Industrialization Lesson Plan Edited

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Course/Level: World History/Advanced World History Essential Question: Does the cost of Industrialization outweigh the benefits?

Standard(s):SSWH15 A. Analyze the process and impact of industrialization in England, Germany, and Japan, movements for political reform, the writings of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and urbanization and its effect on women. MYP Unit Question: How do our actions have an impact on others? Area of Interaction: Health and Social Education The Industrial Revolution not only impacted the nations that industrialized during the 18 th and 19th centuries, but had far-reaching intentional and unintentional consequences in regions all over the world. As industrialized nations sought to expand its resource base, worldwide political, economic, and social tensions, conflicts, and changes ensued. Significant Concept(s): Global Interactions Approaches to Learning: Transfer (making connections including using knowledge, understanding and skills across subjects to create products or solutions, applying skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations)
Commented [KW1]: The analyzed student work comes from this part of the standard. I decided to make to include everyone that worked during industrialization instead of just women to include information from previous lessons.

Bellringer: Why would factory owners and managers prefer to have children working in their factories? Opener: Students will create a T-chart about the pros and cons of the effects of Industrialization. They will be encouraged to focus on things like standard of living, wages, education, health issues, etc. They will have 5 minutes to fill in their chart. Once they have completed their own with everything they can think of, we will create one together on the board. Mini-Lesson: Students will watch a video about two major socioeconomic systems: Capitalism and Communism. They will have a worksheet to complete as they watch the video.

Commented [KW2]: Bellringers are often review questions that ask students to reflect on the previous lesson. This is the case for this bellringer. Commented [KW3]: This activity gave students a chance to see that the Industrial Revolution was not all good or all bad. Once they had the t-chart completed, it was up to them to decide whether the costs outweigh the benefits.

Commented [KW4]: This can be found under the Handouts tab.

Video: Interactive Video Lesson Smith vs Marx Work Period: Students will be given a handout that has copies of poems and songs about women working in factories during the Industrial Revolution. I will choose volunteers to read these aloud. We will then have a discussion about what it was like for women in factories and how their lives changed. Primary source Doc Analysis - Womens Work in Industrial Revolutions Summarizer: Students will be given 10 minutes to respond to a writing prompt that asks them to take on the role of factory worker during Industrialization. I will go over the directions with them first and be available to answer any questions they have as they are writing. They will be allowed to use their notes and books as references.

Commented [KW5]: I gave students an opportunity to sing/rap the songs. Two boys stood in front of the class and rapped about women working in factories. It was a great way to make it more interesting for the students. They did a great job with discussion after having a chance to add their own voice to the song. Commented [KW6]: This can be found under the Handouts tab. Commented [KW7]: I wanted the students to think about what life was really like for the people we were talking about. I also wanted them to demonstrate a higher level of thinking and understanding of the content.

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