Professional Engineer Summary Statement

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A brief summary of how you have applied the element Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed C.E1.# , C.E1.1$ , C.E %.1& , C.E&.11 , C.E&.1' , C.E&.1$

Competency Element

PE1 KN !"E#$E AN# %K&"" 'A%E a) I studied mathematics, Unit operations , ass transfer operations, !eat transfer operations in my graduation level and PE1.1 Comprehensive, theory-based used them in my engineering calculations. understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the b) I use engineering fundamentals such as engineering fundamentals applicable thermodynamics, heat transfer operations, to the engineering discipline mass transfer operations, unit operations to calculate heat loads, feed re"uired, and evaporation losses in distillations. a) I al(ays use appropriate and upgraded versions of computer programs and soft (ares in my engineering practices. b) I begin (ith the problem in hand and then arrive at the solution. c) I al(ays ma)e use of all available information and resources such as reference manuals, *ournals and internet etc. to find a reliable solution to the problem. d) I developed and conducted trial procedures to conclude viable solution. PE1.$ In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of )no(ledge (ithin the engineering discipline a) Concept to commissioning of .everse /smosis, embrane, bio- reactors, (ater pre- treatments as per re"uired specifications. b) 0esigning of ./s, 112Ps 3 E2Ps, based on ra( (ater 4feed) analysis reports, re"uired product 4permeate) specifications. c) 0eciding on suitable process, E"uipment specifications and process specifications after chec)ing feed analysis reports 3 PC5 rules 3 regulations. d) Erection, Installation, 2esting and Commissioning of process e"uipments 3 process plants.

C.E'.1' , C.E'.1% , C.E'.1& , C.E$.$ , C.E$.1' ,C.E$.1$ ,

C.E1.+,C.E1.1$,C.E'.$,C.E'.%, C, C.E1.',C.E1.$,C.E1.-,C.E1.1$, C.E'.',C.E'.%,C.E'.1#,C.E$.1%, C.E%.1&, C.E&.#, C.E&.+. C.E1.1%,C.E1.1&,C.E'.1%,C.E$.11, C.E%.1%, C.E%.1#, C.E&.1$.

PE1.' Conceptual understanding of the mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics and computer and information sciences (hich underpin the engineering discipline

C.E1.1%,C.E'.#,C.E$.1% C.E'.1,C.E'.',C.E'.$,C.E'.%, C.E'.11,C.E'.1$


C.E$.1$,C.E$.1%,C.E'.1&,C.E'.1$, C.E1.1%

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e) 6tart up, shut do(n, troubleshooting online, and debottlenec)s during process operations. a) I decide on suitable processes for a particular problem in hand. PE1.% 0iscernment of )no(ledge development and research directions (ithin the engineering discipline b) I al(ays collect enough information regarding problem in hand , perform pilot plant trails after developing process to solve that particular problem. a) Identification of problem and evaluating the outcome and finding a solution to implement. b) aintaining strict adherence to health and safety rules and environmental compliance in (or) place. c) y e8pertise in rectification of abnormalities and capability to cope up (ith process changes during process operations comes from my "uic) adaptability to situation and diverse (or) e8perience. a) I gather information from clients and underta)e process development as per their re"uirement. . b) I Prepare schedules and complete (or) in scheduled time frame. c) I maintain up-to-date compliance (ith environmental norms and government policies. PE( EN$&NEE)&N$ APP"&CA*& N A'&"&*+ a) I analy;e a problem and reach at various possible outcomes (hich can be implemented for a better solution. PE'.1 :pplication of established engineering methods to comple8 engineering problem solving b) I ma)e performance comparison of combination of different process development methods to achieve desired outcome.

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C.E1.1%,C.E$.1%,C.E%.1& C.E1.',C.E1.&,C.E%.1&



PE1.& 7no(ledge of conte8tual factors impacting the engineering discipline


C.E1.',C.E1.$,C.E1.%,C.E1.&, C.E1.# C.E1.1$,C.E'.1$,C.E'.1& C.E1.1%.C.E'.11,C.E'.1&,C.E%.&, C.E%.19,C.E&.1'

PE1.# Understanding of the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary engineering practice in the specific discipline

C.E1.&,C.E1.19,C.E'.',C.E'.-, C.E'.1&, C.E1.1%,C.E'.1%, C.E$.1%,C.E%.1&

a) I identify and propose options to achieve innovative solutions. PE'.' <luent application of engineering techni"ues, tools and resources b) I demonstrate the achievement of improvements in processes and outcomes. c) Using my diverse e8perience in different sectors of chemical engineering field, I al(ays develop a process and test its viability on pilot scale to ma)e commercial scale. a)I offered solutions (hich improved environmental outcome b) y interest in design tas)s to meet the agreed outcomes and cost structure c)I analy;ed and selected resources =processes =systems to develop the design d) It>s my duty to develop and chec) the design solutions using the engineering specification. a) Identify long term environmental and sustainability issues associated (ith engineering activities b)I identify ha;ards and conse"uent ris)s, and initiate appropriate safety and disaster management measures c)I revie( the design (ith the client to ensure that end user>s re"uirements are met and to gain documented acceptance d)I prepare current and final documentation for the overall pro*ect and process ensure that the supporting documentation is accurate, concise, complete and clear

