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MEDIA RELEASE GOVERNMENT MUST DUMP DEBT TAX IDEA The Abbott Governments first Budget is set to be a Budget of broken promises and twisted priorities. Tony Abbott promised he would get rid of taxes, not impose new taxes. Reports today indi ate the Government of !no surprises, no ex uses is proposing a !debt tax " an in rease in in ome tax. This wont be a debt tax, its a deceit tax. The party that opposed the flood levy to re#build flood effe ted $ueensland now proposes to in rease in ome tax to pay for %oe &o key doubling the defi it and adding '() billion to defi its over the next four years. *ake no mistake, the introdu tion of a !debt tax " an in rease in in ome tax # would be a ontemptuous and opportunisti a t. +f the Government in ludes any measures in the up oming Budget that break pre# ele tion ommitments, well they are broken ele tion ommitments, pure and simple. The Abbott Governments seems hell bent on s aring pensioners and low and middle in ome earners by utting payments, in reasing taxes and harging more for basi servi es " all in brea h of lear ele tion ommitments. *eanwhile, the Treasurer is ommitted to finan ing the ,rime *inisters exorbitant '-.- billion paid parental leave s heme. SUNDA !" APRIL !#$%


./hat youll get under us are tax uts without new taxes.0 TON ABBOTT& DOORSTOP& $% MARCH !#$! T123 ABB1TT4 /e are about redu ing taxes, not in reasing taxes. /e are about getting rid of taxes, not imposing new taxes. $567T+124 +s that a promise8 ABB1TT4 This is my whole reason for being in politi s, in the ,arliament. TON ABBOTT& DOORSTOP& !# NOVEMBER !#$! ./e have to end the wild ride of new taxes, undelivered tax uts, on again9off again payments, and knee :erk rea tive de ision making. .;et me be very lear, the ob:e tive of the <oalition, over time, is to redu e the overall tax burden on business and taxpayers, not to in rease it. This will be the guiding prin iple of any reforms we seek a mandate to implement.0 'OE HOC(E & NATIONAL PRESS CLUB& !! MA !#$)

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