AP Biology - Summer Reading

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AP Biology: Summer Homework

AP Biology is a rigorous survey of general college-level biology. The scope and sequence are comparable to the typical introductory level Biology course taken by Biology majors in their freshman year. We ill study biochemistry! structure and function of the cell! molecular biology "genes # gene e$pression%! metabolism! anatomy "human! other animals and plants%! homeostasis! pathology "disease%! populations! ecology! ta$onomy and phylogeny! evolution! microbiology! botany! reproduction! inheritance! biotechnology and bioethics. That&s a lot to cover in one year' The pace ill be intense "but manageable%. As a result! it is important for us to revie basic concepts of chemistry! biochemistry and the cell as quickly as possible at the beginning of the year. These concepts form the basis of much of the more advanced learning hich ill take place later in the year. You will benefit tremendously from completing the following reading from your textbook BE !"E school starts in September## (f you are inclined to take notes! ( accept notes and give a small amount of credit for them. The )otes are considered optional assignments "i.e. it doesn&t count against you if you do not turn in the notes%! ho ever! the *eadings are mandatory' )otes for the +ummer *eading ill ,)-. be accepted on the first day of class. Te$tbooks are available in the library for checkout to students enrolled in AP Biology. $ake care of this ASAP#

Te$t/ Biology, 0th 1d. 2ampbell. Addison Wesley. 3445.

"The chapters for this reading are identical in Biology! 6th 1d.%

Assignment/ 2h. 3-0! 7

%B& 'e will be testing on this material in the (nd week of class#

This is a lengthy assignment "appro$. 338 pages'%! and ( recommend doing a little at a time' PA++ T91 W,*: T, 1;1*.,)1 .,< =),W W9, (+ TA=()> AP B(,-,>. 9ave a great summer''

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