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Learn Marathi

Learn Indi English-Marathi

I He She You It This That A Come Came Will come Open Opened Will open Sit Walk Eat !"ink Win %o &un I go He goes He eats an apple He is eating an apple He ate an apple I sa* the +ilm last *eek She came ,) ,us )este"da) The) *ent to the mos-ue He slept the *hole night He *"ote *ell in the e/amination He has eaten He had eaten He had gone He had come He *ill eat Me To Tee Tu Te Ha,Hi,He To,Ti,Te A Ye Aala Ail Ughad Ughade Ughadel Bus Chalne hane #ene $inkane $a !ha'ne Mi (ato To (ato To sapha"chand khato To sapha"chand khato ahe T)ane sapha"chand khalle Me magcha athaud)at +ilm pahile Ti kaal ,us ni aali Te mandi"aat gele To pu"na "aat"a .opla T)ani pa"iksha changli lihili T)ani khalla0 T)anim khalla hota0 To gela hota0 To aala hota0 To khaun gheil0

He *ill go He *ill come What is )ou" name1 What You" 2ame What did )ou do1 What should I do1 What can I do1 What a"e the -uestions1 What *e"e the -uestions1 What is the last -uestion1 What is *"itten in the lette"1 What )ou had ,een told1 What *ill ,e the ans*e"1 Wh) did )ou come1 Wh) did )ou sleep1 Wh) did )ou tell him to go1 Wh) did he ,"ing the ,ag1 Wh) did she pa) the mone)1 Wh) did the) sit the"e1 Wh) do )ou d"i'e the ca"1 Wh) a"e the) late +o" the meeting1 Ho* did )ou come1 Ho* did )ou sleep1 Ho* did )ou *"ite1 Ho* man) apples a"e the"e in m) hand1 Ho* man) did )ou take1 Ho* much did he pa) )ou1 Ho* much distance to go1 Ho* *as the (ou"ne) )este"da)1 Which *a) did )ou come1 Which is )ou" +a'ou"ite colou"1 In *hich "oom did )ou sleep1 Which sto") did )ou tell1 Which is the s*eetest +"uit1 Whe"e did )ou come +"om1 Whe"e did )ou sleep1 Whe"e is the manage"3s ca,in1 Whe"e should I go1

To (aael To )ael Tu(he naa' kaa) aahe1 aa) Tu(he 2aa' Tu kaa) kela aahe1 Me kaa) kela pahi(e1 Me kaa) ka"u shakto1 #"ashna kudhle aahe1 #"ashna kudhle hote1 She'atsa p"ashna kaa) aahe1 #at"at kaa) lihile aahe1 Tula kaa) sangitle gele hote1 Utta" kaa) asel1 Tu kaa aalas1 Tu kaa .oplas1 Tu t)ala (aa)la ka sangitle1 T)ane ,ag kaa anale1 Tini paishe ka ,ha"le1 Te tithe ka ,asle1 Tu gaadi ka chala'to1 T)anna meeting la ushi"e ka .hala1 Tu kasa aala1 Tu kasa .oplas1 Tu kase lihile1 Ma(h)a hatat kiti sa+a"chand aahe1 Tu kiti ghetle1 T)ani tula kiti paise dile1 iti anta" "ahile aahe1 alcha p"a'as kasa hota1 Tu kuthl)a ma"gani aalas1 Tu(a aa'adta "ang konta aahe1 Tu kuthl)a "oom madh)e .opla1 Tu konti ghosta sangitli1 Sagl)aat god +al konte1 Tu kuthun aalas1 Tu kuthe .opla1 Manage" che ca,in kuthe aahe1 Me kuthe (aile pahi(e1

Whom should I contact1 Is it a ,ook1 Is it the ans*e"1 Will )ou come *ith me1 I shall come *ith )ou0 Will )ou gi'e me )ou" pen1 Yes, o+ cou"se0 !o )ou lo'e me1 Yes, I lo'e )ou0 Can )ou gi'e me )ou" pen1 Can )ou li+t the ,o/1 Can )ou *"ite the e/am1 !id )ou ha'e )ou" lunch1 Ho* a"e )ou1 I am +ine

Me konala ,hetle pahi(e1 He) pustak aahe ka1 He) utta" aahe ka1 Tu ma(h)a so,ath )eshil ka1 Me tu(h)a so,ath )eu ka1 Tu mala tu(a pen deshil ka1 Ho, ka nahi0 Tu mala p"em ka"to ka14gi"l to ,o)56 Tu mala p"em ka"te ka14,o) to gi"l5 Ho me tula p"em ka"to0 4,o) to gi"l56 Ho me tula p"em ka"te0 4gi"l to ,o)5 Tu mala tu.a pen deu shakto ka1 Tu ,o/ uchlu shakto ka1 Tu pa"iksha lihu shakto ka1 Tu (e'an kela ka1 Tu kasa aahe1 Me ,a"a aahe0
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