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I. Hon thnh cc cu so snh sau: 1. so snh ngang bng. a. Mary/tall/her brother. b. A lemon/not sweet/ an orange. c. A donkey/not big/ a horse.

d. This dress/pretty/that one. e. the weather/not cold/ yesterday. 2. so snh hn: a. A rose/beautiful/ a weed. b. A dog/intelligent/ a chicken. c. Ba/ friendly/ Nam. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

d .Your house/far/from school /my house. _______________________________________________ e. A horse/ strong/ a person. 3. So snh cao nht: a. The Nile/long/ri er/ in the world. b. !an/ tall/ student / in my class. c. "nglish coffee/bad/ of all. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

d. Australia/ small/ continent in the world. _______________________________________________ e. That/high/ mountain in the world. _______________________________________________ B#i t$p %& 'o#n th#nh c(u b)ng d*ng so s+nh ,-ng c.a t/ trong ngo0c %. 'er daughter is 11111.her 2beautiful3. 4. 5ummer is111111..season of the year 2hot3 6. That dog isn7t looks 2dangerous3 8. 9n the past: people were 111111..than today 2polite3 ;. 9t is than it was yesterday 2cold3 <. =ur hotel was 1111..than all the others in the town 2cheap3 >. ?hat7s 111111..ri er in the world 2long3 @. 9t was an awful day. 9t was of my life 2bad3 A. " erest is11111111mountain in the world. 9t is 1111.than any other mountain

2high3 %B. 9 prefer this chair to the other one. 9t7s 1111112comfortable3 B#i t$p 4& CiDt l*i c+c c(u sau bEt ,Fu b)ng t/ cho trGHc sao cho nghIa khJng thay ,Ki. %. This is the most delicious cake 97 e e er tasted. LM 97 e1111111111.. 4. 97 e ne er met any more dependable person than Neorge. LM Neorge is1111111111 6. There isn7t anybody as kindOhearted as your mother. LM Your mother is 11111111 8. There is no better teacher in this school than Mr Pohn. LM Mr Pohn is11111111111.. ;. 'a e you got any bigger than that oneQ LM 9s this111111111111...Q
key Bi 1: 1. Her daughter is as beautiful as her. 2. Summer is the hottest season of the year. 3. That dog isnt as dangerous as it looks. 4. In the past, people ere more polite than today. !. It is "older today than it as yesterday. #. $ur hotel as "heaper than all the others in the to n. %. &hats the longest ri'er in the orld. (. It as an a ful day. It as the orst day of my life. ). *'erest is the highest mountain in the orld. It is higher than any other mountain. 1+. I prefer this "hair to the other one. Its more "omfortable. Bi 2: 1. This is the most deli"ious "ake I'e e'er tasted. ,- I'e ne'er tasted a more deli"ious "ake than this one. 2. I'e ne'er met any more dependable person than .eorge. ,- .eorge is the most dependable person I'e e'er met. 3. There isnt anybody as kind/hearted as your mother. ,- 0our mother is more kind/hearted than anyone. 4. There is no better tea"her in this s"hool than 1r 2ohn. ,- 1r 2ohn is the best tea"her in this s"hool. !. Ha'e you got any bigger hat than that one3 ,- Is this the smallest hat you'e got3

II. Rewrite these sentences, ee!ing the origina" #eaning:

%. My house is bigger than your house.

RYour house is. .....................

4. The black car is cheaper than the red car.

RThe red car_____________

6. This film is more interesting than that one.

RThat film is_____________

8. My kitchen is smaller than yours.

R Your kitchen________________

;. My grandmother is older than e ery one in my family.

R My grandmother is the________
<. No one in my class is as tall as Tam.

R Tam is the____________________
>. 9 can7t cook as well as my mother.

R My mother can cook____________

@. 'e does not play tennis as well as Pack.

R Pack can___________________
A. 9 did not spend as much money as you.

R You spent___________________
%B. 9 don7t think this book is eSpensi e as it is.

R This book is____________

%%. 'e is the tallest boy in his class.

R No one in_______________
%4. This is the most interesting film of all.

R No other films are_____________

%6. No cars in the world are more eSpensi e than Papanese ones.

RPapanese cars _____

%8. This eSercise is easier than that one.

R That eSercise is not_________

%;. 'e dri es more carefully than Pack does.

R Pack_____________
%<. No one in the group plays better than he.

R 'e can___________________
%>. No hotel in the city is as comfortable as this.

R This hotel is the _______

%@. =ther oceans in the world aren7t as large as the Tacific one.

R The Tacific =cean is ______

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