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Personal Statement of Mission Jonell ile!

"o#ling $reen State %ni&ersit!

Personal Statement of Mission


M! (ourne! to student affairs has not )een a straight and eas! *ath+ I ha&e al#a!s had a *assion for hel*ing others+ From a !oung age and e&en toda!, I ha&e al#a!s )een the friend that sur*asses e-*e.tations+ Through all m! a.ti&ities and e-*, I ha&e had a desire for #or/ing #ith *eo*le+ M! stud! a)road e-*erien.e during high s.hool in Australia influen.ed me to *ursue a degree in so.ial #or/+ hile #or/ing as a so.ial #or/ intern for 0ansas

1hildren2s Ser&i.e League, I follo#ed m! goals and li&ed m! *assion+ Though the #or/ #as interesting, I needed something different+ This is #hen the idea of student affairs entered m! life+ After refle.ti&e .on&ersations #ith mentors and famil! mem)ers, I #as introdu.ed to a #a! to ha&e it all+ Student affairs allo#ed me to ta/e m! lo&e and *assion for *eo*le and .om)ine it #ith an em*o#ering and e&er .hanging higher edu.ation en&ironment+ I )egan m! *rofessional (ourne! #ith an internshi* sear.h in $ree/ Life+ No# in the final stages of m! internshi*, I ha&e learned that m! (ourne! has again ta/en another turn+ I found that m! (o) as*irations la! in other fun.tional areas+ This reali3ation has *resented su)stantial o)sta.les, )ut has also hel*ed me further un.o&er m! *rofessional and *ersonal &alues+ Fortunatel!, m! internshi* and the 1SP *rogram en.ouraged #or/ in &arious areas, allo#ing me to gain /no#ledge and transfera)le s/ills in the fun.tional areas I ho*e to *ursue

Personal Statement of Mission *rofessionall!+ These o**ortunities ha&e hel*ed to re/indle m! lo&e for leadershi*, ad&isement,

and orientation+ As I em)ar/ on this u*.oming (ourne! and time of transition, I am unsure of the ultimate destination, )ut faithful I #ill find #here I am meant to )e+ As I .om*lete m! formal edu.ation, I am (ust )eginning m! &o!age of /no#ledge+ ithin this *a*er, I #ill summari3e

m! *ersonal and *rofessional &alues, e-*lain ho# the *rofession fits into m! goals, and *ro&ide m! mission statement+

Personal Values and Commitments M! *ersonal &alues ha&e .ome to me through a mi-ture of #hat m! *arents #ere al#a!s right a)out and e-* that ha&e ena)led me to re.ogni3e #hat is im*ortant+ M! *ersonal &alues of demanding!, .herishing relationshi*s, a**re.iating *ersonal ha**iness, *ursuing *assion, and indulging m! #anderlust ma/e u* #hom I am+ Authenticity M! &alue of! em) m! .ommitment to )e true to m!self and to others+ I ha&e struggled #ith this &alue the most+ I am .onstantl! se.ond5guessing m!self and tr!ing to .hange to )e more li/e #hat I thin/ *eo*le #ant, rather than )eing me+ Sin.e )eginning graduate s.hool, I made it a *riorit! to gain a )etter understanding of this &alue+ This has .ome through m! re.ent (ourne! of self5dis.o&er! and self5a**re.iation+ This (ourne! is made u* of refle.ti&e .on&ersations and a.ti&ities, .hallenging situations that for.e me to a.t )ased on m! )eliefs, and a..e*tan.e of m! faults and m!self+ I ha&e learned that I am a fun and d!nami. *erson+ I am at m! )est #hen I am #or/ing to influen.e, enlighten, and e-hilarate others+ I stri&e to in.or*orate .onfiden.e, .reati&it!, and *i33a33 in all I