C.E1.1$, C.E$.1%,C.E%.1%, C.E1.1$,C.E1.1%,C.E'.$,C.E$.1%, C.E%.1& C.E1.&,C.E1.1%,C.E$.1%,C.E%.$,

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PE'.$ :pplication of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes


C.E'.+,C.E'.?,C.E'.1%,C.E$.+, C.E$.?,C.E%.19 C.E'.',C.E'.$

PE'.% :pplication of systematic approaches to the conduct and management of engineering pro*ects

C.E1.#,C.E1.+,C.E1.-,C.E'.1%, C.E'.1&,C.E$.11,C.E$.1$,C.E%.1%, C.E&.11

e)I evaluate the performance of the design outcome in the end user >s environment using appropriate tools and developed corrective actions to improve disadvantages revealed during operation PE, P) -E%%& NA" AN# PE)% NA" A**)&'.*E% a) y adaptability to cope up (ith change. PE$.1 Ethical conduct and professional accountability b) I easily develop a trust from my superiors by completion of assigned duties in given time frame and for my confidentiality. c)I achieved recognition from colleagues and clients (or)ing in my current position

C.E1.-,C.E1.1$,C.E1.1%,C.E'.11, C.E'.1&,C.E'.1#,C.E$.1%,C.E%.$, C.E%.1&

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C.E1.?,C.E1.1%,C.E'.$,C.E'.11, C.E%.1%,C.E%.1&

a) ost of my decisions are based on discussions bet(een team-members during pro*ects 3 process operations. PE$.' Effective oral and (ritten communication in professional and lay domains b) I al(ays update my engineering capabilities, technical and non technical )no(ledge, so that I can communicate effectively (ith the clients, superiors and (ith colleagues.

C.E1.-,C.E1.1$,C.E'.1,C.E'.19, C.E'.11,C.E'.1%,C.E$.# C.E1.',C.E1.$,C.E1.%,C.E1.+, C.E1.-,C.E1.?,C.E1.1$,C.E'.1, C.E'.$,C.E'.&,C.E'.1%,C.E'.1&, C.E$.+,C.E$.1$,C.E$.1%,C.E%.1%, C.E%.1&

PE$.$ Creative innovative and proactive demeanour

a) I identify and propose options to achieve innovative solutions a) I )eep the user end documentation simple for their easy understanding. b) I )eep filling in the technical documentation along design phase for ma8imum guidance and for easy reference. c) I used data statistics (hich (ere received through computer soft (are 46C:0: 3 0CP6) to analy;e a particular process operation and performance of a particular e"uipment to bring out all necessary changes (herever re"uired. a) I maintain professional attitude in the (or) environment.

C.E1.$,C,E1.1',C.E1.1$, C.E1.1%,C.E'.1,C.E'.',C.E'.$, C.E'.#,C.E'.-,C.E$.1%,C.E%.1& C.E$.1%, C.E%.1& C.E 1.1$,C.E'.1&,C.E$.11,C.E$.1$

PE$.% Professional use and management of information


C.E1.',C.E1.-,C.E1.19,C.E1.1$, C.E'.',C.E'.$,C.E'.1',C.E%.1& C.E1.1$,C.E'.1,C.E'.$,C.E%1%

PE$.& /rderly management of self, and professional conduct

b) I interact (ith specialists in other fields developing the pro*ects and process that demand applying of broader )no(ledge a) I coordinated (ith peers in process development department (hile developing pilot scale trials. b) I (or) (ith a team performing most of the tas)s assigned to me.

PE$.# Effective team membership and team leadership


C.E1.&,C.E1.-,C.E'.%,C.E'.&, C.E'.+,C.'.19,C.E'.1$,C.E$.#, C.E$.+,C.E$.1%,C.E%.?,C.E%.1%, C.E&.11 C.E'.1%,C.E$.1% C.E1.1%,C.E'.1,C.E'.',C.E%.1%

c) I mentor others in specific areas of engineering focus. d) I al(ays interact and discuss (ith e8perts in (ater engineering and (aste solvent recovery plants particularly (hile preparing P@0s4plant lay out diagrams), P3I0s4process 3 instrumentation diagrams), P<0s4process flo( diagrams).

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