SAP125 SAP Navigation 2005: SAP SCM-Procurement (MM) Academy ECC 6.0

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SAP SCM- Procurement (MM) Academy ECC 6.

A. Self Study

2 hours 4 hours ! hours 10 days !0 hrs 2 hours 10 days !0 hrs . hours

SAP125 SAP Navigation 2005 ERP001 Management Empowered by mySAP ERP SAP210 Pro ure to Pay "# $S%M50 Pro urement & %# Self Study' SM001 &ntrodu tion to SAP So(ution Manager )# $S%M52 Pro urement && *in (# %ase Study+ E# %erti,i ation E-am

SAP12 SAP !a"i#ation 200

Course version: 2006/Q2
Course Goals

$his ourse wi(( prepare you to' / ,ami(iari0e with 1ey terms / navigate within the SAP system#

Target Audience

"eginner users Pro2e t team members Pro2e t (eaders Support personne( SAP onsu(tants $e hni a( onsu(tants Sa(es Super users End users

$ecommended% $here are no re3uired prere3uisites ,or ta1ing this ourse4 however5 it is re ommended that (earners have a basi 1now(edge o, 6indows#

Software Com onent!s" and #elease!s"

ERP E%% 7#0

Course Content

$he SAP Navigation 2005 ourse is designed to ,ami(iari0e (earners with 1ey terms and how to navigate within the SAP system# 8ou wi(( be introdu ed to the 1ey areas o, SAP s reens5 ,ie(ds5 and ,eatures# 8ou wi(( a(so be introdu ed to ways in whi h you an obtain additiona( he(p5 modi,y and ustomi0e the (oo1 o, your SAP system5 as we(( as app(y more advan ed s1i((s#


Genovate Asia Pacific Largest SAP Authorized Training Partner

%ourse (ength' 2 hours

E$P001 Mana#ement Em&o'ered (y mySAP E$P

Course version: 200%/Q2
Course Goals

$his ourse wi(( prepare you to' / E-p(ain how mySAP ERP stream(ines and a e(erates the business pro esses o, a typi a( organi0ation# / Provide an overview o, mySAP ERP and its omponents re(evant ,or Managers5 "usiness and Strategy %onsu(tants# / E-p(ain how mySAP ERP5 powered by SAP Net6eaver5 enab(es integration o, various business pro esses and so(utions# / E-p(ain how mySAP ERP assists an organi0ation in ma1ing in,ormed business de isions with a urate data reporting and ana(yti s# / E-p(ain how SAP "6 "usiness P(anning and Simu(ation *SAP "6/"PS+ assists in strategi and operationa( p(anning and de ision ma1ing# / 9ive e-amp(es o, how mySAP ERP :perations in reases emp(oyee produ tivity#

Target Audience

E-e utives and Managers "usiness ; Strategy %onsu(tants Peop(e interested in mySAP ERP %(ient %ross <un tiona( =sers Pro2e t $eam Members Super =sers

Essential% None $ecommended% <irst E-perien e in SAP Navigation / * overed i#e# by e/(earning SAP125 SAP Navigation 2005 + :verview o, SAP "usiness So(utions / * overed i#e# by e/(earning SAP1.0 So(utions Powered by SAP or

/ (assroom ourse SAP01 SAP :verview +

Software Com onent!s" and #elease!s"


Course Content

mySAP ERP / :verview5 positioning and omponents mySAP ERP powered by SAPNet6eaver and its omponents# >igh(ighted Ana(yti s ; Reporting ,un tiona(ity in "6 and SEM ,or improved business de ision ma1ing and ontro(# Strategi "usiness P(anning in "6/"PS and P(anning &ntegration aspe ts with other omponents# >igh(ight how mySAP ERP he(ps to in rease the user produ tivity by de reasing e,,orts through automation5 entra(i0ation and standardi0ation# $his wi(( be e-p(ained with severa( e-amp(es (i1e e/ Pro urement5 R<&) and Mobi(e Sa(es#

Genovate Asia Pacific Largest SAP Authorized Training Partner


%ourse (ength' 4 hours

SAP210 Procure to Pay

Course version: 200&/Q&
Course Goals

Ma1e in,ormed business de isions that are ,ounded on a on eptua( understanding o, SAP?s pur hasing business so(utions "ring your SAP pur hasing produ t 1now(edge to a base(ine (eve( that wi(( enab(e you to parti ipate e,,e tive(y in more detai(ed ourses#

Target Audience

$hose new to SAP / Pro2e t team / End users / SAP onsu(tants Super users *parti u(ar(y who need to (earn another business pro ess outside their spe ia(ty+ &$ business ana(ysts

Essential% SAP e/@earning Advisor So(utions Powered by SAP

SAP "asi Navigation <eatures $ecommended% "asi 1now(edge o, pur hasing ,un tions and terms
6or1ing 1now(edge o, Mi roso,t o,,i e and internet browsers

