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Komentar na U.G.

Krishnamurty - Ja se vec bio ponadao da mislis na onog poznatijeg (necemo sad ici drukcije usporedjivati ) Krishnamuriyja Jiddua K-a kako je pre!erirao da ga zovu. Ja mislim da su za K-a svi !ilozo!i osim antickih mala djeca. "a sathyasai-org bi se isto slozio preporucam i da odete ravno u #uttaparthi ak ikako mozete. $o ovaj je topic ionako sajam tastine. Ko zeli nesto vrijedno naci on ce to lako i pronaci. "to se tice ozbiljnije literature opcenito tko zeli linkove i sami popis litarature moze naci ov%ekarce&http&''((('h...cije'dr ugo.htm )jde kad smo vec kod upravo dobih dana*nju misao dana iz puttaparthija (iz onog malog internet ka!ea odmah preko puta ulaza u a*ram jedan momak odrzava tu googlegroup). +ijelim s vama na znanje i ravnanje&

-hought !or the day Kno( that seva (service) is a better !orm o! sadhana (spiritual e.ercise) than even dhyana (meditation)/ ho( can God appreciate the dhyana you do (hen you do not make any e!!orts to alleviate the su!!ering o! your neighbour0 +o not keep yoursel! aloo! intent on your o(n salvation. 1ove among your brothers and sisters looking !or opportunities to help them (hile at the same time having the $ame o! God on the tongue and the 2orm o! God be!ore your mind3s eye. -hat is the highest sadhana. 3+il me 4aam 5ath me Kaam63 (7nstall God in your heart and go about attending to your tasks at hand). #roceed in that spirit God3s Grace (ill be sho(ered on you in !ull measure. 888888888888888888 Kolki idiot mora* bit da stavi* sliku *ahovnice u potpis

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