Diff 510 Integration Matrix-1

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Blooms Taxonomy

tell! list! de"ine! la#el! recite! memori$e! repeat! "ind! name! record! "ill in! recall! relate

locate! explain! summari$e! identi"y! descri#e! report! discuss! review! paraphrase! restate! retell! show! outline! rewrite

demonstrate! construct! record! use! diagram! revise! re"ormat! illustrate! interpret! dramati$e! practice! organi$e! translate! manipulate! convert! adapt! research! calculate! operate! model! order! display! implement! se%uence! integrate! incorporate

compare! contrast! classi"y! criti%ue! categori$e! solve! deduce! examine! di""erentiate! appraise! distinguish! investigate! categori$e! in"er

&udge! predict! veri"y! assess! &usti"y! rate! prioriti$e! determine! select! decide! value! choose! "orecast! estimate

compose! design! hypothesi$e! "ormulate! create! invent! develop! re"ine! produce! trans"orm

Gardners Multiple ntelligences

Verbal/linguistic poetry, debate, storytelling, essay, checklist, journal

'e"ine the di""erence #etween eu(aryotes and pro(aryotes) n your own words +a#el a diagram o" an animal and plant cell on a real photograph o" a cell +ist the cell theory in your note#oo(

Summari$e the importance how cells are the essential #uilding #loc(s o" an organism

Construct a Compare and contrast childrens story animal cells and plant #oo( using the cell cells using a chec(list organelles as the main characters and include the &o# o" each Construct a game #oard that could #e used to review "or a cells test ,n a poster criti%ue how cell organelles and their "unctions can #e compared to how a school is run

*redict the "uture in an essay i" cloning human cells in the medical "ield was per"ected

'evelop a de#ate speech on the importance o" stem cell research Create a visual model o" an animal cell and plant cell with all la#eled parts /ormulate a word map connecting all (ey voca#ulary in this cells unit

Visual/spatial drawing, model, poster, photograph, storyboard, illustration, board game

llustrate a comic strip that retells how essential cells are

Logical/mathematical diagram, outline, timeline, chart, critique, graph

Naturalist classification, collection, display, observation, forecast, investigation, simulation, e hibit, identification

Classi"y various slides #y de"ining each as smooth! cardiac! or s(eletal

,utline a diagram identi"ying living and non living things #y cutting out pictures "rom a maga$ine and identi"ying them as one or the other ,#serve a live plant cell under a microscope that has #een exposed to sunlight and report your "indings in your

Se%uence how a cell #ecomes an organism in a diagram or chart that can #e used to study "rom and hung in the classroom 0esearch the a""ect Compare and contrast o" an onion cell in a animal and plant cells salt solution vs) a in a 1enn diagram distilled water solution

Select images "rom a maga$ine and decide on i" the living thing is made up o" plant! animal cells! or matter nvestigate the *redict the timeline how the cell reproduction rate theory came to #e and o" a single yeast in"er the scientist you cell in a - .year #elieve made the time "rame using a most contri#ution and graph #log a#out it Estimate the total num#er o" cells in the "ield o" view under low power in a specimen o" your choice

Trans"orm your classroom into a virtual cell #y la#eling parts into cell organelles

!usical song, rap, lyrics, composition, jingle, slogan, melody

Memori$e all the parts o" a cell in a catchy &ingle

science &ournal Explain how a song o" your choice could #e used to remem#er what a cell is

0ecord a rap or song a#out the cell organelles and their "unctions

Categori$e how a cell organelles must wor( in harmony with one another &ust li(e a marching #and to (eep rhythm and #alance Solve a case study using the cell theory and act it out li(e 4C S! +aw and ,rder! criminal minds ect) Examine all the assessments we have done in this unit so "ar 2homewor(! %ui$$es! la#s! in class assignments ect3 choose one to redo and explain how your revisions were an improvement Appraise an older cell la# and rewrite the la# in your learning group so that it is easier to "ollow around and uses up to date technology we have availa#le in the classroom

+isten to various songs a#out cells and rate them "rom your most "avorite to your least "avorite and explain why *retend you are a lead scientist in stem research and &usti"y yoursel" to a prodding news reporter 2 act out and record interview3 Choose a good #elie" statement "or each cell organelle

"odily/#inesthetic role play, skit, pantomime, dance, invention, lab, improvisation, prototype

0ole play one o" the scientists we have studied on our cell unit and recite a #iography a#out that person n your science &ournal de"ine all (ey voca# in our cells unit ! include de"inition! a picture! and a good comparison n a group play the memory game using cell matching "lashcards

0etell la# instructions "or one o" the cell la#s we have conducted #y acting li(e a mime 2who cannot tal(3 *araphrase the Endosym#iotic theory in your own words

'ramati$e a s(it depicting yoursel" as your "avorite organelle

'evelop an essay explaining how cells are the #uilding #loc(s o" all living things &ust as music notes compose all songs Compose a play where the cell organelles are the main characters

$ntrapersonal journal, log, goal statement, belief statement, selfassessment, editorial

Construct a &ournal entry as i" you were your "avorite organelle

Create a port"olio o" some o" the #est wor( you have done so "ar in our cells unit

$nterpersonal discussion, roundtable, service learning, conversation, group activity, position statement, interview

5ith a partner go over the review %uestions at the end o" the cells chapter

'iscuss the research article a#out cells at your ta#le and answer the "ollow up %uestions with one person as the reporter! summari$er! illustrator and recorder

6usti"y the cell theory in a persuasive writing piece why it is called a theory and not a proven "act) 'iscuss in class your position

nvent a &eopardy review game with %uestions and answers in a small group

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