Course Content


Pro uring 9oods and Servi es Pur hase Re3uisitions Re3uest ,or Auotation Pur hase :rder 9oods Re eipt &nvoi e Pro essing Paying an &nvoi e

$his is a premium e/(earning ourse %ourse (ength' ! hours

SM001 )ntroduction to SAP Solution Mana#er

Genovate Asia Pacific Largest SAP Authorized Training Partner

Course version: 2006/Q2

Course Goals

$his ourse wi(( prepare you to' / )e,ine the on ept o, the SAP So(ution Manager / )is uss the too(s provided by the SAP So(ution Manager

Target Audience

%onsu(tants Pro2e t Managers Pro2e t $eam @eads Pro2e t $eam Members &$ Servi e )es1 Managers &$ Servi e )es1 Members

Essential% "asi 1now(edge o, SAP systems

Software Com onent!s" and #elease!s"

S:@#MAN 4#0

Course Content

$his ourse is meant to ,ami(iari0e you with the prin ip(es and termino(ogy o, the SAP So(ution Manager# 8ou wi(( be introdu ed to the bene,its o, using the SAP So(ution Manager during the imp(ementation o, your SAP so(utions and during ongoing support and operations#


%ourse (ength' 2 hours

*SCM 0 Procurement )
Course version: 2006/Q2

10 day*s+

Course Goals

A,ter this ourse you wi(( be ,ami(iar with' / $he basi ,un tions o, e-terna( pro urement in mySAP ERP / %onsumption/based p(anning / :ther ,un tions o, pur hasing / @ogisti s invoi e veri,i ation ,un tions

Target Audience

So(ution onsu(tants who are responsib(e ,or imp(ementing the pro urement ,un tions o, mySAP ERP and mySAP Supp(y %hain Management

Essential% Pra ti a( business 1now(edge o, e-terna( pro urement

Genovate Asia Pacific Largest SAP Authorized Training Partner

&n (uded in posting $S%M50' E/(earning SAP125 SAP Navigation 2005 5 ERP001 Management Empowered by mySAP ERP 5 SAP210 Pro ure to Pay 5 whi h you must study in your own time be,ore the start o, ourse $S%M50

Software Com onent!s" and #elease!s"

ERP E%% 7#0

Course Content


Master data o, materia(s management Pur hase re3uisition5 re3uest ,or 3uotation5 3uotation5 pur hase order5 goods re eipt5 invoi e re eipt Pro urement o, sto 1 materia(5 onsumab(e materia(5 and servi es Automation options in the e-terna( pro urement pro ess Reports P(anning pro urement proposa(s using onsumption/based p(anning5 espe ia((y the re order point method Sour es o, supp(y and sour e determination Re(ease pro edure in pro urement )etai(s o, (ogisti s invoi e veri,i ation

$o ensure that you retain the 1now(edge gained in this ourse and su ess,u((y omp(ete the erti,i ation e-amination at the end o, ourse $S%M525 we re ommend that you onso(idate the ontent in your own time a,ter the ourse#

*SCM 2 Procurement )) (incl. Case Study)

Course version: 2006/Q2

10 day*s+

Course Goals

At the on (usion o, this ourse5 you wi(( be ab(e to' / Enter goods movements in the SAP system and per,orm re(evant imp(ementations ,or spe ia( ,un tions / Prepare and per,orm a physi a( inventory o, warehouse sto 1 / Ma1e %ustomi0ing settings in materia(s management / =ti(i0e your 1now(edge dire t(y as a 2unior onsu(tant in your ,irst period o, pra ti e

Target Audience

So(ution onsu(tants who are responsib(e ,or imp(ementing the pro urement ,un tions o, mySAP ERP and mySAP Supp(y %hain Management

Essential% $S%M50 Pro urement & $he ,o((owing are in (uded in posting $S%M52' / E/(earning SM001 &ntrodu tion to SAP So(ution Manager 5

/ whi h you must study in your own time be,ore the start o, ourse $S%M52

Genovate Asia Pacific Largest SAP Authorized Training Partner

Software Com onent!s" and #elease!s"

ERP E%% 7#0

Course Content


9oods re eipts5 goods issues5 trans,er posting %reating materia( reservations manua((y Spe ia( ,orms o, inventory management P(anning and per,orming a physi a( inventory %ustomi0ing settings ,or pur hasing5 inventory management5 physi a( inventory5 a ount determination5 and organi0ationa( (eve(s &ntegrated ase study' &mp(ementation o, a ,i titious demo ompany using spe i,i business pro esses' on,iguration and mapping o, the B ompany stru ture5 master data5 and business pro esses in the SAP system Review and erti,i ation preparation %erti,i ation e-amination ,or So(ution %onsu(tant S%M / ERP Pro urement with mySAP ERP 2005 on the ontent o, the ourses SAP1255 ERP0015 SAP2105 $S%M505 SM0015 $S%M52

$o ensure that you retain the 1now(edge gained in this ourse and su ess,u((y omp(ete the erti,i ation e-amination at the end o, ourse $S%M525 we re ommend that you onso(idate the ontent in your own time a,ter the ourse#