Personal Statement of Mission do+ ith this re.ent self5dis.o&er!, I ha&e learned to a.t in a..ordan.e to m! &alue of! and sta! true to m!self+ A large *art of )eing m! authenti. self is )eing authenti. to others+ I sho# this! in m! a.tions, de.isions, and .on&ersations+ Thus, I ta/e *ersonal o#nershi* for m! faults and mista/es, e&en #hen doing so is .hallenging+ Ne&ertheless, I also sta! true and stand u* for m! &alues, )eliefs, and o*inions+ M! &alue of! is rooted in m! (ourne! of self5 dis.o&er! and self5a**re.iation7 as I .ontinue to gro# in these fa.ets, I .ontinue to gro# #ithin this &alue+ Relationships Relationshi*s ha&e al#a!s *la!ed a large role in m! life+ $ro#ing u* as a militar! )rat, nothing #as e&er trul! .onstant7 #e mo&ed almost e&er! !ear to a ne# .it! or state+ 8er! earl! in life, I learned that #hile I am not al#a!s in .lose *ro-imit! *h!si.all!, I .ould al#a!s sta! .lose emotionall!+ I met m! )est friend in se.ond grade, in third grade )oth of m! *arents #ere de*lo!ed o&erseas and I mo&ed four states a#a! to Mississi**i to li&e #ith m! grand*arents+ hen #e learned a)out the mo&e, m! )est friend and I &o#ed to sta! .lose7 #e tal/ed on the *hone, #rote ea.h other letters, and &isited one another+ state again, se&enteen !ears later #e still tal/ e&er! #ee/+ In a.ti&e and intimate relationshi*s, I trul! feel I am m!self+ here&er I go, I tr! to )uild hile #e ha&e ne&er li&ed in the same

lasting and im*a.tful relationshi*s, this im*ortan.e #as instilled in me #hen I (oined Al*ha Phi Fraternit!+ Al*ha Phi taught me the meaning of sisterhood, 9Al*ha Phi allo#s her mem)ers to de&elo* life5long friendshi*s )ased on mutual su**ort and un.onditional lo&e: ;Al*ha Phi Fraternit!, '<16=+ The relationshi*s that I formed #ith .om*lete strangers, #ho then )e.ame m!

Personal Statement of Mission sisters, moti&ated me to lo&e fier.el! and freel!+ E&er! relationshi* I ha&e is im*a.tful in a


different #a!7 #hether good or )ad, these relationshi*s ha&e molded me into the *erson I am and stri&e to )e+ I &alue relationshi*s in all sha*es and forms the! .ome in: famil!, friends, mentors, .olleagues, *artners, or )rief intera.tions+ I ho*e to en(o! sin.ere and meaningful relationshi*s that influen.e me for a lifetime+ Happiness ?a**iness is ma/ing the most out of m! life and e-* O&er these *ast t#o !ears, I ha&e learned that I hold the /e! to m! *ersonal ha**iness+ M! mo&e to Ohio and the 1SP *rogram #as &er! diffi.ult+ I #as )attling some serious *ersonal demons that left me feeling alone and ho*eless+ It #as at m! lo#est that I )egan to understand that m! *er.e*tion #as m! realit!+ I ha&e learned that I #as the onl! one #ho .ould .hange m! *er.e*tion, and that I hold the /e! to m! ha**iness+ ?a**iness is seeing the good in e&er!thing I do and )eing a *ositi&e for.e+ I tr! to s*read *ositi&it! and enthusiasm in all I do+ E&er! da! I #a/e u* and thin/, 9Toda! is going to )e e-.ellent, )e.ause I2m going to ma/e it e-.ellent+: 1on&ersations #ith famil! and friends hel* to re&i&e me+ These relationshi*s remind me that #hen dou)t and anger .loud and dis*la.e m! *ersonal ha**iness, I ha&e the *o#er to .hange+ Passion hen .hoosing a ma(or in .ollege it #as ne&er a)out the mone!, )ut more a)out doing #hat I lo&ed+ To @uote Ar+ ?o#ard Thurman, 9Aon2t as/ !ourself #hat the #orld needs+ As/ !ourself #hat ma/es !ou .ome ali&e and then go do that+ "e.ause #hat the #orld needs is *eo*le #ho ha&e .ome ali&e: ;as .ited in "ailie, 1BB>=+ This @uote ser&es as the an.hor to m!

Personal Statement of Mission &alue for *assion+ For e-am*le, I sho# m! *assion in the #a! I .hoose to s*end m! free time, &olunteering and attending student e&ents+ M! mentor, Ar+ Aenise Ottinger, is the *erson that has taught me the most a)out *assion+ Ar+ Ottinger is the 8i.e President of Student Life at ash)urn %ni&ersit!, )ut des*ite her title and o)ligations, she /ee*s her *assion ali&e+ She still ad&ises multi*le student organi3ations, #hile also ta/ing time to *ersonall! ad&ise and mentor students+ Ar+ Ottinger has sho#n me that no matter #here life ta/es me and #hat *ositions I might hold, that I .an al#a!s li&e out m! *assion+ Wanderlust Life is an ad&enture and I #ant to ta/e this ad&enture head on, en(o!ing ea.h ne# and e-.iting e-*erien.e+ I ho*e that the *hrase 9.omfort 3one: ne&er )e.omes a *art of m! &o.a)ular! and that I am .onstantl! tr!ing something unfamiliar and learning something ne#+ I

