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Megan Williams EDAE 590

Classroom Assessment Technique

Chapter 9: Techniques for Assessing Learner Reactions to Instruction CAT 43: Teacher Designed Feedback Form

Why did you choose this CAT?

The majority of my current training courses are a one-and-done type where I dont have the same students for more than one training session. The sessions range from a few hours to one full day but they dont extend a day. Therefore, out of the variety o f CATs that were available, I thought that the Teacher Designed Feedback Form would work best for an upcoming training session.

Set up and Supplies

I was delivering a 2-hour training class on a new function of the system call the Workbench Manager. The learners attending this training will be using this part of the system on a daily basis and need to be trained on the functionality. I spent some time considering what questions to ask that would result in valuable, actionable feedback and decided on 3 simple questions, (survey below). After I determined what questions to ask, I decided to print up the survey, and have the students manually fill it out at the end of their training, and leave them on the desk on the way out the door. I wanted to keep the feedback as anonymous as possible to allow the learners to feel comfortable giving all types of responses.

Everyone answered all the questions, and they were able to give me some feedback for ways to improve future classes. For example, one learner would of preferred receiving all handouts 2 days prior to the class, so he could take time and read them over and mentally prepare himself for the upcoming course. This is something I hadnt thought of before, and plan to try it out on the next class with the next set of learners. Question #1 Average Score 2.1

Based on todays training, how prepared do you feel to work with the Workbench Manager?

The majority of the students felt somewhat prepared to work with the Workbench Manager. Looking back, if I would of asked them the same question before training began, I would be able to gage how much impact the session had on them.

Megan Williams EDAE 590 Question #2 What suggestion would you give a colleague to help prepare them to attend this training session?

Come prepared Forget about what you think you know, this is something different Dont get caught up in the small stuff at the beginning, it will all make sense in the end

There werent many responses to this question, and looking back, Im not sure it gave me useful information. I think it helps them know that Im interested in providing the best training sessions possible, and I have found in our field, that is priceless. Question #3

What is one thing you would of liked more information on prior to attending training today?

The handouts to review prior to class The agenda to be included in the meeting invite

I found this information to be the most helpful. A few of the learners mentioned receiving information to review prior to attending the meeting. That would serve two purposes, it would ensure that I am not working until the last minute preparing for classes, and it would give those types of learners time to review the content before attending.

Megan Williams EDAE 590

Post-class survey
1. Based on todays training, how prepared do you feel to work with the Workbench Manager? 1 Very Prepared 2 Somewhat prepared 3 A little prepared 4 Not prepared 5 I still have no idea what the Workbench manager does

2. What suggestion would you give a colleague to help prepare them to attend this training session? 3. What is one thing you would of liked more information on prior to attending training today?

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