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Lesson Plan 1- Beans

Southwestern College-Educator Preparation Program Lesson designer: Cassie Sandlin Course lesson designed for: Student Teaching Subject area of lesson: Science/literacy Grade level of lesson: Kindergarten Standard(s) for this lessons objective(s): Students will make observations and predictions about beans as they watch them sprout. Students will be able to articulate observations about beans using words and pictures. For math use CCSSDomain: Cluster: Standard: For ELA use CCSS-Literacy.SK.L. Strand: Comprehension and Collaboration, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas. Boxed Sub-heading: Literacy Standards for Speaking and Listening Date: 3/18/2014-3/31/2014


Code: Literacy.SK.L.1 Literacy.SK.L.6

For all other subjects use- Science Standard: Characteristics of Organisms Benchmark: The students will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of organisms (life science). Indicator: Recognize that all organisms go through stages of growth and change called life cycles.

Code: KSb.5

Lesson title: Watching Beans Grow

Objective (s): Students will make observations and predictions about beans as they watch them sprout. Students will be able to articulate observations about beans using words and pictures. Meeting the needs of various learners/accommodations:

No adaptions will be made to activities. Para will be available to aid in further instruction if needed. Instructional Plan Indicate approximate time allocated for each component. Day 1 - Opening: 5 minutes Reactivate knowledge from our reading street story Seeds. Discuss with the students what seeds are, how the travel, and what they need to grow. Day 2 Opening: 5 minutes Have the students look closely at a few of the beans. Compare the differences and ask questions about what is happening, or not happening. Discuss why some beans are staring to grow and some are not. Discuss what could be done with the beans that are not growing yet. Day 3 Opening: 5 minutes Have the students look closely at a few of the beans. Compare the differences and ask questions about what is happening, or not happening. Discuss why some beans are staring to grow and some are not. Have students decided what needs to be done with the beans that are not growing yet. Discuss what has changed since last time we made an observation. Day 4- Opening 5 minutes Have the students look closely at a few of the beans. Compare the differences and ask questions about what is happening, or not happening. Discuss why some beans may have grown and some did not. Talk about what happened to the beans that didnt grow and what could be the cause. Discuss words that could be used to describe the beans.

Instruction: 5 minutes Day 1 Students will be given a green house, a wet paper towel, and a bean. They will be instructed to place the bean on the paper towel and then place them both in the green house. Day 2-4 Observation papers will be handed out and instructions will be given. Observations must include a name, a picture, color, and a word or words to describe the bean. Practice: 15 minutes Day 1 Students will fill out their first observation paper. Students must draw a picture of what the bean looks like using details and color. A word or words must be written to describe the bean in its current state. Day 2 (Day 4) Students will complete a second bean observation paper to note the difference between in the bean over the last 4 days. Students must draw a picture of what the bean looks like now using detail and color. A word or words must be used to describe the bean in its current state, or in comparison to the bean on day 1. Day 3 (Day 8)-

After taking a close look at the beans the students will complete a 3 observation paper. Students must draw a picture of what the bean looks like currently and now it has changed over the past 8 days. Students must draw a picture of what the bean looks like now using detail and color. A word or words must be used to describe the bean in its current state, or in comparison to the bean on day 4.


Day 4 (Day 14-final observation)th After looking closely at the beans the students will complete their 4 and final bean observation paper. Students must draw a picture of what the bean looks like currently. The pictures must have detail, color, and a word or words to describe the bean in its current state or how its gr own/changed over the past 2 weeks. Teacher asks: Example: What is happening to the beans? How are they changing? Example: Are the beans sprouting? If not, what should we do differently? What could we do differently next time? Example: What are some words that we can use to describe the beans? Closing: Day 1 Students will be assessed through whole-group discussion and their observation papers. Closing: Day 2 Students will be assessed through whole-group discussion and their observation papers. Closing: Day 3 Students will be assessed through whole-group discussion and their observation papers. Closing: Day 4 - Students will be assessed through whole-group discussion and their observation papers. After Assessment: Day 1 Students were very engaged in the lesson and are excited to see what will happen to their beans. Day 2: Students come up with some good words to describe the changes in their beans. Most of the students took their time and added nice details to their pictures. Day 3: Students were very interested in the changes we saw in some of the beans today. The observation papers were very detailed. Day 4: Students were engaged in the lesson and were eager to plant the beans that had sprouted in soil. Over all the students made the lesson a success.

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