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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Rebecca Roth Subject/ Topic/ Theme Calligraphy and Art in China Grade _____6__

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

In looking at China e need to !pend !ome time on the material culture o" China and di""erent ad#ancement! China ha! made$

Learners will be able to#

Recogni)e major art !tyle! in China &nder!tand ho riting de#eloped in ancient China '*perience riting in traditional Chine!e calligraphy

cogniti#e% R & Ap An ' C(

phy!ical de#elopment

!ocio% emotional

R & C

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
+ , -.$/$0 De!cribe major achie#ement! "rom Indian1 Chine!e1 2editerranean1 A"rican1 and South e!t and Central A!ian ci#ili)ation! in the area! o" art1 architecture and culture3 + , -4$/$/ De!cribe the importance o" the de#elopment o" human language1 oral and ritten1 and it! relation!hip to the de#elopment o" culture 56ote# -rite a! many a! needed$ Indicate ta*onomy le#el! and connection! to applicable national or !tate !tandard!$ I" an objecti#e applie! to particular learner! rite the name5!7 o" the learner5!7 to hom it applie!$7 (remember1 under!tand1 apply1 analy)e1 e#aluate1 create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

Student! ill need to kno ho to read and analy)e te*t$ Student! ill need to kno ho to u!e i8ad!$
Pre-assessment (for learning):

The teacher a!k! !tudent! hy they !tudy other culture!9 art ork$
Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment activities 5applicable to thi! le!!on7

-hen the !tudent! are reading in pair! and picking out the in"ormation the teacher alk! around the cla!!room to !ee i" the !tudent! are getting the in"ormation$
Formative (as learning):

-hen the !tudent! compare main idea! ith each other and !hare each other9! main idea! they !ee i" they are on target and i" they are li!tening to each other$ Summative (of learning7: ;rie" <. =ue!tion! ill !er#e a! the !ummati#e a!!e!!ment to thi! le!!on$
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation 8ro#ide option! "or perception% making information perceptible Thi! le!!on ha! a hea#y tech empha!i! !o the !tudent! ill not only ha#e material in paper in "ront o" them1 but al!o on i8ad!$ Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression 8ro#ide option! "or phy!ical action% increase options for interaction &!ing the i8ad! gi#e! an interacti#e component to help !tudent engagement$ Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement 8ro#ide option! "or recruiting intere!t% choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats ;y !ho ing picture! o" the di""erent type! o" art ork the beginning o" the le!!on ill not be a! dry$ In addition1 the i8ad! ill gi#e a !en!e o" rele#ance !ince technology play! !uch a large role in our !ociety today$ 8ro#ide option! "or !u!taining e""ort and per!i!tence% optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back The !tudent! ork in pair! to read the in"ormation and decide together hat the mo!t important idea i! in the !ection$

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

8ro#ide option! "or language1 mathematical e*pre!!ion!1 and !ymbol!% clarify & connect language 6ot only ill e be talking about the major ad#ance! in art ork1 but there ill al!o be picture! !ho n to make more connection! #i!ually$

8ro#ide option! "or e*pre!!ion and communication% increase me ium of e!pression The !tudent! can rite on paper or on i8ad!$ The i8ad! ha#e a big dra $


8ro#ide option! "or comprehen!ion% activate, apply & highlight

8ro#ide option! "or e*ecuti#e "unction!% coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies The teacher can monitor the !tudent!9 gra!ping o" content hen alking around the room$ In addition1 the !tudent! are practicing clo!e reading and gaining a deeper appreciation "or another culture9! art ork$

8ro#ide option! "or !el"%regulation% e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection In pair! the !tudent! can !ee i" their main point! are on target ith other!9 main point!$ They al!o ha#e to ork in a group and pay attention to each other9! thought!$

6ot only do the !tudent! learn about Chine!e calligraphy1 but they al!o get to create character! and e*perience Chine!e calligraphy in an interacti#e ay$

