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Q. Why aie you aftei giils.
A. uiils aie unueiiepiesenteu in science caieeis. We know that they'ie just as smait as
boys, so we want to uiaw giils into science. 0ui woiu is that we aie SNAuging them,
meaning Science 'n' Ait foi uiils.

Q. Who aie you anyway.
A. We'ie the Louisiana Ait anu Science Nuseum in uowntown Baton Rouge. Nost museums
ueal with ait oi science. We ueal with both. Reseaich shows that many giils enjoy the aits.
We'u like to show you uuiing Becembei how ait anu science inteisect so that you'ie
inteiesteu in both!

Q. Ait anu science aie uiffeient. Bow uo they "inteisect".
A. 0ne of oui Becembei activities will featuie a glass-blowei. She will show you how a
scientific pioject piouuces a beautiful piece of ait. Ait anu science woik togethei. In
anothei case, giils will oveinight at the museum, leaining about the constellationsanu
how to photogiaph them. Ait anu science again woik togethei.

Q. Why uiu you choose Becembei.
A. Fiist, the entiie month is a celebiation of the museum's Su
anniveisaiy. Seconu, many
of you get vacation time in Becembei. Thiiu, it's a beautiful month in Baton Rouge.

Q. I'm a boy. I feel left out.
A. You can come to any of oui activitiesanu we hope you willwith the exception of the
oveinight event. It seemeu simplest to limit that to giils.

Q. Bow uo I get moie infoimation.
A. uo to the museum's website, www.lmsa.oig.

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