J.C. Resume by Mira V.

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443 Edmund, St Paul, MN-55103 651-493-3258

To utilize my s ills and a!ilities as "ouse ee#in$ and "os#itality Mana$e%, &'ile (ont%i!utin$ to (ustome% satis)a(tion, smoot'-%unnin$ o) 'otel #%o(esses and su((ess o) t'e 'otel as a &'ole*

E+#e%ien(ed and e))i(ient &it' e+(ellent #%o)essional (ommuni(ation s ills* S'a%# and (%eati,e in sol,in$ (ustome% issues and (om#laints* -ast lea%ne% and an e+(ellent team #laye% &it' $ood team mana$ement s ills* .eade%s'i#, Team /uildin$, Moti,atin$ #eo#le and 0ele$atin$ e))e(ti,ely* St%on$ &o% et'i(s and sel)-moti,ated*


KWOODS CLOTHING D!""!# TX M!$ %00& ' N() %011 Store Manager 1ondu(ted daily sto%e ins#e(tions and ensu%ed sa)e and e))i(ient )a(ility o#e%ations* P%o,ided e+(ellent (ustome% se%,i(e to ne& and e+istin$ (ustome%s and 2ui( ly %esol,ed any %elated issues "i%ed and (%oss-t%ained #e%sonnel on additional s ills t'us sa,in$ la!o% (osts, im#%o,in$ #%odu(ti,ity and !oostin$ em#loyee 3o! satis)a(tion* Monito%ed in,ento%y #lannin$, (ont%ol and %eo%de%in$ o) t'e $oods at t'e sto%e Mana$ed day-to-day sto%e o#e%ations, in(ludin$ o#enin$ and (losin$ t'e sto%e* HOMEWOOD SUITES*HILTON B"((+,-./(- MN J0" %001 ' F23 %00& Manager 4m#%o,ed 5uality 6ssu%an(e Se%,i(e S(o%e o) t'e "otel )%om 587 to 85*47 &it'in 6 mont's* 1oo%dinated, di%e(ted and mana$ed t'e sta)) and 'otel o#e%ations to a('ie,e #%o)ita!ility, $uest satis)a(tion and e))i(ien(y &'ile maintainin$ standa%ds set !y t'e (om#any* S('eduled &o% a(ti,ities and (ommuni(ated duties and 'ou%s to sta)) and t%ained sta)) on 'o& to do t'e 3o! and moti,ate t'em to )inis' t'e tas s* Ensu%ed t'at all em#loyees a%e t%ained )o% t'ei% #ositions to ma+imize se%,i(e, #%odu(tion and e))i(ien(y Mana$ed and maintained e))e(ti,e and e))i(ient use o) all (leanin$ e2ui#ment, ('emi(als and mate%ials used, in line &it' (om#any #oli(y* 0eli,e%ed e+(ellent (ustome% se%,i(e, at all times, ensu%in$ $uests9 (om)o%t and sa)ety and !uild on-$oin$ #%o)essional %elations'i#s* RAMADA INN S/ P!0" MN S24 1555 ' O6/ %001 Executive Housekeeper Ensu%ed $%eatest attention to detail and 'i$'est standa%ds )o% o,e%all (leanliness and maintenan(e o) %ooms* Ensu%ed t'at all a##lian(es a%e #%esent in t'e %oom and in )un(tionin$ o%de% :e#la(ed un(lean linens and te%%y &it' (lean items and (a%%ied (a%t &it' su##lies to t'e assi$ned a%ea "andled duties o) Ni$'t Mana$e% and Su#e%,iso% e))e(ti,ely du%in$ t'ei% a!sen(e* THE HOLIDAY INN EAST S/ P!0" MN J!- 155% ' A47 1551 Housekeeping Attendant Pe%)o%med mo#in$, dustin$, ,a(uumin$ and $ene%al (leanin$* Maintained 'otel #%emises and %ooms in a (lean and o%de%ly manne% to t'e satis)a(tion o) (ustome%s and su#e%,iso%s* "andled &as'in$ o) &alls, it('en, !at'%oom, %e#lenis'in$ !at'%oom su##lies, (olle(tin$ linen )o% laund%y and disin)e(tin$ and ste%ilizin$ e2ui#ment and su##lies* :es#onded 2ui( ly to %e2uests )%om $uests and ot'e% de#a%tments )o% (leanin$ and maintenan(e se%,i(es*

MSS "SS 5 (e%ti)i(ation

A##(6,!/2 D2.722;in #%o$%ess<, St Paul 1olle$e, St Paul, MN G2-27!" E806!/,(- D2)2"(4+2-/ T2#/ 9GED: St Paul, MN

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