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OBJECTIVE To obtain an emergency nursing position at a community hospital.

State College of Florida Associates of Science Nursing. 2016 Bradenton, F.L. 2014-

Interpersonal and Tea !or" S"ills

Wor !ell !ith a "i#erse group of people. $onest% frien"ly% e&cellent communication s ills. 'emonstrate" accuracy% an" attention to "etail. Wor !ell in a team en#ironment. (ommitte" to assisting others.

Leaders#ip S"ills
)reforme" management "uties. Traine" an" a"#ise" ne! employees on company policies an" proper con"uct. Able to gi#e clear% concise "irection. Stays focuse" an" gi#es clear instruction in chaotic or emergent situations. Ta es responsibility for the success of those being taught.

Co p$ter S"ills
Abo#e a#erage s ills in *pen *ffice% +oogle (hrome an" ,irefo&. . Able to !ell utili-e social me"ia inclu"ing ,aceboo an" T!itter .&cellent s ills in preparing an" maintaining sprea"sheets. Able to learn ne! soft!are applications !ith ease. (an create% publish an" manage !ebsites.


$ni%ation S"ills
.&cellent mobile communication abilities /istens to employees an" respon"s !ith clarity to ensure a mutual un"erstan"ing. Ta es an e0ually empathetic an" confi"ent approach to problem-sol#ing. 1espon"s in a timely an" respectful manner. .&cellent !ritten communication s ills Able to recogni-e non-#erbal cues.


)al* art Customer Service

Bradenton, F.L. 2010 to 2012

J& Canine Ser+i%es Assistant Trainer

O+iedo, F.L. 2008 to 2010

&odern &ail,o- Designs Administrative Assistant

Long!ood, F.L 2006 to 2007

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