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Discipline: Science Topic: Celebrating Earth Day in Kindergarten

Title The Magic School Bus Gets Recycled Anne Capeci Earth Day Family of Earth Trudi Strain Trueit Schim Schimmel Why Should I Recycle Jen Green Where Does the Gar!age Go Paul Showers Fancy "ancy: E#ery Day is Earth Day Jane O Connor! "obin Glasser! Ale#sey$%ano% Olga $%ano%! &$llustrator'! Easy "eader *oo# /61) The $ittle %ouse (irginia )ee *urton Ee&o %ouse

'uthor(Illustrator(Source( We! address

pbs #ids



Easy "eader

Easy "eader

Easy "eader

Easy "eader 341)

Easy "eader

Picture *oo# 541)

Electronic te.t,site 7,A

$e)ile $e#el






General 7on8iction Ad%enture :s9ri;;le s class holds a recycling dri%e- One o8 the students loses an ob<ect and the class trac#s it

$n8ormational te.t This boo#! in a %ery simple way! with color8ul! clear pictures shows what causes air pollution! and how children can help sa%e the Earth


General 7on8iction Poetry and "hyming Animals o8 all #inds gather beside :other Earth to as# =uestions about the world around

"ealistic 9iction :r- Jones class ta#es a 8ield trip to the recycling plant and the students learn all about what they

General 7on8iction This boo# e.plains how we deal with the problem o8 too much trash and gi%es some easy ways that younger children can help reduce

"ealistic 9iction 9ancy 7ancy uses terms and gi%es ideas 8or all o8 her 8amily to celebrate Earth Day- She e.plains the terms o8ten used to protect the earth-

"ealistic 9iction A little house that begins in the country and watches as the city #eeps mo%ing closer and closer until she is run

$n8ormational te.t This site is interacti%e as#ing the student to ma#e choices in their home and outside that will help change the world! and ma#e it a better placeA8ter they ha%e completed the

down)earning all about recycling-

e%ery day-


can recycle-

the amount o8 garbage -

down and le8t to 8all apart-

program they can see how their choices made a di88erence-


Recycle* ' %and!oo& for +ids

Recycle E#ery Day*

,ur Earth

Earth Day

Earth Day %ooray*

It-s Earth Day*

The $ora)


'uthor(Illustrator(Source( We! address Format

Gail Gibbons Picture *oo#

7ancy Eli;abeth >allace Picture *oo# 311)

Anne 9"oc#well Picture *oo# 651)

7ancy $Sanders Easy "eader 5B1)

Stuart J:urphy Easy "eader 7,A

:ercer :ayer Easy "eader 6A1)

Dr- Seuss

http+,,www,star8all-com, n,holiday,earthday,play?tm@8
Electronic te.t,site

Picture *oo# 631)

$e)ile $e#el




General 7on8iction Science This boo# e.plains the process o8 recycling 8rom the beginning to the end and show what happens to the paper! glass! cans! and plastic-

"ealistic 9iction This boo# shows how a 8amily o8 rabbits tries to win the Community "ecycling Calendar Contest by creating the best poster about recycling-

General 7on8iction This boo# shows all #ind o8 plants and animals that li%e in the world-

General 7on8iction This boo# tells how Earth Day 8irst started and why- $t also tells how Earth Day is celebrated around the world-

"ealistic 9iction Series This boo# tells the story o8 some children who try and collect cans to ma#e enough money to buy 8lowers 8or a nearby par#-

Comedy and ?umor Series )ittle Critter learns about Earth Day in school?e creates a CClimate Control :achineD that doesn t wor#-

Classics "hymes The boo# tells about a C)ora.D who warns e%eryone that they need to ta#e care o8 the earth or it will be goneE

$n8ormational te.t This site is interacti%e with games! %ideos! and easy reader stories-



Mi&e Mulligan . %is Steam Sho#el

Earth Day

Sa#e the Earth

For the $o#e of ,ur Earth

,ur Big %ome

$ong $i#e Earth

Earth Day

Gar!age %elps ,ur Garden

'uthor(Illustrator(Source( We! address Format

(irginia )ee *urton Easy "eader

Trudi Strain Trueit Easy "eader

Abby Klein Easy "eader 7ot A%ailable "ealistic 9iction 9reddy wants to <oin the school s Team Green! but he s got to learn how to protect the earth 8irst-

P-K?allinan Easy "eader 7ot A%ailable General 7on8iction This boo# shows children who are ma#ing a di88erence to the Earth by ta#ing care o8 it-

)inda Glaser $llustrator+ Elisa Kle%en Easy "eader

:aighan :orrison Easy "eader

Da%id 9:ar. Easy "eader

)inda Glaser
Easy "eader

$e)ile $e#el



7ot A%ailable "hymes






General 7on8iction This is about all the ways that young children can help sa%e the en%ironment by celebrating Earth Day-


Ju%enile 7on8iction This boo# tells about Earth Day and what people can do to ta#e care o8 the Earth- This boo# tells the history about Earth Day-

Ju%enile 7on8iction This boo# e.plains how a compost pile wor#s and shows how children help their parents ma#e one and maintain one-


:i#e and his steam sho%el! :ary Anne ha%e dug lots and lots o8 holes! but now :ary Anne is going to the <un# yard:ary Anne is sa%ed when she digs one last hole- The town hall in Popper%ille-

This boo# uses poetry to describe the water! air! soil! s#y! sun that is shared by animals and people on the Earth-

"hyming %erses tell what people ha%e done to pollute our planet and what we can now do to ma#e things better 8or the 8urture-

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