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10:07:45 PM

Is pregnancy unethical? Yes, says UK bioethicist

by Michael Cook | 20 Jan 2012 | 43 comments see also: feminismo el embara!o es "na#more152$2

tags: bioethics, ectogenesis

He e is cont a ian bioethics at its best! P egnancy an" chil"bi th a e so #ain$%l, isky an" socially est icti&e $o 'omen that #%blic $%n"ing sho%l" % gently be "i ecte" to the "e&elo#ment o$ a ti$icial 'ombs! (his is the only 'ay to achie&e t %e e)%ality bet'een men an" 'omen $o then neithe 'omen no men 'o%l" then be limite" by ha&ing chil" en an" the b% "ens o$ e# o"%cing the s#ecies 'o%l" be sha e" e)%ally! (his is the a"ical s%ggestion ma"e by a lea"ing * itish bioethicist,Anna Smajdor, o$ the +ni&e sity o$ ,ast -nglia! - ti$iccial gestation, o ectogenesis, is c% ently science $iction, b%t it may be #ossible! . /ma0"o belie&es that in a t %ly libe al society # egnancy an" chil"bi th sho%l" not be tole ate": Changes to $inancial an" social st %ct% es may im# o&e things ma ginally, b%t a bette sol%tion nee"s to be $o%n"! ,ithe 'e &ie' 'omen as baby ca ie s 'ho m%st s%b0%gate thei othe inte ests to the 'ell1being o$ thei chil" en o 'e ackno'le"ge that o% social &al%es an" le&el o$ me"ical e2#e tise a e no longe com#atible 'ith 3nat% al4 e# o"%ction! P egnancy is ba ba ic, . /ma0"o conten"s 5 an illness so se io%s that it is com#a able to measles, 'hich is also occasionally $atal, b%t "oes not last nine months! 6 s%ggest that the e is a st ong case $o # io iti7ing esea ch into ectogenesis as an alte nati&e to # egnancy! 6 concl%"e by asking the ea"e the $ollo'ing: i$ yo% "i" not kno' 'hethe yo% 'o%l" be a man o a 'oman, 'o%l" yo% # e$e to be bo n into /ociety -, in 'hich 'omen bea all the b% "ens an" isks o$ # egnancy, o /ociety *, in 'hich ectogenesis has been #e $ecte"!

He a ticle in the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics is a e#ly to a c iti)%e o$ an a ticle 'hich she #%blishe" in 2007, 3(he mo al im#e ati&e $o ectogenesis4! 8 Cambridge Quarterly of ealthcare !thics, "anuary

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