External Calipers Thermometer Burette Spring Balance Measuring Cylinder Triple Beam Balance

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Answer all the questions in this section (40 marks)

1 a) Using the words in the box, state a suitable instrument for the following

External calipers



Spring balance

Measuring cylinder

Triple beam balance

i) Measuring the temperature of a substance


ii) Measuring the external diameter of a boiling tube :-------------------------------iii) Measuring the weight of an object


iv) Used in the water displacement method


b) What is the S.I unit for weight?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c) What is the S.I unit for volume?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d) What is used to estimate the area of a shape that is irregular?

2. Figure 2 shows cell P and cell Q as they are viewed under a microscope.

a) Label the diagram above.

b) State the function of the part labeled (iv)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c) Identify the following cell
P :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d) State two differences between cell P and cell Q

3. Diagram 3 shows three similar balls put into three liquids X, Y and Z of
different densities.

a) Arrange the liquids in increasing of densities.

(1 mark)
b) A student conducted an experiment to determine the density of a glass
marble. The following data was collected:

Mass of 10 glass marbles = 25 g

Volume of 10 glass marble = 10
What is the density of a glass marble?

(1 mark)

4. Diagram 4 shows the arrangement of particles in substance L, M and N




a) Label the types of substances for each picture using the following words.



(3 marks)

b) Give one example of

i) L


ii) M


iii) N
:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3 marks)
c) State one difference between M and N.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 mark)
d) Is water an element, a compound or a mixture?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 mark)

e) Name one method that can be used for separating the components of L.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 mark)

6. Diagram 6 shows an experiment to investigate heat transfer in a metal rod.

a)What observation is obtained when the metal rod is heated?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 mark)
b) Which thumbtack will be the first to fall?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 mark)
c) Name the process by which heat flows through the metal rods.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 mark)
d) Explain how this process takes place.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section (20 Marks)

7 a) State one characteristic of any four organisms shown in Diagram 7

U :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Z :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(4 marks)
b) Classify the organisms U, V, W, X, Y and Z into two groups based on the
common characteristics.
Group 1

U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Name of the

Group 2

(4 marks)

8. Figure shows the set up of an experiment on respiration. The three boiling

tubes J, K and L are observed after about two hours.

a) State a possible hypothesis for this experiment.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 mark)
b) State the variables involved in this experiment.
i) Fixed variable


ii) Manipulated variable : ----------------------------------------------------------------iii) Responding variable :-----------------------------------------------------------------(3 marks)

c) What is the function of the sodium hydroxide solution?

(1 mark)
d) What happens to the indicator in the boiling tubes?
J :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------K :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3 marks)

e) Explain the finding in (d).

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2 marks)
f) In which test tube did the glowing splinter light up?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 mark)
g) What is the conclusion of the experiment above?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 marks)

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