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"Twas later when the summer went" By Emily Dickinson [Analysis]

'Twas later when the summer went [1] Than when the Cricket came -- [2] And yet we knew that gentle Clock [3] Meant nought but Going Home -- [4] 'Twas sooner when the Cricket went [5] Than when the Winter came [6] Yet that pathetic Pendulum [7] Keeps esoteric Time. [8]
Poem 1276 [F1312] "Twas later when the summer went" Analysis by David Preest [Poem]

Each year the arrival of the cricket is a 'Clock' striking the hour for summer's departure, and each year the departure of the cricket announces the coming of winter. This regularly repeated sequence of events, marked by nature's 'Pendulum,' affects us all, and yet the significance of it for our destiny (cf. poem 1271) is known only to the 'esoteric' circle of a few initiates.

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