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10th of Ramadan City, Cairo Mobile: +20 10 611 33462 Email: farou !hosni"msn!



$o %or in a &ell'established (ro&in( or(ani)ation that &ould enhan#e and de*elo+ my #areer, e,+ose me to a #hallen(in( &or in( en*ironment, &here my a#ademi# ba# (round #an be a++lied! 200- . 200/ 0!1 in Commer#e, A##ountin( 2e+artment 1ue) Canal 3ni*ersity 4une 11 . 4une 11 Communi#ations 1 ill 2e*elo+ment Course, 1+onsored by EMA5 A#ademy! Au( 11 . 6#t 11 Certifi#ation of 0asi# 1 ill 7C018 9 En(lish Course 1+onsored by A:;A $rainin( Center! <o* 11 ' <o* 11 A##ountin( $ra# 7 0at#h $ree =ro(ram 8 2e# 2011 A#>uired 0asi# 0usiness 1 ills and Enhan#ed =resentation 9 =ro?e#t de*elo+ment 1 ills trainin( #ourse! 2e# 2011 E(y+tian Customs Authority $rainin( Course! 2e# 12 . ;eb 13 En(lish Con*ersation Course at 0erlit)! Attaintin( 0usiness Administration 2i+loma at Ain 1hams 3ni*ersity 2012@2014!



4uly 06 . 1e+ 06 A##ountant at A00 Arab! 4uly 0A . 1e+ 0A Customer 1er*i#es =osition at <1B0 0an ! 4uly 0C . 1e+ 0/ :o#al =ur#hasin( A##ountant at Ener(yasteel ;abri#ation #o!, 7 Else&edy Delal 8! A+ril 12 . 1e+ 12 Customs 0ro er at $enth of Ramadan 2ry =ort! E,#ellent #ommuni#ation s ills in (reetin( #ustomers, listenin( and assessin( re>uested desires, and assistin( to satisfy needs! Able to #onfront dissatisfied #ustomers, settle them, and +ro*ide resolution! Effe#ti*ely in#reased #ustomer sales in *arious +ositions! =re+ared sales re+orts, &rote +ur#hase orders, and #ondu#ted re(ular in*entories! Di(hly or(ani)ed and dedi#ated &ith +ositi*e attitude! =erform multi+le assi(nments under +ressure and #onsistently meet deadlines!


Arabi#, En(lish - Language - Co !u"e# S$%&&' INTERESTS REFERENCES

M1 offi#e a++li#ation %ord, E,#el, A##ess 9 =o&er=oint! Enternet 3ser, Readin( 1hort 1tories, $ra*elin(, :istenin( Musi# 9 1&immin(!

A(a%&a)&e U!on Re*ue'"+

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