SAP Consultant Certification Solution Consultant SCM - Procurement 'it+ mySAP E$P 200
So,tware omponents' SAP Enterprise %entra( %omponent *E%%+ 7#0 %erti,i ation e-am is in (uded in ourse $S%M52 and is a(so o,,ered in separate erti,i ation events at many SAP (o ations# %erti,i ation &) *"oo1ing ode+' %C$S%M52C05 %erti,i ation duration' . hours Number o, erti,i ation 3uestions' !0 Re3uired erti,i ates ,or parti ipation in this erti,i ation test' None %onsu(tant A ademy ourses ,or erti,i ation preparation' $S%M50 *Pro urement &+5 $S%M52 *Pro urement && *in (# %ase Study++ and the e/(earning ourses SAP125 *Navigation+5 ERP001 *Management empowered by mySAP ERP+5 SAP210 *Pro ure to Pay+5 SM001 *So(ution Manager :verwiew+ A(ternative Pro2e t $eam $raining ourses ,or erti,i ation preparation' S%M500 *E-terna( Pro urement Pro esses+5 S%M525 *%onsumption/"ased P(anning+5 S%M520 *Pur hasing+5 S%M515 *&nvoi e Deri,i ation+5 S%M510 *&nventory Management and Physi a( &nventory+5S%M550 *%ustomi0ing in Materia(s Management+ and ase studies ,rom $S%M52 *Pro urement && *in (# %ase Study++ and the e/(earning ourses SAP125 *Navigation+5 ERP001 *Management empowered by mySAP ERP+5 SAP210 *Pro ure to Pay+5 SM001 *So(ution Manager :verwiew+ P(ease note that you are not a((owed to use any re,eren e materia(s during the erti,i ation test *no a ess to on(ine do umentation or to any SAP system+# $he erti,i ation test So(ution %onsu(tant S%M / Pro urement with mySAP ERP 2005 veri,ies the 1now(edge in the area o, the Pro urementE ,or the onsu(tant pro,i(e# $his erti,i ate proves that the andidate has a basi understanding within this onsu(tant pro,i(e5 and an imp(ement this 1now(edge pra ti a((y in pro2e ts# $he erti,i ation test onsists o, 3uestions ,rom the areas spe i,ied be(ow'

To ic Areas
1# SAP F :verview *G+ SAP navigation Management Empowered by mySAP ERP Pro ure/to/pay

Genovate Asia Pacific Largest SAP Authorized Training Partner

2# Pro urement Pro ess *GG+

Pur hase re3uisitions Pur hase orders Re3uests ,or 3uotations Pro urement ,or sto 1 Pro urement ,or dire t onsumption Sub ontra ting E-terna( servi es Reporting

.# Master )ata *G+

Materia( master Dendor master Pur hasing in,o re ords Sour e (ist Auota arrangement Messages

4# Pur hasing :ptimi0ation *GG+

%ontra ts S hedu(ing agreements &nvoi ing p(ans )o ument re(ease pro edure Pur hasing do ument on,iguration

5# &nventory Management *GGG+

9oods re eipts 9oods issues Sto 1 trans,ers Reservations %onsignments Physi a( inventory Avai(abi(ity he 1 $ransa tion types Messages ount )etermination *G+

7# Da(uation and A

Materia( va(uation Pri e ontro( A ount determination Sp(it va(uation

H# Materia( Re3uirements P(anning *G+

Reorder point p(anning @ot/si0e a( u(ation P(anning run P(anning resu(t

!# @ogisti s &nvoi e Deri,i ation *GG+

&nvoi es %redit memos

Genovate Asia Pacific Largest SAP Authorized Training Partner

Automati sett(ement &nvoi e veri,i ation in the ba 1ground Ad2ustments <reight invoi es "(o 1ed invoi es 9RI&R (earing a ount maintenan e

J# %on,iguration o, the Enterprise Stru ture and the Materia( Master *G+

MM organi0ationa( (eve(s Materia( type <ie(d se(e tion

10# So(ution Manager *G+

:verview o, the So(ution Manager

11# E-perien e ,rom &mp(ementation *%ase Study or Pro2e t+B *G+

)esign o, enterprise stru tures *organi0ationa( (eve(s in mySAP "usiness Suite+ &ntegration and dependen ies

B K %ross/sub2e t imp(ementation and integration 1now(edge is tested in sub2e t area 11# &mp(ementation and integration 1now(edge re,erring to a spe ia( sub2e t *su h as goods re eipt+ is tested in the re(evant sub2e t *su h as inventory management+# Amount o, 3uestions by topi *as a per entage o, the test+' G GG GGG K 1 / 10L K 11 / 20L K over 20L

No responsibi(ity is ta1en ,or the orre tness o, this in,ormation# %opyright M SAP A9 2007#

Genovate Asia Pacific Largest SAP Authorized Training Partner

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