Positive Community Attitudes Summary

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Tammy Hoppe

Visual Arts Teacher (1996 present) Rock Rapids, IA

The Blueprint

The Project
Multicultural Education
! Patricia Stuhr (1994) - Inspiration ! Multicultural understanding ! Reconstructs school social setting ! Enable students to envision a nation where all citizens are equal

Social Reconstruction
! Useful tools observation and communication ! Work with peers locally ! Recognize cultural groups regardless of their representation in school setting ! Use the language of art to speak to local needs and issues

!! Very low cultural diversity in hometown (under 1%) !! Most graduates move away, unaware of or unprepared for cultural diversity !! Some cultural issues can be addressed through conversation !! Use art as a conversation location and topic generator !! Prepare students to talk responsibility about issues associated with differences among people !! Students discover what cultural diversity means to them

Critical Inquiry
!! Is opening communication about diverse cultures among students going to be an effective foundation in teaching multicultural understanding? !! How will we follow up the benches installation with continued multicultural education?

Project Web Site

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