Lesson Plan SS8H7 (B) Political, Social, and Economic Changes That Occurred in Georgia Between 1877 and 1918

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Lesson Plan

Unit Topic Big idea(s) Essential Question(s) Standard(s(/ Benchmark(s)

SS8H7(b) Political, Social, and Economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918
Civil Rights How were civil rights denied to African-Americans at the end of the 19th century and into the beginning of the 20th century?

Analyze how rights were denied to African-Americans through Jim Crow Laws, Plessy v. Ferguson, disenfranchisement, and racial violence

Opener- Journal Entry (Visual Thinking Strategy) -Students will enter the room and see the journal prompt on the board. They will know to retrieve their notebooks and begin completing the task quietly and without interruptions. -Students will briefly detail in their notebooks the four images that I show on the PPT slide. These four photos will reveal racial violence in the United States following the civil war but before WWI. Each class will be given 5 minutes to silently and individually depict what they see on the screen. -They should use context clues, background information, attention to detail, and any other form of contextualization to respond. -At the end of the five minutes we will discuss each picture and give all a chance to voice their opinion about what is happening. ~10-15 minutes (10-15min total) Lesson- PPT Slides w/ Notes -Students will be given a worksheet that I have created in order to follow along with my PPT slides. -The PPT will touch on important information which covers: Civil Rights, Jim Crow Laws, The Great Migration, Disenfranchisement, Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests, Gerrymandering, The County Unit System, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Cummings v. Richmond County Board of Education. -Students should take notice of my yellow labeled key terms as they reference more important information that may be subject to future assessments. -All classes will be provided the opportunity to take note of all my graphs, videos, maps, images, etc. but are not required to write them down unless on the worksheet. -If any students have questions about certain portions of the PPT then I will take a moment to answer these and briefly review what we have covered. ~40 minutes (55 minutes total)

Closer- Activity (Corners of Contention) - Students will end class by participating in the corners of contention activity that I have designated to run until the bell rings. The questions they will be asked to respond to cover issues relatable to civil rights and are intended to connect to current racial issues of interest. -After each questions I will ask several students to reveal their decisions as to why they picked one side of the room over the other. While this individual speaks everyone else will listen attentively and respect their classmates choice. No others may speak while this happens. If they have a say in the matter then they may raise their hands and wait to be called on next. - This activity is ultimately intended to review the material we learned earlier in the class, test some students stereotypes and previous ideas about civil rights, and help provide me with an understanding as to how my teaching went that day and if the students seem to be appropriately learning. -15 minutes (70 minutes total)

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