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Somewhat larger and more expensive systems (for example, running CP/M), or sometimes a home computer with additional

interfaces and devices, although still low-cost compared with minicomputers and mainframes, were aimed at office and small usiness use, typically using !high resolution! monitors capa le of at least "# column text display, and often no graphical or color drawing capa ility$ %or&stations were characteri'ed y high-performance processors and graphics displays, with large local dis& storage, networ&ing capa ility, and running under a multitas&ing operating system$

()M *+*# as of +,"+ -ventually, due to the influence of the ()M PC on the personal computer mar&et, personal computers and home computers lost any technical distinction$ )usiness computers ac.uired color graphics capa ility and sound, and home computers and game systems users used the same processors and operating systems as office wor&ers$ Mass-mar&et computers had graphics capa ilities and memory compara le to dedicated wor&stations of a few years efore$ -ven local area networ&ing, originally a way to allow usiness computers to share expensive mass storage and peripherals, ecame a standard feature of personal computers used at home$

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