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Jack Vander Sluis Education 302 Walcott / Keeley 28 April 2014 Unit Plan Topics and Goals My unit

plan is designed around post-WWII America; specifically focusing in on the social, economic, structural, industrial and political changes that occurred during the 1950s. Throughout my lessons I want students understand how changes in America that occurred in the 1950s still impact day-to-day life in America today. We will address what spurred the changes that took place, who was involved with these changes, what the actual changes were, and how the changes affected America and still affects America, as well as looking at how these changes were expressed by and to the American people. My classroom is composed of mostly juniors and a few seniors, so their understanding of the connections between the world they live in and where America has been in the past is limited. My goal is not only to have students develop the ability to identify specific peoples roles in change and policies that took place, but also to be able to find significance to their own life. In order to accomplish this I need to spur their interest in the content we are learning. I hope to do this by focusing on issues that are still very applicable to their lives like affluence and the social division in America, consumerism and its impact on members society, and pop culture and all the many components that it entails. Using those as a base for understanding the 1950s, I think that the content we go through will much more accessible for 16 and 17 year olds.

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