am o*enl! .urious and fill this .uriosit! #ith m! lo&e for tra&eling+ I em)ra.e and re(oi.e in the differen.e around me and #or/ to )e trul! s*ontaneous in life, sear.hing for *rofessional and *ersonal en&ironments #here m! #anderlust is *raised and en.ouraged+ M! a.tions, *oint of &ie#, and*ass m! *ersonal &alues+ M! &alues for demanding!, .herishing relationshi*s, a**re.iating *ersonal ha**iness, *ursuing *assion, and indulging m! #anderlust ser&e as the guide to #ho I am+ I stri&e to in.or*orate m! &alues in all I do and sta! true to them and m!self+ Professional Values and Commitments hile m! *ersonal &alues are the .ore of #ho I am, m! *rofessional &alues define and sha*e m! #or/ #ithin the field+ M! *rofessional and *ersonal &alues #or/ in .olla)oration to define #ho I am *rofessionall! #ithin student affairs+

Personal Statement of Mission M! lo&e affair #ith the *rofession started in student organi3ation meetings and orientation sessions+ It #as relationshi*s #ith mentors, the intentionalit! of and *rograms, and *ersonal refle.tion that has ser&ed as the foundation for m! *rofessional &alues+ Through m! e-* inside and outside the .lassroom, I )egan to define m!self as a student affairs *ra.titioner+ M! *rofessional &alues of student5.entered a.tions, .olla)oration and .ommunit!, ad&o.a.!, ser&i.e, and autonom! dri&e me in m! *rofessional a.tions, de.isions, and .onne.tions+ Student-Centered

In a #orld #here effi.ien.! and a fast5*a.e are the norm, m! #or/ is dri&en )! fo.using on the student+ The &alue of )eing student5.entered is e-tremel! im*ortant to me, I )elie&e in *utting students at the .ore of the institution2s mission and .urri.ulum+ M! e-*erien.e as a student organi3ation ad&isor has allo#ed me to li&e this &alue+ "! fo.using on em*o#ering m! students and gi&ing them the s/ills to su..eed+ I allo# students to )e the o#ners of their e-* "uilding a stru.ture #here students are at the forefront #ill *ermit them to ta/e *ossession of their o**ortunities and e-* A large *art of )eing student5.entered is ma/ing sure that I am hel*ing students gro# and de&elo* holisti.all!+ This means that I am .hallenging and em*o#ering m! students to em)ra.e and e-*and their learning inside and outside the .lassroom, to gro# in their self5a#areness, de&elo* autonom!, and )e.ome glo)al .iti3ens+ This need for holisti. de&elo*ment starts #ith ma/ing sure that students2 learning and gro#th is at the forefront of *rograms and ser& For e-am*le, #hen I am #or/ing #ith a student leader, I al#a!s )egin m! meetings tal/ing a)out their *ersonal li&es, .ourses, .hallenges the! are, and their as*irations+ I .hallenge m! students to ma/e the most of their e-* and trul! ta/e their edu.ation )! the reins+ It is

Personal Statement of Mission

through this student5.entered I )elie&e that students )e.ome #ell5rounded indi&iduals #ho .an em)ar/ on a uni@ue .ollege e-*erien.e+ Collaboration and Community Relationshi*s are &er! im*ortant to me not onl! *ersonall!, )ut also *rofessionall!+ I thri&e u*on relationshi*s, and gain these *rofessional relationshi*s through .olla)oration and .ommunit!+ E&er! institution e-*e.ts indi&iduals to do more #ith less in the .urrent state of the e.onom!+ It is through these .urrent times I ha&e learned the most a)out .olla)oration and .ommunit! )et#een de*artments and indi&iduals+ As *ersonnel #ithin the Ohio Northern student affairs di&ision *lan .am*us #ide initiati&es, e&er!one #or/s together as a .lose .ommunit! to .om*lete all the tas/s+ I in.or*orate m! *ersonal &alue of relationshi*s #ithin m! #or/ to .reate an in.lusi&e, su**orti&e, and stimulating .ommunit!+ I )uild this .ommunit! through m! #or/ #ith organi3ations, daring them to .olla)orate, su**ort, and .hallenge ea.h other+ ith m!

