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Meghan Riley Mobile Learning Lesson 1 Name: Local History Scavenger Hunt Technology: Cell phone (smart, or basic)

that can take pictures and send text messages, Computer ith internet access Grades: !"#$ How would it be used? %o archive and document local history by taking pictures and text"message notes&
What benefits does it have for students? Students have the ability to explore their environment outside o' the classroom and learn about history o' their community& Students use the mobile devices as tools to gather in'ormation to support hat they have learned&

What benefits does it have for teachers? %his lesson gives teachers the opportunity to present in'ormation in a uni(ue ay& %he mobile devices allo teachers the leave the classroom hile still providing structure 'or their students to ac(uire historical kno ledge&

Lesson 2 Name: Summari)ing by %ext"Messaging Shakespeare Technology: Cell phone (smart, or basic) that can take pictures and send text messages, Computer ith internet access Grades: !" #$ How would it be used? Students ill summari)e readings 'rom Shakespeare*s Romeo and Juliet on their cell phones in #+," characters o' less and post it to an interactive eb page available to the

entire class& What benefits does it have for students? Students ill bene'it 'rom using 'amiliar technology to simpli'y text that can be di''icult to understand& Having a limited number o' characters in the summaries 'orce students to only include the main points o' the reading& What benefits does it have for teachers? %eachers ill bene'it 'rom the lesson by making the material more appealing 'or their students through the use o' technology& %his can help teachers to demonstrate ho to right proper summaries and get more (uality ork 'rom the students&

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