assumptions. However, the conditional could be interpreted differently in certain deductive systems, depending on the meanings assigned to the derivation rules and the conditional symbol. Although they can be written in a completely symbolic form, for example, within the propositional calculus, theorems are often expressed in a natural language such as English. The same is true of proofs, which are often expressed as logically organized and clearly worded informal arguments, intended to convince readers of the truth of the statement of the theorem beyond any doubt, and from which a formal symbolic proof can in principle be constructed. Such arguments are typically easier to check than purely symbolic onesindeed, many mathematicians would express a preference for a proof that not only demonstrates the validity of a theorem, but also explains in some way why it is obviously true. In some cases, a picture alone may be sufficient to prove a theorem. Because theorems lie at the core of mathematics, they are also central to its aesthetics. Theorems are often described as being "trivial", or "difficult", or "deep", or even "beautiful". These subjective judgments vary not only from person to person, but also with time: for example, as a proof is simplified or better understood, a theorem that was once difficult may become trivial. On the other hand, a deep theorem may be

simply stated, but its proof may involve surprising and subtle connections between disparate areas of mathematics. Fermat's Last Theorem is a particularly well-known example of such a theorem.

A number of different terms for mathematical statements exist, these terms indicate the role statements play in a particular subject. The distinction between different terms is sometimes rather arbitrary and the usage of some terms has evolved over time. An axiom or postulate is a statement that is accepted without proof and regarded as fundamental to a subject. Historically these have been regarded as "self-evident", but more recently they are considered assumptions that characterize the subject of study. In classical geometry, axioms are general statements while postulates are statements about geometrical objects.[6] A definition is also accepted without proof since it simply gives the meaning of a word or phrase in terms of known concepts. A proposition is a generic term for a theorem of no particular importance. This term sometimes connotes a statement with a simple proof, while the termtheorem is usually reserved for the most important results or those with long or difficult proofs. In classical geometry, a proposition may be a construction that satisfies given requirements; for example, Proposition 1 in Book I of Euclid's elements is the construction of an equilateral triangle.[7] A lemma is a "helping theorem", a proposition with little applicability except that it forms part of the proof of a larger theorem. In some cases, as the relative importance of different theorems becomes more clear, what was once considered a lemma is now considered a theorem, though the word "lemma" remains in the name. Examples include Gauss's lemma, Zorn's lemma, and the Fundamental lemma. A corollary is a proposition that follows with little or no proof from one other theorem or definition.[8] A converse of a theorem is a statement formed by interchanging what is given in a theorem and what is to be proved. For example, the isosceles triangle theorem states that if two sides of a triangle are equal then two angles are equal. In the converse, the given (that two sides are equal) and what is to be proved (that two angles are equal) are swapped, so the converse is the statement that if two angles of a triangle are equal then two sides are equal. In this example, the converse can be proven as another theorem, but this is often not the case. For example, the converse to the theorem that two right angles are equal angles is the statement that two equal angles must be right angles, and this is clearly not always the case.[9] There are other terms, less commonly used, that are conventionally attached to proven statements, so that certain theorems are referred to by historical or customary names. For examples: Identity, used for theorems that state an equality between two mathematical expressions. Examples include Euler's formula and Vandermonde's identity. Rule, used for certain theorems such as Bayes' rule and Cramer's rule, that establish useful formulas.

Law. Examples include the law of large numbers, the law of cosines, and Kolmogorov's zeroone law.[10] Principle. Examples include Harnack's principle, the least upper bound principle, and the pigeonhole principle. A few well-known theorems have even more idiosyncratic names. The division algorithm (see Euclidean division) is a theorem expressing the outcome of division in the natural numbers and more general rings. The Bzout's identity is a theorem asserting that the greatest common divisor of two numbers may be written as a linear combination of these numbers. The BanachTarski paradox is a theorem in measure theory that is paradoxical in the sense that it contradicts common intuitions about volume in three-dimensional space.