.olleagues, I engage in *rofessional de&elo*ment and refle.ti&e a.ti&ities+ These a.ti&ities and o**ortunities hel* us to #or/ as an effe.ti&e .ommunit! #ho .ele)rate our strengths, are a#are of our #ea/nesses, and rea.h to#ards our as*irations+ Advocacy I &ie# so.ial (usti.e, as e&er!one deser&es e@ual rights and o**ortunities+ It is #ith this definition I #or/ to#ards m! &alue of ad&o.a.!+ I ad&o.ate and .ommit to so.ial (usti.e )! #or/ing to *ro&ide o**ortunities and a..ess to all students, #hile em*o#ering them to )e self5 ad&o.ates+ I stri&e to )e an agent of so.ial .hange that su**orts and en.ourages all student &

Personal Statement of Mission I *romote student learning and de&elo*ment )! fostering an in.lusi&e en&ironment+ I hel* to *ro&ide students #ith s/ills and en.ouragement that the! need to )e su..essful #hile in .ollege, and as .iti3ens of the #orld+ Through ad&o.a.!, I ins*ire and em*o#er students to )e.ome in&ol&ed in their e-*erien.e+ I )elie&e it is im*ortant to 9meet students #here the! are at: and ad&o.ate for their de&elo*ment and *ersonal gro#th+ I hear and a**re.iate all student & through m! &alue of ad&o.a.!+ Service As a student affairs *rofessional, I thin/ it is m! dut! to gi&e )a./ to the institution and the students7 this is done through m! &alue of ser&i.e+ I find great &alue in #or/ing #ith and hel*ing m! students+ Ms+ Adrianne "radsha#5Thom*son, the 8i.e President of Student Affairs at Ohio Northern, has taught me the most a)out ser&i.e+ Ms+ "radsha#5Thom*son gi&es her all to the institution and ser&es as a role model to *rofessionals and students+ She #or/s #ith integrit! and is a *ositi&e for.e+ I )elie&e this t!*e of relationshi* and role modeling is e-tremel! im*ortant+ I #or/ to ser&e m! students to sho# I am genuinel! su**orti&e of their endea&ors as I *ush them to e-.el+ I tr! to ma/e sure that I am a&aila)le #hen students need me, offer ad&i.e #hen as/ed, and *ro&ide su**ort #hen needed+ As I stri&e to ser&e m! students and .olleagues

in an authenti. #a!, I #or/ to *ro&ide an en&ironment #here others .an )e their authenti. sel&es+ Autonomy hen referring to autonom! I mean m! *ersonal autonom! and student autonom!+ As I mo&e for#ard in the field, I #or/ to )uild an en&ironment intentional and .ondu.i&e to student gro#th+ Through refle.ti&e a.ti&ities and .hallenging .on&ersations, I #or/ to hel* students ta/e

Personal Statement of Mission o#nershi* of their e-* I #ant students to )e the .atal!sts for their o#n *ersonal de&elo*ment+ I ho*e to ser&e as a guide to hel*ing students understand and mold their e-*erien.e+ For e-am*le, #hen #or/ing on our first annual $ree/ Leadershi* 1onferen.e, I


guided m! students through the *ro.ess of e&ent *lanning )ut left all de.isions u* to them+ After the .om*letion of the e&ent, I guided m! students in refle.tion, )ut ne&er did the #or/ for them+ Although it is hard to see students fail, I thin/ it is im*ortant for their *ersonal gro#th+ As I em)ar/ on this ne-t ste*, I #or/ to )uild m! *rofessional autonom!+ I engage in *rofessional de&elo*ment o**ortunities that hel* me gain transfera)le s/ills+ I #or/ diligentl! to *ro&e m! .a*a)ilities to those around me and to m!self+ This t!*e of #or/ hel*s me gain autonom! #ithin the #or/*la.e+ I find it e-tremel! im*ortant to /ee* m!self u* to date in .urrent literature, *, and trends as I gro# *rofessionall! #ithin the field+ M! *rofessional &alues #or/ together and thread through m! *rofessional life+ I )elie&e the &alue I *ut on m! #or/ is a dire.t refle.tion of the @ualit! of m! #or/+ In.or*orating m! *rofessional &alues of student5.entered a.tions, .olla)oration and .ommunit!, ad&o.a.!, ser&i.e, and autonom! hel* me .ontinue to )e authenti. and ser&e students the )est that I .an+ Whole Person and Whole Profession I )elie&e that throughout m! graduate student e-*erien.e, I ha&e .ontinuousl! tried to fight m! lo&e for student affairs+ or/ing #ith students, .reating meaningful relationshi*s, and

