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Scientific Method and Science Fair Plans Day 1 Time: 45 minutes

Objectives: Students will be able to describe each step of the scientific method.

Materials: Scientific Method Poster, student worksheet, two cups, water, 2 same colored Skittles, 2 identical spoons Procedure: 1. Introduce students to the scientific method. Use the following poster as a visual for students. Give specific examples of each step.

2. After students have been introduced to the scientific method, students will watch a simple experiment and complete the following chart.

The teacher will conduct a simple experiment using Skittles and water. 1. The teacher will have two of the same colored Skittles. The teacher will also have two small cups, one will have warm water and one will have room temperature water. The teacher will also have two identical spoons. 2. At this point, students should fill in the first three sections (question, hypothesis, and materials) on their chart. Discuss with students as they work. 3. The teacher will next discuss the procedure with the students. The students will record the procedure on their chart. 4. The teacher will then conduct the experiment. The teacher will drop one of the skittles in each cup of water. The teacher will then stir both cups evenly as the skittles dissolve. The teacher will also have a timer set to time how long it takes each of the Skittles to dissolve. 5. Students will fill in the remaining sections (observations and conclusions) of their chart. Discuss as they work. Conclusion: Explain to students that they will be conducting their own experiment for a science fair. Tell students that they need to think about what type of experiment they would like to do. For homework, they should go home and talk with their parents about an experiment that they could do and what materials they would need to get.

Day 2

Time: 45 minutes

Objective: Students will continue to work with the Scientific Method and will be able to identify what happens during each step. Materials: Matching Worksheet, Glue, scissors, variety of liquids, ice cubes, experiment sheet Procedures: 1. Review the steps of the Scientific Method with the students. 2. Have students complete the following match up activity. Besides just matching the step and example, students also need to name each of the steps. Check as they work.

3. Students will work on a simple experiment and will fill out the following organizer as they work.

4. Experiment - Which liquid will the ice dissolve in fastest? 1. Students will choose three different liquids and will put an equal amount into three different cups. 2. Students will get three ice cubes that are approximately the same size. 3. Students will drop an ice cube into each cup at the same time. Students will time how long it takes for each one to dissolve.

4. Students will complete the remainder of their chart. *While students are working on their experiment, the teacher will pull students individually to discuss what they want to do for their science fair project. The teacher will make a list of all topics for the science fair. If a students project is not accepted by the teacher, he/she will need to come up with another one. Conclusion: Students will come back together in a whole group. The teacher and students will discuss the results of the experiments. Homework: On a sheet of paper, students will list out the steps of the scientific method. Students will fill in the sections labeled Questions, Materials, and Hypothesis. These should be turned in the next day. Days 3-14 Continue to review the different parts of the scientific method during science. There will be different activities to assist with reviewing: task cards experiment videos Readings about experiments ( students will identify the steps)

Students will work at home on their science fair experiments. Students will be given a copy of the two rubrics. They should use these to plan their presentation. Students are encouraged to come in and ask questions about their projects if they have questions. Parents are also encouraged to help at home with these projects. Students will also be told that they: Must have their experiment approved by the teacher Must have a visual to go along with their project Must clearly include in their visual everything that is included in the rubric and poster example. Students will also be given a picture of the following poster board as an example for their project.

Day 15 Science Projects Due! Projects should be completed and turned in on time. The Science Fair will be sometime the following week. Students will present their projects at the Science fair. Students will be graded using the following two rubrics.

Pictures of previous Science Fair Experiments

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