Studysmart Chapter 1 f5

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1.1 Analysing rate of Reaction 1.2 Synthesising factors affecting the rate of reaction 1.3 Practising scientific knowledge to enhance quality of life 1.4 Synthesising ideas on collision theory 1.1 ANALYSING RATE OF REACTION Rate of reaction is the speed at which reactants are converted into production in a chemical reaction The time taken for a fast reaction is short. Thus the rate of reaction is said to be higher. The time taken for a slow reaction is long. Thus the rate of reaction is said to be lower. Observable changes for measuring the rate of reaction a) volume of gas liberated b) precipitation formation c) change in mass during reaction d) colour changes e) temperature changes f) pressure changes The reaction of marble chips with dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl, 2 visible changes are:a) decrease in mass of marble chips (Reactant) b) increase in the volume of CO2 (Product) CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) CaCl2 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l)

Rate of reaction is measured by RATE OF REACTION = CHANGE IN SELECTED QUANTITY TIME TAKEN Average rate of reaction is the average value of the rate of reaction within a specified period of time.

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Rate of reaction at given time is the actual rate of reaction at that instant. It is also known as the instantaneous rate of reaction. Rate of reaction at given time = the gradient of the curve at that instant Example A reaction between HCl and Zn produces H2. The reaction is completed in 1 minutes and the maximum volume of H2 produce is 30cm3. What is the average rate of reaction SOLUTION Average rate of reaction = Volume of gas Time Taken = 30cm3. 1 mins = 30cm3 min-1 1.2 SYNTHESISING FACTORS AFFECTING THE RATE OF REACTION Factor affecting the rate of reactions are :a) Total Surface Area of the solid reactant b) Concentration of reactant. (aqueous solution) c) Temperature of reactant d) Use of catalyst e) Pressure of gaseous reactant. A) TOTAL SURFACE AREA OF THE SOLID REACTANT Large marble chips react with dilute HCl at a lower rate whereas when a small marble chip of the same mass are used, the liberation of CO2 gas becomes faster.

B) CONCENTRATION OF REACTANT When the concentration of a reactant increases, the rate of reaction becomes higher Example 1 Reaction between sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 and hydrochloric acid, HCl Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl (aq) 2NaCl (aq) + SO2(g) + S (s) + H2O(l) Example 2 Reaction between sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 and sulphuric acid, H2SO4 Na2S2O3 (ag) + H2SO4 Na2SO4 (aq) + SO2(g) + S (s) + H2O(l)

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Example 3 Reaction between HCl and marble chips CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) CaCL2 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l) SET 1 : 50cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 HCl SET 2 : 50cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 HCl

C) TEMPERATURE OF REACTANT The figure below shows the graph of temperature against time on rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and dilute sulphuric acid.

Its shows that as the temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution increases, the time taken for the mark X to disappear from sight decrease. Figure below shows the graph of temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution against 1/time.

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A straight line graph is obtained. This shows that :-

As the temperature of reactant increases, the rate of reaction increases. D) CATALYST A catalyst is a substance that alter the rate of chemical reaction while is remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction.\ Positive catalyst increases the rate of reaction whereas negative catalyst, called inhibitors lowers the rate of reaction. Characteristics of catalyst: i)

ii) iii)

- Its alter the rate of a chemical reaction - The amount of product formed remain unchanged with or without catalyst - Only small amount of catalyst is needed to achieve a big change in the rate - Increase the amount of catalyst used generally will increase the rate of reaction - It may undergo physical changes Powder CRYSTAL Solution - Finely divided (powdered) catalyst is more effective than lump catalyst - it remains chemically unchanged during the reaction - The mass of chemical composition of the catalyst remain same before and after the reaction 4 Study Smart

iv) v)

vi) vii)

- most catalyst are transition elements or compound of transition elements such as iron, nickel, and copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 -

- It is specific in its action - It can only catalyse a particular reaction but not others D) PRESSURE Affected by a change in pressure if the reaction involves gaseous reactant. This reaction will occur with a higher rate of pressure. 1.3 PRACTISING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE TO ENHANCE QUALITY OF LIFE Application In Daily Life a) Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid, Ammonia, Nitric Acid b) Cracking of Petroleum c) Manufacture of food such as margarine 1.4 SYNTHESISING IDEAS ON COLLISION THEORY Collision which achieved a minimum amount of energy is called activation energy. These types of collision are called effective collision. If the particles collide with energy less than the activation energy needed for reaction or with improper orientation, they simply bounce apart without reacting. These collisions are called ineffective collisions.

The movement of particles, collision of particles, activation energy of particles, orientation of colliding particles and effective collision resulting in reaction is termed as collision theory. 5 Study Smart

The number of effective collisions occurring in one second is called the frequency of effective reaction. It will determine the rate of a chemical reaction as shown in figure below. FREQUENCY OF EFFECTIVE COLLISION HIGH LOW

High rate of reaction Low rate of reaction When the frequency of effective collision is high, the rate of reaction is high. Conversely, when the frequency of effective collision is low, the rate of reaction is low. Collision theory and factor affecting the rate of reaction are :a) Effect of surface area b) Effect of concentration and pressure c) Effect of pressure d) Effect of catalyst A) EFFECT OF SURFACE AREA.

Increase in total surface area

Bigger-sized solid reactant - Small total surface area - Lower frequency of effective collision at its surface - Lower rate of reaction

Smaller-sized solid reactant - large total surface area - Higher frequency of effective collision at its surface - Higher rate of reaction

When the size of a fixed mass of solid reactants is smaller, the total surface area exposed to collision with the particles of the other reactant is bigger. The frequency of the collision among the reacting particles at the surface of the solid reactant increases. This leads to an increase in the frequency of effective collision, hence a higher rate of reactions. B) EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION AND PRESSURE. An increase in the concentration of the solution of a reactant or in pressure of gaseous reactant will results in an increase in the rate of reaction.

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Increase in concentration

Lower concentration - Less number of particles per per unit volume of solution - Lower frequency of effective solution - Lower rate of reactions.

Higher concentration - More number of particles per per unit volume of solution - Higher frequency of effective solution - Higher rate of reactions.

When the concentration of the solution of a reactant increases, the number of particles per unit volume of the solution of this reactant also increases. More particles per unit volume of the solution, the number of collision per unit time between the reacting particles increases. Thus, this frequency of effective collision increases and the rate of reaction increase. C) EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE

Increase in temperature

Lower temperature - Particles are less energetic and move slower - Lower frequency of effective collision - Lower rate of reaction

Higher temperature - Particles are more energetic and move faster. - Higher frequency of effective collision - Higher rate of reaction

An increase in temperature will increase the kinetic energy of the reacting particles. . This lead to the following two changes : a) The particles move faster and collide more often with one another. Thus, the frequency of collision is higher. b) More colliding particles have higher energy which are enough to overcome the activation energy Both these factor contribute to the higher frequency of effective collision and a higher rate of reaction. 7 Study Smart


Ea = Activation energy without catalyst Ec = Activation energy with catalyst

The presence of catalyst in a chemical reaction allows the reaction to take place through an alternative path which requires lower activation energy as shown in the energy profile diagram. Thus, more colliding particles are able to achieve the lower activation energy. This means that the frequency of effective collision increases and, a higher rate of reaction

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