Inspirational Powerpoint

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Inspirational PowerPoint Lesson Plan

Designed by: Jacob Smalley Class: Preparation for College and Careers Lesson Length: 1 70-Minute Class Period Objectives: Students will be able to: Conduct effective and meaningful research on an inspirational figure of their choice Efficiently produce a PowerPoint presentation to use as a visual aid in their presentations o Utilize transitions, animations and principles of design Create a bibliography of their sources Grade: 9

Indiana State Standards: PCC-6.4 Productivity and Accountability

PCC-7 Employability Skills TECH 1.1 Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes TECH 1.2 Create original works as a means of personal or group expression TECH 2.2 Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats TECH 4.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions TECH 6.1 Understand and use technology TECH 6.2 Select and use applications effectively and productively TECH 6.3 Troubleshoot systems and applications
Materials/Resources/Technology: Technology o PowerPoint o Overhead Projector Resources o E: 60 Symbol of Hope Video (

Instructional Strategies, Accommodations, and Student Activities: 1. Introduce the Tier Word to students (Inspiration) a. Ask students to make a list of all the inspirational people that they can think of in 30 seconds i. Have students share their lists with a neighbor, and then with the class b. Ask students to make a list of all the characteristics that make these people inspirational i. Try to get students to see that they all face a large obstacle/adversity

2. Show students the short video about Aaron Hern ( 3. Introduce the Inspirational PowerPoint to students a. Give students the details and requirements of the Inspirational PowerPoint b. Make it clear to students that they will only have 2 class periods to work on this before presentations begin. 4. Assign students, individually, to a particular inspirational person from a designated list 5. Provide students with time to work on the research a. Students should be placing all of their information on a Notes document b. Students should be placing all of their pictures in a designated area (folder) 6. Make sure students know that they should not be working on the actual PowerPoint during this class period, they must become experts on their inspirational person Forms of Assessment Observation Discussion with students

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