Well-ordering principle
In mathematics, the well-ordering principle states that every non-empty set of positive integers contains a least element.[1] The phrase "well-ordering principle" is sometimes taken to be synonymous with the "wellordering theorem". On other occasions it is understood to be the proposition that the set of integers {, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, } contains a well-ordered subset, called the natural numbers, in which every nonempty subset contains a least element. Depending on the framework in which the natural numbers are introduced, this (second order) property of the set of natural numbers is either an axiom or a provable theorem. For example: In Peano Arithmetic, second-order arithmetic and related systems, and indeed in most (not necessarily formal) mathematical treatments of the well-ordering principle, the principle is derived from the principle of mathematical induction, which is itself taken as basic. Considering the natural numbers as a subset of the real numbers, and assuming that we know already that the real numbers are complete (again, either as an axiom or a theorem about the real number system), i.e., every bounded (from below) set has an infimum, then also every set A of natural numbers has an infimum, say a*. We can now find an integer n* such that a* lies in the half-open interval (n*1, n*], and can then show that we must have a* = n*, and n* in A. In axiomatic set theory, the natural numbers are defined as the smallest inductive set (i.e., set containing 0 and closed under the successor operation). One can (even without invoking the regularity axiom) show that the set of all natural numbers n such that "{0, , n} is wellordered" is inductive, and must therefore contain all natural numbers; from this property one can conclude that the set of all natural numbers is also well-ordered. In the second sense, the phrase is used when that proposition is relied on for the purpose of justifying proofs that take the following form: to prove that every natural number belongs to a specified set S, assume the contrary and infer the existence of a (non-zero) smallest counterexample. Then show either that there must be a still smaller counterexample or that the smallest counterexample is not a counter example, producing a contradiction. This mode of argument bears the same relation to proof by mathematical induction that "If not B then not A"

(the style of modus tollens) bears to "If A then B" (the style of modus ponens). It is known lightheartedly as the "minimal criminal" method and is similar in its nature to Fermat's method of "infinite descent". Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Mac Lane wrote in A Survey of Modern Algebra that this property, like the least upper bound axiom for real numbers, is non-algebraic; i.e., it cannot be deduced from the algebraic properties of the integers (which form an ordered integral domain).

Archimedean Principle
Theorem Let x be a real number. Then there exists a natural number greater than x. xR:nN:n>x That is, the set of natural numbers is unbounded above.

Proof Let xR. Let S be the set of all natural numbers less than or equal to x: S={aN:ax} It is possible that S=. Suppose 0x. Then by definition, 0S. But S=, so this is a contradiction. From the Trichotomy Law for Real Numbers it follows that 0>x. Thus we have the element 0N such that 0>x. Now suppose S. Then S is bounded above (by x, for example). Thus by the Continuum Property of R, S has a supremum in R. Let s=sup(S).

Now consider the number s1. Since s is the supremum of S, s1 can not be an upper bound of S by definition. So mS:m>s1m+1>s. But as mN, it follows that m+1N. Because m+1>s, it follows that m+1S and so m+1>x.

Archimedean property
In abstract algebra and analysis, the Archimedean property, named after the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse, is a property held by somealgebraic structures, such as ordered or normed groups, and fields. Roughly speaking, it is the property of having no infinitely large or infinitely small elements. It wasOtto Stolz who gave the axiom of Archimedes its name because it appears as Axiom V of Archimedes On the Sphere and Cylinder.[1] The notion arose from the theory of magnitudes of Ancient Greece; it still plays an important role in modern mathematics such as David Hilbert's axioms for geometry, and the theories of ordered groups, ordered fields, and local fields. An algebraic structure in which any two non-zero elements are comparable, in the sense that neither of them is infinitesimal with respect to the other, is said to beArchimedean. A structure which has a pair of non-zero elements, one of which is infinitesimal with respect to the other, is said to be non-Archimedean. For example, a linearly ordered group that is Archimedean is an Archimedean group. This can be made precise in various contexts with slightly different ways of formulation. For example, in the context of ordered fields, one has the axiom of Archimedes which formulates this property, where the field of real numbers is Archimedean, but that of rational functions in real coefficients is not.

In mathematics, the Law of Trichotomy states that every real number is either positive, negative, or zero.[1] More generally, trichotomy is the property of an order relation < on a set X that for any x and y, exactly one of the following holds: In mathematical notation, this is , , or .

Assuming that the ordering is irreflexive and transitive, this can be simplified to

In classical logic, this axiom of trichotomy holds for ordinary comparison between real numbers and therefore also for comparisons between integers and betweenrational numbers. The law does not hold in general in intuitionistic logic. In ZF set theory and Bernays set theory, the law of trichotomy holds between the cardinal numbers of well-orderable sets even without the axiom of choice. If theaxiom of choice holds, then trichotomy holds between arbitrary cardinal numbers (because they are all well-orderable in that case).[2] More generally, a binary relation R on X is trichotomous if for all x and y in X exactly one of xRy, yRx or x=y holds. If such a relation is also transitive it is a strict total order; this is a special case of a strict weak order. For example, in the case of three element set {a,b,c} the relation R given by aRb, aRc, bRc is a strict total order, while the relation R given by the cyclic aRb, bRc, cRa is a non-transitive trichotomous relation. In the definition of an ordered integral domain or ordered field, the law of trichotomy is usually taken as more foundational than the law of total order. Trichotomous relations cannot be reflexive, since xRx must be false. If transitive, they are trivially antisymmetric and also asymmetric, since xRy and yRx cannot both hold.

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