*ro&iding ser&i.e has .ontinuousl! )rought me )a./ to lo&ing student affairs+ Though sometimes .hallenging, I feel re&i&ed and refreshed #ithin the *rofession+ I #or/ to ser&e as a role model, mentor, and ad&o.ate for m! students+ "eing a sour.e of challenge and support, is #here I thri&e and feel in .ohesion #ith the *rofession ;as .ited in

Personal Statement of Mission E&ans et al+, '<1<=+ I am .ommitted to students and feel I am em*atheti., )ut also .hallenge


students to ta/e res*onsi)ilit! and o#nershi*+ I am still unsure on #hat s*e.ifi. fun.tional area I #ish to *ursue, )ut /no# that ad&o.a.! and ser&i.e to students is *resent throughout the *rofession+ M! intera.tions and relationshi*s #ith students dri&e me to do m! )est, )e m!self, and gi&e m! all+ In the .urrent e.onomi. state and *ush for four5!ear graduation, institutions sometimes are fo.using more on the out*ut than on the in*ut+ As institutions .ontinue to .ut and students are lost in the shuffle of effi.ien.!, I struggle and feel a dis.onne.tion )et#een m! &alues and the *rofession+ Although I understand the finan.ial im*li.ations and need, I struggle #ith .utting student5.entered Auring this time is #hen I learn more a)out and in.or*orate m! relational &alues F sometimes I must #or/ harder for students to fill the .ra./s left from )udget .uts+ To @uote John F+ 0enned! 9Other *eo*leG see things and sa! #h!H "ut I dream things that ne&er #ere and I sa!, #h! not: ;as .ited in ?elmerReen)erg, '<<B=+ This @uote ser&es as the definition of m! *rofessional and *ersonal &alues+ No matter #here this u*.oming (ourne! ta/es me I #ill al#a!s remem)er to .ontinue to as/ 9#h! not: and stri&e to do things that ha&e ne&er )een dreamed+ As I .ontinue, I ho*e to o)tain a (o) in student affairs, #or/ing .losel! #ith and ser&ing undergraduate students+ Although I do not /no# if students affairs #ill )e in m! life fore&er, I /no# the &alues I ha&e o)tained from the *rofession and hold *ersonall! #ill sta! inherent #ithin me+ I #ill .ontinue to ad&o.ate for so.ial (usti.e, thri&e from m! relationshi*s, and )e dri&en )! m! *assion+

Personal Statement of Mission


Mission Statement I am dedi.ated to li&ing a life of understanding and s*ontaneit!+ I &alue! and )uilding im*a.tful lifelong relationshi*s #ith those around me+ I #or/ to )e a &ehi.le of *ositi&it! in m! relationshi*s, *rofession, and .ommunit!+ I #ill find o**ortunities to use m! natural talents su.h as de.ision ma/ing, )eing a friend, ha&ing a sense of humor, and lo&ing fier.el!+ I #ill )e the *erson #ho li&es #ith *assion, determination, and gratitude+ I #ill find

Personal Statement of Mission satisfa.tion in m! #or/ )! .ontinuing to ad&o.ate, dreaming )ig, )onding #ith others, and


ser&ing+ I am .ommitted to hel*ing students de&elo* the s/ills ne.essar! to gaining autonom!+ I #ill find en(o!ment in m! *ersonal life )! indulging m! #anderlust, seeing *ro)lems as .hallenges, treating e&er!one #ith /indness, and nurturing relationshi*s+ I #ill stri&e to in.or*orate ser&i.e, .onfiden.e, and 3est into m! life+


Personal Statement of Mission Al*ha Phi Fraternit! ;'<16, Fe)ruar! 1'=+ 8alues+ Retrie&ed from htt*:II###+al*ha*hi+orgI*otentialmem)erI&alues E&ans, N+, Forne!, A+, $uido, F+, Patton, L+, J Renn, 0+ ;'<1<=+ Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice ;'nd+ Ed+=+ San, 1A: Josse!5"ass Pu)lishers ?elmerReen)erg ;'<<B, Mar.h >=+ John F. Kennedy in Dublin, Ireland, June 2 T'o(+ Retrie&ed Fe)ruar! 1', '<16, from &KEAAea3LB)l# "ailie, $+ ;1BB>=+ )iolence unveiled: *umanity at the crossroads+ Ne# Mor/: 1rossroad+


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