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

;rie" <. i8ad! "rom tech center

The u!ual !etup How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 6 mins Com!onents /otivation 5opening/ introduction/ engagement7 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. The teacher open! the cla!! by re"re!hing the The !tudent! gi#e their idea! on hy e !tudy !tudent!9 mind! about hat they ha#e co#ered !o other culture9! art$ "ar in cla!!$ They ha#e talked about the geography o" China1 the dyna!tie!1 and great !ocial thought$ ?o e#er1 they ha#en9t !tudied a lot o" cultural thing! in China$ The teacher a!k! the !tudent! hy it i! important to !tudy Chine!e art@ I" the !tudent! ha#e a hard time an! ering thi! =ue!tion1 the teacher can !ay that e !tudy their art becau!e e ant to recogni)e their great achie#ement!$ It i! important to get to kno people and hat they #alue !o that e can lo#e them better$ -e can !ee hat culture! #alue by looking at their art ork$ The teacher a!k! the !tudent! to take out ;rie" <. The teacher a!k! "or a #olunteer to !tart reading ;rie" <.$ At the end o" the calligraphy !ection the teacher a!k! "or !ugge!tion! "or the main idea in that !ection$ 3evelo!ment 5the large!t component or main body o" the le!!on7 The teacher in!truct! the !tudent! to read through the ne*t t o !ection!1 A8aintingB and A;ron)e -ork and Cade1B ith the partner !itting ne*t to them$ Then the !tudent! ork in their partner group to decide a main idea "or each !ection$ A! the !tudent! are orking on thi! the teacher alk! around the room to monitor and !ee i" the !tudent! pick out the main point!$ The teacher a!k! each group to pre!ent their main idea to the cla!!$ ;e"ore mo#ing on to the ne*t !ection the teacher !ho ! the cla!! picture! o" land!cape painting!1 /%/>%/. The !tudent! take out brie" <.$ Student! #olunteer to read$ Student! gi#e their !ugge!tion! "or the main point$

6 mins

78 mins

The !tudent! read in pair!$ The !tudent! choo!e main point!$ The !tudent! !hare tho!e main point! ith the cla!!$

bron)e ork1 and jade$ 6 mins The teacher in!truct! the !tudent! to read the !ection on the Terracotta Army by them!el#e!$ -hen they "ini!h the !tudent! !hare ith their partner the main point that they cho!e$ The teacher goe! around to each group and ha! the !tudent! tell hat their partner cho!e and hy$ The teacher !ho ! picture! o" the Terracotta Army$ The teacher then !ay! that it i! not enough to merely learn about Chine!e art1 but they !hould create !ome o" their o n art$ The teacher tell! the !tudent! to pick up an i8ad "rom the cart and go to the eb!ite that ha! been !ent to them #ia email$ 5http:// $learnchine!ee)$com/character!/learn% to% rite%chine!e/7 The teacher "ir!t !ho ! them ho to ork the !ite and then let! the !tudent! rite in Chine!e "or the remainder o" the le!!on$ A! the period begin! to clo!e1 the teacher in!truct! the !tudent! to put the i8ad! a ay$ The teacher tell! the !tudent! that the calligraphy they ere practicing i! a long tradition that i! !till in u!e today$ So no they are a part o" that long tradition o" Chine!e calligrapher!$ The !tudent! read the !ection =uietly$ -hen their partner ha! al!o "ini!hed1 the !tudent! !hare their main idea! ith the partner$ The !tudent! tell hat their partner cho!e and hy$

76 mins

The !tudent! get their i8ad! and go to the !ite$ The !tudent! practice riting Chine!e character!$

916 mins

Closure 5conclu!ion1 culmination1 rap%up7

The !tudent! put a ay their i8ad!$

The teacher a!!ign! ;rie" <. =ue!tion! "or home ork$ :our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 5-rite thi! a"ter teaching the le!!on1 i" you had a chance to teach it$ I" you did not teach thi! le!!on1 "ocu! on the proce!! o" preparing the le!!on$7 There i! !o much in"ormation to get through in thi! le!!on$ I am orried that hen actually teaching thi! le!!on it ill take too long$ -e !till need to read the material and practice picking out the mo!t important idea "rom the paragraph!$ In addition1 the i8ad! may add e*tra time "or !tudent! to !et up and acclimate them!el#e!$ I anted to ha#e a technology a!pect to the le!!on and the program u!ed in thi! le!!on i! really great "or practicing the Chine!e character!$ It gi#e! an in!ide look to the riting !y!tem and !ince the !tudent! get to u!e the i8ad! it ill be pretty e*citing$ ;e!ide! the time "actor1 thi! le!!on i! pretty !traight"or ard and gi#en it! technology component1 the !tudent! !hould be "airly engaged and enjoying the le!!on$


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